(* $Id$ *) (* Copyright 2004 Sascha Husa, Ian Hinder, Christiane Lechner This file is part of Kranc. Kranc is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Kranc is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Kranc; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA *) BeginPackage["CodeGenC`", {"Errors`", "Kranc`", "CodeGen`"}]; SOURCELANGUAGE::usage = "global variable == \"C\" or \"Fortran\" determines language for code generation"; SOURCESUFFIX::usage = "file suffix for source files"; SetSourceLanguage::usage = "set the source language to \"C\" or \"Fortran\""; EOL::usage = "the end of line termination string"; CommentedBlock::usage = "CommentedBlock[comment, block] returns a block consisting " <> "of 'comment' followed by 'block'."; CBlock::usage = ""; SuffixedCBlock::usage = ""; IncludeFile::usage = "IncludeFile[name] returns a block of code" <> "that includes a header file (i.e '#include \"name\"')."; IncludeSystemFile::usage = "IncludeFile[name] returns a block of code" <> "that includes a system header file (i.e '#include ')."; DeclareVariable::usage = "DeclareVariable[name, type] returns a block of code " <> "that declares a variable of given name and type. 'name' and 'type' should be " <> "strings."; DeclareVariableNoInit::usage = "DeclareVariableNoInit[name, type] returns a block of code " <> "that declares a variable of given name and type without initialising it. 'name' and 'type' should be " <> "strings."; DeclareVariables::usage = "DeclareVariables[names, type] returns a block of code " <> "that declares a list of variables of given name and type. 'names' should be a list" <> " of strings and 'type' should be a string string."; DeclarePointer::usage = "DeclarePointer[name, type] returns a block of code " <> "that declares a pointer of given name and type. 'name' and 'type' should be " <> "strings."; DeclarePointers::usage = "DeclarePointers[names, type] returns a block of code " <> "that declares a list of pointers of given name and type. 'names' should be a list" <> " of strings and 'type' should be a string string."; DefineVariable::usage = "DefineVariable[name, type, value] returns a block of " <> "code that declares and initialised a variable 'name' of type 'type' to value 'value'."; AssignVariable::usage = "AssignVariable[dest_, src_] returns a block of code " <> "that assigns 'src' to 'dest'."; DeclareAssignVariable::usage = "DeclareAssignVariable[type_, dest_, src_] returns a block of code " <> "that declares and sets a constant variable of given name and type."; DeclareArray::usage = ""; DefineFunction::usage = ""; DefineSubroutine::usage = ""; Conditional::usage = ""; SwitchStatement::usage = ""; CFormHideStrings::usage = ""; Begin["`Private`"]; SOURCELANGUAGE = "C"; SOURCESUFFIX = ".cc"; setSourceSuffix[lang_] := If[lang == "C", SOURCESUFFIX = ".cc", SOURCESUFFIX = ".F90"]; SetSourceLanguage[lang_] := If[lang == "C" || lang == "Fortran", SOURCELANGUAGE = lang; setSourceSuffix[lang]; InfoMessage[Terse, "User set source language to " <> lang], (* else *) SOURCELANGUAGE = "C"; setSourceSuffix[".cc"]; InfoMessage[Terse, "Setting Source Language to C"]]; EOL[dummy___] := If[SOURCELANGUAGE == "C" || SOURCELANGUAGE == "C++", ";\n", "\n"]; DefFn[ IncludeFile[filename_String] := {"#include \"", filename, "\"\n"}]; DefFn[ IncludeSystemFile[filename_String] := {"#include <", filename, ">\n"}]; DefFn[ DeclareVariable[name:(_String|_Symbol), type_String] := If[SOURCELANGUAGE == "C", {type, " ", name, " = INITVALUE" <> EOL[]}, {type, " :: ", name, EOL[]} (* no value init here to avoid implicit SAVE attribute *)]]; DefFn[ DeclareVariableNoInit[name:(_String|_Symbol), type_String] := If[SOURCELANGUAGE == "C", {type, " ", name, EOL[]}, {type, " :: ", name, EOL[]} (* no