1.0.1-cvs ========= - Changed the default name for a function in an evaluator thorn to contain the thorn name. Helps to avoid conflicts with other thorns. - Fixed bug whereby the name of the calculation in an evaluator thorn was not used for the function name. - Added "InheritedImplementations" option to all the Kranc thorns. - Updated README for Cactus beta14 - Check the value of SetTimes for CreateSetterThorn, throw an error if the value is not allowed (otherwise, a typo in the option fails to create a schedule entry without any warning or error). - Removed (historical) dependency on "Format" package - Added symbols for "pow" and "exp" that used to be provided by the Format package - Removed "External" directory from the paths of the examples - Deleted obsolete global parameters from GenericFD (stencil widths) 1.0.0 (06-Apr-2004) =================== - Initial release