(* $Id$ *) (* Copyright 2004 Sascha Husa, Ian Hinder, Christiane Lechner This file is part of Kranc. Kranc is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Kranc is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Foobar; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA *) BeginPackage["sym`"]; {GridFunctions, Shorthands, Equations, t, DeclarationIncludes, LoopPreIncludes, GroupImplementations, PartialDerivatives, Dplus1, NoSimplify, Dplus2, Dplus3, Boundary, Interior, InteriorNoSync, Where, AddToStencilWidth, Everywhere, normal1, normal2, normal3} {INV, SQR, CUB, QAD, dot, pow, exp,dx,dy,dz, idx, idy, idz} EndPackage[]; BeginPackage["CalculationFunction`", {"CodeGen`", "sym`", "MapLookup`", "KrancGroups`", "Differencing`", "Errors`", "Helpers`"}]; (* This is the only externally callable function *) CreateCalculationFunction::usage = ""; calculationUsedGroups::usage = ""; UncommentSourceSync::usage = "UncommentSourceSync[source_struct] uncomments calls to CCTK_SyncGroup."; GrepSyncGroups::usage = "GrepSyncGroups[source_struct] 'greps' a list of groups to be SYNC'ed from" <> "code produced by CreateCalculationFunction." VerifyCalculation::usage = ""; allVariables::usage = ""; Begin["`Private`"]; (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- General Utility Functions -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* remove the 'rhs' at the end of a symbol or string *) removeRHS[x_] := Module[{string = ToString[x]}, If[StringMatchQ[string, "*rhs"], ToExpression@StringDrop[string, -3], x ] ]; (* collect and simplify terms *) simpCollect[collectList_, eqrhs_, localvar_, debug_] := Module[{rhs, collectCoeff, all, localCollectList}, InfoMessage[InfoFull, localvar]; rhs = eqrhs; rhs = rhs /. Abs[MathTensor`Detg] -> MathTensor`Detg; InfoMessage[InfoFull, "ByteCount[rhs]: ", ByteCount@rhs]; localCollectList = collectList /. VAR :> removeRHS@localvar; collectCoeff = Collect[rhs, localCollectList]; InfoMessage[InfoFull, "ByteCount[terms collected]: ", ByteCount@collectCoeff]; all = Collect[rhs, localCollectList, Simplify]; InfoMessage[InfoFull, "ByteCount[simplified rhs]: ", ByteCount@all]; all ]; (* Take a grid function name and return a name suitable for use in a local computation *) localName[x_] := ToExpression[ToString[x] <> "L"]; localNameVectorised[x_] := ToExpression[ToString[x] <> "V"]; (* Given a map (i.e. a list of rules { a -> A, b -> B, ... } return the inverse map { A -> a, B -> b, ...} *) invertMap[m_] := Map[#[[2]] -> #[[1]] &, m]; (* A convenient list of the derivative symbols *) derivativeHeads = {D1, D2, D3, D11, D21, D22, D31, D32, D33, Dplus1, Dplus2, Dplus3}; (* Take an expression containing derivatives (i.e. D1[ etc) and "hide" all the derivatives and their contents by replacing them with unique new symbols. So D1[g11] would become $NEWSYMBOL1 or something. Return a list whose first element is the replaced expression and whose second element is a map (list of rules) which can be used to return the symbols to the derivatives *) hideDerivatives[x_] := Module[{derivatives, unhide, hide}, derivatives = Union[Cases[x, _ ? (MemberQ[derivativeHeads, #] &)[__],Infinity]]; unhide = Map[Unique[] -> # &, derivatives]; hide = invertMap[unhide]; {x /. hide, unhide}]; (* Apply the map (list of rules) to the expression x, but avoid replacing anything in a derivative (D1[]) by first "hiding" the derivatives. *) replaceWithDerivativesHidden[x_, map_] := Module[{hide = hideDerivatives[x], newExpr, unhide}, newExpr = hide[[1]]; (* The expression with