(* $Id$ *) (* Copyright 2004 Sascha Husa, Ian Hinder, Christiane Lechner This file is part of Kranc. Kranc is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Kranc is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Kranc; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA *) (* This package provides a set of functions to create the various parts of a Cactus thorn and assemble them. *) BeginPackage["Thorn`", "CodeGen`", "CalculationFunction`", "CalculationBoundaries`", "MapLookup`", "KrancGroups`", "Helpers`", "Errors`", "Kranc`"]; (* These functions are externally visible, and comprise the public interface to this package. *) CreateSchedule::usage = "Create the content of the schedule.ccl file."; CreateMakefile::usage = "Create the content of the Cactus make.code.defn file."; CreateConfiguration::usage = "Create the content of the configuration.ccl file."; CreateInterface::usage = "Create the content of the interface.ccl file."; CreateParam::usage = "Create the content of the param.ccl file."; Quote::usage = ""; (* This should not be in this package *) CreateThorn::usage = "Create a general Cactus thorn from a thorn specification structure"; CreateSymmetriesRegistrationSource::usage = ""; CreateMoLRegistrationSource::usage = ""; CreateMoLBoundariesSource::usage = ""; CreateMoLExcisionSource::usage = ""; CreateSetterSource::usage = ""; CreateMPCharSource::usage = ""; CreatePrecompMacros::usage = ""; CreateStartupFile::usage = ""; (* Ensure that we can refer to symbols without the `sym prefix *) (*$ContextPath = Join[{"sym`"}, $ContextPath];*) Begin["`Private`"]; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Miscellaneous definitions, could be moved elsewhere ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* date, user, etc. *) date[] := ToString[Date[][[1]]] <> "-" <> ToString[Date[][[2]]] <> "-" <> ToString[Date[][[3]]] dateLong[] := ToString[Date[][[1]]] <> "-" <> ToString[Date[][[2]]] <> "-" <> ToString[Date[][[3]]] <> " " <> ToString[Date[][[4]]] <> ":" <> ToString[Date[][[5]]] <> ":" <> ToString[Date[][[6]]]; (* user[] := ToString[<< "!whoami"]; *) user[] := Environment["USER"]; whoWhen[lang_] := Module[{com1, com2}, com1 = "UNRECOGNIZED LANGUAGE"; com2 = "UNRECOGNIZED LANGUAGE"; If[(lang == "C" || lang == "c"), com1 = "/* "; com2 = " */"; ]; If[(lang == "Fortran" || lang == "FORTRAN" || lang == "F90" || lang == "F95"), com1 = "!"; com2 = ""; ]; If[(lang == "F77"), com1 = "C"; com2 = ""; ]; If[(lang == "shell" || lang == "CCL"), com1 = "#"; com2 = ""; ]; (* Do not show the date, and do not use $Id$, since they introduce spurious changes and lead to unnecessary recompilation *) (* {com1 <> " File produced by user " <> user[] <> com2 <> "\n" <> com1 <> " Produced with Mathematica Version " <> ToString[$Version] <> com2 <> "\n\n"<> com1 <> " Mathematica script written by Ian Hinder and Sascha Husa" <> com2 <> "\n\n"} *) (* Do not show the user and the Mathematica version, since they also introduce spurious changes and lead to unnecessary recompilation *) {com1 <> " File produced by Kranc" <> com2 <> "\n\n"} ]; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Makefile ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* Return a CodeGen block representing a makefile which refers to the list of filenames sourceFiles *) CreateMakefile[sourceFiles_] := {whoWhen["shell"], "SRCS = ", Map[{#, " "} &, sourceFiles], "\n"}; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Parameter file ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* parameterFileSpec = {Implementations -> {}, NewParameters -> {}} implementation = {Name -> "", UsedParameters (optional) -> {spec1, spec2, ...}, ExtendedParameters (optional) -> {spec1, spec2, ...}} (optional) allowedValue = {Value -> "", Description -> ""} parameter spec = {Name -> "", Type -> "", Default -> "", Description -> "", Visibility -> "private", AllowedValues -> {...}} *) (* Return a CodeGen block which represents the quoted value of x *) Quote[x_] := {"\"", x, "\""}; (* To be used for parameters; will quote it if it is a keyword *) renderValue[type_, value_] := If[type == "KEYWORD", Quote[value], If[type == "CCTK_REAL", ToString[CForm[value]], value]]; (* Return a block defining a parameter with the given parameterSpec (defined above). This is used for defining new parameters, as well as extending existing ones. *) parameterBlock[spec_] := {lookup[spec, Type], " ", lookup[spec, Name], " ", Quote[lookup[spec, Description]], If[mapContains[spec, AccumulatorBase], {" ACCUMULATOR-BASE=", lookup[spec, AccumulatorBase]}, {}], If[mapContains[spec, Steerable], {" STEERABLE=",Switch[lookup[spec, Steerable], Never,"NEVER", Always,"ALWAYS", Recover, "RECOVER", _,ThrowError["Unknown 'Steerable' entry in parameter " <> ToString[lookup[spec, Name]] <> ": " <> ToString[lookup[spec, Steerable]]]]}, {}], "\n", SuffixedCBlock[ (* For each allowed value of the parameter specified in the spec, create a line with the value and the description *) Map[{renderValue[lookup[spec,Type], lookup[#, Value]], " :: ", Quote[lookup[#, Description]], "\n"} &, lookupDefault[spec, AllowedValues, {}]], (* Output