(* ::Package:: *) (* Copyright 2010 Barry Wardell This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 *) BeginPackage["xTensorKranc`", {"Differencing`", "Kranc`", "KrancGroups`", "xAct`xTensor`", "xAct`xCore`", "xAct`xCoba`"}]; CreateGroupFromTensor::usage = ""; ReflectionSymmetries::usage = "Produce a list of reflection symmetries of a tensor."; ExpandComponents::usage = "ExpandComponents[expr] converts an expression x containing abstract indices into one containing components instead." IncludeCharacter::usage = "IncludeCharacter is an option for makeExplicit which specifies whether the character should also be included in the generated variable names." TensorCharacterString::usage = "TensorCharacterString[tensor[inds]] returns a string consisting of a sequence of U's and D's representing the character of tensor." Begin["`Private`"]; (* FIXME: Add support for ManualCartesian attribute *) TensorCharacterString[t_Symbol?xTensorQ[]] := "Scalar"; TensorCharacterString[t_Symbol?xTensorQ[inds___]] := StringJoin[If[UpIndexQ[#],"U","D"]&/@{inds}]; Options[makeExplicit] = {IncludeCharacter -> False}; SetAttributes[makeExplicit, Listable]; e : makeExplicit[_Plus, opts:OptionsPattern[]] := Distribute[Unevaluated[e]]; makeExplicit[x_Times, opts:OptionsPattern[]] := Map[makeExplicit[#, opts]&, x]; makeExplicit[Power[x_,p_], opts:OptionsPattern[]] := Power[makeExplicit[x, opts],p]; makeExplicit[x_?NumericQ, opts:OptionsPattern[]] := x; makeExplicit[x_, {}, opts:OptionsPattern[]] := makeExplicit[x]; makeExplicit[t_Symbol?xTensorQ[inds___], opts:OptionsPattern[]] := Module[{indexNumbers,character,indexString}, indexNumbers=First/@{inds}; If[OptionValue[IncludeCharacter], character = TensorCharacterString[t[inds]]; indexString = StringJoin[character,ToString/@indexNumbers], indexString = StringJoin[ToString/@indexNumbers] ]; SymbolJoin[PrintAs[t],Sequence@@indexString] ]; makeExplicit[x_, opts:OptionsPattern[]] := x; makeExplicit[(cd_?CovDQ)[ind_][expr_], opts:OptionsPattern[]] := Module[{indexNumbers}, indexNumbers=First/@{ind}; Global`PDstandard2nd[makeExplicit[expr, opts], Sequence@@indexNumbers] ]; Options[ExpandComponents] = Options[ExpandComponents]; ExpandComponents[x_Rule, opts:OptionsPattern[makeExplicit]] := Thread[ExpandComponents[x[[1]], opts] -> ExpandComponents[x[[2]], opts]]; ExpandComponents[dot[x_], opts:OptionsPattern[makeExplicit]] := dot/@ExpandComponents[x, opts]; ExpandComponents[x_List, opts:OptionsPattern[makeExplicit]] := Flatten[Map[ExpandComponents[#, opts]&, x], 1]; ExpandComponents[x_, opts:OptionsPattern[makeExplicit]] := Module[{eqs, options}, eqs = ComponentArray[TraceBasisDummy[x]]; options = Evaluate[FilterRules[{opts}, Options[makeExplicit]]]; If[Length[options]==0, makeExplicit[eqs], makeExplicit[eqs, options] ] ]; (* Compute the reflection symmetries of a tensor *) ReflectionSymmetries[t_Symbol?xTensorQ[inds__]] := Module[{b=Global`Euclidean, cnums, components, componentIndices, counts}, (* Get the compoent indices of the basis *) cnums = CNumbersOf[b, VBundleOfBasis[b]]; (* Get a list of components of the tensor t in the basis b *) components = Flatten[ComponentArray[ToBasis[b][t[inds]]]]; (* Get the indices of each component *) componentIndices = Map[IndicesOf[b], components]; (* Count the number of instances of each basis index. *) countInds[expr_, basis_, cinds_] := Map[(Count[expr,{#,basis}]+Count[expr,{#,-basis}])&, cinds]; counts = Map[countInds[#, b, cnums]&, componentIndices]; (* For each instance, multiply by -1 *) Thread[ExpandComponents[t[inds]] -> (-1)^counts] ]; ReflectionSymmetries[t_Symbol?xTensorQ[]] := t -> {1,1,1}; ReflectionSymmetries[t_] := t -> {1, 1, 1}; (* FIXME: Implement this fully *) GetTensorAttribute[t_Symbol?xTensorQ, TensorWeight] := WeightOfTensor[t]; CreateGroupFromTensor[t_Symbol?xTensorQ[inds__]] := Module[{tCharString, nInds, tags, vars, group}, InfoMessage[InfoFull, "Creating group from tensor with kernel " <> SymbolName[t] <> " and indices " <> ToString[{inds}]]; (* Get a string representing the character of the tensor *) tCharString = TensorCharacterString[t[inds]]; InfoMessage[InfoFull, "Tensor character string: ", tCharString]; (* Check if the tensor is symmetric *) nInds = Length[SlotsOfTensor[t]]; If[SymmetryGroupOfTensor[t] == StrongGenSet[Range[nInds],GenSet[Cycles[Range[nInds]]]], tCharString = tCharString <> "_sym"]; (* FIXME: Add tensorspecial, cartesianreflectionparities and tensorparity *) tags = {"tensortypealias" -> tCharString, "tensorweight" -> GetTensorAttribute[t, TensorWeight]}; vars = If[nInds == 0, {t}, {t[inds]}]; group = CreateGroup[SymbolName[t] <> "_group", vars, {Tags -> tags}]; Return[group] ]; ReflectionSymmetries[x___]:= Throw["ReflectionSymmetries error: "<>ToString[x]]; CreateGroupFromTensor[x___]:= Throw["CreateGroupFromTensor error: "<>ToString[x]]; CheckTensors[expr_] := Validate[expr]; End[]; EndPackage[];