(* $Id$ *) (* Copyright 2004 Sascha Husa, Ian Hinder, Christiane Lechner This file is part of Kranc. Kranc is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Kranc is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Kranc; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA *) BeginPackage["CodeGen`", {"Errors`", "Kranc`"}]; FlattenBlock::usage = "FlattenBlock[block] converts 'block' to a string."; SeparatedBlock::usage = "SeparatedBlock[block] returns a version of 'block' with " <> "a newline before it."; GenerateFile::usage = "GenerateFile[name, block] writes 'block' to a file of the " <> "specified 'name'."; AddToFile::usage = "AddToFile[name, block] appends 'block' to a file of the " <> "specified 'name'."; SpaceSeparated::usage = ""; NewlineSeparated::usage = ""; InfoVariable::usage = ""; CommaNewlineSeparated::usage = ""; CommaSeparated::usage = ""; Stringify::usage = ""; Quote::usage = "Quote[x] returns x surrounded by quotes"; IndentBlock::usage = ""; CheckBlock::usage = ""; CodeGenBlock := _String | _?AtomQ | List[(_?(MatchQ[#, CodeGenBlock] &)) ...]; Boolean = (True | False); Begin["`Private`"]; (* Code generation utilities; not specific to any language *) DefFn[ CheckBlock[s_String] := s]; DefFn[ CheckBlock[a_?AtomQ] := a]; DefFn[ CheckBlock[l_List] := Map[CheckBlock, l]]; DefFn[ FlattenBlock[b_] := Module[ {flattenBlock}, flattenBlock[x_String] := x; flattenBlock[l_List] := StringJoin@@Map[FlattenBlock, l]; flattenBlock[a_?AtomQ] := ToString[a]; CheckBlock[b]; flattenBlock[b]]]; DefFn[ IndentBlock[block:CodeGenBlock] := StringDrop[" " <> StringReplace[FlattenBlock[block], {"\n" -> "\n "}],-2]]; DefFn[ SeparatedBlock[block:CodeGenBlock] := {"\n", block}]; ErrorDefinition[SeparatedBlock]; DefFn[ GenerateFile[filename_String, contents_] := Module[ {fp = OpenWrite[filename]}, CheckBlock[contents]; WriteString[fp, FlattenBlock[contents]]; Close[fp]]]; DefFn[ AddToFile[filename_String, contents:CodeGenBlock] := Module[ {fp = OpenAppend[filename]}, WriteString[fp, FlattenBlock[contents]]; Close[fp]]]; DefFn[ CommaNewlineSeparated[l_List] := Riffle[l, ",\n"]]; DefFn[ SpaceSeparated[l_List] := Riffle[l, " "]]; DefFn[ CommaSeparated[l_List] := Riffle[l, ", "]]; DefFn[ NewlineSeparated[l_List] := Riffle[l, "\n"]]; DefFn[ CommaInitSeparated[l_List] := Riffle[Map[{#," = INITVALUE"} &, l], ", "]]; (* Turn a section of code into a string: 1. quote all quotes (replace all quotes with backslash-quote) 2. break the string into lines to make it readable (replace all newlines with quote-newline-quote) 3. surround the result with quotes *) DefFn[ Stringify[x:CodeGenBlock] := "\"" <> StringReplace[StringReplace[FlattenBlock[x], "\"" -> "\\\""], "\n" -> "\\n\"\n\""] <> "\"\n"]; DefFn[ PartitionVarList[list_List] := Module[ {partition, split}, partition[locallist_] := Module[ {cutoff}, cutoff = 6; If[Length@locallist > cutoff, Partition[locallist, cutoff, cutoff, {1,1}, {}], {locallist}]]; split = Split[list, NameRoot[#1] == NameRoot[#2] &]; split = Flatten[Map[partition, split], 1]; split]]; DefFn[ insertFile[name_String] := Module[ {istream_, contents_}, istream = OpenRead[name]; contents = ReadList[istream, String]; Close[istream]; contents]]; DefFn[ NameRoot[name_Symbol] := Module[ {dropNumberRule, root}, dropNumberRule = {"1" -> "", "2" -> "", "3" -> "", "4" -> "", "5" -> "", "6" -> "", "7" -> "", "8" -> "", "9" -> "", "0" -> "", "rhs" -> ""}; root = StringReplace[ToString@name, dropNumberRule]]]; DefFn[ Quote[x:CodeGenBlock] := {"\"", x, "\""}]; End[]; EndPackage[];