(* $Id$ *) (* XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX *) BeginPackage["sym`"]; (* XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX *) {Type, Resolution, StencilWidth, ActiveThorns, GaugeThorns, GaugeParameterSettings, IOSpec, outDir, outFormat, ioEvery, ioInfoGFs, io0dGFs, io1dGFs, io2dGFs, out1D nx, ny, nz, initialTime, itLast, Name, Directory} {hamGF, lapseGF}; {Amplitude, NoiseAmp, NoiseGroups}; {IDSpec, IDSettings}; {EvolutionSpec, EvolutionSettings, IntegratorSettings}; {EvaluationSpec, EvaluationSettings}; {NumDifferentiations}; EndPackage[]; (* XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX *) BeginPackage["MexicoTests`", {"sym`", "MapLookup`", "KrancThorns`", "Helpers`"}]; (* XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX *) MexicoTests = {"robust", "robust2D", "GaugeWave", "GaugeWave2D", "LinearWave", "LinearWave2D", "PolarizedGowdyExpansion", "PolarizedGowdyCollapse"}; ExactTypes = {"GaugeWave", "GaugeWave2D", "LinearWave", "LinearWave2D", "PolarizedGowdyExpansion", "PolarizedGowdyCollapse"}; xbaseRes["robust"] := 50; ybaseRes["robust"] := 4; zbaseRes["robust"] := 4; xbaseRes["robust2D"] := 50; ybaseRes["robust2D"] := 50; zbaseRes["robust2D"] := 4; xbaseRes["GaugeWave"] := 50; ybaseRes["GaugeWave"] := 1; zbaseRes["GaugeWave"] := 1; xbaseRes["GaugeWave2D"] := 50; ybaseRes["GaugeWave2D"] := 50; zbaseRes["GaugeWave2D"] := 1; xbaseRes["LinearWave"] := 50 ; ybaseRes["LinearWave"] := 1; zbaseRes["LinearWave"] := 1; xbaseRes["LinearWave2D"] := 50 ; ybaseRes["LinearWave2D"] := 50; zbaseRes["LinearWave2D"] := 1; xbaseRes["PolarizedGowdyExpansion"] := 1; ybaseRes["PolarizedGowdyExpansion"] := 1; zbaseRes["PolarizedGowdyExpansion"] := 50; xbaseRes["PolarizedGowdyCollapse"] := xbaseRes["PolarizedGowdyExpansion"]; ybaseRes["PolarizedGowdyCollapse"] := ybaseRes["PolarizedGowdyExpansion"]; zbaseRes["PolarizedGowdyCollapse"] := zbaseRes["PolarizedGowdyExpansion"]; xbaseRes[type_] := 50; ybaseRes[type_] := 50; zbaseRes[type_] := 50; dtFactor["robust"] := 0.1; dtFactor["robust2D"] := 0.1; dtFactor["PolarizedGowdyCollapse"] := -0.25; dtFactor[type_] := 0.25; XTimes["robust"] := 100; XTimes["robust2D"] := 100; XTimes["GaugeWave2D"] := 100; XTimes["LinearWave2D"] := 100; XTimes[type_] := 1000; InitialTime["PolarizedGowdyCollapse"] = 9.8753205829098; InitialTime["PolarizedGowdyExpansion"] = 1.0; InitialTime[type_] = 0.0; ExactEntry["LinearWave", amp_] := { "ActiveThorns = \"MexicoLinearWave\"\n", "MexicoLinearWave::wave_A = " <> ToString@CForm@amp, "# MexicoLinearWave::wave_d = " } ExactEntry["LinearWave2D", amp_] := { "admbase::initial_data = \"sine_planewaves\"\n" <> "admbase::initial_lapse = \"one\"\n" <> "admbase::initial_shift = \"none\"\n\n" <> "IDLinearWaves::amplitude = 1e-08\n" <> "IDLinearWaves::wavetheta = 90\n" <> "IDLinearWaves::wavephi = 45\n" <> "IDLinearWaves::wavelength = 0.70710678118654752440" } ExactEntry["PolarizedGowdyCollapse", amp_] := {"Exact::exact_model = \"Gowdy-wave\"", "Exact::Gowdy_wave__amplitude = 1.0" } ExactEntry["PolarizedGowdyExpansion", amp_] := ExactEntry["PolarizedGowdyCollapse", amp] ExactEntry["GaugeWave", amp_] := { "Exact::exact_model = \"Minkowski/gauge wave\"", "", "Exact::Minkowski_gauge_wave__what_fn = \"sin\"", "Exact::Minkowski_gauge_wave__amplitude = " <> ToString@amp, "Exact::Minkowski_gauge_wave__diagonal = \"no\"", "Exact::Minkowski_gauge_wave__omega = 1.0", "Exact::Minkowski_gauge_wave__phase = 0.0", "", "##################################################################", "# GW_del = (global_x - 2*ghosts)*dxyz to get periodic boundaries", "# and .../sqrt(2) for diagonal = \"yes\"", "##################################################################", "", "Exact::Minkowski_gauge_wave__lambda = 1.0", "" } ExactEntry["GaugeWave2D", amp_] := { "Exact::exact_model = \"Minkowski/gauge wave\"", "", "Exact::Minkowski_gauge_wave__what_fn = \"sin\"", "Exact::Minkowski_gauge_wave__amplitude = " <> ToString@amp, "Exact::Minkowski_gauge_wave__diagonal = \"yes\"", "Exact::Minkowski_gauge_wave__omega = 1.0", "Exact::Minkowski_gauge_wave__phase = 0.0", "", "##################################################################", "# GW_del = (global_x - 2*ghosts)*dxyz to get periodic boundaries", "# and .../sqrt(2) for diagonal = \"yes\"", "##################################################################", "", "Exact::Minkowski_gauge_wave__lambda = 1.0", "" } EndPackage[]; (* XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX *) BeginPackage["Parfiles`", {"CodeGen`", "sym`", "MapLookup`", "KrancThorns`", "MexicoTests`"}]; (* XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX *) CreateParfile::usage = "create a `generic` Cactus par file"; CreateRobustTest::usage = "create a Cactus par file for the robust stability test"; CreateRobust2DTest::usage = "create a Cactus par file for the robust 2D stability test"; CreatePolarizedGowdyTest::usage = "create a Cactus par file for the Gowdy test"; CreateGaugeWaveTest::usage = "create a Cactus par file for the GaugeWave test"; CreateLinearWaveTest::usage= "create a Cactus par file for the LinearWave test"; Begin["`Private`"]; (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- General Utility Functions -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) inner[list_] := Table[{i}, {i, 2, Length@list}]; spacePad[stringList_] := StringJoin[ Insert[stringList, " ", inner@stringList] ]; date[] := ToString[Date[][[3]]] <> "/" <> ToString[Date[][[2]]] <> "/" <> ToString[Date[][[1]]]; user[] := ToString[<< "!whoami"]; whoWhen[] := Module[{}, {"# file created by user " <> user[] <> ", " <> date[] <> "\n" <> "# using Parfiles.m written by Sascha Husa" <> "\n" <> "# $Id" <> "$" <> "\n\n"} ]; (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Parameter Block specific functions -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) initialDataBlock[idSpec_] := Module[{}, { "# initial data thorns\n", "ActiveThorns = \"" <> spacePad[lookup[idSpec, ActiveThorns]] <> "\"\n", lookup[idSpec, IDSettings], "\n" } ] evolutionBlock[evolutionSpec_] := Module[{}, { "# base and evolution thorns\n", "ActiveThorns = \"" <> spacePad[lookup[evolutionSpec, ActiveThorns]] <> "\"\n", lookup[evolutionSpec, EvolutionSettings], "\n" } ] evaluationBlock[evaluationSpec_] := Module[{}, { "# evaluation