the line describing the default value of the parameter *) renderValue[lookup[spec,Type], lookup[spec, Default]]], "\n"}; (* Given a particular implementation, return a CodeGen block defining which parameters are used or extended from that implementation *) parameterImplementationSection[spec_] := {"\nshares: ", lookup[spec, Name], "\n", "\n", (* For each used parameter in the spec, output a line indicating that it is used *) Map[{"USES ", lookup[#, Type], " ", lookup[#, Name], "\n"} &, lookupDefault[spec, UsedParameters, {}]], "\n", (* For each extended parameter in the spec, output a parameter block containing the specified extension prefixed with EXTENDS *) Map[{"EXTENDS ", parameterBlock[#], "\n"} &, lookupDefault[spec, ExtendedParameters, {}]]}; (* Given a parameterFileSpec structure, return a CodeGen block for the param.ccl file *) CreateParam[spec_] := {whoWhen["CCL"], (* For each implementation defined in the spec, output a block which declares which parameters are used and extended by this implementation *) Map[parameterImplementationSection, lookupDefault[spec, Implementations, {}]], (* For each new parameter being defined by this implementation, output a parameter block for it *) Map[{lookup[#, Visibility], ":\n", parameterBlock[#]} &, lookupDefault[spec, NewParameters, {}]]}; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Configuration file ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Options[CreateConfiguration] = ThornOptions; CreateConfiguration[opts:OptionsPattern[]] := {whoWhen["CCL"], "REQUIRES GenericFD\n", If[OptionValue[UseLoopControl], "REQUIRES LoopControl\n", {}] }; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Interface file ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* The following "group" structure defines a Cactus group of variables to be included in an interface.ccl file. group: {Name -> "", VariableType -> "", Timelevels -> 2, GridType -> "GF", Comment -> "", Visibility -> "public", Tags -> {tag1, tag2, ...}, Variables -> {phi, h11, ...}} A 'tag' is of the form {"tensortypealias" -> "Scalar"} *) (* Given the specification of a group structure, return a CodeGen block for the interface.ccl file to define that group *) interfaceGroupBlock[spec_] := {lookup[spec, Visibility], ":\n", lookup[spec, VariableType], " ", lookup[spec, Name], " type=", lookup[spec,GridType], " timelevels=", lookup[spec, Timelevels], If[mapContains[spec,Tags], {" tags='", interfaceTags[lookupDefault[spec,Tags, {}]], "'"}, ""], "\n", SuffixedCBlock[{CommaNewlineSeparated[lookup[spec, Variables]],"\n"}, "\"" <> lookup[spec, Comment] <> "\""]}; interfaceTag[tagName_String -> tagValue_String] := tagName <> "=" <> "\"" <> tagValue <> "\""; interfaceTag[tagName_String -> tagValue_?IntegerQ] := tagName <> "=" <> ToString[tagValue]; interfaceTag[tagName_String -> tagValue_?NumberQ] := tagName <> "=" <> ToString[N[tagValue, 20]]; interfaceTags[tags_] := SpaceSeparated[Map[interfaceTag, tags]]; (* Function aliasing *) (* A definition of an aliased function is: {Name -> "MoLRegisterEvolvedGroup", Type -> "CCTK_INT", ArgString -> "CCTK_INT IN EvolvedIndex, CCTK_INT IN RHSIndex"} *) usesFunction[f_] := If[lookup[f, Type] == "SUBROUTINE", {lookup[f, Type], " ", lookup[f, Name], "(", lookup[f,ArgString], ")\n", "USES FUNCTION ", lookup[f, Name], "\n\n"}, {lookup[f, Type], " FUNCTION ", lookup[f, Name], "(", lookup[f,ArgString], ")\n", "USES FUNCTION ", lookup[f, Name], "\n\n"} ]; providesFunction[f_] := If[lookup[f, Type] == "SUBROUTINE", {lookup[f, Type], " ", lookup[f, Name], "(", lookup[f,ArgString], ")\n", "PROVIDES FUNCTION ", lookup[f, Name], "\n\n"}, {lookup[f, Type], " FUNCTION ", lookup[f, Name], "(", lookup[f,ArgString], ")\n", "PROVIDES FUNCTION ", lookup[f, Name], "\n\n"} ]; (* Given the name of an implementation, a list of implementation names that we inherit from, a list of include files to mention, and a list of group structures as defined above, return a CodeGen block representing the interface.ccl file. As an optional argument, one can specify Friends -> {list of implementations we want as friends}. Can also have UsesFunction -> {functions}*) CreateInterface[implementation_, inheritedImplementations_, includeFiles_, groups_, opts___] := {whoWhen["CCL"], "implements: ", implementation, "\n\n", "inherits: ", SpaceSeparated[inheritedImplementations], "\n\n", If[mapContains[{opts}, Friends], {"friend: ", SpaceSeparated[lookup[{opts}, Friends]]},{}], "\n\n", Map[{"USES INCLUDE: ", #, "\n"} &, includeFiles], "\n", Map[usesFunction, lookupDefault[{opts}, UsesFunctions, {}]], Map[providesFunction, lookupDefault[{opts}, ProvidesFunctions, {}]], NewlineSeparated[Map[FlattenBlock[interfaceGroupBlock[#]] &, groups]]}; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Scheduling ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* storage group (represents the fact that we want to allocate storage for a Cactus variable group with the given number of timelevels) {Group -> "admbase::metric", Timelevels -> 3, Conditional -> {Parameter -> "", Value -> ""}, Conditionals -> {{Parameter -> "", Value -> ""}}, Conditional -> {Textual -> "CCTK_EQUALS(name,value)"}} A "conditional" structure looks like this: {Parameter -> "", Value -> ""} scheduled function: (a function to be scheduled at a particular point) {Name -> "ADM_BSSN_CalcRHS_fn", SchedulePoint -> "in POSTINITIAL before ExternalLapse", Language -> "C", Comment -> "", (optional) SynchronizedGroups -> {ADM_BSSN_gamma, ...