(* $Id$ *) (* Copyright 2004 Sascha Husa, Ian Hinder, Christiane Lechner This file is part of Kranc. Kranc is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Kranc is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Kranc; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA *) (****************************************************************************) (* Manipulate Kranc group structures *) (****************************************************************************) BeginPackage["KrancGroups`", {"Kranc`", "Errors`", "MapLookup`"}]; CreateGroup; groupsFromGFs::usage = ""; addrhs::usage = ""; variablesInGroup::usage = ""; evolvedGroupToRHSGroup::usage = ""; variablesFromGroups::usage = ""; groupFromName::usage = ""; groupName::usage = ""; renameGroup::usage = ""; qualifyGroupName::usage = ""; qualifyGFName::usage = ""; unqualifiedGroupName::usage = ""; implementationFromGroupName::usage = ""; qualifyGroups::usage = ""; containingGroups::usage = ""; groupVariables::usage = ""; GroupTags::usage = ""; SetGroupVariables; VerifyGroup; VerifyGroupName; SetGroupName; AddGroupExtra; GroupTimelevels; allGroupVariables; NonevolvedTimelevels; CheckGroups; Begin["`Private`"]; (* The Group structure is of the following form, but the user should not assume this. All interaction with Group structures should be through this file. This way, we can modify the underlying representation without other code having to be rewritten. {name, {vars}, extras...} The extras can be any of the following: Tags -> {tag1, tag2, ...} Timelevels -> x *) (*********************************************************************) (* The following functions know about the internal form of a Group structure*) (*********************************************************************) CreateGroup[name_, vars_, extras_] := Module[{g}, VerifyGroupName[name]; VerifyList[vars]; VerifyList[extras]; g = Join[{name, vars}, extras]; InfoMessage[InfoFull, "Created group: ", g]; Return[g]]; AddGroupExtra[group_, extra_] := Append[group, extra]; VerifyGroup[group_] := Module[{}, If[!ListQ[group] || Length[group] < 2 || !StringQ[group[[1]]] || ! ListQ[group[[2]]], ThrowError["Not a group definition:", group], True]]; VerifyGroupName[groupName_] := If[!StringQ[groupName], ThrowError["Not a group name:", groupName], True]; GroupTimelevels[g_] := Module[{extras}, extras = Drop[g, 2]; lookupDefault[extras, Timelevels, False]]; NonevolvedTimelevels[group_] := Module[{tls = GroupTimelevels[group]}, If[ tls === False, 1, tls]]; groupName[g_] := First[g]; groupVariables[group_] := group[[2]]; GroupTags[g_] := Module[{extras}, extras = Drop[g, 2]; lookupDefault[extras, Tags, {}]]; SetGroupName[g_, n_] := Join[{n}, Drop[g, 1]]; SetGroupVariables[g_, vars_] := Module[{}, Join[{groupName[g], vars}, Drop[g, 2]]]; (*********************************************************************) (* The following functions DO NOT KNOW about the internal form of a Group structure*) (*********************************************************************) (* Return those group structures which contain any variables in GFs *) groupsFromGFs[groups_, GFs_] := Module[{inter, check}, (* Given a group structure, return those variables from it that are in GFs *) inter[y_] := Intersection[groupVariables[y], GFs]; (* The last arg was flattened; why? *) (* Check whether the group structure y contains any variables in GFs *) check[y_] := TrueQ[Length@inter[y] > 0]; Select[groups, check] ]; renameGroup[g_, newName_] := SetGroupName[g, newName]; addrhs[x_] := ToString[x] <> "rhs"; variablesInGroup[name_, groups_] := groupVariables[groupFromName[name, groups]]; evolvedGroupToRHSGroup[name_, groups_] := Module[{names, group}, names = Map[groupName, groups]; If[!MemberQ[names, name], ThrowError["evolvedGroupToRHSGroup: Group \"" <> groupName <> "\" not found in groups structure:", groups]]; group = First[Select[groups, groupName[#] === name &]]; oldVars = groupVariables[group]; newVars = Map[Symbol[addrhs[ToString[#]]] &, oldVars]; group = SetGroupName[group, addrhs[name]]; group = SetGroupVariables[group, newVars]; Return[group]]; variablesFromGroups[groupNames_, groups_] := Flatten[Map[variablesInGroup[#, groups] &, groupNames], 1]; groupFromName[name_, groups_] := Module[{gs}, gs = Select[groups, groupName[#] === name &]; If[Length[gs] == 0, ThrowError["Cannot find group ", name, "in", groups]]; If[Length[gs] > 1, ThrowError["Group", name, "appears multiple times in", groups]]; First[gs]]; qualifyGroupName[name_, defaultImp_] := If[StringMatchQ[name, "*::*"], name, defaultImp <> "::" <> name]; unqualifiedGroupName[name_] := If[StringQ@name && StringMatchQ[ToString@name, "*::*"], Module[{colon = First[First[StringPosition[name, ":", 1]]]}, StringDrop[name, colon + 1]], name]; implementationFromGroupName[name_] := If[StringQ@name && StringMatchQ[ToString@name, "*::*"], Module[{colon = First[First[StringPosition[name, ":", 1]]]}, StringDrop[name, colon - 1 - StringLength@name]], name]; (* Given a list of group definitions, and a list of group names, and an implementation name, return a new list of group definitions where the groups specified have had the implemention name added to them. Those groups not in the list of names will have the defImp name added to them. The names should be unqualified. If the groups already have implementations, they are left untouched. *) qualifyGroups[groups_, names_, imp_, defImp_] := Module[{namedGroups = Select[groups, MemberQ[names, groupName[#]] &], otherGroups = Select[groups, ! MemberQ[names, groupName[#]] &], renamedNamedGroups, renamedOtherGroups}, renamedNamedGroups = Map[renameGroup[#, qualifyGroupName[groupName[#], imp]] &, namedGroups]; renamedOtherGroups = Map[renameGroup[#, qualifyGroupName[groupName[#], defImp]] &, otherGroups]; Join[renamedNamedGroups, renamedOtherGroups]]; (* This is in krancthorns as well *) containingGroups[vars_, groups_] := Module[{allVars}, allVars = Apply[Join, Map[groupVariables, groups]]; Map[If[!MemberQ[allVars, #], ThrowError[ToString[#] <> " is not a member of any of the following groups: ", groups]] &, vars]; Union[Map[groupName, Select[groups, Intersection[groupVariables[#], vars] != {} &]]]]; qualifyGFName[gfname_, allgroups_, defaultImp_] := If[StringQ@gfname && StringMatchQ[gfname, "*::*"], gfname, Module[{groupName, imp, newGFname}, groupName = First[containingGroups[{gfname}, allgroups]]; imp = implementationFromGroupName[qualifyGroupName[groupName, defaultImp]]; newGFname = imp <> "::" <> ToString[gfname]; newGFname ] ]; allGroupVariables[groups_] := Flatten[Map[groupVariables, groups], 1]; CheckGroups[groups_] := Module[{vs, names}, (* If[!MatchQ[{_String, {_Symbol ...}, {_Symbol -> _} ...}], ThrowError["Groups structure should be of the form {name, {vars, ...}, extras}"]]; *) vs = Map[ToString, Union[Flatten[Map[groupVariables, groups]]]]; names = Map[groupName, groups]; If[(int = Intersection[vs,names]) =!= {}, ThrowError["Variable names and group names must be distinct. Group names which are also variable names:", int]]; ]; End[]; EndPackage[];