thorns\n", "ActiveThorns = \"" <> spacePad[lookup[evaluationSpec, ActiveThorns]] <> "\"\n", lookup[evaluationSpec, EvaluationSettings], "\n" } ] (* gridSpec = {nx -> 50, ny -> 7, nz -> 7, dxzy -> 0.1, initialTime -> 0, itLast -> 1000, dtfac -> 0.25, ghostSize -> 2} *) periodicGridBlock[gridSpec_] := Module[{ActiveThorns}, stringValue[key_] := ToString@lookup[gridSpec, key]; value[key_] := lookup[gridSpec, key]; ActiveThorns = "SymBase Boundary CoordBase CartGrid3D Time LocalReduce PUGH PUGHReduce PUGHSlab NaNChecker"; { "# Grid\n", "ActiveThorns = \"" <> ActiveThorns <> "\"\n", "grid::domain = \"full\"", "grid::type = \"byspacing\"\n", "driver::global_nx = " <> ToString[value@nx + 2 value@ghostSize], "driver::global_ny = " <> ToString[value@ny + 2 value@ghostSize], "driver::global_nz = " <> ToString[value@nz + 2 value@ghostSize], "", "grid::dxyz = " <> stringValue@dxyz, "", "cactus::cctk_initial_time = " <> stringValue@initialTime, "cactus::cctk_itlast = " <> stringValue@itLast, "", "time::dtfac = " <> stringValue@dtfac, "", "pugh::ghost_size = " <> stringValue@ghostSize, "", "# Boundary", "pugh::periodic = \"yes\"", "" } ] noiseBlock[amp_, groups_] := Module[{}, Print["Adding noise to Cactus groups: ", spacePad@groups]; If[amp > 0, { "# add noise to initial data\n", "ActiveThorns = \"noise\"\n", "noise::apply_id_noise = \"true\"", "noise::id_vars = \"" <> spacePad[groups] <> "\"", "noise::amplitude = " <> ToString@CForm@amp, "\n" }, {""}] ] ADMcouplingGridBlock[] := Module[{}, { "# Coupling to ADMBase\n", "ActiveThorns = \"SpaceMask ADMBase ADMCoupling ADMMacros StaticConformal\"", "admbase::metric_type = \"physical\"", "\n" } ] numericalGridBlock[sw_,evolutionSpec_] := Module[{ActiveThorns}, stringValue[key_] := ToString@lookup[gridSpec, key]; value[key_] := lookup[gridSpec, key]; ActiveThorns = "MoL GenericFD"; { "# numerics\n", "ActiveThorns = \"" <> ActiveThorns <> "\"\n", "GenericFD::stencil_width = " <> ToString@sw <> "\n", "", lookup[evolutionSpec,IntegratorSettings], ""} ] exactGridBlock[Type_, amp_] := Module[{}, If[MemberQ[ExactTypes, Type], Print["Exact type:", Type]; { "# data from exact solution \n", If[MemberQ[{"LinearWave","LinearWave2D"}, Type], {"ActiveThorns = \"Exact CoordGauge IDLinearWaves\"\n"}, {"ActiveThorns = \"exact coordgauge staticconformal\"\n", "admbase::initial_data = \"exact\"", "admbase::initial_lapse = \"exact\""}], ExactEntry[Type, amp] }, Print["Not an exact type:", Type]; {"\n"}] ] gaugeGridBlock[gaugeSpec_] := Module[{}, { "# Gauges\n", "ActiveThorns = \"" <> spacePad[lookup[gaugeSpec, ActiveThorns]] <> "\"", lookup[gaugeSpec, GaugeParameterSettings], "\n" } ] ioGridBlock[ioSpec_] := Module[{}, { "# Data Output\n", "ActiveThorns = \"IOUtil IOBasic IOASCII\"\n", "IO::out_dir = $parfile", "", "IOBasic::outScalar_reductions = \"minimum maximum norm2 norm_inf\"", "IOBasic::outInfo_every = " <> ToString[lookup[ioSpec, ioEvery][[1]]], "IOBasic::outInfo_vars = \"" <> spacePad[lookup[ioSpec, ioInfoGFs]] <> "\"", "", "IOBasic::outScalar_every = " <> ToString[lookup[ioSpec, ioEvery][[2]]], "IOBasic::outScalar_vars = \"" <> spacePad[lookup[ioSpec, io0dGFs]] <> "\"", "", "IOASCII::out1D_every = " <> ToString[lookup[ioSpec, ioEvery][[3]]], "IOASCII::out1D_x = " <> lookup[ioSpec, out1D][[1]], "IOASCII::out1D_y = " <> lookup[ioSpec, out1D][[2]], "IOASCII::out1D_z = " <> lookup[ioSpec, out1D][[3]], "IOASCII::out1D_d = \"no\"", "IOASCII::out1D_vars = \"" <> spacePad[lookup[ioSpec, io1dGFs]] <> "\"", "", "IOASCII::out2D_every = " <> ToString[lookup[ioSpec, ioEvery][[4]]], "IOASCII::out2D_vars = \"" <> spacePad[lookup[ioSpec, io2dGFs]] <> "\"", "", "IOASCII::out_format = " <> lookup[ioSpec, outFormat], "", "IOBasic::out_format = " <> lookup[ioSpec, outFormat], "" } ] performanceBlock[] := Module[{}, { "# Performance\n", "cactus::cctk_timer_output = \"full\"", "pugh::timer_output = \"yes\"", "io::print_timing_info = \"yes\"", "\n" } ] (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Default options -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) Options[CreateParfile] = {Name -> "", Directory -> "par", Type -> "robust", Amplitude -> 0.0, NoiseAmp -> 0.0, NoiseGroups -> {}, Resolution -> 1, StencilWidth -> 1, NumDifferentiations -> 2, GaugeThorns -> {}, GaugeParameterSettings -> {}, IDSpec -> {ActiveThorns -> {}, IDSettings -> {"# no parameters"}}, EvolutionSpec -> {ActiveThorns -> {}, EvolutionSettings -> {"# no parameters"}, IntegratorSettings -> {"# no parameters"}}, EvaluationSpec -> {ActiveThorns -> {}, EvaluationSettings -> {"# no parameters"}}, IOSpec -> {outDir -> "TEST", outFormat -> ".16e", ioEvery -> {1, 1, 10, 100}, ioInfoGFs -> {""} , io0dGFs -> {""}, io1dGFs -> {""}, io2dGFs -> {""}, out1D -> {"yes", "no", "no"} } }; Options[CreateRobustTest] = {Name -> "", Directory -> "par", NoiseAmp -> 1.0 * 10^(-10), NoiseGroups -> {}, Resolution -> 1, GaugeThorns -> {}, GaugeParameterSettings -> {}, IDSpec -> {ActiveThorns -> {}, IDSettings -> {}}, EvolutionSpec -> {ActiveThorns -> {}, EvolutionSettings -> {}, IntegratorSettings -> {"# no parameters"}}, EvaluationSpec -> {ActiveThorns -> {}, EvaluationSettings -> {}}, StencilWidth -> 1, NumDifferentiations -> 2, hamGF -> "ADMBase::ham", lapseGF -> "ADMBase::alp", ioInfoGFs -> {}, io0dGFs -> {}, io1dGFs -> {}, io2dGFs -> {} }; Options[CreateRobust2DTest] = {Name -> "", Directory -> "par", NoiseAmp -> 1.0 * 10^(-10), NoiseGroups -> {}, Resolution -> 1, GaugeThorns -> {}, GaugeParameterSettings -> {}, IDSpec -> {ActiveThorns -> {}, IDSettings -> {}}, EvolutionSpec -> {ActiveThorns -> {}, EvolutionSettings -> {}, IntegratorSettings -> {"# no parameters"}}, EvaluationSpec -> {ActiveThorns -> {}, EvaluationSettings -> {}}, StencilWidth -> 1, NumDifferentiations -> 2, hamGF -> "ADMBase::ham", lapseGF -> "ADMBase::alp", ioInfoGFs -> {}, io0dGFs -> {}, io1dGFs -> {}, io2dGFs -> {} }; Options[CreateGaugeWaveTest] = {Name -> "", Directory -> "par", Type -> "GaugeWave", Amplitude -> 0.1, NoiseAmp -> 0.0 * 10^(-10), NoiseGroups -> {}, Resolution -> 1, GaugeThorns -> {}, GaugeParameterSettings -> {}, IDSpec -> {ActiveThorns -> {}, IDSettings -> {}}, EvolutionSpec -> {ActiveThorns -> {}, EvolutionSettings -> {}, IntegratorSettings -> {"# no parameters"}}, EvaluationSpec -> {ActiveThorns -> {}, EvaluationSettings -> {}}, StencilWidth -> 1, NumDifferentiations -> 2, hamGF -> "ADMBase::ham", lapseGF -> "ADMBase::alp", ioInfoGFs -> {}, io0dGFs -> {}, io1dGFs -> {}, io2dGFs -> {} }; Options[CreateLinearWaveTest] = {Name -> "", Directory -> "par", Type -> "LinearWave", Amplitude -> 10^(-8), NoiseAmp -> 0.0, NoiseGroups -> {}, Resolution -> 1, GaugeThorns -> {}, GaugeParameterSettings -> {}, IDSpec -> {ActiveThorns -> {}, IDSettings -> {}}, EvolutionSpec -> {ActiveThorns -> {}, EvolutionSettings -> {}, IntegratorSettings -> {"# no parameters"}}, EvaluationSpec -> {ActiveThorns -> {}, EvaluationSettings -> {}}, StencilWidth -> 1, NumDifferentiations -> 2, hamGF -> "ADMBase::ham", lapseGF -> "ADMBase::alp", ioInfoGFs -> {}, io0dGFs -> {}, io1dGFs -> {}, io2dGFs -> {} }; Options[CreatePolarizedGowdyTest] = {Name -> "", Directory -> "par", Type -> "PolarizedGowdyCollapse", NoiseAmp -> 0.0 * 10^(-10), NoiseGroups -> {}, Resolution -> 1, GaugeThorns -> {}, GaugeParameterSettings -> {}, IDSpec -> {ActiveThorns -> {}, IDSettings -> {}}, EvolutionSpec -> {ActiveThorns -> {}, EvolutionSettings -> {}, IntegratorSettings -> {"# no parameters"}}, EvaluationSpec -> {ActiveThorns -> {}, EvaluationSettings -> {}}, StencilWidth -> 1, NumDifferentiations -> 2, hamGF -> "ADMBase::ham", lapseGF -> "ADMBase::alp", ioInfoGFs -> {}, io0dGFs -> {}, io1dGFs -> {}, io2dGFs -> {} }; (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- generic parameter file generator -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) CreateParfile[optArgs___]:= Module[{opts, $Type, $Resolution, $StencilWidth, $GaugeThorns, $GaugeParameterSettings, $amp, $nx, $ny, $nz, $dxyz, $ghostSize, DomainSize, par, $name, ioSpec, idSpec, evolutionSpec, evaluationSpec, paramdir}, opts = GetOptions[CreateParfile, {optArgs}]; $Type = lookup[opts, Type]; $amp = lookup[opts, Amplitude]; $NoiseAmp = lookup[opts, NoiseAmp]; $NoiseGroups = Map[ToString, Flatten@lookup[opts, NoiseGroups]]; $Resolution = lookup[opts, Resolution]; $StencilWidth = lookup[opts, StencilWidth]; $GaugeThorns = lookup[opts, GaugeThorns]; $GaugeParameterSettings = lookup[opts, GaugeParameterSettings]; ioSpec = lookup[opts, IOSpec]; idSpec = lookup[opts, IDSpec]; evolutionSpec = lookup[opts, EvolutionSpec]; evaluationSpec = lookup[opts, EvaluationSpec]; $name = lookup[opts, Name] <> ".par"; paramdir = lookup[opts, Directory]; EnsureDirectory[paramdir]; DomainSize = 1; (*$ghostSize = lookup[opts, NumDifferentiations] * $StencilWidth;*) (* as loops are set up properly now*) $ghostSize = $StencilWidth; $nx = xbaseRes[$Type] * (2 ^ $Resolution[[1]]); $ny = ybaseRes[$Type] * (2 ^ $Resolution[[2]]); $nz = zbaseRes[$Type] * (2 ^ $Resolution[[3]]); $dxyz = N[DomainSize / Max[$nx, $ny, $nz], 16]; gridSpec = {nx -> $nx, ny -> $ny, nz -> $nz, dxyz -> $dxyz, dtfac -> dtFactor[$Type], initialTime -> InitialTime[$Type], itLast -> Abs@IntegerPart[ (DomainSize/$dxyz) * (XTimes[$Type]/dtFactor[$Type])], ghostSize -> $ghostSize}; gaugeSpec = {ActiveThorns -> $GaugeThorns, GaugeParameterSettings -> $GaugeParameterSettings}; par = Flatten@{whoWhen[], periodicGridBlock[gridSpec], noiseBlock[$NoiseAmp, $NoiseGroups], ADMcouplingGridBlock[], numericalGridBlock[$StencilWidth,evolutionSpec], exactGridBlock[$Type, $amp], initialDataBlock[idSpec], evolutionBlock[evolutionSpec], evaluationBlock[evaluationSpec], gaugeGridBlock[gaugeSpec], ioGridBlock[ioSpec], performanceBlock[] }; $name = paramdir <> "/" <> $name; Print["Writing file ", $name]; GenerateFile[$name, NewlineSeparated@par]; par ] (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mexico Test generators -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) CreateRobustTest[optArgs___]:= Module[ {opts, par, noiseBasic, crossingSteps, name, hamgf, lapsegf}, opts = GetOptions[CreateRobustTest, {optArgs}]; Print["Create robust stability test parameter file"]; noiseBasic = 10^(-10); crossingSteps = Abs@IntegerPart[(xbaseRes["robust"]*(2 ^ lookup[opts, Resolution]))*(1./dtFactor["robust"])]; Print["time steps for one crossing time: ", crossingSteps]; Print["Creating parameter file for robust stability test."]; name = lookup[opts, Name] <> "rho" <>ToString[2^lookup[opts, Resolution]]; hamgf = ToString@lookup[opts, hamGF]; lapsegf = ToString@lookup[opts, lapseGF]; CreateParfile[Name -> name, Type -> "robust", Directory -> lookup[opts, Directory], NoiseAmp -> noiseBasic / (2 ^ lookup[opts, Resolution])^2, NoiseGroups -> lookup[opts, NoiseGroups], Resolution -> {lookup[opts, Resolution],0,0}, StencilWidth -> lookup[opts, StencilWidth], NumDifferentiations -> lookup[opts, NumDifferentiations], GaugeThorns -> lookup[opts, GaugeThorns], GaugeParameterSettings -> lookup[opts, GaugeParameterSettings], IDSpec -> {ActiveThorns -> {}, IDSettings -> {"admbase::initial_data = \"Cartesian Minkowski\""}}, EvolutionSpec -> lookup[opts, EvolutionSpec], EvaluationSpec -> lookup[opts, EvaluationSpec], IOSpec -> {outDir -> name, outFormat -> ".16e", ioEvery -> {100, crossingSteps/10, crossingSteps, -1}, ioInfoGFs -> Union@Flatten@{hamgf, lapsegf, lookup[opts, ioInfoGFs]}, io0dGFs -> Union@Flatten@{hamgf, lapsegf, lookup[opts, NoiseGroups], lookup[opts, io0dGFs]}, io1dGFs -> Union@Flatten@{hamgf, lapsegf, lookup[opts, io1dGFs]}, io2dGFs -> Union@Flatten@{lookup[opts, io2dGFs]}, out1D -> {"yes", "no", "no"} }]; ] CreateRobust2DTest[optArgs___]:= Module[ {opts, par, noiseBasic, crossingSteps, name, hamgf, lapsegf}, opts = GetOptions[CreateRobust2DTest, {optArgs}]; Print["Create robust 2D stability test parameter file"]; noiseBasic = 10^(-10); crossingSteps = Abs@IntegerPart[(xbaseRes["robust2D"]*(2 ^ lookup[opts, Resolution]))*(1./dtFactor["robust2D"])]; Print["time steps for one crossing time: ", crossingSteps]; Print["Creating parameter file for robust 2D stability test."]; name = lookup[opts, Name] <> "rho" <>ToString[2^lookup[opts, Resolution]]; hamgf = ToString@lookup[opts, hamGF]; lapsegf = ToString@lookup[opts, lapseGF]; CreateParfile[Name -> name, Type -> "robust2D", Directory -> lookup[opts, Directory], NoiseAmp -> noiseBasic / (2 ^ lookup[opts, Resolution])^2, NoiseGroups -> lookup[opts, NoiseGroups], Resolution -> {lookup[opts, Resolution],lookup[opts, Resolution],0}, StencilWidth -> lookup[opts, StencilWidth], NumDifferentiations -> lookup[opts, NumDifferentiations], GaugeThorns -> lookup[opts, GaugeThorns], GaugeParameterSettings -> lookup[opts, GaugeParameterSettings], IDSpec -> {ActiveThorns -> {}, IDSettings -> {"admbase::initial_data = \"Cartesian Minkowski\""}}, EvolutionSpec -> lookup[opts, EvolutionSpec], EvaluationSpec -> lookup[opts, EvaluationSpec], IOSpec -> {outDir -> name, outFormat -> ".16e", ioEvery -> {100, crossingSteps/10, crossingSteps, -1}, ioInfoGFs -> Union@Flatten@{hamgf, lapsegf, lookup[opts, ioInfoGFs]}, io0dGFs -> Union@Flatten@{hamgf, lapsegf, lookup[opts, NoiseGroups], lookup[opts, io0dGFs]}, io1dGFs -> Union@Flatten@{hamgf, lapsegf, lookup[opts, io1dGFs]}, io2dGFs -> Union@Flatten@{lookup[opts, io2dGFs]}, out1D -> {"yes", "no", "no"} }]; ] CreateGaugeWaveTest[optArgs___]:= Module[ {opts, par, noiseBasic, crossingSteps, name, hamgf, lapsegf}, opts = GetOptions[CreateGaugeWaveTest, {optArgs}]; If[MemberQ[{"GaugeWave", "GaugeWave2D"}, lookup[opts, Type]], Print["Creating parameter file for " <> lookup[opts, Type] <> " test."], Throw["invalid type"] ]; noiseBasic = 0.0 * 10^(-10); crossingSteps = Abs@IntegerPart[(xbaseRes[lookup[opts, Type]]*(2 ^ lookup[opts, Resolution])) * (1./dtFactor[lookup[opts, Type]])]; Print["time steps for one crossing time: ", crossingSteps]; name = lookup[opts, Name] <> "rho" <>ToString[2^lookup[opts, Resolution]]; hamgf = ToString@lookup[opts, hamGF]; lapsegf = ToString@lookup[opts, lapseGF]; CreateParfile[Name -> name, Directory -> lookup[opts, Directory], Type -> lookup[opts, Type], Amplitude -> lookup[opts, Amplitude], NoiseAmp -> noiseBasic / (2 ^ lookup[opts, Resolution])^2, NoiseGroups -> lookup[opts, NoiseGroups], Resolution -> {lookup[opts, Resolution],If[StringMatchQ["GaugeWave2D",lookup[opts, Type]],lookup[opts, Resolution],0],0}, StencilWidth -> lookup[opts, StencilWidth], NumDifferentiations -> lookup[opts, NumDifferentiations], GaugeThorns -> lookup[opts, GaugeThorns], GaugeParameterSettings -> lookup[opts, GaugeParameterSettings], IDSpec -> {ActiveThorns -> {}, IDSettings -> {}}, EvolutionSpec -> lookup[opts, EvolutionSpec], EvaluationSpec -> lookup[opts, EvaluationSpec], IOSpec -> {outDir -> name, outFormat -> ".16e", ioEvery -> {100, crossingSteps, crossingSteps * 10, crossingSteps * 10}, ioInfoGFs -> Union@Flatten@{hamgf, lapsegf, lookup[opts, ioInfoGFs]}, io0dGFs -> Union@Flatten@{hamgf, lapsegf, lookup[opts, NoiseGroups], lookup[opts, io0dGFs]}, io1dGFs -> Union@Flatten@{hamgf, lapsegf, lookup[opts, io1dGFs]}, io2dGFs -> Union@Flatten@{lookup[opts, io2dGFs]}, out1D -> {"yes", "no", "no"} }]; ] CreateLinearWaveTest[optArgs___]:= Module[ {opts, par, noiseBasic, crossingSteps, name, hamgf, lapsegf}, opts = GetOptions[CreateLinearWaveTest, {optArgs}]; If[MemberQ[{"LinearWave", "LinearWave2D"}, lookup[opts, Type]], Print["Creating parameter file for " <> lookup[opts, Type] <> " test."], Throw["invalid type"] ]; noiseBasic = 0.0; crossingSteps = Abs@IntegerPart[(xbaseRes[lookup[opts, Type]]*(2 ^ lookup[opts, Resolution])) * (1./dtFactor[lookup[opts, Type]])]; Print["time