(* ::Package:: *) (* Copyright 2004 Sascha Husa, Ian Hinder, Christiane Lechner This file is part of Kranc. Kranc is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Kranc is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Kranc; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA *) BeginPackage["CalculationFunction`", {"CodeGenCactus`", "CodeGenC`", "CodeGen`", "MapLookup`", "KrancGroups`", "Differencing`", "Errors`", "Helpers`", "Kranc`", "Optimize`", "Jacobian`", "Profile`"}]; CreateCalculationFunction::usage = ""; VerifyCalculation::usage = ""; calculationSymbols::usage = ""; GridFunctionsInExpression; Begin["`Private`"]; (* This flag determines whether you want to generate debugging code to do CCTK_INFO on the variables as they are translated. This can help find problems in the construction of the translator maps. *) debugInLoop = False; (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- General Utility Functions (could be moved outside this package) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Take a string s and break it into separate lines using l as a guide to the line length. If a word (sequence of non-whitespace characters) is longer than l, do not break it. Add two spaces of indentation after each line break (this will push the line length over l). Algorithm essentially taken from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Word_wrap *) lineBreak[s_, l_] := Module[{spaceLeft, words, word, i, lineWidth = l, spaceWidth = 1, len}, spaceLeft = l; words = StringSplit[s]; Do[ word = words[[i]]; len = StringLength[word]; If[len > spaceLeft, words[[i]] = "\n " <> word; spaceLeft = lineWidth - len, spaceLeft = spaceLeft - (len + spaceWidth)], {i, 1, Length[words]}]; Return[StringJoin[Riffle[words, " "]]]]; (* Given an input list l, return a list L such that L[[i]] is True only if l[[i]] is the first occurrence of l[[i]] in l and is not in the list "already" *) markFirst[l_List, already_List] := If[l =!= {}, {!MemberQ[already, First[l]]} ~Join~ markFirst[Rest[l], already ~Join~ {First[l]}], {}]; VerifyListContent[l_, type_, while_] := Module[{types}, If[!(Head[l] === List), ThrowError["Expecting a list of ", type, " objects, but found the following, which is not a List object. Error occured ", while, l]]; types = Union[Map[Head, l]]; If [!(types === {type}) && !(types === {}), ThrowError["Expecting a list of ", type , " objects, but found the following types of object: ", ToString[types], " in ", l, while]]]; (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Calculations -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Return the names of any shorthands used in the RHSs of calculation *) calculationRHSUsedShorthands[calc_] := Module[{calcSymbols, allShorthands}, calcSymbols = calculationSymbolsRHS[calc]; allShorthands = lookupDefault[calc, Shorthands, {}]; Intersection[calcSymbols, allShorthands]]; (* Return the names of any shorthands used in the LHSs of calculation *) calculationLHSUsedShorthands[calc_] := Module[{calcSymbols, allShorthands}, calcSymbols = calculationSymbolsLHS[calc]; allShorthands = lookupDefault[calc, Shorthands, {}]; Intersection[calcSymbols, allShorthands]]; calculationSymbols[calc_] := Module[{allAtoms}, allAtoms = Union[Level[lookup[calc, Equations], {-1}]]; Cases[allAtoms, x_Symbol]]; calculationSymbolsLHS[calc_] := Module[{allAtoms}, allAtoms = Union[Map[First, Flatten@lookup[calc, Equations] ]]; Cases[allAtoms, x_Symbol]]; calculationSymbolsRHS[calc_] := Module[{allAtoms}, allAtoms = Union[Map[Last, Flatten@{lookup[calc, Equations], lookup[calc,PartialDerivatives]} ]]; allAtoms = Union[Level[allAtoms, {-1}]]; Cases[allAtoms, x_Symbol]]; (* Return all the functions used in a calculation *) (* Not currently used *) functionsInCalculation[calc_] := Module[{eqs, x}, eqs = lookup[calc, Equations]; x = Cases[eqs, f_[x___] -> f, Infinity]; y = Union[Select[x, Context[#] === "Global`" &]]; y]; VerifyCalculation[calc_] := Module[{calcName}, calcName = lookupDefault[calc, Name, ""]; If[Head[calc] != List, ThrowError["Invalid Calculation structure: " <> ToString[calc]]]; VerifyListContent[calc, Rule, " while checking the calculation with name " <> ToString[calcName]]; If[mapContains[calc, Shorthands], VerifyListContent[lookup[calc, Shorthands], Symbol, " while checking the Shorthands member of the calculation called " <> ToString[calcName]]]; If[mapContains[calc, Equations], VerifyListContent[lookup[calc, Equations], Rule, " while checking the equation" <> ToString[calcName]], ThrowError["Invalid