- added the possibility to "USE" functions which are actually Fortran subroutines, this is required by LegoExcsion - added a parameter 'excision' to MoL thorns to switch excision on or off like all excision-dependent code this is only done if the CreateExcisionCode option is set to True in the Create*Thorn functions. - properly use functions from LegoExcision thorn in MoL thorns - further cleanup of namespace, added variables to the lists of local variables within Modules. - the constant value to be used by LegoExcision inside the excision now re-uses the _bound_limit parameter to set a sensible value (e.g. we do not want the determinant of the 3-metric become singular). - changed the way lower and upper bounds for loops are set Previously this was based on cctk_nghostzones, which causes problem in the case of real boundaries, where the stencil size needs to be considered, e.g. the number of ghost zones may be larger than the stencil size. new stencil parameters have been added to GenericFD, they are tested for consistency in a new function GenericFG_ParamCheck There is also a new dependence on whether or not the equaions in the loop take derivatives or not. - Added support for language specifier "None" in schedule.ccl entries, to suppress warning messages like: CST warning: -> Scheduling group "ApplyBCs" with LANG specifier in thorn "BSSNMoL" HINT: Groups should not have a LANG specificier - Added support for a larger number of boundary conditions, parameters for steering those are added to param.ccl of the corresponding evolution thorn and templete parfile entries are appended in a comment block at the end of the file *_Boundaries.c. - Added EvolutionTimeLevels optional argument to CreateBaseThorn to support Carpet or other mesh refinement drivers, which need more than 2 Timelevels. Default value is 3 now. 1.0.1-cvs ========= - Changed the default name for a function in an evaluator thorn to contain the thorn name. Helps to avoid conflicts with other thorns. - Fixed bug whereby the name of the calculation in an evaluator thorn was not used for the function name. - Added "InheritedImplementations" option to all the Kranc thorns. - Updated README for Cactus beta14 - Check the value of SetTimes for CreateSetterThorn, throw an error if the value is not allowed (otherwise, a typo in the option fails to create a schedule entry without any warning or error). - Removed (historical) dependency on "Format" package - Added symbols for "pow" and "exp" that used to be provided by the Format package - Removed "External" directory from the paths of the examples - Deleted obsolete global parameters from GenericFD (stencil widths) 1.0.0 (06-Apr-2004) =================== - Initial release