diff options
2 files changed, 185 insertions, 131 deletions
diff --git a/Auxiliary/Cactus/KrancNumericalTools/GenericFD/src/MathematicaCompat.h b/Auxiliary/Cactus/KrancNumericalTools/GenericFD/src/MathematicaCompat.h
index a0e5540..252116c 100644
--- a/Auxiliary/Cactus/KrancNumericalTools/GenericFD/src/MathematicaCompat.h
+++ b/Auxiliary/Cactus/KrancNumericalTools/GenericFD/src/MathematicaCompat.h
@@ -1,14 +1,45 @@
+#define Power(x, y) (pow(x,y))
+#define Sqrt(x) (sqrt(x))
#ifdef KRANC_C
+# define Abs(x) (fabs(x))
+# define Min(x, y) (fmin(x,y))
+# define Max(x, y) (fmax(x,y))
# define IfThen(x,y,z) ((x) ? (y) : (z))
# define Abs(x) (abs(x))
# define IntAbs(x) (abs(x))
# define Min(x, y) (min(x,y))
# define Max(x, y) (max(x,y))
-# define Sqrt(x) (sqrt(x))
# define IfThen(x,y,z) ((x)*(y) + (1-(x))*(z))
+#define Exp(x) (exp(x))
+#define Log(x) (log(x))
+#define Sin(x) (sin(x))
+#define Cos(x) (cos(x))
+#define Tan(x) (tan(x))
+#define Sec(x) (1.0/cos(x))
+#define Csc(x) (1.0/sin(x))
+#define Cot(x) (1.0/tan(x))
+#define ArcSin(x) (asin(x))
+#define ArcCos(x) (acos(x))
+#define ArcTan(x) (atan(x))
+#define ArcSec(x) (cos(1.0/(x)))
+#define ArcCsc(x) (sin(1.0/(x)))
+#define ArcCot(x) (tan(1.0/(x)))
+#define Sinh(x) (sinh(x))
+#define Cosh(x) (cosh(x))
+#define Tanh(x) (tanh(x))
+#define Sech(x) (1.0/cosh(x))
+#define Csch(x) (1.0/sinh(x))
+#define Coth(x) (1.0/tanh(x))
#ifdef KRANC_C
# define Sign(x) (copysign( (CCTK_REAL) 1.0,(CCTK_REAL) (x)))
# define ToReal(x) ((CCTK_REAL)(x))
diff --git a/Tools/CodeGen/CodeGenCactus.m b/Tools/CodeGen/CodeGenCactus.m
index ef7b317..5e4e788 100644
--- a/Tools/CodeGen/CodeGenCactus.m
+++ b/Tools/CodeGen/CodeGenCactus.m
@@ -65,6 +65,7 @@ GridLoop::usage = "GridLoop[block] returns a block that is looped over for every
"grid point. Must have previously set up the grid loop variables (see " <>
ConditionalOnParameterTextual::usage = "";
+DeclareFDVariables::usage = "";
InitialiseFDVariables::usage = "";
ReplacePowers::usage = "";
BoundaryLoop::usage = "";
@@ -74,8 +75,6 @@ NameRoot::usage = "";
PartitionVarList::usage = "";
DataType::usage = "DataType[] returns a string for the grid function data type (e.g. CCTK_REAL)";
SetDataType::usage = "SetDataType[type] sets a string for the grid function data type (e.g. CCTK_REAL)";
@@ -99,6 +98,21 @@ DefFn[
StoreVariableInLoop[dest:(_String|_Symbol), src:(_String|_Symbol)] :=
{"vec_store_nta(", dest, ",", src, ")", EOL[]}];
+ StoreLowPartialVariableInLoop[dest:(_String|_Symbol), src:(_String|_Symbol), count_String] :=
