(* Copyright 2012 Ian Hinder This file is part of Kranc. Kranc is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Kranc is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Kranc; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA *) BeginPackage["CaKernel`", {"Errors`", "Helpers`", "Kranc`", "CodeGenCactus`", "MapLookup`", "Calculation`", "CodeGen`", "CalculationFunction`", "CodeGenC`"}]; CaKernelCCL; CaKernelCode; CaKernelEpilogue; CaKernelSchedule; CaKernelConfigurationCLL; CaKernelInterfaceCLL; WithHostCalculations; Begin["`Private`"]; DefFn[ variableBlock[var_, intent_String, cached_] := CCLBlockCompact["CCTK_CUDA_KERNEL_VARIABLE", "", {"cached" -> If[cached,"yes","no"], "intent" -> intent}, {var}, ToString[var]]]; DefFn[ parameterBlock[par_] := CCLBlock["CCTK_CUDA_KERNEL_PARAMETER", "", {}, {par,"\n"}, ToString[par]]]; DefFn[ variableBlocks[calc_] := Module[ {in,out,all,inOnly,outOnly,inOut,params, cachedVars}, params = GetCalculationParameters[calc]; in = Join[InputGridFunctions[calc]]; out = OutputGridFunctions[calc]; all = Union[in,out]; inOnly = Join[Complement[in, out]]; outOnly = Complement[out, in]; inOut = Intersection[in,out]; cachedVars = lookupDefault[calc, CachedVariables, {}]; Riffle[ Map[variableBlock[#, Which[MemberQ[inOnly, #], "in", MemberQ[outOnly, #], "out", MemberQ[inOut, #], "inout", True,ThrowError["Unable to determine use of variable "<>ToString[#]]], MemberQ[cachedVars,#]] &, all]~Join~ Map[parameterBlock, params], ""]]]; DefFn[ kernelCCLBlock[calc_, tileSize_List] := Module[ {bnd = (GetCalculationWhere[calc] === Boundary), int, attrs}, int = !bnd; attrs = {"TYPE" -> If[int, "gpu_cuda_dc/3dblock2", "gpu_cuda_dc/boundary_s"], "TILE" -> Quote[StringJoin[Riffle[ToString/@tileSize,","]]], "SHARECODE" -> "yes"}; If[int, attrs = Append[attrs, "STENCIL" -> Quote@FlattenBlock@Riffle[ Flatten[Map[{#,#} &, CalculationStencilSize[calc]],1],","]]]; CCLBlock["CCTK_CUDA_KERNEL", lookup[calc, Name], attrs, variableBlocks[calc]]]]; Options[CaKernelCCL] = ThornOptions; DefFn[CaKernelCCL[calcs_List, opts:OptionsPattern[]] := Module[ {}, Map[kernelCCLBlock[#,OptionValue[TileSize]] &, Select[calcs, CalculationOnDevice]]]]; DefFn[CaKernelSchedule[] := {}]; CaKernelConfigurationCLL[] := "REQUIRES CUDA"; CaKernelInterfaceCLL[] := " # These functions are provided by the CaKernel thorn CCTK_INT FUNCTION Device_RegisterMem(CCTK_POINTER IN cctkGH, CCTK_INT IN vi, CCTK_INT IN num_tls) REQUIRES FUNCTION Device_RegisterMem CCTK_INT FUNCTION Device_UnRegisterMem(CCTK_POINTER IN cctkGH, CCTK_INT IN vi) REQUIRES FUNCTION Device_UnRegisterMem CCTK_POINTER FUNCTION Device_GetVarI (CCTK_POINTER IN cctkGH, CCTK_INT IN vi, CCTK_INT IN num_tls) REQUIRES FUNCTION Device_GetVarI "; DefFn[codeBlock[macro_String, contents_] := Module[ {}, CheckBlock[contents]; {macro<>"_Begin", "\n", IndentBlock[{contents,"\n"}], macro<>"_End","\n"}]]; DefFn[ CaKernelInitialiseFDVariables[] := CommentedBlock[ "Initialise finite differencing