the derivatives hidden *) unhide = hide[[2]]; (* The map to unhide the derivatives *) (newExpr /. map) /. unhide]; (* Change D21[g11] into D21[g11,i,j,k] (for example)*) replaceDerivatives[x_, derivRules_] := Module[{}, replaceStandard = (d_ ? (MemberQ[derivativeHeads, #] &)[f_] -> d[f,Symbol["i"],Symbol["j"],Symbol["k"]]); replaceCustom = Flatten[derivRules,1]; x /. replaceStandard]; (* Return a CodeGen block which assigns dest by evaluating expr *) assignVariableFromExpression[dest_, expr_] := Module[{tSym, type, cleanExpr, code}, tSym = Unique[]; type = If[StringMatchQ[ToString[dest], "dir*"], "int", "CCTK_REAL"]; cleanExpr = ReplacePowers[expr] /. sym`t -> tSym; If[SOURCELANGUAGE == "C", code = type <> " const " <> ToString[dest] <> " = " <> ToString[cleanExpr, CForm, PageWidth -> 120] <> ";\n", code = ToString@dest <> ".eq." <> ToString[cleanExpr, FortranForm, PageWidth -> 120] <> "\n" ]; If[SOURCELANGUAGE != "C", Module[{}, code = StringReplace[code, "\n " -> " &\n"]; code = StringReplace[code, " - " -> " & "]; code = StringReplace[code, ".eq." -> " = "]; code = StringReplace[code, "= " -> "="]; code = StringReplace[code, "\\" -> ""]; code = StringReplace[code, "(index)" -> "(i,j,k)"]; ]; ]; (* code = StringReplace[code, "Rule" -> " = "]; *) code = StringReplace[code, "normal1" -> "normal[0]"]; code = StringReplace[code, "normal2" -> "normal[1]"]; code = StringReplace[code, "normal3" -> "normal[2]"]; code = StringReplace[code, "BesselJ"-> "gsl_sf_bessel_Jn"]; code = StringReplace[code, ToString@tSym -> "cctk_time"]; code = StringReplace[code, "\"" -> ""]; {code}]; (* This flag determines whether you want to generate debugging code to do CCTK_INFO on the variables as they are translated. This can help find problems in the construction of the translator maps. *) debugInLoop = False; declareVariablesForCalculation[calc_] := Module[{shorthands, localGFs}, shorthands = Sort@Union@Map[ToString, Union@Flatten@calculationAllUsedShorthands@calc]; shorthands = PartitionVarList@shorthands; localGFs = Map[localName, Sort@Union@Map[ToString, Union@Flatten@calculationUsedGFs@calc]]; localGFs = PartitionVarList@localGFs; {CommentedBlock["Declare shorthands", Map[DeclareVariables[#, "// CCTK_REAL"] &, shorthands]], CommentedBlock["Declare local copies of grid functions", Map[DeclareVariables[#, "// CCTK_REAL"] &, localGFs]]}]; (* Derivative precomputation *) oldDerivativesUsed[x_] := Union[Cases[x, _ ? (MemberQ[derivativeHeads, #] &)[_],Infinity]]; (* Expects a list of the form {D11[h22], ...} *) declarePrecomputedDerivatives[derivs_] := Module[{vars}, vars = PartitionVarList@Map[ToString[Head[#]] <> ToString[First[#]] &, derivs]; {"/* Declare precomputed derivatives*/\n", Map[DeclareVariables[#, "CCTK_REAL"] &, vars], "\n"}]; precomputeDerivative[d_] := Module[{h=ToString[Head[d]], f = ToString[First[d]]}, {h <> f, " = ", h, "gf(", f, ",i,j,k)" <> EOL[] <>"\n"}]; printEq[eq_] := Module[{lhs, rhs, rhsSplit, split, rhsString}, lhs = First@eq; rhs = Last@eq; split[ x_ + y___] := { x, " + ..."}; split[-x_ + y___] := {-x, " + ..."