Calculation structure. Must contain Equations element: ", ToString[calc], " while checking the calculation called ", ToString[calcName]]]; allowedKeys = {BodyFunction, CallerFunction, ExecuteOn, GFAccessFunction, Groups, Implementation, InitFDVariables, LoopFunction, MacroPointer, Name, ODEGroups, Parameters, PartialDerivatives, PreDefinitions, Schedule,Equations, Shorthands, ConditionalOnKeyword, Before, After, ConditionalOnTextuals, Where, ConditionalOnKeywords, CollectList, AllowedSymbols, ApplyBCs, Conditional, CachedVariables, SplitBy, SeparatedDerivatives, SeparatedDerivatives2, LocalGroups, NoSimplify, UseDGFE, SimpleCode, UseCaKernel, UseJacobian, ScheduleGroups, TriggerGroups}; usedKeys = Map[First, calc]; unknownKeys = Complement[usedKeys, allowedKeys]; If[unknownKeys =!= {}, ThrowError["Unrecognised key(s) in calculation: ", unknownKeys]]]; (* Remove equations in the calculation which assign to shorthands which are never used. Do not modify the Shorthands entry. An unused shorthand might be missed if the order of assignments is pathalogical enough (e.g. {s1 -> s2, s2 -> s1} would not be removed). *) removeUnusedShorthands[calc_] := Module[{rhsShorthands, lhsShorthands, unusedButAssignedShorthands, removeShorts, eqs, neweqs, newCalc}, removeShorts[eqlist_] := Select[eqlist, (!MemberQ[unusedButAssignedShorthands, First[#]]) &]; rhsShorthands = calculationRHSUsedShorthands[calc]; lhsShorthands = calculationLHSUsedShorthands[calc]; unusedButAssignedShorthands = Complement[lhsShorthands, rhsShorthands]; InfoMessage[InfoFull, "Removing definitions for shorthands: "<>ToString[unusedButAssignedShorthands,InputForm]]; eqs = lookup[calc, Equations]; neweqs = removeShorts[eqs]; newCalc = mapReplace[calc, Equations, neweqs]; If[!(eqs === neweqs), removeUnusedShorthands[newCalc], newCalc]]; (* Return all the groups that are used in a given calculation *) groupsInCalculation[calc_, imp_] := Module[{groups,gfs,eqs,gfsUsed, groupNames}, groups = lookup[calc, Groups]; gfs = allGroupVariables[groups]; eqs = lookup[calc, Equations]; gfsUsed = Union[Cases[eqs, _ ? (MemberQ[gfs,#] &), Infinity]]; groupNames = containingGroups[gfsUsed, groups]; Map[qualifyGroupName[#, imp] &, groupNames]]; CheckGroupStorage[groupNames_, calcName_] := Module[{ignoreGroups, groupsNames2}, ignoreGroups = {"TmunuBase::stress_energy_scalar", "TmunuBase::stress_energy_vector", "TmunuBase::stress_energy_tensor"}; groupNames2 = Select[groupNames, !MemberQ[ignoreGroups, #] &]; {"\nconst char *const groups[] = {\n ", Riffle[Map[Quote,groupNames2], ",\n "], "};\n", "GenericFD_AssertGroupStorage(cctkGH, ", Quote[calcName],", ", Length[groupNames2], ", groups);\n"}]; (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Variables -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) removeRHS[x_] := Module[{string = ToString[x]}, If[StringMatchQ[string, "*rhs"], ToExpression@StringDrop[string, -3], x]]; (* Take a grid function name and return a name suitable for use in a local computation *) localName[x_] := ToString[x] <> "L"; (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Predefinitions -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) definePreDefinitions[pDefs_] := CommentedBlock["Initialize predefined quantities", Map[DeclareAssignVariable[DataType[], #[[1]], #[[2]]] &, pDefs]]; (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Equations -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) equationUsesShorthand[eq_, shorthand_] := Length[Cases[{Last[eq]}, shorthand, Infinity]] != 0; (* Check that the given list of equations assigns things in the correct order. Specifically, shorthands must not be used before they are assigned. *) checkEquationAssignmentOrder[eqs_, shorthands_] := Module[{}, Map[checkShorthandAssignmentOrder[eqs,#] &, shorthands]]; printEq[eq_] := Module[{lhs, rhs, rhsSplit, split, rhsString}, lhs = First@eq; rhs = Last@eq; split[ x_ + y___] := { x, " + ..."}; split[-x_ + y___] := {-x, " + ..."