(* Copyright 2011 Ian Hinder This file is part of Kranc. Kranc is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Kranc is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Kranc; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA *) BeginPackage["Jacobian`", {"Errors`", "Helpers`", "Kranc`", "Differencing`", "MapLookup`", "CodeGen`", "KrancGroups`"}]; JacobianQ; InsertJacobian; CreateJacobianVariables; JacobianGenericFDParameters; JacobianSymbols; JacobianGroups; JacobianCheckGroups; JacobianConditionalGridFunctions; Begin["`Private`"]; Options[JacobianQ] = ThornOptions; JacobianQ[opts:OptionsPattern[]] := Length[OptionValue[Jacobian]] > 0; (* Assign a shorthand containing the Jacobian multiplied by the passed 1st derivative *) jacobianShorthand[d:(deriv_[var_, i_])] := Module[{}, derivToJacDeriv[d] -> IfThen["use_jacobian", Sum[Symbol["J"<>ToString[j]<>ToString[i]] deriv[var, j], {j, 1 3}], deriv[var, i]] ]; (* Assign a shorthand containing the Jacobian multiplied by the passed 2nd derivative *) jacobianShorthand[d:(deriv_[var_, i_,j_])] := Module[{ip,jp}, {ip,jp} = Sort[{i,j}]; (* dJ is symmetric in the last two indices *) derivToJacDeriv[d] -> IfThen["use_jacobian", Sum[Symbol["dJ"<>ToString[a]<>ToString[ip]<>ToString[jp]] deriv[var, a], {a, 1 3}] + Sum[Symbol["J"<>ToString[a]<>ToString[i]] Symbol["J"<>ToString[b]<>ToString[j]] deriv[var, a, b], {a, 1 3}, {b, 1, 3}], deriv[var, i, j]] ]; (* Convert a 1st derivative to a Jacobian-multiplied derivative *) derivToJacDeriv[deriv_[var_, i_]] := Symbol["Global`Jac"<>ToString[deriv]<>ToString[i]<>ToString[var]]; (* Convert a 2nd derivative to a Jacobian-multiplied derivative *) derivToJacDeriv[deriv_[var_, i_, j_]] := Symbol["Global`Jac"<>ToString[deriv]<>ToString[i]<>ToString[j]<>ToString[var]]; (* Given a calculation containing partial derivatives, return a version of the calculation with all the partial derivatives multiplied by the Jacobian *) Options[InsertJacobian] = ThornOptions; InsertJacobian[calc_List, opts:OptionsPattern[]] := Module[{pdDefs, derivs, newShortDefs, newShorts, combinedShorts, combinedEqs, combinedCalc, eqs, newEqs}, pdDefs = OptionValue[PartialDerivatives]; derivs = GridFunctionDerivativesInExpression[pdDefs, lookup[calc, Equations]]; If[Length[derivs] === 0, Return[calc]]; newShortDefs = Map[jacobianShorthand, derivs]; newShorts = Map[First, newShortDefs]; combinedShorts = Join[lookupDefault[calc, Shorthands, {}], newShorts]; eqs = lookup[calc, Equations]; newEqs = eqs /. (x_?(MemberQ[derivs, #] &) :> derivToJacDeriv[x]); combinedEqs = Join[newShortDefs, newEqs]; combinedCalc = mapReplace[mapReplace[mapEnsureKey[calc, Shorthands, {}], Shorthands, combinedShorts], Equations, combinedEqs]; combinedCalc]; (* Define local pointers to the members of the Jacobian and Jacobian derivatives groups *) CreateJacobianVariables[] := CommentedBlock["Jacobian variable pointers", {"bool const use_jacobian = (!CCTK_IsFunctionAliased(\"MultiPatch_GetMap\") || MultiPatch_GetMap(cctkGH) != jacobian_identity_map)\n && strlen(jacobian_group) > 0;\n", "if (use_jacobian && strlen(jacobian_derivative_group) == 0)\n", "{\n", " CCTK_WARN (1, \"GenericFD::jacobian_group and GenericFD::jacobian_derivative_group must both be set to valid group names\");\n", "}\n\n", "CCTK_REAL const *restrict jacobian_ptrs[9];\n", "if (use_jacobian) GenericFD_GroupDataPointers(cctkGH, jacobian_group,\n", " 9, jacobian_ptrs);\n", "\n", Table[{"CCTK_REAL const *restrict const J",i,j," = use_jacobian ? jacobian_ptrs[",(i-1)*3+j-1,"] : 0;\n"},{i,1,3},{j,1,3}], "\n", "CCTK_REAL const *restrict jacobian_derivative_ptrs[18];\n", "if (use_jacobian) GenericFD_GroupDataPointers(cctkGH, jacobian_derivative_group,\n", " 18, jacobian_derivative_ptrs);\n", "\n", Module[{syms = Flatten[Table[{"dJ",i,j,k},{i,1,3},{j,1,3},{k,j,3}],2]}, MapIndexed[{"CCTK_REAL const *restrict const ", #1, " = use_jacobian ? jacobian_derivative_ptrs[", #2-1, "] : 0;\n"} &, syms]]}]; (* List of symbols which should be allowed in a calculation *) JacobianSymbols[] := Map[Symbol, Join[Flatten[Table[FlattenBlock[{"dJ",i,j,k}],{i,1,3},{j,1,3},{k,j,3}],2], Flatten[Table[FlattenBlock[{"J",i,j}],{i,1,3},{j,1,3}],1]]]; (* Parameters to inherit from GenericFD *) JacobianGenericFDParameters[] := {{Name -> "jacobian_group", Type -> "CCTK_STRING"}, {Name -> "jacobian_derivative_group", Type -> "CCTK_STRING"}, {Name -> "jacobian_identity_map", Type -> "CCTK_INT"}}; (* The symbols which are used for the Jacobian variables in the generated source code. These do not have to coincide with the actual variable names, as the variable pointers are read using CCTK_VarDataPtr. *) JacobianGroups[] := {{"unknown::unknown", {Global`J11, Global`J12, Global`J13, Global`J21, Global`J22, Global`J23, Global`J31, Global`J32, Global`J33}}, {"unknown::unknown", {Global`dJ111, Global`dJ112, Global`dJ113, Global`dJ122, Global`dJ123, Global`dJ133, Global`dJ211, Global`dJ212, Global`dJ213, Global`dJ222, Global`dJ223, Global`dJ233, Global`dJ311, Global`dJ312, Global`dJ313, Global`dJ322, Global`dJ323, Global`dJ333}}}; JacobianCheckGroups[groups_] := Module[{int}, int = Intersection[allGroupVariables[groups], allGroupVariables[JacobianGroups[]]]; If[int =!= {}, Throw["Error: Some group variables conflict with reserved Jacobian variable names: " <> ToString[int]]]]; (* These gridfunctions are only given local variable copies if the use_jacobian variable is true *) JacobianConditionalGridFunctions[] := {("dJ" ~~ DigitCharacter ~~ DigitCharacter ~~ DigitCharacter) | ("J" ~~ DigitCharacter ~~ DigitCharacter), "use_jacobian", None}; End[]; EndPackage[];