+ {"vec_store_nta_partial_lo(", dest, ",", src, ",", count, ")", EOL[]}];
+ StoreHighPartialVariableInLoop[dest:(_String|_Symbol), src:(_String|_Symbol), count_String] :=
+ {"vec_store_nta_partial_hi(", dest, ",", src, ",", count, ")", EOL[]}];
+ StoreMiddlePartialVariableInLoop[dest:(_String|_Symbol), src:(_String|_Symbol), countLow_String, countHigh_String] :=
+ {"vec_store_nta_partial_mid(", dest, ",", src, ",", countLow, ",", countHigh, ")", EOL[]}];
@@ -178,6 +192,20 @@ DefFn[
+ DeclareFDVariables[] :=
+ CommentedBlock["Declare finite differencing variables",
+ {Map[DeclareVariables[#, "CCTK_REAL"] &, {{"dx", "dy", "dz"},
+ {"dxi", "dyi", "dzi"},
+ {khalf,kthird,ktwothird,kfourthird,keightthird},
+ {"hdxi", "hdyi", "hdzi"}}],
+ "\n"},
+ {Map[DeclareVariables[#, "ptrdiff_t"] &, {{"di", "dj", "dk"}}],
+ "\n"}];
+ CommentedBlock["Declare finite differencing variables", {}]];
InitialiseFDSpacingVariablesC[] :=
(* DeclareAssignVariable["ptrdiff_t", "di", "CCTK_GFINDEX3D(cctkGH,1,0,0) - CCTK_GFINDEX3D(cctkGH,0,0,0)"], *)
@@ -190,8 +218,8 @@ DefFn[
DeclareAssignVariable[DataType[], "dx", "ToReal(CCTK_DELTA_SPACE(0))"],
DeclareAssignVariable[DataType[], "dy", "ToReal(CCTK_DELTA_SPACE(1))"],
DeclareAssignVariable[DataType[], "dz", "ToReal(CCTK_DELTA_SPACE(2))"],
- DeclareAssignVariable[DataType[], "dt", "ToReal(CCTK_DELTA_TIME)"],
- DeclareAssignVariable[DataType[], "t", "ToReal(cctk_time)"]
+ DeclareAssignVariable[DataType[], "dt", "ToReal(CCTK_DELTA_TIME)"]
+ (* DeclareAssignVariable[DataType[], "t", "ToReal(cctk_time)"]*)
@@ -235,13 +263,13 @@ DefFn[
DeclareAssignVariable[DataType[], "hdzi", "0.5 * dzi"]}]}]];
- GridName[x:(_Symbol|_String)] :=
+ GridName[x_Symbol] :=
ToString[x] <> "[index]",
ToString[x] <> "(i,j,k)"]];
- ArrayName[x:(_Symbol|_String)] :=
+ ArrayName[x_Symbol] :=
ToString[x] <> "[0]",
ToString[x] <> "(1)"]];
@@ -375,8 +403,24 @@ Options[GenericGridLoop] = ThornOptions;
GenericGridLoop[functionName_String, block:CodeGenBlock, opts:OptionsPattern[]] :=
- GenericGridLoopUsingLoopControl[functionName, block, OptionValue[UseVectors]]
- ];
+ If[OptionValue[UseLoopControl],
+ GenericGridLoopUsingLoopControl[functionName, block, OptionValue[UseVectors]],
+ GenericGridLoopTraditional[block]]];
+ GenericGridLoopTraditional[block:CodeGenBlock] :=
+ CommentedBlock[
+ "Loop over the grid points",
+ loopOverInteger[
+ "k", "imin[2]", "imax[2]",
+ loopOverInteger[
+ "j", "imin[1]", "imax[1]",
+ loopOverInteger[