}; split[ x_ ] := { x, ""}; rhsSplit = split[Expand@ReplacePowers[rhs,False]]; rhsString = ToString@CForm[rhsSplit[[1]]] <> rhsSplit[[2]]; InfoMessage[InfoFull, " " <> ToString@lhs <> " -> " <> rhsString]]; (* Collect and simplify terms *) simpCollect[collectList_, eqrhs_, localvar_, debug_] := Module[{rhs, collectCoeff, all, localCollectList}, InfoMessage[InfoFull, localvar]; rhs = eqrhs; rhs = rhs /. Abs[MathTensor`Detg] -> MathTensor`Detg; InfoMessage[InfoFull, "ByteCount[rhs]: ", ByteCount@rhs]; localCollectList = collectList /. VAR :> removeRHS@localvar; collectCoeff = Collect[rhs, localCollectList]; InfoMessage[InfoFull, "ByteCount[terms collected]: ", ByteCount@collectCoeff]; all = Profile["Collect/Simplify", Collect[rhs, localCollectList, Simplify]]; InfoMessage[InfoFull, "ByteCount[simplified rhs]: ", ByteCount@all]; all]; (* Return a CodeGen block which assigns dest by evaluating expr *) assignVariableFromExpression[dest_, expr_, declare_, vectorise_, noSimplify:Boolean : False] := Module[{type, cleanExpr, code}, type = If[StringMatchQ[ToString[dest], "dir*"], "ptrdiff_t", DataType[]]; cleanExpr = ReplacePowers[expr, vectorise, noSimplify]; If[SOURCELANGUAGE == "C", code = If[declare, type <> " ", ""] <> ToString[dest] <> " = " <> ToString[cleanExpr, CForm, PageWidth -> Infinity] <> ";\n", code = ToString@dest <> ".eq." <> ToString[cleanExpr, FortranForm, PageWidth -> 120] <> "\n"]; If[SOURCELANGUAGE != "C", code = StringReplace[code, "\n " -> " &\n"]; code = StringReplace[code, " - " -> " & "]; code = StringReplace[code, ".eq." -> " = "]; code = StringReplace[code, "= " -> "="]; code = StringReplace[code, "\\" -> ""]; code = StringReplace[code, "(index)" -> "(i,j,k)"]]; code = lineBreak[code, 70] <> "\n"; code = StringReplace[code, "normal1" -> "normal[0]"]; code = StringReplace[code, "normal2" -> "normal[1]"]; code = StringReplace[code, "normal3" -> "normal[2]"]; code = StringReplace[code, "BesselJ"-> "gsl_sf_bessel_Jn"]; code = StringReplace[code, "\"" -> ""]; {code}]; (* This and assignVariableFromExpression should be combined *) generateCodeFromExpression[expr_, vectorise_, noSimplify:Boolean : False] := Module[{type, cleanExpr, code}, cleanExpr = ReplacePowers[expr, vectorise, noSimplify]; If[SOURCELANGUAGE == "C", code = ToString[cleanExpr, CForm, PageWidth -> Infinity], code = ToString[cleanExpr, FortranForm, PageWidth -> 120]]; If[SOURCELANGUAGE != "C", code = StringReplace[code, "\n " -> " &\n"]; code = StringReplace[code, " - " -> " & "]; code = StringReplace[code, ".eq." -> " = "]; code = StringReplace[code, "= " -> "="]; code = StringReplace[code, "\\" -> ""]; code = StringReplace[code, "(index)" -> "(i,j,k)"]]; code = StringReplace[code, "normal1" -> "normal[0]"]; code = StringReplace[code, "normal2" -> "normal[1]"]; code = StringReplace[code, "normal3" -> "normal[2]"]; code = StringReplace[code, "BesselJ"-> "gsl_sf_bessel_Jn"]; code = StringReplace[code, "\"" -> ""]; {code}]; (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shorthands -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) defContainsShorthand[def_, shorthands_] := Module[{allAtoms, c}, allAtoms = Union[Level[def, {-1}]]; c = Intersection[shorthands, allAtoms]; c != {}]; checkShorthandAssignmentOrder[eqs_, shorthand_] := Module[{useBooleans, uses, firstUse, lhss, assignments}, (* Make a list of booleans describing, for each equation, whether it uses the given shorthand *) useBooleans = Map[equationUsesShorthand[#, shorthand] &, eqs]; uses = Position[useBooleans, True]; lhss = Map[First, eqs]; (* The equation numbers that define this shorthand *) assignments = Position[lhss, shorthand]; If[Length[uses] == 0 && Length[assignments] >= 1, InfoMessage[Warning, "WARNING: Shorthand ", shorthand, " is defined but not used in this equation list."]]; If[Length[uses] == 0, Return[]]; (* The number of the first equation to use this shorthand *) firstUse = First[uses]; If[Length[assignments] > 1, InfoMessage[Warning, "WARNING: Shorthand ", shorthand, " is defined more than once."]]; If[Length[assignments] == 0, ThrowError["Shorthand", shorthand, "is not defined in this equation list", eqs]]; If[assignments[[1]] >= firstUse, ThrowError["Shorthand", shorthand, "is used before it is defined in this equation list", eqs]]]; (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Partial derivatives -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Split the list of partial derivative definitions into those containing shorthands, and those that do not. *) splitPDDefsWithShorthands[pddefs_, shorthands_] := Module[{defsWithShorts, defsWithoutShorts}, defsWithShorts = Select[pddefs, defContainsShorthand[#, shorthands] &]; defsWithoutShorts = Select[pddefs, ! defContainsShorthand[#, shorthands] &]; Return[{defsWithoutShorts, defsWithShorts}]]; pdCanonicalOrdering[name_[inds___] -> x_] := Module[{is}, is = {inds}; If[Length[is] == 2, Return[{name[f_,2,1] -> name[f,1,2], name[f_,3,1] -> name[f,1,3], name[f_,3,2] -> name[f,2,3]}], {}]]; (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Calculation