(* Copyright 2004 Sascha Husa, Ian Hinder, Christiane Lechner This file is part of Kranc. Kranc is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Kranc is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Kranc; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA *) BeginPackage["Schedule`", {"Thorn`", "KrancGroups`", "MapLookup`", "Errors`", "Helpers`", "Kranc`"}]; CreateKrancScheduleFile; Begin["`Private`"]; (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scheduling -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) simpleGroupStruct[groupName_, timelevels_, maxtimelevels_] := { Group -> groupName, Timelevels -> timelevels, MaxTimelevels -> "other_timelevels" }; evolvedGroupStruct[groupName_, timelevels_, maxtimelevels_] := { Group -> groupName, Timelevels -> timelevels, MaxTimelevels -> "timelevels" }; rhsGroupStruct[groupName_, timelevels_, maxtimelevels_] := { Group -> groupName, Timelevels -> timelevels, MaxTimelevels -> "rhs_timelevels" }; groupsSetInCalc[calc_, groups_] := Module[{gfs, eqs, lhss, gfsInLHS, lhsGroupNames}, gfs = allGroupVariables[groups]; eqs = lookup[calc, Equations]; lhss = Map[First, eqs]; gfsInLHS = Union[Cases[lhss, _ ? (MemberQ[gfs,#] &), Infinity]]; lhsGroupNames = containingGroups[gfsInLHS, groups]; Return[lhsGroupNames] ]; (* Each calculation can be scheduled at multiple points, so this function returns a LIST of schedule structures for each calculation *) scheduleCalc[calc_, groups_] := Module[{points, conditional, conditionals, keywordConditional, keywordConditionals, triggered, keyword, value, keywordvaluepairs, groupsToSync, groupName, userSchedule, groupSched, fnSched, selbcSched, appbcSched, bcGroupName, condParams, bcGroupSched, before, after, relStr}, conditional = mapContains[calc, ConditionalOnKeyword]; conditionals = mapContains[calc, ConditionalOnKeywords]; triggered = mapContains[calc, TriggerGroups]; If[conditional, keywordConditional = lookup[calc, ConditionalOnKeyword]; If[! MatchQ[keywordConditional, {lhs_String, rhs_String}], ThrowError["ConditionalOnKeyword entry in calculation expected to be of the form {parameter, value}, but was ", keywordConditional, "Calculation is ", calc]]; keyword = keywordConditional[[1]]; value = keywordConditional[[2]]; ]; If[conditionals, keywordConditionals = lookup[calc, ConditionalOnKeywords]; If[! MatchQ[keywordConditionals, {{_, _} ...}], ThrowError["ConditionalOnKeywords entry in calculation expected to be of the form {{parameter, value}}, but was ", keywordConditionals, "Calculation is ", calc]]; keywordvaluepairs = Map[# /. {keyword_, value_} -> {Parameter -> keyword, Value -> value} &, keywordConditionals]; ]; groupsToSync = If[lookupDefault[calc, Where, Everywhere] === Interior || lookupDefault[calc, Where, Everywhere] === Boundary, groupsSetInCalc[calc, groups], {}]; before = lookupDefault[calc, Before, None]; after = lookupDefault[calc, After, None]; relStr = If[before =!= None, " before " <> before, ""] <> If[after =!= None, " after " <> after, ""]; applyBCs = lookupDefault[calc, ApplyBCs, False]; userSchedule = lookupDefault[calc, Schedule, Automatic]; If[userSchedule =!