}; split[ x_ ] := { x, ""}; rhsSplit = split[Expand@ReplacePowers@rhs]; rhsString = ToString@CForm[rhsSplit[[1]]] <> rhsSplit[[2]]; InfoMessage[InfoFull, " " <> ToString@lhs <> " -> " <> rhsString]]; (* Return the names of any gridfunctions used in the calculation *) calculationUsedGFs[calc_] := Module[{calcSymbols, allGFs}, calcSymbols = calculationSymbols[calc]; allGFs = allVariables[lookup[calc, Groups]]; Intersection[calcSymbols, allGFs]]; calculationUsedGFsLHS[calc_] := Module[{calcSymbols, allGFs}, calcSymbols = calculationSymbolsLHS[calc]; allGFs = allVariables[lookup[calc, Groups]]; Intersection[calcSymbols, allGFs]]; calculationUsedGFsRHS[calc_] := Module[{calcSymbols, allGFs}, calcSymbols = calculationSymbolsRHS[calc]; allGFs = allVariables[lookup[calc, Groups]]; Intersection[calcSymbols, allGFs]]; calculationUsedGroups[calc_] := Module[{gfs}, gfs = calculationUsedGFs[calc]; containingGroups[gfs, lookup[calc, Groups]]]; (* Return the names of any shorthands used in the RHSs of calculation *) calculationRHSUsedShorthands[calc_] := Module[{calcSymbols, allShorthands}, calcSymbols = calculationSymbolsRHS[calc]; allShorthands = lookupDefault[calc, Shorthands, {}]; Intersection[calcSymbols, allShorthands]]; (* Return the names of any shorthands used in the LHSs of calculation *) calculationLHSUsedShorthands[calc_] := Module[{calcSymbols, allShorthands}, calcSymbols = calculationSymbolsLHS[calc]; allShorthands = lookupDefault[calc, Shorthands, {}]; Intersection[calcSymbols, allShorthands]]; (* Return the names of any shorthands used anywhere in a calculation *) calculationAllUsedShorthands[calc_] := Module[{calcSymbols, allShorthands}, calcSymbols = calculationSymbols[calc]; allShorthands = lookupDefault[calc, Shorthands, {}]; Intersection[calcSymbols, allShorthands]]; calculationSymbols[calc_] := Module[{allAtoms}, allAtoms = Union[Level[lookup[calc, Equations], {-1}] (*, Level[Map[Last, lookup[calc,PartialDerivatives]], {-1}] *) ]; Cases[allAtoms, x_Symbol]]; calculationSymbolsLHS[calc_] := Module[{allAtoms}, allAtoms = Union[Map[First, Flatten@lookup[calc, Equations] ]]; Cases[allAtoms, x_Symbol]]; calculationSymbolsRHS[calc_] := Module[{allAtoms}, allAtoms = Union[Map[Last, Flatten@{lookup[calc, Equations], lookup[calc,PartialDerivatives]} ]]; allAtoms = Union[Level[allAtoms, {-1}]]; Cases[allAtoms, x_Symbol]]; (* Return all the functions used in a calculation *) functionsInCalculation[calc_] := Module[{eqs, x}, eqs = lookup[calc, Equations]; x = Cases[eqs, f_[x___] -> f, Infinity]; y = Union[Select[x, Context[#] === "Global`" &]]; y]; simplifyEquationList[eqs_] := Map[simplifyEquation, eqs]; simplifyEquation[lhs_ -> rhs_] := lhs -> Simplify[rhs]; VerifyListContent[l_, type_, while_] := Module[{types}, If[!(Head[l] === List), ThrowError["Expecting a list of ", type, " objects, but found the following, which is not a List object: ", l, while]]; types = Union[Map[Head, l]]; If [!(types === {type}) && !(types === {}), ThrowError["Expecting a list of ", type , " objects, but found the following types of object: ", ToString[types], " in ", l, while]]]; VerifyCalculation[calc_] := Module[{calcName}, calcName = lookupDefault[calc, Name, ""]; If[Head[calc] != List, ThrowError["Invalid Calculation structure: " <> ToString[calc]]]; VerifyListContent[calc, Rule, " while checking the calculation with name " <> ToString[calcName]]; If[mapContains[calc, Shorthands], VerifyListContent[lookup[calc, Shorthands], Symbol, " while checking the Shorthands member of the calculation called " <> ToString[calcName]]]; If[mapContains[calc, Equations], VerifyListContent[First[lookup[calc, Equations]], Rule, " while checking the equation" <> ToString[calcName]], ThrowError["Invalid Calculation structure. Must contain Equations element: ", ToString[calc], " while checking the calculation called ", ToString[calcName]]]; ]; (* Remove equations in the calculation which assign to shorthands which are never used. Do not modify the Shorthands entry. This