variables", { DeclareAssignVariable[DataType[], "dx", "params.cagh_dx"], DeclareAssignVariable[DataType[], "dy", "params.cagh_dy"], DeclareAssignVariable[DataType[], "dz", "params.cagh_dz"], DeclareAssignVariable[DataType[], "dt", "params.cagh_dt"], DeclareAssignVariable[DataType[], "t", "params.cagh_time"], DeclareAssignVariable[DataType[], "dxi", "INV(dx)"], DeclareAssignVariable[DataType[], "dyi", "INV(dy)"], DeclareAssignVariable[DataType[], "dzi", "INV(dz)"], DeclareAssignVariable[DataType[], "khalf", "0.5"], DeclareAssignVariable[DataType[], "kthird", "1/3.0"], DeclareAssignVariable[DataType[], "ktwothird", "2.0/3.0"], DeclareAssignVariable[DataType[], "kfourthird", "4.0/3.0"], DeclareAssignVariable[DataType[], "keightthird", "8.0/3.0"], DeclareAssignVariable[DataType[], "hdxi", "0.5 * dxi"], DeclareAssignVariable[DataType[], "hdyi", "0.5 * dyi"], DeclareAssignVariable[DataType[], "hdzi", "0.5 * dzi"]}]]; cakernelLoopFunctionInt[b_, opts___] := codeBlock[LoopName /. {opts}, b]; cakernelLoopFunctionBnd[b_, opts___] := b; DefFn[CaKernelCode[calc_List,opts___] := Module[ {kernel = "CAKERNEL_"<>GetCalculationName[calc], calc2, compSuff, int, loopFunction}, SetDataType["CCTK_REAL"]; int = (GetCalculationWhere[calc] =!= Boundary); loopFunction = If[int, cakernelLoopFunctionInt, cakernelLoopFunctionBnd]; calc2 = Join[calc, {BodyFunction -> (codeBlock[kernel, #] &), CallerFunction -> False, LoopFunction -> loopFunction, GFAccessFunction -> ({"I3D(",Riffle[{#,0,0,0},","],")"} &), InitFDVariables -> CaKernelInitialiseFDVariables[], MacroPointer -> False}]; If[!int, calc2 = calc2 /. {normal1 -> "bound_x", normal2 -> "bound_y", normal3 -> "bound_z"}]; {"#undef KRANC_DIFF_FUNCTIONS\n", "#define KRANC_" <> ToUpperCase[CodeGenC`SOURCELANGUAGE] <> "\n", Map[IncludeFile, {"Differencing.h", "GenericFD.h"}], "\n", "#undef KRANC_GFOFFSET3D\n", "#define KRANC_GFOFFSET3D(u,i,j,k) I3D(u,i,j,k)\n", "\n", CalculationMacros[], "\n", CreateCalculationFunction[calc2, LoopName -> kernel<>"_Computations", opts]}]]; DefFn[ splitHostCaKernel[calc_List] := (* Each calculation is marked as ExecuteOn Host, Device or Automatic. The default is Automatic. Only calculations specified as Host are the special ones. These ones will ALWAYS execute on the host. Otherwise, they will execute on the device for a CaKernel run, and the host for a host run. Any calculation which is scheduled to execute on the host should be left alone. We don't need to modify it. Any calculation which has ExecuteOn -> Automatic should be split into two. One will be a host calculation and one a CaKernel one. Which is scheduled will depend on the global variable. *) If[lookup[calc,ExecuteOn,Automatic] === Host, {calc}, {mapReplaceAdd[ mapReplaceAdd[ AddConditionSuffix[calc, "Accelerator::device_process"], UseCaKernel, True], ExecuteOn, Device], mapReplaceAdd[ mapReplaceAdd[ AddConditionSuffix[calc, "Accelerator::host_process"], UseCaKernel,False], ExecuteOn, Host]}]]; DefFn[ WithHostCalculations[calcs_List] := Flatten[Map[splitHostCaKernel, calcs],1]]; End[]; EndPackage[];