+ "i", "imin[0]", "imax[0]",
+ DeclareAssignVariable["int", "index", "CCTK_GFINDEX3D(cctkGH,i,j,k)"],
+ ""],
+ block}]]]]];
GenericGridLoopUsingLoopControl[functionName_String, block:CodeGenBlock, vectorise:Boolean] :=
@@ -384,8 +428,8 @@ DefFn[
"Loop over the grid points",
{"#pragma omp parallel\n",
- If[vectorise, "LC_LOOP3VEC", "CCTK_LOOP3"],
- "(", functionName, ",\n",
+ If[vectorise, "LC_LOOP3VEC", "LC_LOOP3"],
+ " (", functionName, ",\n",
" i,j,k, imin[0],imin[1],imin[2], imax[0],imax[1],imax[2],\n",
" cctk_lsh[0],cctk_lsh[1],cctk_lsh[2]",
If[vectorise, {",\n", " CCTK_REAL_VEC_SIZE"}, ""],
@@ -396,7 +440,7 @@ DefFn[
(* DeclareAssignVariable["int", "index", "CCTK_GFINDEX3D(cctkGH,i,j,k)"], *)
DeclareAssignVariable["ptrdiff_t", "index", "di*i + dj*j + dk*k"],
block}], "}\n",
- If[vectorise, "LC_ENDLOOP3VEC", "CCTK_ENDLOOP3"] <> "(", functionName, ");\n"}],
+ If[vectorise, "LC_ENDLOOP3VEC", "LC_ENDLOOP3"] <> " (", functionName, ");\n"}],
(* else *)
@@ -509,45 +553,53 @@ DefFn[
vectoriseExpression[exprp_] :=
- {expr, undoVect, undoSomeVect},
+ {isNotMinusOneQ, isNotTimesMinusOneQ, fmaRules, isNotKneg, arithRules, undoRules, expr},
expr = exprp;
(* Constants *)
- expr = expr /. {
- x_Integer -> ToReal[x],
- x_Real -> ToReal[x],
- E -> ToReal[E],
- Pi -> ToReal[Pi]};
- (* Operators *)
- expr = expr //. {
- -x_ -> kneg[x],
- kmul[-1,x_] -> kneg[x],
- kmul[x_,-1] -> kneg[x],
- kmul[ToReal[-1],x_] -> kneg[x],
- kmul[x_,ToReal[-1]] -> kneg[x],
- kneg[kneg[x_]] -> x,
- x_ + y_ -> kadd[x,y],
- x_ - y_ -> ksub[x,y],
- kadd[kneg[x_],y_] -> ksub[y,x],
- ksub[kneg[x_],y_] -> kneg[kadd[x,y]],
- kadd[x_,kneg[y_]] -> ksub[x,y],
- ksub[x_,kneg[y_]] -> kadd[x,y],
- kneg[ksub[x_,y_]] -> ksub[y,x],
- ksub[x_,x_] -> ToReal[0],
- x_ * y_ -> kmul[x,y],
- x_ / y_ -> kdiv[x,y],
- kdiv[x_,kdiv[y_,z_]] -> kdiv[kmul[x,z],y],
- kdiv[kdiv[x_,y_],z_] -> kdiv[x,kmul[y,z]],
- kmul[kneg[x_],y_] -> kneg[kmul[x,y]],
- kmul[x_,kneg[y_]] -> kneg[kmul[x,y]],
- kdiv[kneg[x_],y_] -> kneg[kdiv[x,y]],
- kdiv[x_,kneg[y_]] -> kneg[kdiv[x,y]],
- kdiv[x_,x_] -> ToReal[1],
- Abs[x_] -> kfabs[x],
+ (* expr = expr /. xx_Integer/; xx!=-1 :> ToReal[xx]; *)
+ expr = expr /. xx_Integer -> ToReal[xx];
+ expr = expr /. xx_Real -> ToReal[xx];
+ removeToRealRules =
+ {-ToReal[xx_] -> ToReal[- xx],
+ ToReal[xx_] + ToReal[yy_] -> ToReal[xx + yy],
+ ToReal[xx_] - ToReal[yy_] -> ToReal[xx - yy],
+ ToReal[xx_] * ToReal[yy_] -> ToReal[xx * yy],
+ ToReal[xx_] == ToReal[yy_] -> ToReal[xx == yy],