routine has two shortcomings. First, it does not get rid of as many shorthand assignments as it could in the case where there is more than one list of equations in Equations. I do not intend to fix this as I consider the feature of having more than one list of equations to be obsolete. The second shortcoming is that an unused shorthand might be missed if the order of assignments is pathalogical enough (e.g. {s1 -> s2, s2 -> s1} would not be removed). *) removeUnusedShorthands[calc_] := Module[{rhsShorthands, lhsShorthands, unusedButAssignedShorthands, removeShorts, eqs, neweqs, newCalc}, rhsShorthands = calculationRHSUsedShorthands[calc]; lhsShorthands = calculationLHSUsedShorthands[calc]; unusedButAssignedShorthands = Complement[lhsShorthands, rhsShorthands]; eqs = lookup[calc, Equations]; removeShorts[eqlist_] := Select[eqlist, (!MemberQ[unusedButAssignedShorthands, First[#]]) &]; neweqs = Map[removeShorts, eqs]; newCalc = mapReplace[calc, Equations, neweqs]; If[!(eqs === neweqs), removeUnusedShorthands[newCalc], newCalc]]; syncGroup[name_] := If[SOURCELANGUAGE == "C", {"/* SYNC: "<>name<>" */\n", "/* sync via schedule instead of CCTK_SyncGroup(cctkGH, \"", name, "\"); -cut- */\n"}, {"/* SYNC: "<>name<>" */\n", "/* sync via schedule instead of call CCTK_SyncGroup(i, cctkGH, \"", name, "\") -cut- */\n"} ]; UncommentSourceSync[setRHS_]:= Module[{cleanRHS}, cleanRHS = Map[SafeStringReplace[#, "/* sync via schedule instead of ", ""]&, setRHS, Infinity]; cleanRHS = Map[SafeStringReplace[#, ") -cut- */", ")"]&, cleanRHS, Infinity]; (* for Fortran *) cleanRHS = Map[SafeStringReplace[#, "); -cut- */", ");"]&, cleanRHS, Infinity]; (* for C *) cleanRHS ]; InsertSyncFuncName[setRHS_, funcName_]:= Map[SafeStringReplace[#, "/* SYNC: ", "/* SYNC: " <> funcName <> "//"]&, setRHS, Infinity]; GrepSyncGroups[setRHS_]:= Module[{grepSYNC}, grepSYNC = Map[PickMatch[#, "*SYNC*"] &, Flatten[setRHS, Infinity]]; grepSYNC = Select[grepSYNC, IsNotEmptyString]; grepSYNC = Map[StringReplace[#, "/* SYNC: " -> ""]&, grepSYNC]; grepSYNC = Map[StringReplace[#, "*/" -> ""]&, grepSYNC]; grepSYNC ]; GrepSyncGroups[x_, func_] := Module[{pick}, pick = GrepSyncGroups[x]; pick = Map[PickMatch[#, func <> "//*"] & , pick]; pick = Select[pick, IsNotEmptyString]; pick = Map[StringReplace[#, func <> "//" -> ""] &, pick] ]; declareSubblockGFs[sbgfs_, counter_] := If[Length[sbgfs] == 0, {}, Join[{DefineVariable[sbgfs[[1]], "CCTK_REAL", "*subblock_gfs[" <> ToString[counter] <> "]"]}, declareSubblockGFs[Rest[sbgfs], counter + 1]]]; declarePreDefinitions[pDefs_] := CommentedBlock["Declare predefined quantities", Map[DeclareVariable[#, "// CCTK_REAL"] &, Map[First, pDefs]]]; definePreDefinitions[pDefs_] := CommentedBlock["Initialize predefined quantities", Map[DeclareAssignVariable["CCTK_REAL", #[[1]], #[[2]]] &, pDefs]]; (* Calculation function generation *) CreateCalculationFunction[calc_, debug_, useLoopControl_, useCSE_] := Module[{gfs, allSymbols, knownSymbols, shorts, eqs, syncGroups, parameters, functionName, dsUsed, groups, pddefs, cleancalc, numeq, eqLoop, GrepSYNC, where, addToStencilWidth, pDefs}, cleancalc = removeUnusedShorthands[calc]; shorts = lookupDefault[cleancalc, Shorthands, {}]; eqs = lookup[cleancalc, Equations]; syncGroups = lookupDefault[cleancalc, SyncGroups, {}]; parameters = lookupDefault[cleancalc, Parameters, {}]; groups = lookup[cleancalc, Groups]; pddefs = lookupDefault[cleancalc, PartialDerivatives, {}]; where = lookupDefault[cleancalc, Where, Everywhere]; addToStencilWidth = lookupDefault[cleancalc, AddToStencilWidth, 0]; subblockGFs = lookupDefault[cleancalc, SubblockGridFunctions, {}]; pDefs = lookup[cleancalc, PreDefinitions]; numeq = Length@eqs; InfoMessage[InfoFull, "number of equations in calculation: ", numeq]; VerifyCalculation[cleancalc]; gfs = allVariables[groups]; functionName = ToString@lookup[cleancalc, Name]; bodyFunctionName = functionName <> "_Body"; dsUsed = oldDerivativesUsed[eqs]; InfoMessage[Terse, "Creating calculation function: " <> functionName]; InfoMessage[InfoFull, " ", Length@shorts, " shorthands"]; InfoMessage[InfoFull, " ", Length@gfs, " grid functions"]; InfoMessage[InfoFull, " ", Length@groups, " groups"]; InfoMessage[InfoFull, "Shorthands: ", shorts]; InfoMessage[InfoFull, "Grid functions: ", gfs]; InfoMessage[InfoFull, "Groups: ", Map[groupName, groups]]; If[Length@lookupDefault[cleancalc, CollectList, {}] > 0, eqs = Table[Map[First[#] -> simpCollect[lookup[cleancalc, CollectList], Last[ #], First[#], debug]&, eqs[[i]] ], {i, 1, Length@eqs}], If[!lookupDefault[cleancalc, NoSimplify, False], InfoMessage[InfoFull, "Simplifying equations", eqs]; eqs = Simplify[eqs, {r>0}]] ]; InfoMessage[InfoFull, "Equations:"]; Map[Map[printEq, #]&, eqs]; (* Check all the function names *) functionsPresent = functionsInCalculation[cleancalc]; (* FIXME: Sascha does not understand the next lines and commented it out in order to avod problems with using the exp function in BSSN *) (* allowedFunctions = Map[Head[First[#]] &, pddefs]; *) (* Print["allowedFunctions == ", allowedFunctions];*) (* unknownFunctions = Complement[functionsPresent, allowedFunctions]; If[Length[unknownFunctions] != 0, ThrowError["The following functions are used in the calculation but are not defined:", unknownFunctions, cleancalc]]; *) (* Check that there are no shorthands defined with the same name as a grid function *) If[!(Intersection[shorts, gfs] === {}), ThrowError["The following shorthands are already declared as grid functions:", Intersection[shorts, gfs]]]; (* Check that there are no unknown symbols in the calculation *) allSymbols = calculationSymbols[cleancalc]; knownSymbols = Join[lookupDefault[cleancalc, AllowedSymbols, {}], gfs, shorts, parameters, {dx,dy,dz,idx,idy,idz,t, Pi, E, Symbol["i"], Symbol["j"], Symbol["k"], normal1, normal2, normal3, tangentA1, tangentA2, tangentA3, tangentB1, tangentB2, tangentB3}]; unknownSymbols = Complement[allSymbols, knownSymbols]; If[unknownSymbols != {}, Module[{}, ThrowError["Unknown symbols in calculation. Symbols are:", unknownSymbols, "Calculation is:", cleancalc]]]; { DefineFunction[bodyFunctionName, "void", "cGH const * restrict const cctkGH, int const dir, int const face, CCTK_REAL const normal[3], CCTK_REAL const tangentA[3], CCTK_REAL const tangentB[3], int const min[3], int const max[3], int const n_subblock_gfs, CCTK_REAL * restrict const subblock_gfs[]", { "DECLARE_CCTK_ARGUMENTS;\n", "DECLARE_CCTK_PARAMETERS;\n\n", If[!useLoopControl, DeclareGridLoopVariables[], {}], DeclareFDVariables[], (* declareVariablesForCalculation[cleancalc], *) (* declarePrecomputedDerivatives[dsUsed], *) (* DeclareDerivatives[pddefs, eqs], *) declareSubblockGFs[subblockGFs, 0], declarePreDefinitions[pDefs], ConditionalOnParameterTextual["verbose > 1", "CCTK_VInfo(CCTK_THORNSTRING,\"Entering " <> bodyFunctionName <> "\");\n"], ConditionalOnParameterTextual["cctk_iteration % " <> functionName <> "_calc_every != " <> functionName <> "_calc_offset", "return;\n"], CommentedBlock["Include user-supplied include