(* Copyright 2012 Ian Hinder This file is part of Kranc. Kranc is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Kranc is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Kranc; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA *) BeginPackage["KrancScript`", {"Errors`", "Helpers`", "Kranc`", "JLink`", "TensorTools`", "KrancTensor`", "Piraha`", "MapLookup`"}]; CreateThornFromKrancScript; Begin["`Private`"]; DefFn[ CreateThornFromKrancScript[filename_String] := Module[ {code,stringRules,thorn,processed}, Print["Creating thorn from ",filename]; code = Parse["kranc2.peg", "thorn", filename]; stringRules = XMLElement["node",{___,"name"->s_,___},c_] :> s@@c; thorn = code[[2]] //. stringRules; processed = process[thorn] ]]; process[h_[args___]] := Module[ {}, Print["No handler for ", h@@Map[ToString[Head[#]]&,{args}]]; (* Print["Full expression is: ", HoldForm[h[args]]]; *) ThrowError["Failed to parse script"]]; process[thorn:"thorn"[content___]] := Module[ {calcs = {}, name, variables = {}, temporaries = {}, tensors, kernels, nonScalars, tensorRule, withInds, options = {}, derivatives = {}}, (* Print["thorn = ", thorn]; *) (* KrancTensor`printStruct[thorn]; *) Do[Switch[el, "calculation"[___], AppendTo[calcs,process[el]], "name"[_], name = el[[1]], "variables"["begin variables end variables"], Null, "temporaries"["begin temporaries end temporaries"], Null, "variables"[__], variables = Join[variables,List@@Map[process,el]], "temporaries"[__], temporaries = Join[temporaries,List@@Map[process,el]], "derivatives"[__], derivatives = Join[derivatives,process[el]], "option"[__], options = Join[options, process[el]], _, ThrowError["Unrecognised element '"<>Head[el]<>"' in thorn"]], {el, {content}}]; tensors = Join[variables,temporaries]; kernels = Map[If[AtomQ[#],#,First[#]] &, tensors]; Scan[DefineTensor, kernels]; nonScalars = Cases[tensors, _tensor]; tensorRule = tensor[k_,inds__] :> k[inds]; withInds = nonScalars /. tensorRule; (* This should trigger the tensor character definitions *) SetEnhancedTimes[False]; options = Join[{Calculations -> calcs, Variables -> variables, Shorthands -> temporaries} /. tensorRule, {PartialDerivatives -> derivatives}, options]; CreateKrancThornTT2[name,Sequence@@options]]; process[calc:"calculation"[content___]] := Module[ {name,eqs,joinWord}, name = Cases[calc, "uname"[n_]:>n][[1]]; eqs = Cases[calc, "eqns"[es___]:>{es}][[1]]; schedule = Cases[calc, "schedule"[___,"uname"[s_],___]:>s][[1]]; joinWord = If[StringMatchQ[schedule,"initial",IgnoreCase->True] || StringMatchQ[schedule,"analysis",IgnoreCase->True], "at","in"]; {Name -> name, Equations -> Map[process,eqs], Schedule -> {joinWord<>" "<>schedule}, Where -> Automatic}]; process["eqn"[lhs_,rhs_]] := Module[{name,eqs}, process[lhs] -> process[rhs]]; process["tensor"["name"[k_],"indices"[]]] := ToExpression[If[Names[k] === {}, "Global`"<>k, k]]; builtIns = {"true" -> True, "false" -> False, "PI" -> Pi}; Do[ Module[ {lhs = process["tensor"["name"[b[[1]]],"indices"[]]], rhs = b[[2]]}, Evaluate[lhs] := rhs], {b,builtIns}]; process["tensor"["name"[k_],inds_]] := tensor[ToExpression[If[Names[k] === {}, "Global`"<>k, k]],Sequence@@process[inds]]; fprint[x_] := (Print[x//InputForm]; x); process["dtensor"["dname"[dname_],inds_,tensor_]] := ToExpression[dname][process[tensor],Sequence@@process[inds]]; process["dtensor"["dname"["D"],inds_,tensor_]] := PD[process[tensor],Sequence@@process[inds]]; process["dtensor"["dname"["D"], "indices"["lower_index"["index_symbol"["t"]]],tensor_]] := dot[process[tensor]]; process["indices"[inds___]] := Map[process, {inds}]; process[(pos:("lower_index"|"upper_index"))["index_symbol"[i_]]] := If[StringMatchQ[i,DigitCharacter], ToExpression[i], TensorIndex[i, If[pos==="lower_index","l","u"]]]; process["func"["name"[name_],exprs__]] := Module[ {fns}, fns = {"sin" -> Sin, "cos" -> Cos, "if" -> IfThen, "max" -> Max, "sqrt" -> Sqrt, "exp" -> Exp}; If[MemberQ[First/@fns,name], (name/.fns)@@Map[process,{exprs}], ThrowError["Unrecognised function: ", name]]]; process["expr"[mul_]] := process[mul]; process["expr"[]] := 0; (* Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division are all left-associative *) process["expr"[cs___, a_, "addop"["+"], b_]] := process["expr"[cs,a]] + process[b]; process["expr"[cs___, a_, "addop"["-"], b_]] := process["expr"[cs,a]] - process[b]; process["mul"[pow_]] := process[pow]; process["mul"[]] := 1; process["mul"[cs___, a_, "mulop"["*"], b_]] := process["mul"[cs,a]] * process[b]; process["mul"[cs___, a_, "mulop"["/"], b_]] := process["mul"[cs,a]] / process[b]; process["pow"[a_,b_]] := process[a]^process[b]; process["pow"[a_]] := process[a]; process["value"[a_]] := process[a]; process["number"[a_]] := ToExpression[a]; process["uname"[n_]] := n; process["option"["inherit"[imps__]]] := {InheritedImplementations -> Map[process, {imps}]}; process["option"["implement"[imp_]]] := {Implementation -> process[imp]}; flags = {"loopcontrol"->UseLoopControl,"vectors"->UseVectors,"opencl"->UseOpenCL, "jacobian"->UseJacobian, "cse" -> CSE, "cakernel" -> UseCaKernel}; process["option"["use"[features__]]] := Map[(lookup[flags,#] -> True) &,{features}/.(("feature"[n_]):>n)]; process["option"["disable"[features__]]] := Map[(lookup[flags,#] -> False) &,{features}/.(("feature"[n_]):>n)]; (* Derivatives *) process[h:"derivatives"["deqns"[eqs___]]] := Map[process, {eqs}]; process[d:"deqn"[___]] := Print["no handler for ", d]; process["deqn"[("dtensor"["dname"[dname_], "tensor"["name"[tName_], "indices"[tinds___]]]), rhs:"expr"[___]]] := Module[ {gridInds = {tinds} /. "lower_index"["index_symbol"[i_]] :> Unique[ToExpression@i], gridIndSyms,ind,rhsEval}, gridIndSyms = {tinds} /. "lower_index"["index_symbol"[i_]] :> i; If[Length[gridIndSyms] > 1, ThrowError["Kranc does not yet support explicit specification of finite difference operators of dimension higher than 1. 1D operators will be automatically generalised to act on grid functions of all dimensions."]]; rhsEval = (process[rhs] /. {tensor[ToExpression[tName],__] :> 1, "int"[n_]:>ToExpression[n], Global`h :> spacing[1], Global`h1 :> spacing[1], Global`h2 :> spacing[2], Global`h3 :> spacing[3], dimof[i_] :> Position[gridIndSyms,i][[1,1]]}); ind = Unique[i]; ToExpression[dname][Pattern[Evaluate[ind],_]] -> (rhsEval/.{spacing[1]->spacing[ind],shift[1]->shift[ind]})]; process["tensor"["name"[k_], "indices"[a___, pos_["index_expr"[sym:"index_symbol"[i_], "index_op"[op_], int_]], b___]]] := (shift[dimof[i]]^If[op==="+", int, -int] * process["tensor"["name"[k], "indices"[a,pos[sym],b]]]); process["tensor"["name"[k_], "indices"[a___, pos_["index_expr"[sym:"index_symbol"[___]]], b___]]] := process["tensor"["name"[k], "indices"[a,pos[sym],b]]]; End[]; EndPackage[];