#!/usr/bin/env MathematicaScript -script (* If MathematicaScript is not available on your path, you can run this script with MathKernel -run 'Get["TestTensorTools.m"]; Quit[]' *) (****************************************************************) (* Initialise *) (****************************************************************) messageHandler = If[Last[#], Print["Messages generated"]; Quit[1]] &; Internal`AddHandler["Message", messageHandler] $Path = Join[{"../Tools/CodeGen", "../Tools/MathematicaMisc"}, $Path]; SetOptions["stdout", PageWidth -> Infinity]; SetOptions[$Output, FormatType -> OutputForm]; Print["Loading tensortools"]; << TensorTools`; Print["Arguments: ", $ScriptCommandLine]; enhancedTimes = False; SetEnhancedTimes[enhancedTimes]; (****************************************************************) (* Definitions *) (****************************************************************) SetAttributes[test, HoldFirst] test[t_, r1_] := Module[ {r}, Print["Input: ", HoldForm[InputForm@t]]; r = If[enhancedTimes, r1 /. Times -> TensorProduct, r1]; Print["Expected: ", Expand@r//InputForm]; If[Expand[Evaluate[t]] === Expand[r], testsPassed++; Print["Result: ", Expand[r]//InputForm]; Print["Pass"], (* else *) testsFailed++; Print["Result: ", Expand@Evaluate[t]//InputForm]; Print["Fail"]]; Print[]]; count[num_Integer, noun_String] := ToString[num] <> " " <> noun <> If[num === 1, "", "s"]; reportResults[] := Module[ {}, Print[count[testsPassed, "test"], " passed"]; Print[count[testsFailed, "test"], " failed"]]; (****************************************************************) (* Tests *) (****************************************************************) testsPassed = 0; testsFailed = 0; DefineTensor /@ {S, SS, T, TT, u, v, w, a, b}; (* We currently only test with correct input as it is CheckTensor's responsibility to check that the input is correct. This should be changed. *) Print["Running tests"]; Print[]; (****************************************************************) (* makeSum *) (****************************************************************) makeSum = TensorTools`Private`makeSum test[makeSum[1], 1]; test[makeSum[x], x]; test[makeSum[x^2], x^2]; test[makeSum[x^2 + 1], 1 + x^2]; test[makeSum[S[ua]], S[ua]]; test[makeSum[SS[la]], SS[la]]; test[makeSum[x S[ua]], x S[ua]]; test[makeSum[x S[ua] + T[ua]], x S[ua] + T[ua]]; test[makeSum[S[ua] TT[la]], S[1] TT[1] + S[2] TT[2] + S[3] TT[3]]; test[makeSum[u[ua] v[la]], u[1] v[1] + u[2] v[2] + u[3] v[3]]; test[makeSum[a S[ua] TT[la] + 1], a * (S[1] TT[1] + S[2] TT[2] + S[3] TT[3]) + 1]; test[makeSum[S[ua] TT[la] + u[ua] v[la]], S[1] TT[1] + S[2] TT[2] + S[3] TT[3] + u[1] v[1] + u[2] v[2] + u[3] v[3]]; test[makeSum[a * (S[ua] TT[la] + x) + b * (u[ua] v[la] + y)], a * (S[1] TT[1] + S[2] TT[2] + S[3] TT[3] + x) + b * (u[1] v[1] + u[2] v[2] + u[3] v[3] + y)]; test[makeSum[ S[ua] TT[la] u[ub] v[lb]], (S[1] TT[1] + S[2] TT[2] + S[3] TT[3]) (u[1] v[1] + u[2] v[2] + u[3] v[3])]; test[makeSum[f[SS[la]]], f[SS[la]]]; test[makeSum[f[SS[la] T[ua]]], f[SS[1] T[1] + SS[2] T[2] + SS[3] T[3]]]; test[makeSum[f[g[SS[la] T[ua]]]], f[g[SS[1] T[1] + SS[2] T[2] + SS[3] T[3]]]]; test[makeSum[T[ua] f[SS[la]]], T[1] f[SS[1]] + T[2] f[SS[2]] + T[3] f[SS[3]]]; test[makeSum[Sqrt[TT[la] S[ua]]], Sqrt[S[1] TT[1] + S[2] TT[2] + S[3] TT[3]]]; test[makeSum[IfThen[cond, TT[la] S[ua], 0]], IfThen[cond, S[1] TT[1] + S[2] TT[2] + S[3] TT[3], 0]]; test[makeSum[IfThen[cond, TT[la] S[ua], u[la] v[ua]]], IfThen[cond, S[1] TT[1] + S[2] TT[2] + S[3] TT[3], u[1] v[1] + u[2] v[2] + u[3] v[3]]]; (****************************************************************) (* makeSplit *) (****************************************************************) makeSplit = TensorTools`Private`makeSplit; test[makeSplit[SS[la]], {SS[1], SS[2], SS[3]}]; test[makeSplit[a[la, lb]], {a[1, 1], a[1, 2], a[1, 3], a[2, 1], a[2, 2], a[2, 3], a[3, 1], a[3, 2], a[3, 3]}]; test[makeSplit[SS[la] TT[lb]], {SS[1] TT[1], SS[1] TT[2], SS[1] TT[3], SS[2] TT[1], SS[2] TT[2], SS[2] TT[3], SS[3] TT[1], SS[3] TT[2], SS[3] TT[3]}]; test[makeSplit[SS[la] -> TT[la]], {SS[1] -> TT[1], SS[2] -> TT[2], SS[3] -> TT[3]}]; (****************************************************************) (* MakeExplicit *) (****************************************************************) test[MakeExplicit[SS[la] T[ua] v[lb]], (SS1 T1 + SS2 T2 + SS3 T3) {v1, v2, v3}]; test[MakeExplicit[SS[la] -> v[la]], {SS1 -> v1, SS2 -> v2, SS3 -> v3}]; test[MakeExplicit[ SS[la] IfThen[1, T[ua], v[ua]]], {SS1 IfThen[1, T1, v1] + SS2 IfThen[1, T2, v2] + SS3 IfThen[1, T3, v3]}]; test[MakeExplicit[Sqrt[S[ua] TT[la]]], {Sqrt[S1 TT1 + S2 TT2 + S3 TT3]}]; test[MakeExplicit[Sqrt[u[ua] v[la]]], {Sqrt[u1 v1 + u2 v2 + u3 v3]}]; (* This fails with StringJoin::string: String expected at position 1 in StringJoin[1]. which is probably an error in the error-detection or formatting code, since the input is not valid according to TensorTools (the tensor u has not been declared with two lower indices). *) (* test[FullSimplify[MakeExplicit[MatrixInverse[u[ua, ub]] u[lb, lc]]], *) (* {1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1}]; *) test[FullSimplify[MakeExplicit[MatrixInverse[a[ua, ub]] a[lb, lc]]], {1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1}]; (****************************************************************) (* Partial derivatives *) (****************************************************************) test[MakeExplicit[PD[u[la], lb]], {PD[u1, 1], PD[u1, 2], PD[u1, 3], PD[u2, 1], PD[u2, 2], PD[u2, 3], PD[u3, 1], PD[u3, 2], PD[u3, 3]}]; test[MakeExplicit[PD[u[ua], la]], {PD[u1, 1], PD[u2, 2], PD[u3, 3]}]; test[Simplify[MakeExplicit[PD[MatrixInverse[a[ua, ub]] a[lb, lc], ld]]], {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}]; test[FullSimplify[MakeExplicit[PD[MatrixInverse[a[ua, ub]], ld] a[lb, lc]] + MakeExplicit[MatrixInverse[a[ua, ub]] PD[a[lb, lc], ld]]], {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}]; reportResults[]; Quit[If[testsFailed > 0,1,0]]