}, (optional) Options -> {"meta", "level", ...}, (optional) StorageGroups -> {Group -> "mygroup", Timelevels -> 1}, (optional) Conditional -> {Parameter -> "", Value -> ""}, (optional) Conditionals -> {{Parameter -> "", Value -> ""}}} scheduled group: {... sameish} *) (* Given a storage group structure defined above, return a CodeGen structure for inclusion in the schedule.ccl file to allocate storage for this group. *) groupStorage[spec_] := If[mapContains[spec, MaxTimelevels], Flatten[Table[{"if (", lookup[spec, MaxTimelevels], " == ", i, ")\n", "{\n", " STORAGE: ", lookup[spec, Group], "[", i, "]\n", "}\n"}, {i, 1, lookup[spec, Timelevels]}], 1], {"STORAGE: ", lookup[spec, Group], "[", lookup[spec, Timelevels], "]\n"}] (* Given a function scheduling specification as defined above, return a CodeGen block to schedule the function for the schedule.ccl file *) scheduleUnconditionalFunction[spec_] := {"schedule ", lookup[spec, Name], " ", lookup[spec,SchedulePoint], "\n", SuffixedCBlock[ {If[lookup[spec, Language] == "None", "# no language specified\n", "LANG: " <> lookup[spec, Language] <> "\n"], If[lookupDefault[spec, Options, ""] != "", "OPTIONS: " <> lookup[spec, Options] <> "\n", ""], (* Insert a SYNC line for each group we want to synchronize. *) Map[{"SYNC: ", #, "\n"} &, lookupDefault[spec, SynchronizedGroups, {}]], Map[{"TRIGGERS: ", #, "\n"} &, lookupDefault[spec, TriggerGroups, {}]], (* Insert a storage block for each group we want to allocate storage for *) Map[groupStorage, lookupDefault[spec, StorageGroups, {}]]}, Quote[lookup[spec, Comment]]]}; (* Handle the aspect of scheduling the function conditionally *) scheduleFunction[spec_] := Module[{condition, conditions, parameter, value, u, v, w, x}, u = scheduleUnconditionalFunction[spec]; v = If[mapContains[spec, Conditional], (* Output the conditional structure *) condition = lookup[spec, Conditional]; If[mapContains[condition, Textual], ConditionalOnParameterTextual[lookup[condition, Textual], u], If[mapContains[condition, Parameter], parameter = lookup[condition, Parameter]; value = lookup[condition, Value]; ConditionalOnParameter[parameter, value, u], If[condition != {}, Throw["Unrecognized conditional structure", condition], u]]], u]; w = If[mapContains[spec, Conditionals], (* Output the conditionals structure *) conditions = lookup[spec, Conditionals]; Fold[Function[{x, condition}, If[mapContains[condition, Textual], ConditionalOnParameterTextual[lookup[condition, Textual], x], If[mapContains[condition, Parameter], parameter = lookup[condition, Parameter]; value = lookup[condition, Value]; ConditionalOnParameter[parameter, value, x], If[condition != {}, Throw["Unrecognized conditional structure", condition], x]], x]], v, conditions], v]; w]; (* Schedule a schedule group. Use a slightly dirty trick; given that the structure is identical to that for a function except with the word "GROUP" added before the function name, just use the existing function. *) scheduleGroup[spec_] := scheduleFunction[mapReplace[spec, Name, "group " <> lookup[spec, Name]]]; (* Taking a list of group storage specifications for global storage, and lists of scheduled function and scheduled group structures, return a CodeGen block representing a schdule.ccl file. *) CreateSchedule[globalStorageGroups_, scheduledGroups_, scheduledFunctions_] := {whoWhen["CCL"], Map[SeparatedBlock[groupStorage[#]] &, globalStorageGroups], Map[SeparatedBlock[scheduleFunction[#]] &, scheduledFunctions], Map[SeparatedBlock[scheduleGroup[#]] &, scheduledGroups]}; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Setter ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* calculation = {Name -> "ClassicADM_Setter", optional Before -> {functions}, optional After -> {functions}, Shorthands -> {gInv11, ...}, GridFunctions -> {g11rhs, K11}, CollectList -> {hInv11, hInv22, ...}, optional DeclarationIncludes -> {include file list}, optional LoopPreIncludes -> {include file list}, Equations -> {{K11_rhs -> 2 A K11, ...}...