files", Map[IncludeFile, lookupDefault[cleancalc, DeclarationIncludes, {}]]], InitialiseFDVariables[], definePreDefinitions[pDefs], (* This is a very coarse test *) If[Cases[{pddefs}, SBPDerivative[_], Infinity] != {}, CommentedBlock["Compute Summation By Parts derivatives", IncludeFile["sbp_calc_coeffs.h"]], {}], If[gfs != {}, { (* This has been moved into equationLoop, in order *) (* to be able to discriminate between the offsets necessary *) (* depending on whether or not we take derivatives *) (* InitialiseGridLoopVariables[], *) (* Have removed ability to include external header files here. Can be put back when we need it. *) eqLoop = Map[equationLoop[#, cleancalc, dsUsed, gfs, shorts, subblockGFs, {}, groups, syncGroups, pddefs, where, addToStencilWidth, useLoopControl, useCSE] &, eqs]}, (* search for SYNCs *) If[numeq <= 1, GrepSYNC = GrepSyncGroups[eqLoop], GrepSYNC = {}; eqLoop = UncommentSourceSync[eqLoop]; InfoMessage[Warning, "> 1 loop in thorn -> scheduling in source code, incompatible with Multipatch!"]; ]; InfoMessage[InfoFull, "grepSync from eqLoop: ",GrepSyncGroups[eqLoop]]; InsertSyncFuncName[eqLoop, lookup[cleancalc, Name]]; ConditionalOnParameterTextual["verbose > 1", "CCTK_VInfo(CCTK_THORNSTRING,\"Leaving " <> bodyFunctionName <> "\");\n"], {}] }], Switch[where, Everywhere, DefineCCTKSubroutine[functionName, "GenericFD_LoopOverEverything(cctkGH, &" <> bodyFunctionName <> ");\n"], Interior, DefineCCTKSubroutine[functionName, "GenericFD_LoopOverInterior(cctkGH, &" <> bodyFunctionName <> ");\n"], InteriorNoSync, DefineCCTKSubroutine[functionName, "GenericFD_LoopOverInterior(cctkGH, &" <> bodyFunctionName <> ");\n"], Boundary, DefineCCTKSubroutine[functionName, "GenericFD_LoopOverBoundary(cctkGH, &" <> bodyFunctionName <> ");\n"], BoundaryWithGhosts, DefineCCTKSubroutine[functionName, "GenericFD_LoopOverBoundaryWithGhosts(cctkGH, &" <> bodyFunctionName <> ");\n"], PenaltyPrim2Char, DefineFunction[functionName, "CCTK_INT", "CCTK_POINTER_TO_CONST const cctkGH_, CCTK_INT const dir, CCTK_INT const face, CCTK_REAL const * restrict const base_, CCTK_INT const * restrict const lbnd, CCTK_INT const * restrict const lsh, CCTK_INT const * restrict const from, CCTK_INT const * restrict const to, CCTK_INT const rhs_flag, CCTK_INT const num_modes, CCTK_POINTER const * restrict const modes, CCTK_POINTER const * restrict const speeds", "GenericFD_PenaltyPrim2Char(cctkGH, &" <> bodyFunctionName <> ");\n"], _, ThrowError["Unknown 'Where' entry in calculation " <> functionName <> ": " <> ToString[where]] ] }]; allVariables[groups_] := Flatten[Map[variablesInGroup, groups], 1]; variablesInGroup[g_] := g[[2]]; groupName[g_] := g[[1]]; (* Check that the given list of equations assigns things in the correct order. Specifically, shorthands must not be used before they are assigned. *) checkEquationAssignmentOrder[eqs_, shorthands_] := Module[{}, Map[checkShorthandAssignmentOrder[eqs,#] &, shorthands]]; equationUsesShorthand[eq_, shorthand_] := Length[Cases[{Last[eq]}, shorthand, Infinity]] != 0; checkShorthandAssignmentOrder[eqs_, shorthand_] := Module[{useBooleans, uses, firstUse, lhss, assignments}, (* Make a list of booleans describing, for each equation, whether it uses the given shorthand *) useBooleans = Map[equationUsesShorthand[#, shorthand] &, eqs]; uses = Position[useBooleans, True]; lhss = Map[First, eqs]; (* The equation numbers that define this shorthand *) assignments = Position[lhss, shorthand]; If[Length[uses] == 0 && Length[assignments] >= 1, InfoMessage[Warning, "WARNING: Shorthand ", shorthand, " is defined but not used in this equation list."]]; If[Length[uses] == 0, Return[]]; (* The number of the first equation to use this shorthand *) firstUse = First[uses]; If[Length[assignments] > 1, InfoMessage[Warning, "WARNING: Shorthand ", shorthand, " is defined more than once."]]; If[Length[assignments] == 0, ThrowError["Shorthand", shorthand, "is not defined in this equation list", eqs]]; If[assignments[[1]] >= firstUse, ThrowError["Shorthand", shorthand, "is used before it is defined in this equation list", eqs]]]; defContainsShorthand[def_, shorthands_] := Module[{allAtoms, c}, allAtoms = Union[Level[def, {-1}]]; c = Intersection[shorthands, allAtoms]; c != {}]; (* Split the list of partial derivative definitions into those containing shorthands, and those that do not. *) splitPDDefsWithShorthands[pddefs_, shorthands_] := Module[{defsWithShorts, defsWithoutShorts}, defsWithShorts = Select[pddefs, defContainsShorthand[#, shorthands] &]; defsWithoutShorts = Select[pddefs, ! defContainsShorthand[#, shorthands] &]; Return[{defsWithoutShorts, defsWithShorts}]]; pdCanonicalOrdering[name_[inds___] -> x_] := Module[{is}, is = {inds}; If[Length[is] == 2, Return[{name[f_,2,1] -> name[f,1,2], name[f_,3,1] -> name[f,1,3], name[f_,3,2] -> name[f,2,3]}], {}]]; equationLoop[eqs_, cleancalc_, dsUsed_, gfs_, shorts_, subblockGFs_, incs_, groups_, syncGroups_, pddefs_, where_, addToStencilWidth_, useLoopControl_, useCSE_] := Module[{rhss, lhss, gfsInRHS, gfsInLHS, gfsOnlyInRHS, localGFs, localMap, eqs2, derivSwitch, actualSyncGroups, code, functionName, calcCode, syncCode, loopFunction}, rhss = Map[#[[2]] &, eqs]; lhss = Map[#[[1]] &, eqs]; orderings = Flatten[Map[pdCanonicalOrdering, pddefs], 1]; (* Print["Canonical orderings: ", orderings]; Print["Applying orderings to:", eqs];*) eqsOrdered = (eqs //. orderings); gfsInRHS = Union[Cases[rhss, _ ? (MemberQ[gfs,#] &), Infinity]]; gfsInLHS = Union[Cases[lhss, _ ? (MemberQ[gfs,#] &), Infinity]]; gfsOnlyInRHS = Complement[gfsInRHS, gfsInLHS]; localGFs = Map[localName, gfs]; localMap = Map[# -> localName[#] &, gfs]; derivSwitch = Join[oldDerivativesUsed[eqsOrdered], GridFunctionDerivativesInExpression[pddefs, eqsOrdered]] != {}; (* Replace the partial derivatives *) {defsWithoutShorts, defsWithShorts} = splitPDDefsWithShorthands[pddefs, shorts]; (* Map[ComponentDerivativeOperatorStencilWidth, pddefs];*) (* This is for the custom derivative operators pddefs *) eqs2 = ReplaceDerivatives[defsWithoutShorts, eqsOrdered, True]; eqs2 = ReplaceDerivatives[defsWithShorts, eqs2, False]; checkEquationAssignmentOrder[eqs2, shorts]; code = {(*InitialiseGridLoopVariables[derivSwitch, addToStencilWidth], *) functionName = ToString@lookup[cleancalc, Name]; (* calcCode = Map[{assignVariableFromExpression[#[[1]], #[[2]]], "\n"} &, replaceDerivatives[replaceWithDerivativesHidden[eqs2, localMap], {}] ]; *) calcCode = Map[{assignVariableFromExpression[#[[1]], #[[2]]], "\n"} &, If[useCSE, CSE, Identity][ replaceDerivatives[replaceWithDerivativesHidden[eqs2, localMap], {}]] ]; Join[ (* CommentedBlock["Declare temporary variables for vectorisation", DeclareVariablesInLoopVectorised[ gfsInLHS, Map[localNameVectorised, gfsInLHS], Map[localName, gfsInLHS]]], *) GenericGridLoop[functionName, useLoopControl, {declareVariablesForCalculation[cleancalc], declarePrecomputedDerivatives[dsUsed], (* DeclareDerivatives[pddefs, eqs], *) DeclareDerivatives[defsWithoutShorts, eqsOrdered], (* CommentedBlock["Assign local copies of grid