BeginPackage["Errors`", {"Profile`"}]; PrintError::usage = ""; ThrowError::usage = ""; KrancError::usage = ""; VerifyString; VerifyStringList; VerifyList; InfoMessage; SetDebugLevel; ErrorDefinition::usage = "ErrorDefinition[f] creates a default definition of a function f which throws an exception. This can be used to catch programming errors where f is called with incorrect arguments."; DebugQuiet = 0; Warnings = 1 Terse = 2; Info = 3; InfoFull = 4; DefFn; Begin["`Private`"]; debugLevel = Terse; removeBits[l_] := Module[{s, t}, t = Select[l, ! (MatchQ[#, HoldForm[Module[___]]] || MatchQ[#, HoldForm[CompoundExpression[___]]]) &]; s = If[Length[t] != 0, Drop[t, -1], t]; Map[# /. HoldForm[h_[args___]] :> h &, s]; s]; PrintStructure[x_]:= PrintStructure[x, "", ""]; PrintStructure[l_List, prefix_, suffix_] := Module[{}, If[StringLength[ToString[l,InputForm] <> prefix] > 50, Print[prefix, "{"]; Map[PrintStructure[#, " " <> prefix, ","] &, l]; Print[prefix, "}"], Print[prefix, If[Head[l]===FullForm,ToString[l],ToString[l,InputForm]]]]]; PrintStructure[s_, prefix_, suffix_] := Print[prefix, If[Head[s]===FullForm,ToString[s],ToString[s,InputForm]], suffix]; PrintError[err_] := Module[{}, If[Head[err] === KrancError, Module[{}, objs = err[[1]]; Map[PrintStructure, objs]; (* Print["Error stack:"]; PrintStructure[stack]*) ], err]]; ThrowError[objects__] := Module[{s = Stack[_], s2}, s2 = removeBits[s]; Throw[KrancError[{objects}(*,s2*)], KrancError]]; VerifyString[s_] := If[! StringQ[s], ThrowError["Not a string:", s]]; VerifyStringList[l_, err_:None] := If[! MatchQ[l, {___String}], ThrowError[If[err===None,"",ToString[err]<>" - "]<>"Not a list of strings:", l]]; VerifyList[l_] := If[!Head[l] === List, ThrowError["Not a list:", l]]; InfoMessage[level_, message__] := Module[{args = {message}}, If[level <= debugLevel, Map[Print, args]]; ]; SetDebugLevel[level_] := debugLevel = level; ErrorDefinition[x_] := x[args___] := ThrowError["Invalid arguments to "<>ToString[x], {args}//FullForm]; SetAttributes[DefFn, HoldAll]; DefFn[def:(fn_[args___] := body_)] := Module[ {}, ErrorDefinition[fn]; fn[args] := (*Profile[fn,*)body(*]*)]; End[]; EndPackage[];