}} *) calculationMacros[] := CommentedBlock["Define macros used in calculations", Map[{"#define ", #, "\n"} &, {"INITVALUE (42)", "INV(x) (fdiv(ToReal(1.0),x))", "SQR(x) (fmul(x,x))", "CUB(x) (x*SQR(x))", "QAD(x) (SQR(SQR(x)))" }]]; (* Given a list of Calculation structures as defined above, create a CodeGen representation of a source file that defines a function for each Calculation. *) Options[CreateSetterSource] = ThornOptions; CreateSetterSource[calcs_, debug_, useCSE_, include_, imp_, opts:OptionsPattern[]] := Module[{}, If[!MatchQ[include, _List], Throw["CreateSetterSource: Include should be a list but is in fact " <> ToString[include]]]; {whoWhen[CodeGen`SOURCELANGUAGE], "#define KRANC_" <> ToUpperCase[CodeGen`SOURCELANGUAGE] <> "\n\n", If[CodeGen`SOURCELANGUAGE == "C", {IncludeSystemFile["assert.h"], IncludeSystemFile["math.h"], IncludeSystemFile["stdio.h"], IncludeSystemFile["stdlib.h"]}, {"\n"} ], Map[IncludeFile, Join[{"cctk.h", "cctk_Arguments.h", "cctk_Parameters.h", (*"precomputations.h",*) "GenericFD.h", "Vectors.hh", "Differencing.h"}, include, If[OptionValue[UseLoopControl], {"loopcontrol.h"}, {}]]], calculationMacros[], (* For each function structure passed, create the function and insert it *) CalculationBoundariesFunction[First[calcs], imp], Map[CreateCalculationFunction[# , debug, useCSE, opts] &, calcs]}]; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Symmetries Registration ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* Symmetries registration spec = {{FullName -> "impl::GFname", Sym -> {symX, symY, symZ}}, ...} *) SymmetriesBlock[spec_] := Module[{i, KrancDim}, KrancDim = 3; sym = lookup[spec, Sym]; {Table["sym[" <> ToString[i - 1] <> "] = " <> ToString@sym[[i]] <> ";\n", {i, 1, KrancDim}], "SetCartSymVN(cctkGH, sym, \"" <> lookup[spec, FullName] <> "\");\n\n" } ]; (* syms is a list of rules mapping gridfunctions to their symmetry structures *) calcSymmetry[gf_, syms_] := gf /. syms; (* This function guesses the symmetries based on component names as we have not been given them *) calcSymmetry[gf_] := Module[{sym, q, string}, sym = {1, 1, 1}; (* default *) string = ToString@gf; While[IntegerQ[q = ToExpression@StringTake[string, -1]], Module[{}, sym[[q]] = -sym[[q]]; string = StringDrop[string, -1] ] ]; sym ]; (* Compatibility function to be called by KrancThorns because it doesn't understand reflection symmetries *) CreateSymmetriesRegistrationSource[thornName_, implementationName_, GFs_, debug_] := CreateSymmetriesRegistrationSource[thornName, implementationName, GFs, False, debug]; (* Given a symmetries registration structure as defined above, return a C CodeGen structure of a source file which will register the symmetries. *) CreateSymmetriesRegistrationSource[thornName_, implementationName_, GFs_, reflectionSymmetries_, debug_] := Module[{spec, j, lang, tmp}, If[debug, Print["Registering Symmetries for: ", GFs]; ]; lang = CodeGen`SOURCELANGUAGE; CodeGen`SOURCELANGUAGE = "C"; spec = Table[{FullName -> implementationName <> "::" <> ToString@GFs[[j]], Sym -> If[reflectionSymmetries === False, calcSymmetry[GFs[[j]]], calcSymmetry[GFs[[j]], reflectionSymmetries]]}, {j, 1, Length@GFs}]; tmp = {whoWhen["C"], Map[IncludeFile, {"cctk.h", "cctk_Arguments.h", "cctk_Parameters.h", "Symmetry.h"}], DefineCCTKFunction[ thornName <> "_RegisterSymmetries", "void", {CommentedBlock["array holding symmetry definitions", "CCTK_INT sym[3];\n\n"], CommentedBlock["Register symmetries of grid functions", Map[SymmetriesBlock, spec]]} ] }; CodeGen`SOURCELANGUAGE = lang; tmp ]; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MoL Registration ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* MoL registration = {EvolvedGFs -> {h11, ...}, PrimitiveGFs -> {trK, ...}, BaseImplementation -> "ADMBase", ThornName -> "ADMMoL"} *) (* Given a MoL registration structure as defined above, return a CodeGen structure of a source file which will register the variables given with MoL. *) CreateMoLRegistrationSource[spec_, debug_] := Module[{tmp, lang}, If[debug, Print["Registering for MoL:"]; Print[]; Print[" Evolved Gridfunctions: ", lookup[spec, EvolvedGFs] ]; Print[" Primitive Gridfunctions: ", lookup[spec, PrimitiveGFs] ]; ]; lang = CodeGen`SOURCELANGUAGE; CodeGen`SOURCELANGUAGE= "C"; tmp = {whoWhen["C"], Map[IncludeFile, {"cctk.h", "cctk_Arguments.h", "cctk_Parameters.h"}], DefineCCTKFunction[lookup[spec,ThornName] <> "_RegisterVars", "void", {DefineVariable["ierr", "CCTK_INT", "0"], CommentedBlock["Register all the evolved grid functions with MoL", (* FIXME: We should clarify exactly what should happen with the implementation names here *) (* OK. I think that the group name should be passed in qualified, as that is all that we can do. *) Map[{"ierr += MoLRegisterEvolved(CCTK_VarIndex(\"", #, "\"), CCTK_VarIndex(\"", #, "rhs\"));\n"} &, lookup[spec, EvolvedGFs]]], (* Registering all the remaining variables as constrained is just plain wrong. Read the MoL documentation. It is also not harmless, I think. *) (*CommentedBlock["Register all the primitive grid functions with MoL", (* We should check ierr *) Map[{"ierr += MoLRegisterConstrained(CCTK_VarIndex(\"", #, "\"));\n"} &, lookup[spec, PrimitiveGFs]]], *) "return;\n"}]}; CodeGen`SOURCELANGUAGE = lang; tmp ]; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MoL Boundaries ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* boundaries spec = {Groups -> {trK, h11, ...}, BaseImplementation -> "ADMBase", ThornName -> "ADMMoL"} *) (* the boundary treatment is split into 3 steps: 1. excision 2. symmetries 3. "other" boundary conditions, e.g. flat, radiative To simplify scheduling, testing, etc. the 3 steps are currently applied in separate functions!