steps for one crossing time: ", crossingSteps]; name = lookup[opts, Name] <> "rho" <>ToString[2^lookup[opts, Resolution]]; hamgf = ToString@lookup[opts, hamGF]; lapsegf = ToString@lookup[opts, lapseGF]; CreateParfile[Name -> name, Directory -> lookup[opts, Directory], Type -> lookup[opts, Type], Amplitude -> lookup[opts, Amplitude], NoiseAmp -> noiseBasic / (2 ^ lookup[opts, Resolution])^2, NoiseGroups -> lookup[opts, NoiseGroups], Resolution -> {lookup[opts, Resolution],If[StringMatchQ["LinearWave2D",lookup[opts, Type]],lookup[opts, Resolution],0],0}, StencilWidth -> lookup[opts, StencilWidth], NumDifferentiations -> lookup[opts, NumDifferentiations], GaugeThorns -> lookup[opts, GaugeThorns], GaugeParameterSettings -> lookup[opts, GaugeParameterSettings], IDSpec -> {ActiveThorns -> {}, IDSettings -> {}}, EvolutionSpec -> lookup[opts, EvolutionSpec], EvaluationSpec -> lookup[opts, EvaluationSpec], IOSpec -> {outDir -> name, outFormat -> ".16e", ioEvery -> {100, crossingSteps, crossingSteps * 10, crossingSteps * 100}, ioInfoGFs -> Union@Flatten@{hamgf, lapsegf, lookup[opts, ioInfoGFs]}, io0dGFs -> Union@Flatten@{hamgf, lapsegf, lookup[opts, NoiseGroups], lookup[opts, io0dGFs]}, io1dGFs -> Union@Flatten@{hamgf, lapsegf, lookup[opts, io1dGFs]}, io2dGFs -> Union@Flatten@{lookup[opts, io2dGFs]}, out1D -> {"yes", "no", "no"} }]; ] CreatePolarizedGowdyTest[optArgs___]:= Module[ {opts, par, noiseBasic, crossingSteps, name, hamgf, lapsegf}, opts = GetOptions[CreatePolarizedGowdyTest, {optArgs}]; If[MemberQ[{"PolarizedGowdyCollapse", "PolarizedGowdyExpansion"}, lookup[opts, Type]], Print["Creating parameter file for " <> lookup[opts, Type] <> " test."], Throw["invalid type"] ]; noiseBasic = 0.0 * 10^(-10); crossingSteps = Abs@IntegerPart[(zbaseRes[lookup[opts, Type]] * (2 ^ lookup[opts, Resolution])) * (1./dtFactor[lookup[opts, Type]])]; Print["time steps for one crossing time: ", crossingSteps]; name = lookup[opts, Name] <> "rho" <>ToString[2^lookup[opts, Resolution]]; hamgf = ToString@lookup[opts, hamGF]; lapsegf = ToString@lookup[opts, lapseGF]; CreateParfile[Name -> name, Directory -> lookup[opts, Directory], Type -> lookup[opts, Type], NoiseAmp -> noiseBasic / (2 ^ lookup[opts, Resolution])^2, NoiseGroups -> lookup[opts, NoiseGroups], Resolution -> {0,0,lookup[opts, Resolution]}, StencilWidth -> lookup[opts, StencilWidth], NumDifferentiations -> lookup[opts, NumDifferentiations], GaugeThorns -> lookup[opts, GaugeThorns], GaugeParameterSettings -> lookup[opts, GaugeParameterSettings], IDSpec -> {ActiveThorns -> {}, IDSettings -> {}}, EvolutionSpec -> lookup[opts, EvolutionSpec], EvaluationSpec -> lookup[opts, EvaluationSpec], IOSpec -> {outDir -> name, outFormat -> ".16e", ioEvery -> {100, crossingSteps, crossingSteps * 10, -1}, ioInfoGFs -> Union@Flatten@{hamgf, lapsegf, lookup[opts, ioInfoGFs]}, io0dGFs -> Union@Flatten@{hamgf, lapsegf, lookup[opts, NoiseGroups], lookup[opts, io0dGFs]}, io1dGFs -> Union@Flatten@{hamgf, lapsegf, lookup[opts, io1dGFs]}, io2dGFs -> Union@Flatten@{lookup[opts, io2dGFs]}, out1D -> {"no", "no", "yes"} }]; ] End[]; EndPackage[];