function generation -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) Options[CreateCalculationFunction] = Join[ThornOptions,{Debug -> False}]; DefFn[ CreateCalculationFunction[calcp_, opts:OptionsPattern[]] := Module[{gfs, allSymbols, knownSymbols, shorts, eqs, parameters, parameterRules, odeGroups, functionName, dsUsed, groups, pddefs, cleancalc, eqLoop, where, addToStencilWidth, pDefs, haveCondTextuals, condTextuals, calc, kernelCall, DGFEDefs, DGFEInit, DGFECall, debug, useJacobian, imp, gridName, stencilSize}, debug = OptionValue[Debug]; useJacobian = OptionValue[UseJacobian] && lookupDefault[calcp, UseJacobian, True]; imp = lookup[calcp, Implementation]; gridName = lookup[calcp, GFAccessFunction]; functionName = ToString@lookup[calcp, Name]; bodyFunctionName = functionName <> "_Body"; InfoMessage[Terse, "Creating calculation function: " <> functionName]; InfoMessage[InfoFull, "Calculation sets "<>ToString[Map[First,lookup[calcp, Equations]]]]; calc = If[useJacobian, InsertJacobian[calcp, opts], calcp]; cleancalc = removeUnusedShorthands[calc]; If[OptionValue[CSE], cleancalc = EliminateCommonSubexpressions[cleancalc, opts]]; shorts = lookupDefault[cleancalc, Shorthands, {}]; eqs = lookup[cleancalc, Equations]; parameters = lookupDefault[cleancalc, Parameters, {}]; groups = lookup[cleancalc, Groups]; odeGroups = lookupDefault[cleancalc, ODEGroups, {}]; If[useJacobian, groups = Join[groups, JacobianGroups[]]]; pddefs = lookupDefault[cleancalc, PartialDerivatives, {}]; where = lookupDefault[cleancalc, Where, Everywhere]; addToStencilWidth = lookupDefault[cleancalc, AddToStencilWidth, 0]; pDefs = lookup[cleancalc, PreDefinitions]; haveCondTextuals = mapContains[cleancalc, ConditionalOnTextuals]; VerifyCalculation[cleancalc]; gfs = allGroupVariables[groups]; InfoMessage[InfoFull, " " <> ToString[Length@shorts] <> " shorthands"]; InfoMessage[InfoFull, " " <> ToString[Length@gfs] <> " grid functions"]; InfoMessage[InfoFull, " " <> ToString[Length@groups] <> " groups"]; InfoMessage[InfoFull, "Shorthands: ", shorts]; InfoMessage[InfoFull, "Grid functions: ", gfs]; InfoMessage[InfoFull, "Groups: ", Map[groupName, groups]]; If[Length@lookupDefault[cleancalc, CollectList, {}] > 0, eqs = Map[First[#] -> simpCollect[lookup[cleancalc, CollectList], Last[#], First[#], debug] &, eqs], (* else *) If[!lookupDefault[cleancalc, NoSimplify, False], eqs = Map[(InfoMessage[InfoFull, "Simplifying "<>ToString[#[[1]], InputForm]<>" -> ..."]; Simplify[#, {r>=0}]) &, eqs]]]; InfoMessage[InfoFull, "Equations:"]; (* Wrap parameters with ToReal unless they are part of the condition in an IfThen *) parameterRules = Map[(#->ToReal[#])&, parameters]; eqs = eqs /. Prepend[parameterRules, IfThen[cond_, x_, y_] :> IfThen[cond, x/.parameterRules, y/.parameterRules]]; (* Map[printEq, eqs]; *) Scan[InfoMessage[InfoFull, " " <> ToString@First[#]<>" = ..."] &, eqs]; (* Compute necessary stencil size *) stencilSize = StencilSize[pddefs, eqs, functionName, OptionValue[ZeroDimensions], lookup[{opts}, IntParameters, {}]]; If[!VectorQ[stencilSize], stencilSize = MapThread[Max,Map[Last,stencilSize[[2]]]]]; If[where === Automatic, where = If[MatchQ[stencilSize, {0,0,0}] =!= True, Interior, Everywhere]]; (* Check all the function names *) functionsPresent = functionsInCalculation[cleancalc]; (* Not currently used *) (* Check that there are no shorthands defined with the same name as a grid function *) If[!(Intersection[shorts, gfs] === {}), ThrowError["The following shorthands are already declared as grid functions:", Intersection[shorts, gfs]]]; (* check that the passed in textual condition makes sense *) If[haveCondTextuals, condTextuals = lookup[cleancalc, ConditionalOnTextuals]; If[! MatchQ[condTextuals, {_String ...}], ThrowError["ConditionalOnTextuals entry in calculation expected to be of the form {string, ...