*) (* boundary conditions may have to be applied per GF or goup ; per group should be more efficient, but sometimes there will be a GF-dependent parameter, e.g. for radiation BCs *) cleanCPP[x_] := Map[StringReplace[FlattenBlock[#], " #" -> "#"]&, x]; (* Given a BC registration structure as defined above, return a CodeGen structure of a source file which does nothing yet! *) CreateMoLBoundariesSource[spec_] := Module[{gfs, groups, unqualifiedGroups, tmp, lang}, gfs = lookup[spec, EvolvedGFs]; groups = lookup[spec, Groups]; unqualifiedGroups = Map[unqualifiedGroupName, lookup[spec, Groups]]; listBCparfileEntry[gforgroup_] := Module[{prefix, unqualName}, (* include a comment block with template parameter file entries *) prefix = "#$bound$#" <> lookup[spec, ThornImplementation] <> "::"; unqualName = unqualifiedGroupName@ToString@gforgroup; { prefix <> unqualName <> "_bound = \"skip\"\n", prefix <> unqualName <> "_bound_speed = 1.0\n", prefix <> unqualName <> "_bound_limit = 0.0\n", prefix <> unqualName <> "_bound_scalar = 0.0\n\n" }]; (* symmetryBCGroup[group_] := Module[{boundpar, fullgroupname}, (* symmetry boundary conditions *) fullgroupname = qualifyGroupName[ToString@group, lookup[spec, BaseImplementation]]; {"\n", " ierr = CartSymGN(cctkGH, \"" <> fullgroupname <> "\");\n", " if (ierr < 0)\n", " CCTK_WARN(0, \"Failed to apply symmetry BC for " <> fullgroupname <> "!\");\n"} ]; *) trivialBCGroup[group_] := Module[{boundpar, fullgroupname}, (* boundary conditions that do not have parameters besides their name *) boundpar = unqualifiedGroupName@group <> "_bound"; fullgroupname = qualifyGroupName[ToString@group, lookup[spec, BaseImplementation]]; {"\n", "if (CCTK_EQUALS(" <> boundpar <> ", \"none\" ) ||\n", " CCTK_EQUALS(" <> boundpar <> ", \"static\") ||\n", " CCTK_EQUALS(" <> boundpar <> ", \"flat\" ) ||\n", " CCTK_EQUALS(" <> boundpar <> ", \"zero\" ) )\n", "{\n", " ierr = Boundary_SelectGroupForBC(cctkGH, CCTK_ALL_FACES, boundary_width, -1,\n", " \"" <> fullgroupname <> "\", " <> boundpar <> ");\n", " if (ierr < 0)\n", " CCTK_WARN(0, \"Failed to register "<>boundpar<>" BC for "<>fullgroupname<>"!\");\n", "}\n"}]; trivialBCGF[gf_] := Module[{boundpar, fullgfname}, (* boundary conditions that do not have parameters besides their name *) boundpar = unqualifiedGroupName@ToString@gf <> "_bound"; fullgfname = ToString@gf; {"\n", "if (CCTK_EQUALS(" <> boundpar <> ", \"none\" ) ||\n", " CCTK_EQUALS(" <> boundpar <> ", \"static\") ||\n", " CCTK_EQUALS(" <> boundpar <> ", \"flat\" ) ||\n", " CCTK_EQUALS(" <> boundpar <> ", \"zero\" ) )\n", "{\n", " ierr = Boundary_SelectVarForBC(cctkGH, CCTK_ALL_FACES, boundary_width, -1,\n", " \"" <> fullgfname <> "\", " <> boundpar <> ");\n", " if (ierr < 0)\n", " CCTK_WARN(0, \"Failed to register "<>boundpar<>" BC for "<>fullgfname<>"!\");\n", "}\n"}]; radiationBCGroup[group_] := Module[{boundpar, fullgroupname, myhandle}, (* a simple radiation boundary condition *) boundpar = unqualifiedGroupName@ToString@group <> "_bound"; fullgroupname = qualifyGroupName[ToString@group, lookup[spec, BaseImplementation]]; myhandle = "handle_" <> boundpar; {"\n", "if (CCTK_EQUALS(" <> boundpar <> ", \"radiative\"))\n", "{\n /* select radiation boundary condition */\n ", DefineVariable[myhandle, "static CCTK_INT", "-1"], " if ("<>myhandle<>" < 0) "<>myhandle<>" = Util_TableCreate(UTIL_TABLE_FLAGS_CASE_INSENSITIVE);\n", " if ("<>myhandle<>" < 0) CCTK_WARN(0, \"could not create table!\");\n", " if (Util_TableSetReal("<>myhandle<>" , "<> boundpar <>"_limit, \"LIMIT\") < 0)\n", " CCTK_WARN(0, \"could not set LIMIT value in table!\");\n", " if (Util_TableSetReal("<>myhandle<>" ," <> boundpar <> "_speed, \"SPEED\") < 0)\n", " CCTK_WARN(0, \"could not set SPEED value in table!\");\n", "\n", " ierr = Boundary_SelectGroupForBC(cctkGH, CCTK_ALL_FACES, boundary_width, "<>myhandle<>", \n", " \"" <> fullgroupname <> "\", \"Radiation\");\n\n", " if (ierr < 0)\n", " CCTK_WARN(0, \"Failed to register Radiation BC for "<>fullgroupname<>"!\");\n", "\n}\n"}]; radiationBCGF[gf_] := Module[{boundpar, fullgfname, myhandle}, (* a simple radiation boundary condition *) boundpar = unqualifiedGroupName@ToString@gf <> "_bound"; fullgfname = ToString@gf; myhandle = "handle_" <> boundpar; {"\n", "if (CCTK_EQUALS(" <> boundpar <> ", \"radiative\"))\n", "{\n /* select radiation boundary condition */\n ", DefineVariable[myhandle, "static CCTK_INT", "-1"], " if ("<>myhandle<>" < 0) "<>myhandle<>" = Util_TableCreate(UTIL_TABLE_FLAGS_CASE_INSENSITIVE);\n", " if ("<>myhandle<>" < 0) CCTK_WARN(0, \"could not create table!\");\n", " if (Util_TableSetReal("<>myhandle<>" , "<> boundpar <>"_limit, \"LIMIT\") < 0)\n", " CCTK_WARN(0, \"could not set LIMIT value in table!\");\n", " if (Util_TableSetReal("<>myhandle<>" ," <> boundpar <> "_speed, \"SPEED\") < 0)\n", " CCTK_WARN(0, \"could not set SPEED value in table!