= Automatic && !applyBCs, Return[Map[ Join[ { Name -> lookup[calc, Name], SchedulePoint -> # <> relStr, SynchronizedGroups -> If[StringMatchQ[#, "*MoL_CalcRHS*", IgnoreCase -> True] || StringMatchQ[#, "*MoL_RHSBoundaries*", IgnoreCase -> True], {}, groupsToSync], Language -> CodeGenC`SOURCELANGUAGE, Comment -> lookup[calc, Name] }, If[triggered, {TriggerGroups -> lookup[calc, TriggerGroups]}, {}], If[conditional, {Conditional -> {Parameter -> keyword, Value -> value}}, {}], If[conditionals, {Conditionals -> keywordvaluepairs}, {}] ] &, lookup[calc, Schedule]]], (* Scheduling is automatic. For the moment, all automatically scheduled functions are going to be performed in MoL_PseudoEvolution in a new group, along with routines to apply boundary conditions to the variables set in the calculation. All variables set in the calculation will be synchronised. *) groupName = lookup[calc, Name] <> "_group"; bcGroupName = lookup[calc, Name] <> "_bc_group"; condParams = Join[ If[conditional, {Conditional -> {Parameter -> keyword, Value -> value}}, {}], If[conditionals, {Conditionals -> keywordvaluepairs}, {}]]; groupSched = { Name -> "group " <> groupName, SchedulePoint -> If[applyBCs, First[userSchedule] <> relStr, "in MoL_PseudoEvolution" <> relStr], SynchronizedGroups -> {}, Language -> "None", Comment -> lookup[calc, Name] } ~Join~ condParams; fnSched = { Name -> lookup[calc, Name], SchedulePoint -> "in " <> groupName, Language -> CodeGenC`SOURCELANGUAGE, Comment -> lookup[calc, Name] }; bcGroupSched[where_] := { Name -> "group " <> bcGroupName, SchedulePoint -> where, SynchronizedGroups -> {}, Language -> "None", Comment -> lookup[calc, Name] } ~Join~ condParams; selbcSched = { Name -> lookup[calc, Name] <> "_SelectBCs", SchedulePoint -> "in " <> bcGroupName, SynchronizedGroups -> groupsToSync, Options -> "level", Language -> CodeGenC`SOURCELANGUAGE, Comment -> lookup[calc, Name] <> "_SelectBCs" }; appbcSched = { Name -> "group ApplyBCs as " <> lookup[calc,Name] <> "_ApplyBCs", SchedulePoint -> "in " <> bcGroupName <> " after " <> lookup[calc, Name] <> "_SelectBCs", Language -> "None", Comment -> "Apply BCs for groups set in " <> lookup[calc, Name] }; Return[{groupSched, fnSched} ~Join~ If[groupsToSync =!= {}, {selbcSched, appbcSched, bcGroupSched["in "<>groupName <> " after " <> lookup[calc, Name]], bcGroupSched["in MoL_PseudoEvolutionBoundaries after MoL_PostStep"]},{}]]]]; CreateKrancScheduleFile[calcs_, groups_, evolvedGroups_, rhsGroups_, nonevolvedGroups_, thornName_, evolutionTimelevels_] := Module[{scheduledCalcs, scheduledStartup, scheduleMoLRegister, globalStorageGroups, scheduledFunctions, schedule}, scheduledCalcs = Flatten[Map[scheduleCalc[#, groups] &, calcs], 1]; scheduledStartup = { Name -> thornName <> "_Startup", SchedulePoint -> "at STARTUP", Language -> "C", Options -> "meta", Comment -> "create banner" }; scheduleMoLRegister = { Name -> thornName <> "_RegisterVars", SchedulePoint -> "in MoL_Register", Language -> "C", Options -> "meta", Comment -> "Register Variables for MoL" }; scheduleRegisterSymmetries = { Name -> thornName <> "_RegisterSymmetries", SchedulePoint -> "in SymmetryRegister", Language -> "C", Options -> "meta", Comment -> "register symmetries" }; globalStorageGroups = Join[ Map[Module[{tl}, tl = NonevolvedTimelevels[groupFromName[#, groups]]; If[tl===1, simpleGroupStruct[#, tl, evolutionTimelevels], evolvedGroupStruct[#, evolutionTimelevels, evolutionTimelevels]]] &, nonevolvedGroups], Map[evolvedGroupStruct[#, evolutionTimelevels, evolutionTimelevels] &, evolvedGroups], Map[rhsGroupStruct[#, evolutionTimelevels, evolutionTimelevels] &, rhsGroups]]; scheduledFunctions = Join[{scheduledStartup, scheduleMoLRegister, scheduleRegisterSymmetries}, scheduledCalcs, CactusBoundary`GetScheduledFunctions[thornName, evolvedGroups]]; schedule = CreateSchedule[globalStorageGroups, CactusBoundary`GetScheduledGroups[thornName], scheduledFunctions]; Return[schedule]]; End[]; EndPackage[];