functions", Map[DeclareAssignVariableInLoop["CCTK_REAL", localName[#], GridName[#]] &, gfsInRHS]], *) CommentedBlock["Assign local copies of grid functions", Map[DeclareMaybeAssignVariableInLoop[ "CCTK_REAL", localName[#], GridName[#], StringMatchQ[ToString[GridName[#]], "eT" ~~ _ ~~ _ ~~ "[" ~~ __ ~~ "]"], "*stress_energy_state"] &, gfsOnlyInRHS]], (* CommentedBlock["Check for nans", Join[{"if (\n"}, Map[{" isnan (", localName[#], ") ||\n"} &, gfsInRHS], {" 0)\n", "{\n", " CCTK_VInfo(CCTK_THORNSTRING, \"NaN found in RHS:\");\n", " CCTK_VInfo(CCTK_THORNSTRING, \"ipos: %d %d %d\", i, j, k);\n", " CCTK_VInfo(CCTK_THORNSTRING, \"lbnd: %d %d %d\", cctk_lbnd[0], cctk_lbnd[1], cctk_lbnd[2]);\n", " CCTK_VInfo(CCTK_THORNSTRING, \"lsh: %d %d %d\", cctk_lsh[0], cctk_lsh[1], cctk_lsh[2]);\n"}, " CCTK_VInfo(CCTK_THORNSTRING, \"from: %d %d %d\", cctk_lssh[CCTK_LSSH_IDX(0,0)], cctk_lssh[CCTK_LSSH_IDX(0,1)], cctk_lssh[CCTK_LSSH_IDX(0,2)]);\n"}, Map[{" CCTK_VInfo(CCTK_THORNSTRING, \"", localName[#], ": %.17g\", (double)", localName[#], ");\n"} &, gfsInRHS], {"}\n"}]], *) CommentedBlock["Assign local copies of subblock grid functions", Map[DeclareAssignVariableInLoop["CCTK_REAL", localName[#], SubblockGridName[#]] &, subblockGFs]], CommentedBlock["Include user supplied include files", Map[IncludeFile, incs]], CommentedBlock["Precompute derivatives (new style)", PrecomputeDerivatives[defsWithoutShorts, eqsOrdered]], CommentedBlock["Precompute derivatives (old style)", Map[precomputeDerivative, oldDerivativesUsed[eqs]]], CommentedBlock["Calculate temporaries and grid functions", calcCode], If[debugInLoop, Map[InfoVariable[#[[1]]] &, (eqs2 /. localMap)], ""], CommentedBlock["Copy local copies back to grid functions", Map[AssignVariableInLoop[GridName[#], localName[#]] &, gfsInLHS]], (* CommentedBlock["Copy local copies back to grid functions", AssignVariablesInLoopVectorised[ gfsInLHS, Map[localNameVectorised, gfsInLHS], Map[localName, gfsInLHS]]], *) CommentedBlock["Copy local copies back to subblock grid functions", Map[AssignVariableInLoop[SubblockGridName[#], localName[#]] &, subblockGFs]], (* CommentedBlock["Check for nans", Join[{"if (\n"}, Map[{" isnan (", localName[#], ") ||\n"} &, gfsInLHS], {" 0)\n", "{\n", " CCTK_VInfo(CCTK_THORNSTRING, \"NaN found in LHS:\");\n", " CCTK_VInfo(CCTK_THORNSTRING, \"ipos: %d %d %d\", i, j, k);\n", " CCTK_VInfo(CCTK_THORNSTRING, \"lbnd: %d %d %d\", cctk_lbnd[0], cctk_lbnd[1], cctk_lbnd[2]);\n", " CCTK_VInfo(CCTK_THORNSTRING, \"lsh: %d %d %d\", cctk_lsh[0], cctk_lsh[1], cctk_lsh[2]);\n"}, " CCTK_VInfo(CCTK_THORNSTRING, \"from: %d %d %d\", cctk_lssh[CCTK_LSSH_IDX(0,0)], cctk_lssh[CCTK_LSSH_IDX(0,1)], cctk_lssh[CCTK_LSSH_IDX(0,2)]);\n"}, Map[{" CCTK_VInfo(CCTK_THORNSTRING, \"", localName[#], ": %.17g\", (double)", localName[#], ");\n"} &, gfsInLHS], {"}\n"}]], *) If[debugInLoop, Map[InfoVariable[GridName[#]] &, gfsInLHS], ""]}]] }; lhsGroupNames = containingGroups[gfsInLHS, groups]; actualSyncGroups = Intersection[lhsGroupNames, syncGroups]; (* This is nonsense. You need to synchronize only if the NEXT loops contain derivatives. This cannot be determined here, so I am changing the code so that synchronization is always performed *) (* If[Not@derivSwitch, actualSyncGroups = {}]; only sync when derivs are taken *) If[Length@actualSyncGroups > 0, InfoMessage[InfoFull, "Synchronizing groups: ", actualSyncGroups]; syncCode = Map[syncGroup, actualSyncGroups]; AppendTo[code, CommentedBlock["Synchronize the groups that have just been set", syncCode]]; ]; code ]; End[]; EndPackage[];