\");\n", "\n", " ierr = Boundary_SelectVarForBC(cctkGH, CCTK_ALL_FACES, boundary_width, "<>myhandle<>", \n", " \"" <> fullgfname <> "\", \"Radiation\");\n\n", " if (ierr < 0)\n", " CCTK_WARN(0, \"Failed to register Radiation BC for "<>fullgfname<>"!\");\n", "\n}\n"}]; scalarBCGroup[group_] := Module[{boundpar, fullgroupname, myhandle}, (* simple dirichlet boundary condition *) boundpar = unqualifiedGroupName@group <> "_bound"; fullgroupname = qualifyGroupName[ToString@group, lookup[spec, BaseImplementation]]; myhandle = "handle_" <> boundpar; {"\n", "if (CCTK_EQUALS(" <> boundpar <> ", \"scalar\"))\n", "{\n /* select scalar boundary condition */\n ", DefineVariable[myhandle, "static CCTK_INT", "-1"], " if ("<>myhandle<>" < 0) "<>myhandle<>" = Util_TableCreate(UTIL_TABLE_FLAGS_CASE_INSENSITIVE);\n", " if ("<>myhandle<>" < 0) CCTK_WARN(0, \"could not create table!\");\n", " if (Util_TableSetReal("<>myhandle<>" ," <> boundpar <> "_scalar, \"SCALAR\") < 0)\n", " CCTK_WARN(0, \"could not set SCALAR value in table!\");\n", "\n", " ierr = Boundary_SelectGroupForBC(cctkGH, CCTK_ALL_FACES, boundary_width, "<>myhandle<>", \n", " \"" <> fullgroupname <> "\", \"scalar\");\n\n", " if (ierr < 0)\n", " CCTK_WARN(0, \"Failed to register Scalar BC for "<>fullgroupname<>"!\");\n", "\n}\n"}]; scalarBCGF[gf_] := Module[{boundpar, fullgfname, myhandle}, (* simple dirichlet boundary condition *) boundpar = unqualifiedGroupName@ToString@gf <> "_bound"; fullgfname = ToString@gf; myhandle = "handle_" <> boundpar; {"\n", "if (CCTK_EQUALS(" <> boundpar <> ", \"scalar\"))\n", "{\n /* select scalar boundary condition */\n ", DefineVariable[myhandle, "static CCTK_INT", "-1"], " if ("<>myhandle<>" < 0) "<>myhandle<>" = Util_TableCreate(UTIL_TABLE_FLAGS_CASE_INSENSITIVE);\n", " if ("<>myhandle<>" < 0) CCTK_WARN(0, \"could not create table!\");\n", " if (Util_TableSetReal("<>myhandle<>" ," <> boundpar <> "_scalar, \"SCALAR\") < 0)\n", " CCTK_WARN(0, \"could not set SCALAR value in table!\");\n", "\n", " ierr = Boundary_SelectVarForBC(cctkGH, CCTK_ALL_FACES, boundary_width, "<>myhandle<>", \n", " \"" <> fullgfname <> "\", \"scalar\");\n\n", " if (ierr < 0)\n", " CCTK_WARN(0, \"Error in registering Scalar BC for "<>fullgfname<>"!\");\n", "\n}\n"}]; lang = CodeGen`SOURCELANGUAGE; CodeGen`SOURCELANGUAGE = "C"; tmp = {whoWhen["C"], Map[IncludeFile, {"cctk.h", "cctk_Arguments.h", "cctk_Parameters.h", "cctk_Faces.h", "util_Table.h", "Symmetry.h"}], {"\n\n", "/* the boundary treatment is split into 3 steps: */\n", "/* 1. excision */\n", "/* 2. symmetries */\n", "/* 3. \"other\" boundary conditions, e.g. radiative */\n\n", "/* to simplify scheduling and testing, the 3 steps */\n", "/* are currently applied in separate functions */\n\n"}, cleanCPP@DefineCCTKFunction[lookup[spec,ThornName] <> "_CheckBoundaries", "void", {"return;\n"}], cleanCPP@DefineCCTKFunction[lookup[spec,ThornName] <> "_SelectBoundConds", "void", {DefineVariable["ierr", "CCTK_INT", "0"], (* Map[symmetryBCGroup, groups], *) Map[trivialBCGroup, groups], Map[trivialBCGF, gfs], Map[radiationBCGroup, groups], Map[radiationBCGF, gfs], Map[scalarBCGroup, groups], Map[scalarBCGF, gfs], "return;\n" }], "\n\n\n", "/* template for entries in parameter file:\n", Map[listBCparfileEntry, unqualifiedGroups], Map[listBCparfileEntry, gfs], "*/\n\n" }; CodeGen`SOURCELANGUAGE = lang; tmp ]; CreateMoLExcisionSource[spec_] := Module[{gfs, currentlang, body, excisionExtrap}, gfs = lookup[spec, ExcisionGFs]; Print["Applying excision to GFs: ", gfs]; currentlang = CodeGen`SOURCELANGUAGE; CodeGen`SOURCELANGUAGE = "Fortran"; excisionExtrap[gf_] := " call ExcisionExtrapolate(ierr, " <> ToString@gf <> ", " <> ToString@gf <> "_p, emask, exnormx, exnormy, exnormz, nx, ny, nz, "<> ToString@gf <> "_bound_limit)\n"; body = {whoWhen["Fortran"], Map[IncludeFile, {"cctk.h", "cctk_Arguments.h", "cctk_Parameters.h"}], {"\n\n", "! the boundary treatment is split into 3 steps: \n", "! 1. excision \n", "! 2. symmetries \n", "! 3. \"other\" boundary conditions, e.g. radiative \n", "! to simplify scheduling and testing, the 3 steps \n", "! are currently applied in separate functions \n\n"}, cleanCPP@DefineCCTKSubroutine[lookup[spec,ThornName] <> "_FindBoundary", {"! APPLY EXCISION\n\n", DefineVariable["ierr", "CCTK_INT :: ", "0"], "", "integer :: nx, ny, nz\n\n", "! grid parameters\n", "nx = cctk_lsh(1)\n", "ny = cctk_lsh(2)\n", "nz = cctk_lsh(3)\n\n", "if ( (excision .ne. 0).AND.(find_excision_boundary .ne. 0) ) then\n\n", " call ExcisionFindBoundary(ierr, emask, nx, ny, nz)\n", " if (ierr < 0) call CCTK_WARN(2, \"findboundary exited with an error\")\n\n", "endif\n\n", "return\n"}], cleanCPP@DefineCCTKSubroutine[lookup[spec,ThornName] <> "_FindNormals", {"! APPLY EXCISION\n\n", DefineVariable["ierr", "CCTK_INT :: ", "0"], "", "integer :: nx, ny, nz\n\n", "! grid parameters\n", "nx = cctk_lsh(1)\n", "ny = cctk_lsh(2)\n", "nz = cctk_lsh(3)\n\n", "if ( (excision .ne. 0).AND.