}, but was ", condTextuals, "Calculation is ", calc]]; ]; (* Check that there are no unknown symbols in the calculation *) allSymbols = calculationSymbols[cleancalc]; knownSymbols = Join[lookupDefault[cleancalc, AllowedSymbols, {}], gfs, shorts, parameters, {dx,dy,dz,dt,idx,idy,idz,t, Pi, E, Symbol["i"], Symbol["j"], Symbol["k"], normal1, normal2, normal3, tangentA1, tangentA2, tangentA3, tangentB1, tangentB2, tangentB3}, If[useJacobian, JacobianSymbols[], {}]]; unknownSymbols = Complement[allSymbols, knownSymbols]; If[unknownSymbols != {}, ThrowError["Unknown symbols in calculation. Symbols are:", unknownSymbols, "Calculation is:", cleancalc]]; kernelCall = Switch[where, Everywhere, "GenericFD_LoopOverEverything(cctkGH, " <> bodyFunctionName <> ");\n", Interior, "GenericFD_LoopOverInterior(cctkGH, " <> bodyFunctionName <> ");\n", InteriorNoSync, "GenericFD_LoopOverInterior(cctkGH, " <> bodyFunctionName <> ");\n", Boundary | BoundaryNoSync, "GenericFD_LoopOverBoundary(cctkGH, " <> bodyFunctionName <> ");\n", BoundaryWithGhosts, "GenericFD_LoopOverBoundaryWithGhosts(cctkGH, " <> bodyFunctionName <> ");\n", _, ThrowError["Unknown 'Where' entry in calculation " <> functionName <> ": " <> ToString[where]]]; DGFEDefs = If[OptionValue[UseDGFE], Module[ {name, lhss, gfsInLHS, vars}, InfoMessage[InfoFull, "Generating DGFE boilerplate"]; name = lookup[cleancalc, Name]; lhss = Map[#[[1]] &, eqs]; gfsInLHS = Union[Cases[lhss, _ ? (MemberQ[gfs,#] &), Infinity]]; InfoMessage[InfoFull, "gfsInLHS:" <> Map[" "<>ToString[#] &, gfsInLHS]]; (* TODO: do this in a better way, don't examine the variable names *) vars = Select[gfsInLHS, StringMatchQ[ToString[#], RegularExpression[".*rhs.*"]] &]; vars = Map[Symbol[StringReplace[ToString[#], "rhs"->""]] &, vars]; InfoMessage[InfoFull, "DGFE variables:" <> Map[" "<>ToString[#] &, vars]]; { "", "", "", "/* DGFE Definitions */", "", "#include ", "", "#define config_sdg_order 5", (* TODO: make this a parameter *) "#define config_riemann_solver hrscc::LaxFriedrichsRSname<>", false>", "", "/* Export definitions */", "#define "<>name<>"_sdg_grid hrscc::GNIGrid >", "#define "<>name<>"_sdg_method hrscc::SDGMethodname<>", "<>name<>"_sdg_grid, config_riemann_solver>", "", "/*** Numerical scheme ***/", "", "/* Configuration */", "#define config_method "<>name<>"_sdg_method", "", "/* Export definitions */", "#define "<>name<>"_method config_method", "#define "<>name<>"_solver hrscc::CLawSolvername<>", config_method>", "", "", "", "class DGFE_"<>name<>";", "", "namespace hrscc {", " template<>", " struct traitsname<>"> {", " // All state vector variables", " enum state_t {" <> Map["i"<>ToString[#]<>", " &, vars] <> "nvars};", " enum {nequations = nvars};", " enum {nexternal = 3*nvars};", " enum {nbitmasks = 0};", " static bool const pure = false;", " };", "} // namespace", "", "", "", "class DGFE_"<>name<>": public hrscc::CLawname<>"> {", "public:", " typedef hrscc::CLawname<>"> claw;", " typedef hrscc::traitsname<>">::state_t state_t;", " typedef hrscc::traitsname<>"> variables_t;", " static int const nvars = variables_t::nvars;", " ", " DGFE_"<>name<>"();", " ", " inline void prim_to_all(hrscc::Observer & observer) const", " {", " }", " ", " template", " inline void fluxes(hrscc::Observer & observer) const", " {", " ", Map[" CCTK_REAL flux"<>ToString[#]<>"L;" &, vars], " ", " switch (dir) {", Table[{ " case hrscc::policy::" <> {"x", "y", "z"}[[dir]] <> ": {", Map[" flux"<>ToString[#]<>"L = *observer.field[variables_t::i"<>ToString[#]<>" + "<>ToString[dir-1]<>"*DGFE_"<>name<>"::nvars];" &, vars], " break;", " }"}, {dir, 1, 3}], " default:", " assert(0);", " }", " ", Map[" observer.flux[dir][variables_t::i"<>ToString[#]<>"] = flux"<>ToString[#]<>"L;" &, vars], " }", " ", " template", " inline void eigenvalues(hrscc::Observer & observer) const", " {", " assert(0);", " }", " ", " template", " inline void eig(hrscc::Observer & observer) const", " {", " assert(0);", " }", "};", "", "", "", "namespace hrscc {", " template<> int CLawname<>">::conserved_idx[DGFE_"<>name<>"::nvars] = {};", " template<> int CLawname<>">::primitive_idx[DGFE_"<>name<>"::nvars] = {};", " template<> int CLawname<>">::rhs_idx[DGFE_"<>name<>"::nvars] = {};", " template<> int CLawname<>">::field_idx[3*DGFE_"<>name<>"::nvars] = {};", " template<> int CLawname<>">::bitmask_idx[0] = {};", "} // namespace hrscc", "", "", "", "namespace {", " int varindex(char const* const varname)", " {", " int const vi = CCTK_VarIndex(varname);", " if (vi<0) CCTK_WARN(CCTK_WARN_ABORT, \"Internal error\");", " return vi;", " }", "}", "", "DGFE_"<>name<>"::DGFE_"<>name<>"()", "{", " using namespace hrscc;", "", Map[" CLawname<>">::conserved_idx[variables_t::i"<>ToString[#]<>"] = varindex(CCTK_THORNSTRING \"::"<>ToString[#]<>"\");" &, vars], Map[" CLawname<>">::primitive_idx[variables_t::i"<>ToString[#]<>"] = varindex(CCTK_THORNSTRING \"::"<>ToString[#]<>"\");" &, vars], "", Map[" CLawname<>">::field_idx[variables_t::i"<>ToString[#]<>" + 0*DGFE_"<>name<>"::nvars] = varindex(CCTK_THORNSTRING \"::flux"<>ToString[#]<>"1\");" &, vars], Map[" CLawname<>">::field_idx[variables_t::i"<>ToString[#]<>" + 