+ ToReal[xx_] != ToReal[yy_] -> ToReal[xx != yy],
+ pow[xx_, ToReal[power_]] -> pow[xx, power]};
+ expr = expr //. removeToRealRules;
+ (* Replace all operators and functions *)
+ (* kneg, kadd, ksub, kmul, kdiv *)
+ isNotKneg[n_] := ! MatchQ[n,kneg[_]];
+ arithRules =
+ { - xx_ -> kneg[xx],
+ xx_ * yy_ -> kmul[xx,yy],
+ xx_ / yy_ -> kdiv[xx,yy],
+ xx_ + yy_ -> kadd[xx,yy],
+ xx_ - yy_ -> ksub[xx,yy],
+ kmul[-1,xx_] -> kneg[xx],
+ kmul[xx_,-1] -> kneg[xx],
+ kmul[ToReal[-1],xx_] -> kneg[xx],
+ kmul[xx_,ToReal[-1]] -> kneg[xx],
+ ToReal[- xx_] -> kneg[ToReal[xx]],
+ (* kmul[xx_,INV[yy_]] -> kdiv[xx,yy], *)
+ (* kmul[INV[xx_],yy_] -> kdiv[yy,xx], *)
+ kdiv[xx_,kdiv[yy_,zz_]] -> kdiv[kmul[xx,zz],yy],
+ kdiv[kdiv[xx_,yy_],zz_] -> kdiv[xx,kmul[yy,zz]],
+ kmul[kneg[xx_],yy_] -> kneg[kmul[xx,yy]],
+ kmul[xx_,kneg[yy_]] -> kneg[kmul[xx,yy]],
+ kdiv[kneg[xx_],yy_] -> kneg[kdiv[xx,yy]],
+ kdiv[xx_,kneg[yy_]] -> kneg[kdiv[xx,yy]],
+ kadd[kneg[xx_],yy_] -> ksub[yy,xx],
+ ksub[kneg[xx_],yy_] -> kneg[kadd[xx,yy]],
+ kadd[xx_,kneg[yy_]] -> ksub[xx,yy],
+ ksub[xx_,kneg[yy_]] -> kadd[xx,yy],
+ kneg[ksub[xx_,yy_]] -> ksub[yy,xx],
acos[xx_] -> kacos[xx],
acosh[xx_] -> kacosh[xx],
asin[xx_] -> kasin[xx],
@@ -556,18 +608,18 @@ DefFn[
atanh[xx_] -> katanh[xx],
cos[xx_] -> kcos[xx],
cosh[xx_] -> kcosh[xx],
+ exp[xx_] -> kexp[xx],
+ fabs[xx_] -> kfabs[xx],
+ fmax[xx_,yy_] -> kfmax[xx,yy],
+ fmin[xx_,yy_] -> kfmin[xx,yy],
+ log[xx_] -> klog[xx],
+ pow[xx_,yy_] -> kpow[xx,yy],
sin[xx_] -> ksin[xx],
sinh[xx_] -> ksinh[xx],
+ sqrt[xx_] -> ksqrt[xx],
tan[xx_] -> ktan[xx],
tanh[xx_] -> ktanh[xx],
- exp[x_] -> kexp[x],
- fabs[x_] -> kfabs[x],
- fmax[x_,y_] -> kfmax[x,y],
- fmin[x_,y_] -> kfmin[x,y],
- log[x_] -> klog[x],
- pow[x_,y_] -> kpow[x,y],
- sqrt[x_] -> ksqrt[x],
(* acos[kneg[xx_]] -> kacos[kneg[xx]], *)
(* acosh[kneg[xx_]] -> kacosh[kneg[xx]], *)
kasin[kneg[xx_]] -> kneg[kasin[xx]],
@@ -587,46 +639,47 @@ DefFn[
kneg[kfabs[xx_]] -> kfnabs[xx],
kneg[kfnabs[xx_]] -> kfabs[xx],
kneg[kneg[xx_]] -> xx};
+ expr = expr //. arithRules;
- (* FMA (fused multiply-add) *)
+ (* Undo some transformations *)
+ undoRules =
+ { IfThen[_, aa_, aa_] -> aa,
+ IfThen[xx_?IntegerQ, aa_, bb_] /; xx!=0 :> aa,
+ IfThen[xx_?IntegerQ, aa_, bb_] /; xx==0 :> bb,
+ IfThen[kmul[xx_,yy_], aa_, bb_] -> IfThen[xx*yy, aa, bb],
+ IfThen[kmul[xx_,yy_] != zz_, aa_, bb_] -> IfThen[xx*yy!=zz, aa, bb],
+ IfThen[ToReal[xx_], aa_, bb_] -> IfThen[xx, aa, bb],
+ Scalar[kmul[xx_,yy_]] -> Scalar[xx*yy],