value init here to avoid implicit SAVE attribute *)]]; DefFn[ DeclareVariables[names_?ListQ, type_String] := If[SOURCELANGUAGE == "C", {type, " ", CommaSeparated@names, EOL[]}, {type, " :: ", CommaSeparated@names, EOL[]} (* no value init avoids implicit SAVE attribute *)]]; DefFn[ DeclarePointer[name:(_String|_Symbol), type_String] := If[SOURCELANGUAGE == "C", {type, " *", name, EOL[]}, {type, ", target :: ", name, EOL[]}]]; DefFn[ DeclarePointers[names_?ListQ, type_String] := If[SOURCELANGUAGE == "C", {type, " *", CommaInitSeparated@names, EOL[]}, {type, ", target :: ", CommaSeparated@names, EOL[]}]]; DefFn[ DeclareArray[name:(_String|_Symbol), dim_Integer, type_String] := If[SOURCELANGUAGE == "C", DeclareArrayC[name, dim, type], DeclareArrayFortran[name, dim, type]]]; DefFn[ DeclareArrayC[name:(_String|_Symbol), dim_Integer, type_String] := {type, " ", name, "[", dim, "];","\n"}]; DefFn[ DeclareArrayFortran[name:(_String|_Symbol), dim_Integer, type_String] := {type, " :: ", name, "(", dim, ")","\n"}]; DefFn[ DefineVariable[name:(_String|_Symbol), type_String, value:CodeGenBlock] := {type, " ", name, " = ", value, EOL[]}]; DefFn[ AssignVariable[dest:(_String|_Symbol), src:CodeGenBlock] := {dest, " = ", src, EOL[]}]; DefFn[ DeclareAssignVariable[type_String, dest:(_String|_Symbol), src:CodeGenBlock] := {type, " const ", dest, " = ", src, EOL[]}]; (* comments are always done C-style because they are killed by cpp anyway *) DefFn[ insertComment[text:CodeGenBlock] := {"/* ", text, " */\n"}]; DefFn[ CBlock[block:CodeGenBlock] := {"{\n", IndentBlock[block], "}\n"}]; DefFn[ SuffixedCBlock[block:CodeGenBlock, suffix_] := {"{\n", IndentBlock[block], "} ", suffix, "\n"}]; DefFn[ CommentedBlock[comment:CodeGenBlock, block:CodeGenBlock] := SeparatedBlock[{insertComment[comment], block}]]; (* FUNCTIONS *) DefFn[ defineFunctionC[name_String, type_String, args:CodeGenBlock, contents:CodeGenBlock] := SeparatedBlock[ {type, " ", name, "(", args, ")\n", CBlock[contents]}]]; DefFn[ defineFunctionF[name_String, args:CodeGenBlock, contents:CodeGenBlock] := SeparatedBlock[ {"FUNCTION", " ", name, "(", args, ")\n", IndentBlock[contents]}]]; DefFn[ DefineFunction[name_String, type_String, args:CodeGenBlock, contents:CodeGenBlock] := If[SOURCELANGUAGE == "C", defineFunctionC[name, type, args, contents], defineFunctionF[name, args, contents]]]; (* SUBROUTINES *) DefFn[ DefineSubroutine[name_String, args:CodeGenBlock, contents:CodeGenBlock] := If[SOURCELANGUAGE == "C", DefineSubroutineC[name, args, contents], DefineSubroutineF[name, args, contents]]]; DefFn[ DefineSubroutineC[name_String, args:CodeGenBlock, contents:CodeGenBlock] := SeparatedBlock[ {"extern \"C\" void ", name, "(", args, ")", "\n", CBlock[contents]}]]; DefFn[ DefineSubroutineF[name_String, args:CodeGenBlock, contents:CodeGenBlock] := SeparatedBlock[ {"subroutine ", name, "(", args, ")", "\n", "\nimplicit none\n\n", contents, "end subroutine\n"}]]; DefFn[ switchOption[{value:(_String|_Symbol|_?NumberQ), block:CodeGenBlock}] := {"case ", value, ":\n", IndentBlock[{block,"break;\n"}]}]; (* Outer list unnecessary? *) DefFn[ SwitchStatement[var:(_String|_Symbol), pairs__] := {"switch(", var, ")\n", CBlock[{Riffle[Map[switchOption, {pairs}],"\n"]}]}]; DefFn[ Conditional[condition:CodeGenBlock, block:CodeGenBlock] := {"if (", condition, ")\n", CBlock[block]}]; DefFn[ Conditional[condition:CodeGenBlock, block1:CodeGenBlock, block2:CodeGenBlock] := {"if (", condition, ")\n", CBlock[block1], "else\n", CBlock[block2]}]; (* Convert an expression to CForm, but remove the quotes from any strings present *) DefFn[ CFormHideStrings[x_, opts___] := StringReplace[ToString[CForm[x,opts]], "\"" -> ""]]; End[]; EndPackage[];