Get["KrancThorn`"]; SetEnhancedTimes[False]; (**************************************************************************************) (* Tensors *) (**************************************************************************************) (* Register the tensor quantities with the TensorTools package *) Map[DefineTensor, {Den, S, En, rho, v, p}]; (**************************************************************************************) (* Groups *) (**************************************************************************************) evolvedGroups = Map[CreateGroupFromTensor, {Den, S[uj], En}]; nonevolvedGroups = Map[CreateGroupFromTensor, { rho, v[uj], p }]; declaredGroups = Join[evolvedGroups, nonevolvedGroups]; declaredGroupNames = Map[First, declaredGroups]; groups = declaredGroups; (**************************************************************************************) (* Initial data *) (**************************************************************************************) initialShockCalc = { Name -> "eulerauto_initial_shock", Schedule -> {"at CCTK_INITIAL as eulerauto_initial"}, ConditionalOnKeyword -> {"initial_data", "shock"}, Equations -> { rho -> rhoR0 UnitStep[x-0.5] + rhoL0 (1-UnitStep[x-0.5]), v[1] -> vR0 UnitStep[x-0.5] + vL0 (1-UnitStep[x-0.5]), v[2] -> 0, v[3] -> 0, p -> pR0 UnitStep[x-0.5] + pL0 (1-UnitStep[x-0.5]) } }; (**************************************************************************************) (* Evolution equations *) (**************************************************************************************) (* Euler's equation is dot[u] + PD[F[ui],li] = 0 with u = {D, S, E} and DF[ui] = rho v[ui] SF[ui,uj] = rho v[ui] v[uj] + p Euc[ui,uj] EnF[ui] = v[ui](En + p) *) eulerCons = { Name -> "eulerauto_cons_calc", Equations -> { flux[Den,ui] -> rho v[ui], flux[S[uj],ui] -> rho v[ui] v[uj] + p Euc[ui,uj], flux[En,ui] -> v[ui](En + p) }, ConservedEquations -> { Den -> rho, S[ui] -> rho v[ui], En -> p/(gamma-1) + 1/2 rho v[ui] v[uj] Euc[li,lj] }, PrimitiveEquations -> { rho -> Den, v[ui] -> S[ui] / Den, p -> (gamma-1)(En - 1/2 Euc[li,lj] S[ui] S[uj]/Den) } } (**************************************************************************************) (* Parameters *) (**************************************************************************************) realParameters = {sigma, v0, amp, rhoR0, rhoL0, vR0, vL0, pR0, pL0, gamma}; keywordParameters = { { Name -> "initial_data", Default -> "shock", AllowedValues -> {"shock"} } }; (**************************************************************************************) (* Construct the thorn *) (**************************************************************************************) calculations = { initialShockCalc }; consCalculations = {eulerCons}; CreateKrancThornTT[groups, ".", "EulerAuto", Calculations -> calculations, ConservationCalculations -> consCalculations, DeclaredGroups -> declaredGroupNames, RealParameters -> realParameters, KeywordParameters -> keywordParameters];