+ Scalar[kmul[xx_,yy_] != zz_] -> Scalar[xx*yy!=zz],
+ Scalar[ToReal[xx_]] -> Scalar[xx],
+ Scalar[xx_ != ToReal[yy_]] -> Scalar[xx != yy],
+ ToReal[kneg[xx_]] -> ToReal[-xx],
+ ToReal[kadd[xx_,yy_]] -> ToReal[xx+yy],
+ ToReal[ksub[xx_,yy_]] -> ToReal[xx-yy],
+ ToReal[kmul[xx_,yy_]] -> ToReal[xx*yy],
+ ToReal[xx_*kadd[yy_,zz_]] -> ToReal[xx*(yy+zz)],
+ kpow[xx_, kneg[power_]] -> kpow[xx, -power]};
+ expr = expr //. undoRules;
+ (* FMA (fused multiply-add) instructions *)
(* kmadd (x,y,z) = xy+z
kmsub (x,y,z) = xy-z
knmadd(x,y,z) = -(xy+z)
knmsub(x,y,z) = -(xy-z) *)
- expr = expr //. {
- kadd[kmul[x_,y_],z_] -> kmadd[x,y,z],
- kadd[z_,kmul[x_,y_]] -> kmadd[x,y,z],
- ksub[kmul[x_,y_],z_] -> kmsub[x,y,z],
- ksub[z_,kmul[x_,y_]] -> knmsub[x,y,z],
- kneg[kmadd [x_,y_,z_]] -> knmadd[x,y,z],
- kneg[kmsub [x_,y_,z_]] -> knmsub[x,y,z],
- kneg[knmadd[x_,y_,z_]] -> kmadd [x,y,z],
- kneg[knmsub[x_,y_,z_]] -> kmsub [x,y,z]
+ fmaRules =
+ { kadd[kmul[xx_,yy_],zz_] -> kmadd[xx,yy,zz],
+ kadd[zz_,kmul[xx_,yy_]] -> kmadd[xx,yy,zz],
+ ksub[kmul[xx_,yy_],zz_] -> kmsub[xx,yy,zz],
+ ksub[zz_,kmul[xx_,yy_]] -> knmsub[xx,yy,zz],
+ kneg[kmadd [xx_,yy_,zz_]] -> knmadd[xx,yy,zz],
+ kneg[kmsub [xx_,yy_,zz_]] -> knmsub[xx,yy,zz],
+ kneg[knmadd[xx_,yy_,zz_]] -> kmadd [xx,yy,zz],
+ kneg[knmsub[xx_,yy_,zz_]] -> kmsub [xx,yy,zz]
(* we could match this and similar patterns
- kmul[x_, kadd[y_, ToReal[+1]]] -> kmadd[x, y, x],
- kmul[x_, kadd[y_, ToReal[-1]]] -> kmsub[x, y, x],
+ kmul[xx_, kadd[yy_, ToReal[+1]]] -> kmadd[xx, yy, xx],
+ kmul[xx_, kadd[yy_, ToReal[-1]]] -> kmsub[xx, yy, xx],
- (* Undo some transformations *)
- undoVect[expr_] := expr //. {
- ToReal[x_] -> x,
- kneg[x_] -> -x,
- kadd[x_,y_] -> x+y,
- ksub[x_,y_] -> x-y,
- kmul[x_,y_] -> x*y,
- kdiv[x_,y_] -> x/y};
- undoSomeVect[expr_] := (
- expr
- /. ToReal[a_] :> ToReal[undoVect[a]]
- /. Scalar[a_] :> Scalar[undoVect[a]]
- /. (IfThen[a_,x_,y_] :>
- IfThen[undoVect[a], undoSomeVect[x], undoSomeVect[y]])
- /. kpow[x_,a_] :> kpow[undoSomeVect[x], undoVect[a]]);
- expr = undoSomeVect[expr];
+ expr = expr //. fmaRules;
@@ -648,11 +701,6 @@ DefFn[
rhs = rhs //. Power[xx_, -1/2] -> INV[sqrt[xx]];
rhs = rhs //. Power[xx_, 0.5] -> sqrt[xx];
rhs = rhs //. Power[xx_, -0.5] -> INV[sqrt[xx]];
- rhs = rhs //. SQR[x_] SQR[y_] -> SQR[x y];
- rhs = rhs //. CUB[x_] CUB[y_] -> CUB[x y];
- rhs = rhs //. QAD[x_] QAD[y_] -> QAD[x y];
- rhs = rhs //. INV[x_] INV[y_] -> INV[x y];
- rhs = rhs //. sqrt[x_] sqrt[y_] -> sqrt[x y];
rhs = rhs /. 1/2 -> khalf