1*DGFE_"<>name<>"::nvars] = varindex(CCTK_THORNSTRING \"::flux"<>ToString[#]<>"2\");" &, vars], Map[" CLawname<>">::field_idx[variables_t::i"<>ToString[#]<>" + 2*DGFE_"<>name<>"::nvars] = varindex(CCTK_THORNSTRING \"::flux"<>ToString[#]<>"3\");" &, vars], "", Map[" CLawname<>">::rhs_idx[variables_t::i"<>ToString[#]<>"] = varindex(CCTK_THORNSTRING \"::"<>ToString[#]<>"rhs\");" &, vars], "}", "", "", "", "/* A solver, DGFE's equivalent of cctkGH */", "static "<>name<>"_solver *solver = NULL;", "", "", "", "/* Call the pointwise DGFE derivative operator */", "#undef PDstandardNth1", "#undef PDstandardNth2", "#undef PDstandardNth3", "#define PDstandardNth1(u) (solver->diff(&(u)[-index], i,j,k))", "#define PDstandardNth2(u) (solver->diff(&(u)[-index], i,j,k))", "#define PDstandardNth3(u) (solver->diff(&(u)[-index], i,j,k))", "", "", "" } // Flatten // Map[# <> "\n" &, #] &], {} ]; DGFEInit = If[OptionValue[UseDGFE], Module[ {name}, name = lookup[cleancalc, Name]; { "", "if (not solver) solver = new "<>name<>"_method(cctkGH);" } // Flatten // Map[# <> "\n" &, #] &], {} ]; DGFECall = If[OptionValue[UseDGFE] && lookupDefault[cleancalc, UseDGFE, False], Module[ {name}, name = lookup[cleancalc, Name]; { "", "/* Add the flux terms to the RHS */", "solver->compute_rhs();", "", "delete solver;", "solver = NULL;" } // Flatten // Map[# <> "\n" &, #] &], {} ]; InfoMessage[InfoFull,"Generating function"]; { DGFEDefs, lookup[calcp,BodyFunction][{ (* OpenCL kernel prologue *) (* We could (or probably should) write this into a source file of its own *) If[OptionValue[UseOpenCL], { "char const *const source =\n" }, { }], If[OptionValue[UseOpenCL], Stringify, Identity][{ CommentedBlock["Include user-supplied include files", Map[IncludeFile, lookupDefault[cleancalc, DeclarationIncludes, {}]]], lookup[calcp,InitFDVariables], definePreDefinitions[pDefs], If[useJacobian, CreateJacobianVariables[], {}], If[Cases[{pddefs}, SBPDerivative[_], Infinity] != {}, CommentedBlock["Compute Summation By Parts derivatives", IncludeFile["sbp_calc_coeffs.h"]], {}], If[gfs != {}, { eqLoop = If[lookup[calcp, SimpleCode, False], simpleEquationLoop, equationLoop][eqs, cleancalc, gfs, shorts, {}, groups, odeGroups, pddefs, where, addToStencilWidth, opts]}, {}] }], (* OpenCL kernel epilogue *) If[OptionValue[UseOpenCL], { ";\n\n", Module[ {ignoreGroups, groupsNames, groupNameList}, ignoreGroups = {"TmunuBase::stress_energy_scalar", "TmunuBase::stress_energy_vector", "TmunuBase::stress_energy_tensor"}; groupNames = groupsInCalculation[cleancalc, imp]; groupNames = Select[groupNames, !MemberQ[ignoreGroups, #] &]; { "char const *const groups[] = {\n ", Riffle[Join[Map[Quote, groupNames], {"NULL"}], ",\n "], "};\n\n" } ], "static struct OpenCLKernel *kernel = NULL;\n", "char const *const sources[] = {differencing, source, NULL};\n", "OpenCLRunTime_CallKernel(cctkGH, CCTK_THORNSTRING, \"" <> functionName <> "\",\n", " sources, groups, NULL, NULL, NULL, -1,\n", " imin, imax, &kernel);\n\n" }, { }] }], If[lookup[calcp,CallerFunction], DefineCCTKSubroutine[functionName, FlattenBlock[{ If[haveCondTextuals, Map[ConditionalOnParameterTextual["!(" <> # <> ")", "return;\n"] &,condTextuals], {}], ConditionalOnParameterTextual["verbose > 1", "CCTK_VInfo(CCTK_THORNSTRING,\"Entering " <> bodyFunctionName <> "\");\n"], ConditionalOnParameterTextual["cctk_iteration % " <> functionName <> "_calc_every != " <> functionName <> "_calc_offset", "return;\n"], CheckGroupStorage[groupsInCalculation[cleancalc, imp], functionName], "\n", CheckStencil[pddefs, eqs, functionName, OptionValue[ZeroDimensions], lookup[{opts}, IntParameters, {}]], If[where === Everywhere && !OptionValue[UseDGFE] && MatchQ[stencilSize, {0,0,0}] =!= True, ThrowError["Calculation "<>functionName<>" uses derivative operators but is computed Everywhere. Specify Where -> Interior for calculations that use derivative operators."]]; "\n", DGFEInit, kernelCall, DGFECall, ConditionalOnParameterTextual["verbose > 1", "CCTK_VInfo(CCTK_THORNSTRING,\"Leaving " <> bodyFunctionName <> "\");\n"] }]], (* else *) ""] }]]; Options[equationLoop] = ThornOptions; DefFn[ equationLoop[eqs_, cleancalc_, gfs_, shorts_, incs_, groups_, odeGroups_, pddefs_, where_, addToStencilWidth_, opts:OptionsPattern[]] := Module[{rhss, lhss, gfsInRHS, gfsInLHS, gfsOnlyInRHS, localGFs, localMap, eqs2, derivSwitch, code, functionName, calcCode, gfsInBoth, gfsDifferentiated, gfsDifferentiatedAndOnLHS, declare, eqsReplaced, arraysInRHS, arraysInLHS, arraysOnlyInRHS, odeVars, generateEquationCode, groupedIfs, IfThenGroup, noSimplify, gridName, useJacobian}, InfoMessage[InfoFull, "Equation