(find_excision_normals .ne. 0) ) then\n\n", " call ExcisionFindNormals(ierr, emask, exnormx, exnormy, exnormz, nx, ny, nz)\n", " if (ierr < 0) call CCTK_WARN(2, \"findnormals exited with an error\")\n\n", "endif\n\n", "return\n"}], cleanCPP@DefineCCTKSubroutine[lookup[spec,ThornName] <> "_ApplyExcision", {"! APPLY EXCISION\n\n", DefineVariable["ierr", "CCTK_INT :: ", "0"], "", "integer :: nx, ny, nz\n\n", "! grid parameters\n", "nx = cctk_lsh(1)\n", "ny = cctk_lsh(2)\n", "nz = cctk_lsh(3)\n\n", "if (excision .ne. 0) then\n", " call CCTK_INFO(\"Applying LegoExcision\")\n\n", Map[excisionExtrap, gfs], "endif\n\n", "return\n"}] }; CodeGen`SOURCELANGUAGE = currentlang; body ]; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* set Characteristic Info for MultiPatch *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* boundaries spec = {TO BE DEFINED} *) charInfoFunction[type_, spec_, debug_]:= Module[{funcName, argString, headerComment1, headerComment2, thornName, gfs, rhs, groups, tmp, lang, numvars, tab}, gfs = Map[ToString, lookup[spec, EvolvedGFs]]; rhs = Map[AddSuffix[#, "rhs"]&, gfs]; Print["createCharInfoFunction with type:\n", type]; thornName = lookup[spec, Name]; numvars = Length@gfs; groups = Map[unqualifiedGroupName, lookup[spec, Groups]]; tab = "\t\t\t"; If[type == "P2C", funcName = lookup[spec,Name] <> "_MultiPatch_Prim2Char"; argString = "CCTK_POINTER_TO_CONST const cctkGH_,\n" <> tab <> "CCTK_INT const dir,\n" <> tab <> "CCTK_INT const face,\n" <> tab <> "CCTK_REAL const * restrict const base,\n" <> tab <> "CCTK_INT const * restrict const off,\n" <> tab <> "CCTK_INT const * restrict const len,\n" <> tab <> "CCTK_INT const rhs_flag,\n" <> tab <> "CCTK_INT const num_modes,\n" <> tab <> "CCTK_POINTER const * restrict const modes,\n" <> tab <> "CCTK_POINTER const * restrict const speeds"; headerComment1 = "/* translate from primary to characteristic variables */\n"; headerComment2 = "/* Output: */\n" <> "/* CCTK_POINTER ARRAY IN modes ... array if char. vars */\n" <> "/* CCTK_POINTER ARRAY IN speeds ... array of char. speeds */\n\n"; ]; If[type == "C2P", funcName = lookup[spec,Name] <> "_MultiPatch_Char2Prim"; argString = "CCTK_POINTER_TO_CONST const cctkGH_,\n" <> tab <> "CCTK_INT const dir,\n" <> tab <> "CCTK_INT const face,\n" <> tab <> "CCTK_REAL const * restrict const base,\n" <> tab <> "CCTK_INT const * restrict const off,\n" <> tab <> "CCTK_INT const * restrict const len,\n" <> tab <> "CCTK_INT const rhs_flag,\n" <> tab <> "CCTK_INT const num_modes,\n" <> tab <> "CCTK_POINTER_TO_CONST const * restrict const modes"; headerComment1 = "/* translate from characteristic to primary variables */\n"; headerComment2 = "/* Output: */\n" <> "/* CCTK_POINTER ARRAY IN modes ... array of char. vars */\n\n"; ]; code = { DefineFunction[funcName, "CCTK_INT", argString, {headerComment1, "/* Input: */\n", "/* CCTK_POINTER_TO_CONST cctkGH ... CCTK grid hierarchy */\n", "/* CCTK_INT dir ... */\n", "/* CCTK_INT face ... */\n", "/* CCTK_REAL ARRAY base ... */\n", "/* CCTK_INT ARRAY lbnd ... */\n", "/* CCTK_INT ARRAY lsh ... */\n", "/* CCTK_INT ARRAY from ... */\n", "/* CCTK_INT ARRAY to ... */\n", "/* CCTK_INT rhs_flag ... */\n", "/* CCTK_INT num_modes... */\n", headerComment2, "{\n", " cGH const * restrict const cctkGH = cctkGH_;\n", " DECLARE_CCTK_ARGUMENTS;\n", " DECLARE_CCTK_PARAMETERS;\n\n", " CCTK_REAL const * restrict prims[" <> ToString@numvars <> "];\n", " CCTK_REAL * restrict chars[" <> ToString@numvars <> "];\n", " CCTK_REAL * restrict cspeeds[" <> ToString@numvars <> "];\n", " CCTK_REAL normal[3], normal_base[3];\n", " CCTK_REAL tangent[2][3];\n", (* " CCTK_REAL gama[3][3], gamau[3][3], beta[3], alfa;\n", *) " CCTK_REAL lambda[" <> ToString@numvars <> "];\n", " CCTK_REAL xform[" <> ToString@numvars <> "][" <> ToString@numvars <> "];\n", " CCTK_REAL norm_normal;\n", " CCTK_REAL norm_tangent[2];\n", " int n, m; /* mode */\n", " int i, j, k; /* grid point indices */\n", " int d, e; /* dimension */\n\n", " /* Check arguments */\n", " assert (cctkGH);\n", " assert (cctk_dim == 3);\n", " assert (dir >= 0 && dir < cctk_dim);\n", " assert (face >= 0 && face < 2);\n", " assert (base);\n", " assert (off);\n", " assert (len);\n\n", " for (d = 0; d < 3; ++d) {\n", " assert (off[d] >= 0 && len[d] >= 0 && off[d] + len[d] <= cctk_lssh[CCTK_LSSH_IDX(0,d)]);\n", " }\n\n", " assert (modes);\n", " assert (speeds);\n", " for (d = 0; d < 3; ++d) {\n", " normal_base[d] = base[d];\n", " tangent[ 0][d] = base[ cctk_dim+d];\n", " tangent[ 1][d] = base[2*cctk_dim+d];\n", " }\n\n", " {\n", " CCTK_REAL normal_length = 0;\n", " for (d = 0; d < 3; ++d) {\n", " normal_length += fabs(normal_base[d]);\n", " }\n", " assert (normal_length > 0);\n", " }\n\n", " assert (num_modes == " <> ToString@numvars <> ");\n", " for (n = 0; n < num_modes; ++n) {\n", " assert (modes[n]);\n", " }\n\n", " /* Get variable pointers */\n", " if (rhs_flag) {\n", Table[" rhs[" <> ToString[i-1] <> "] = CCTK_VarIndex(\"" <> ToString@rhs[[i]] <> "\");\n", {i, 1, numvars}], " } else {\n", Table[" prim[" <> ToString[i-1] <> "] = CCTK_VarIndex(\"" <> gfs[[i]] <> "\");\n", {i, 1, numvars}], " }\n\n", " for (n = 0; n < num_vars ; ++n) {\n", " chars[ n] = modes[ n];\n", " cspeeds[n] = speeds[n];\n", " }\n\n", "/* compute characteristic variables and speeds */\n", " /* Return 0 for Success! */\n", " return 0;\n"}] (* this was it, let`s go for a beer *) }; code]; CreateMPCharSource[spec_, debug_] := Module[{thornName, gfs, rhs, groups, tmp, lang, numvars}, gfs = Map[ToString, lookup[spec, EvolvedGFs]]; rhs = Map[AddSuffix[#, "rhs"]&, gfs]; Print["CreateMPCharSource uses RHS GFs:\n", rhs]; thornName = lookup[spec, Name]; numvars = Length@gfs; groups = Map[unqualifiedGroupName, lookup[spec, Groups]]; lang = CodeGen`SOURCELANGUAGE; CodeGen`SOURCELANGUAGE = "C"; tmp = {whoWhen["C"], Map[IncludeFile, {"cctk.h", "cctk_Arguments.h", "cctk_Parameters.h"}], Map[IncludeSystemFile, {"assert.h", "math.h"}], (* declare lapack function DGESV: compute solution to system of linear equations E * X = B *) {"\n/* declare lapack function DGESV for solving linear systems */\n", "void CCTK_FCALL\n", "CCTK_FNAME(dgesv) (int const * n,\n", " int const * nrhs,\n", " double * a,\n", " int const * lda,\n", " int * ipiv,\n", " double * b,\n", " int const * ldb,\n", " int * info);\n\n\n"}, DefineFunction[lookup[spec,Name] <> "_MultiPatch_SystemDescription", "CCTK_INT", "CCTK_POINTER_TO_CONST const cctkGH_, CCTK_INT const nvars,\n" <> " CCTK_INT * restrict const prim, CCTK_INT * restrict const rhs,\n" <> " CCTK_REAL * restrict const sigma", { "/* this function is called twice: */\n", "/* first to set the number of modes, then to set the rest of the information */\n", " cGH const * restrict const cctkGH = cctkGH_;\n", " DECLARE_CCTK_PARAMETERS;\n\n", " int n;\n\n", " /* Check arguments */\n", " assert (cctkGH);\n", " assert (nvars >= 0);\n\n", " /* Fill in return values on second call */\n", " if (nvars == " <> ToString@numvars <> ") {\n", " assert (prim);\n\n", Table[" prim[" <> ToString[i-1] <> "] = CCTK_VarIndex(\"" <> gfs[[i]] <> "\");\n", {i,1,numvars}], "\n", " for (n = 0; n < " <> ToString@numvars <> "; ++n) {\n", " assert (prim[n] >= 0);\n", " }\n\n", " assert (rhs);\n\n", Table[" rhs[" <> ToString[i-1] <> "] = CCTK_VarIndex(\"" <> ToString@rhs[[i]] <> "\");\n", {i,1,numvars}], "\n", " for (n = 0; n < " <> ToString@numvars <> "; ++n) {\n", " assert (rhs[n] >= 0);\n", " }\n\n", " }\n\n", " /* Coefficient for the scalar product via SummationByParts Thorn */\n", " *sigma = GetScalProdCoeff();\n\n", " /* Return the number of modes -- needed at first call! */\n", " return " <> ToString@numvars <> ";\n"}], (* *) charInfoFunction["P2C", spec, debug], "\n\n", charInfoFunction["C2P", spec, debug], "\n\n", charInfoFunction["WHATEVER", spec, debug] }; CodeGen`SOURCELANGUAGE = lang; tmp ]; (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Precompmacros -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Argument to this is the same as for CreateSetterSource. This is not implemented currently because the precomputations are performed in the setter file itself. We want to change this for readability reasons. The change will be to have this precompMacros.h file define a macro performing the precomputations for *each loop* in each function. Then the setter source file just has a line invoking the macro in each loop. *) CreatePrecompMacros[functions_] := Module[{}, {}]; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Startup file ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) CreateStartupFile[thornName_, bannerText_] := Module[{tmp, lang}, lang = CodeGen`SOURCELANGUAGE; CodeGen`SOURCELANGUAGE = "C"; tmp = {whoWhen["C"], IncludeFile["cctk.h"], DefineFunction[thornName <> "_Startup", "int", "void", {DefineVariable["banner", "const char *", Quote[bannerText]], "CCTK_RegisterBanner(banner);\n", "return 0;\n"}]}; CodeGen`SOURCELANGUAGE = lang; tmp ]; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Thorn creation ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* source = {Filename -> "MoLRegister.c", Contents -> "#include ..."} *) (* thorn = {Name -> "ClassicADMMolEvolve", Directory -> "ClassicADM", Interface -> i, Schedule -> s, Param -> p, Makefile -> m, Sources -> {s1, s2, ...} *) (* Given a thorn specification structure as defined above, create a thorn. Note that if you specify a path to the thorn, then you are responsible for making sure that the parent directory exists; this function does not automatically create any parent directories. *) CreateThorn[thorn_] := Module[{thornDirectory, sourceDirectory}, thornDirectory = lookup[thorn, Directory] <> "/" <> lookup[thorn, Name]; sourceDirectory = thornDirectory <> "/src"; Print["Creating thorns in directory ", thornDirectory]; EnsureDirectory[thornDirectory]; EnsureDirectory[sourceDirectory]; GenerateFile[thornDirectory <> "/configuration.ccl", lookup[thorn, Configuration]]; GenerateFile[thornDirectory <> "/interface.ccl", lookup[thorn, Interface]]; GenerateFile[thornDirectory <> "/param.ccl", lookup[thorn, Param]]; GenerateFile[thornDirectory <> "/schedule.ccl", lookup[thorn, Schedule]]; Map[GenerateFile[sourceDirectory <> "/" <> lookup[#, Filename], lookup[#, Contents]] &, lookup[thorn, Sources]]; GenerateFile[sourceDirectory <> "/make.code.defn", lookup[thorn, Makefile]]]; End[]; EndPackage[];