Get["KrancThorn`"]; SetEnhancedTimes[False]; (********************************************************) (* Derivatives *) (********************************************************) derivatives = { PDstandard2nd[i_] -> StandardCenteredDifferenceOperator[1,1,i], PDstandard2nd[i_, i_] -> StandardCenteredDifferenceOperator[2,1,i], PDstandard2nd[i_, j_] -> StandardCenteredDifferenceOperator[1,1,i] StandardCenteredDifferenceOperator[1,1,j], PDstandard4th[i_] -> StandardCenteredDifferenceOperator[1,2,i], PDstandard4th[i_, i_] -> StandardCenteredDifferenceOperator[2,2,i], PDstandard4th[i_, j_] -> StandardCenteredDifferenceOperator[1,2,i] StandardCenteredDifferenceOperator[1,2,j], PDonesided2nd[1] -> dir[1] (-shift[1]^(2 dir[1]) + 4 shift[1]^dir[1] - 3 )/(2 spacing[1]), PDonesided2nd[2] -> dir[2] (-shift[2]^(2 dir[2]) + 4 shift[2]^dir[2] - 3 )/(2 spacing[2]), PDonesided2nd[3] -> dir[3] (-shift[3]^(2 dir[3]) + 4 shift[3]^dir[3] - 3 )/(2 spacing[3]), Diss2nd[] -> - diss Sum[spacing[i]^3 (DPlus[i] DMinus[i])^2, {i, 1, 3}], Diss4th[] -> diss Sum[spacing[i]^5 (DPlus[i] DMinus[i])^3, {i, 1, 3}], PDzero[i_] -> DZero[i], PDzero[i_, j_] -> DZero[i] DZero[j], PDplus[i_] -> DPlus[i] }; Map[DefineTensor, {norm, dir}]; zerodims = {}; PD = PDstandard2nd; PDnorm = PDplus; evolvedGroup = {"evolved", {phi, pi}, Timelevels -> 3}; normGroup = {"norms", {VL2, VDP, EL2}, Timelevels -> 3}; exactGroup = {"exact", {phiExact, piExact}, Timelevels -> 3}; errorGroup = {"errors", {phiError, piError}, Timelevels -> 3}; groups = {evolvedGroup, normGroup, exactGroup, errorGroup}; wp = {Name -> periodicity, Default -> 1}; wa = {Name -> amplitude, Default -> 1}; nNorm = Sqrt[n1^2+n2^2+n3^2]; nX = n1 x + n2 y + n3 z; (* Sine wave exact solution *) exactSineCalc = { Name -> "wave_exact_sine", Before -> {"import_exact"}, ConditionalOnKeyword -> {"initial_data", "sine"}, Schedule -> {"AT INITIAL before import_exact","AT POSTSTEP before calc_errors"}, Shorthands -> {piconst}, Equations -> { piconst -> N[Pi,20], phiExact -> amplitude Sin[2 piconst / periodicity (nX - nNorm t)], piExact -> -2 piconst / periodicity nNorm amplitude Cos[2 piconst / periodicity (nX - nNorm t)] } } (* Radial profile of exact Gaussian solution *) f[x_] := x^3 Exp[-x^2/nSigma^2]; exactGaussianCalc = { Name -> "wave_exact_gaussian", Before -> {"import_exact"}, ConditionalOnKeyword -> {"initial_data", "gaussian"}, Schedule -> {"AT INITIAL before import_exact","AT POSTSTEP before calc_errors"}, Shorthands -> {piconst,rEps}, Equations -> { rEps -> (r^4+(10^(-6))^4)^(1/4), phiExact -> (f[t+t0+r] - f[t+t0-r]) / rEps, piExact -> (D[f[t+t0+r],t] - D[f[t+t0-r],t]) / rEps } } (* Import the exact solution as the initial data *) importerEquations = { phi -> phiExact, pi -> piExact }; importerCalc = { Name -> "wave_import_exact", Schedule -> {"at INITIAL as import_exact"}, Equations -> importerEquations } (* The evolution equations *) evolveEquations = { dot[phi] -> pi, dot[pi] -> PD[phi,li,lj] Euc[ui,uj] } evolveCalc = { Name -> "wave_evolve", Schedule -> {"in MoL_CalcRHS as evolve"}, Where -> Interior, Equations -> evolveEquations } (* Evaluate the errors *) errorEquations = { phiError -> phi - phiExact, piError -> pi - piExact } errorCalc = { Name -> "wave_calc_errors", Schedule -> {"at ANALYSIS as calc_errors"}, Equations -> errorEquations } (* Evaluate the norms *) normEquations = { VL2squared -> phi^2 + pi^2, VL2 -> Sqrt[VL2squared], VDPsquared -> pi^2 + PDnorm[phi,li] PDnorm[phi,ui], VDP -> Sqrt[VDPsquared], EL2squared -> phiError^2 + piError^2, EL2 -> Sqrt[EL2squared] } normCalc = { Name -> "wave_calc_norm", Where -> Interior, Schedule -> {"at ANALYSIS as calc_norm"}, Shorthands -> {VL2squared, VDPsquared, EL2squared}, Equations -> normEquations } (**************************************************************************************) (* Boundary conditions *) (**************************************************************************************) boundaryParam = { Name -> "boundary_condition", Default -> "radiative", AllowedValues -> {"none", "radiative"} }; boundaryCalc = { Name -> "wave_boundary", Schedule -> {"in MoL_RHSBoundaries"}, ConditionalOnKeyword -> {"boundary_condition", "radiative"}, Where -> Boundary, Shorthands -> {norm[ui], dir[ui]}, Equations -> { norm1 -> -x/r, norm2 -> -y/r, norm3 -> -z/r, dir[ui] -> Sign[norm[ui]], (* \partial_t u = - (u - u_0) / r - \partial_r u for u_0 some background solution. In this case, Minkowski in Cartesian coordinates. *) dot[phi] -> -(phi - 0) / r + norm[ui] PDonesided2nd[phi, li], dot[pi] -> -(pi - 0) / r + norm[ui] PDonesided2nd[pi, li] } }; (* Construct the thorn *) calculations = {exactSineCalc, exactGaussianCalc, importerCalc, evolveCalc, errorCalc, normCalc, boundaryCalc}; declaredGroups = Map[groupName, {evolvedGroup, exactGroup, errorGroup, normGroup}]; idParam = { Name -> "initial_data", Default -> "gaussian", AllowedValues -> {"gaussian", "sine"} }; keywordParameters = { idParam, boundaryParam }; CreateKrancThornTT[groups, ".", "Wave", Calculations -> calculations, DeclaredGroups -> declaredGroups, PartialDerivatives -> derivatives, ZeroDimensions -> zerodims, KeywordParameters -> keywordParameters, RealParameters -> {wp, wa, {Name -> n1, Default -> 1}, n2, n3, nSigma, r0, t0, x0}]