loop"]; useJacobian = OptionValue[UseJacobian] && lookupDefault[cleancalc, UseJacobian, True]; gridName = Function[x,FlattenBlock[lookup[cleancalc, GFAccessFunction][x]]]; rhss = Map[#[[2]] &, eqs]; lhss = Map[#[[1]] &, eqs]; orderings = Flatten[Map[pdCanonicalOrdering, pddefs], 1]; eqsOrdered = (eqs //. orderings); odeVars = variablesFromGroups[odeGroups, groups]; gfsInRHS = Union[Cases[rhss, _ ? (MemberQ[gfs,#] &), Infinity]]; gfsInLHS = Union[Cases[lhss, _ ? (MemberQ[gfs,#] &), Infinity]]; gfsOnlyInRHS = Complement[gfsInRHS, gfsInLHS]; gfsInBoth = Intersection[gfsInRHS,gfsInLHS]; If[OptionValue[ProhibitAssignmentToGridFunctionsRead] && gfsInBoth =!= {}, ThrowError["The calculation " <> ToString@lookup[cleancalc, Name] <> " has the grid functions " <> ToString[gfsInBoth] <> " on both the left hand side and the right hand side. This is" <> " not allowed with the option" <> " ProhibitAssignmentToGridFunctionsRead -> True."]]; localGFs = Map[localName, gfs]; localMap = Map[# -> localName[#] &, gfs]; derivSwitch = GridFunctionDerivativesInExpression[pddefs, eqsOrdered, OptionValue[ZeroDimensions]] != {}; gfsDifferentiated = Map[First, GridFunctionDerivativesInExpression[pddefs, eqsOrdered, OptionValue[ZeroDimensions]]]; gfsDifferentiatedAndOnLHS = Intersection[gfsDifferentiated, gfsInLHS]; If[gfsDifferentiatedAndOnLHS =!= {}, ThrowError["The calculation " <> ToString@lookup[cleancalc, Name] <> " has both assignments to, and derivatives of, the grid functions " <> ToString[gfsDifferentiatedAndOnLHS] <> ". This is not allowed, as it gives results which are dependent" <> " on the ordering of the loop over grid points."]]; (* Replace the partial derivatives *) {defsWithoutShorts, defsWithShorts} = splitPDDefsWithShorthands[pddefs, shorts]; eqs2 = ReplaceDerivatives[defsWithoutShorts, eqsOrdered, True, OptionValue[ZeroDimensions],lookup[cleancalc, MacroPointer]]; eqs2 = ReplaceDerivatives[defsWithShorts, eqs2, False, OptionValue[ZeroDimensions], lookup[cleancalc, MacroPointer]]; checkEquationAssignmentOrder[eqs2, shorts]; functionName = ToString@lookup[cleancalc, Name]; (* Replace grid functions with their local forms *) eqsReplaced = eqs2 /. localMap; (* Construct a list, corresponding to the list of equations, marking those which need their LHS variables declared. We declare variables at the same time as assigning to them as it gives a performance increase over declaring them separately at the start of the loop. The local variables for the grid functions which appear in the RHSs have been declared and set already (DeclareMaybeAssignVariableInLoop below), so assignments to these do not generate declarations here. *) declare = Block[{$RecursionLimit=Infinity},markFirst[First /@ eqsReplaced, Map[localName, gfsInRHS]]]; (* Replace consecutive IfThen statements with the same condition by a single IfThenGroup *) groupedIfs = Thread[{declare, eqsReplaced}] //. {{x___, {deca_, a_->IfThen[cond_, at_, af_]}, {decb_, b_->IfThen[cond_, bt_, bf_]}, y___} :> {x, {{deca, decb}, IfThenGroup[cond, {a->at, b->bt}, {a->af, b->bf}]}, y}, {x___, {deca_, IfThenGroup[cond_, at_, af_]}, {decb_, b_->IfThen[cond_, bt_, bf_]}, y___} :> {x, {Join[deca, {decb}], IfThenGroup[cond, Join[at, {b->bt}], Join[af, {b->bf}]]}, y}, {x___, {deca_, IfThenGroup[cond_, at_, af_]}, {decb_, IfThenGroup[cond_, bt_, bf_]}, y___} :> {x, {Join[deca, decb], IfThenGroup[cond, Join[at, bt], Join[af, bf]]}, y}}; noSimplify = lookupDefault[cleancalc, NoSimplify, False]; (* Generate actual code strings. Try to declare variables as they are assigned, but it is only possible to do this outside all if(){} statements. *) generateEquationCode[{declare2_, eq2_}] := Module[{ret, vars, preDeclare, cond, vectorize}, vectorize = OptionValue[UseVectors]; InfoMessage[InfoFull, "Generating code for " <> ToString[eq2[[1]], InputForm]]; Which[ SameQ[Head[eq2[[2]]], IfThen], ret = assignVariableFromExpression[eq2[[1]], eq2[[2]] /. IfThen[cond_, x__]:> IfThen[Scalar[cond], x], declare2, vectorize, noSimplify];, SameQ[Head[eq2], IfThenGroup], vars = eq2[[2,All,1]]; cond = eq2[[1]]; preDeclare = Pick[vars, declare2]; ret = {Map[DeclareVariableNoInit[#, DataType[]] &, Complement[Union[preDeclare], localName/@gfsInRHS]], {"\n"}, Conditional[generateCodeFromExpression[Scalar[cond], False], Riffle[assignVariableFromExpression[#[[1]], #[[2]], False, vectorize, noSimplify]& /@ eq2[[2]], "\n"], Riffle[assignVariableFromExpression[#[[1]], #[[2]], False, vectorize, noSimplify]& /@ eq2[[3]], "\n"]]};, True, ret = assignVariableFromExpression[eq2[[1]], eq2[[2]], declare2, OptionValue[UseVectors], noSimplify]; ]; ret ]; groupedIfsArrays = Select[groupedIfs, MemberQ[Map[localName, odeVars], #[[2]][[1]]] &]; groupedIfs = Select[groupedIfs, !MemberQ[Map[localName, odeVars], #[[2]][[1]]] &]; calcCode = Riffle[generateEquationCode /@ groupedIfs, "\n"]; calcCodeArrays = Riffle[generateEquationCode /@ groupedIfsArrays, "\n"]; InfoMessage[InfoFull, "Finished generating equation code"]; assignLocalFunctions[gs_, useVectors_, useJacobian_, NameFunc_] := Module[{conds, varPatterns, varsInConds, simpleVars, code}, conds = {{"eT" ~~ _ ~~ _, "*stress_energy_state", "ToReal(0.0)"}}; (* This should be passed as an option *) If[useJacobian, conds = Append[conds, JacobianConditionalGridFunctions[]]]; varPatterns = Map[First, conds]; varsInConds = Map[Function[pattern, Select[gs,StringMatchQ[ToString[#], pattern] &]], varPatterns]; simpleVars = Complement[gs, Flatten[varsInConds]]; code = {"\n", Map[DeclareMaybeAssignVariableInLoop[ DataType[], localName[#], NameFunc[#], False,"", useVectors] &, simpleVars], {"\n", Riffle[ MapThread[ If[Length[#2] > 0, {DeclareVariables[localName/@#2, DataType[]],"\n", Conditional[#1, Table[AssignVariableInLoop[localName[var], NameFunc[var], useVectors], {var, #2}], Sequence@@If[#3 =!= None, {Table[AssignVariableInLoop[localName[var], #3, False (*useVectors*)], {var, #2}]}, {}]]}, (* else *) {}] &, {Map[#[[2]]&, conds], varsInConds, Map[#[[3]]&, conds]}], "\n"]}}; code ]; assignLocalGridFunctions[gs_, useVectors_, useJacobian_] := assignLocalFunctions[gs, useVectors, useJacobian, gridName]; assignLocalArrayFunctions[gs_] := assignLocalFunctions[gs, False, False, ArrayName]; (* separate grid and array variables *) arraysInRHS = Intersection[odeVars, gfsInRHS]; arraysInLHS = Intersection[odeVars, gfsInLHS]; arraysOnlyInRHS = Complement[arraysInRHS, arraysInLHS]; gfsInRHS = Complement[gfsInRHS, odeVars]; gfsInLHS = Complement[gfsInLHS, odeVars]; gfsOnlyInRHS = Complement[gfsInRHS, gfsInLHS]; { CommentedBlock["Assign local copies of arrays functions", assignLocalArrayFunctions[arraysInRHS]], CommentedBlock["Calculate temporaries and arrays functions", calcCodeArrays], CommentedBlock["Copy local copies back to grid functions", Map[AssignVariableInLoop[ArrayName[#], localName[#]] &, arraysInLHS]], lookup[cleancalc,LoopFunction][ { (* DeclareDerivatives[defsWithoutShorts, eqsOrdered], *) CommentedBlock["Assign local copies of grid functions", assignLocalGridFunctions[gfsInRHS, OptionValue[UseVectors], useJacobian]], CommentedBlock["Include user supplied include files", Map[IncludeFile, incs]], CommentedBlock["Precompute derivatives", PrecomputeDerivatives[defsWithoutShorts, eqsOrdered, lookup[{opts}, IntParameters, {}], OptionValue[ZeroDimensions], lookup[cleancalc, MacroPointer]]], CommentedBlock["Calculate temporaries and grid functions", calcCode], If[debugInLoop, Map[InfoVariable[#[[1]]] &, (eqs2 /. localMap)], ""], If[OptionValue[UseVectors] || OptionValue[UseOpenCL], CommentedBlock["Copy local copies back to grid functions", { PrepareStorePartialVariableInLoop["i", "lc_imin", "lc_imax"], Map[StorePartialVariableInLoop[gridName[#], localName[#]] &, gfsInLHS] }], CommentedBlock["Copy local copies back to grid functions", Map[AssignVariableInLoop[gridName[#], localName[#]] &, gfsInLHS]]], If[debugInLoop, Map[InfoVariable[gridName[#]] &, gfsInLHS], ""]}, opts]}]]; Options[simpleEquationLoop] = ThornOptions; DefFn[ simpleEquationLoop[eqs_, cleancalc_, gfs_, shorts_, incs_, groups_, odeGroups_, pddefs_, where_, addToStencilWidth_, opts:OptionsPattern[]] := Module[ {functionName, eqs2, gridName}, functionName = ToString@lookup[cleancalc, Name]; eqs2 = eqs; eqs2 = ReplaceDerivatives[pddefs, eqs2, False, OptionValue[ZeroDimensions], lookup[cleancalc, MacroPointer]]; gridName = lookup[cleancalc, GFAccessFunction]; lookup[cleancalc,LoopFunction][ { CommentedBlock[ "Calculate temporaries and grid functions", If[OptionValue[UseVectors], { PrepareStorePartialVariableInLoop["i", "lc_imin", "lc_imax"], Map[StorePartialVariableInLoop[FlattenBlock@gridName[#[[1]]], #[[2]]] &, eqs2] }, Map[ assignVariableFromExpression[FlattenBlock@gridName[#[[1]]], #[[2]], False, False, True] &, eqs2]]] }, opts]]]; (* Unsorted *) GridFunctionsInExpression[x_, groups_] := Union[Cases[x, _ ? (MemberQ[allGroupVariables[groups],#] &), Infinity]]; End[]; EndPackage[];