@@ -676,19 +724,18 @@ DefFn[
(* Avoid rational numbers *)
rhs = rhs /. Rational[xx_,yy_] :> N[xx/yy, 30];
+ rhs = rhs //. IfThen[cond1_,xx1_,yy1_] + IfThen[cond2_,xx2_,yy2_] /; cond1==cond2 :>
+ IfThen[cond1, Simplify[ xx1 + xx2], Simplify[ yy1 + yy2]];
+ rhs = rhs //. ff1_ IfThen[cond1_,xx1_,yy1_] + IfThen[cond2_,xx2_,yy2_] /; cond1==cond2 :>
+ IfThen[cond1, Simplify[ff1 xx1 + xx2], Simplify[ff1 yy1 + yy2]];
- (* Simple optimisations *)
- rhs = rhs /. IfThen[_, aa_, aa_] -> aa;
- rhs = rhs /. IfThen[xx_?IntegerQ, aa_, bb_] /; xx!=0 :> aa;
- rhs = rhs /. IfThen[xx_?IntegerQ, aa_, bb_] /; xx==0 :> bb;
- rhs = rhs /. IfThen[True , aa_, bb_] -> aa;
- rhs = rhs /. IfThen[False, aa_, bb_] -> bb;
+ rhs = rhs //. IfThen[cond1_,xx1_,yy1_] + ff2_ IfThen[cond2_,xx2_,yy2_] /; cond1==cond2 :>
+ IfThen[cond1, Simplify[ xx1 + ff2 xx2], Simplify[ yy1 + ff2 yy2]];
- (* Complex optimisations *)
- rhs = rhs //. IfThen[cond1_,xx1_,yy1_] + IfThen[cond2_,xx2_,yy2_] /; cond1==cond2 :> IfThen[cond1, Simplify[ xx1 + xx2], Simplify[ yy1 + yy2]];
- rhs = rhs //. ff1_ IfThen[cond1_,xx1_,yy1_] + IfThen[cond2_,xx2_,yy2_] /; cond1==cond2 :> IfThen[cond1, Simplify[ff1 xx1 + xx2], Simplify[ff1 yy1 + yy2]];
- rhs = rhs //. IfThen[cond1_,xx1_,yy1_] + ff2_ IfThen[cond2_,xx2_,yy2_] /; cond1==cond2 :> IfThen[cond1, Simplify[ xx1 + ff2 xx2], Simplify[ yy1 + ff2 yy2]];
- rhs = rhs //. ff1_ IfThen[cond1_,xx1_,yy1_] + ff2_ IfThen[cond2_,xx2_,yy2_] /; cond1==cond2 :> IfThen[cond1, Simplify[ff1 xx1 + ff2 xx2], Simplify[ff1 yy1 + ff2 yy2]];
+ rhs = rhs //. ff1_ IfThen[cond1_,xx1_,yy1_] + ff2_ IfThen[cond2_,xx2_,yy2_] /; cond1==cond2 :>
+ IfThen[cond1, Simplify[ff1 xx1 + ff2 xx2], Simplify[ff1 yy1 + ff2 yy2]];
(* Is this still a good idea when FMA instructions are used? *)
@@ -702,8 +749,7 @@ DefFn[
from here. *)
rhs = rhs //. Power[E, power_] -> exp[power];
rhs = rhs //. Log[x_] -> log[x];
- (* rhs = rhs //. Power[x_, n_Integer] -> pown[x,n]; *)
- rhs = rhs //. Power[x_, power_] :> pow[x,power];
+ rhs = rhs //. Power[x_, y_] -> pow[x,y];
rhs = rhs //. Sin[x_] -> sin[x];
rhs = rhs //. Cos[x_] -> cos[x];
rhs = rhs //. Tan[x_] -> tan[x];
@@ -740,7 +786,6 @@ DefFn[
rhs = rhs //. Max[xx_, yy__] -> fmax[xx, Max[yy]];
rhs = rhs //. Min[xx_, yy__] -> fmin[xx, Min[yy]];
rhs = rhs //. Abs[x_] -> fabs[x];
- rhs = rhs //. IntAbs[x_] -> abs[x];
If[vectorise === True,
rhs = vectoriseExpression[rhs]];
@@ -752,28 +797,6 @@ DefFn[
(* Print[rhs//FullForm];*)
- CCLBlock[type_String, name_String, attrs:{(_String -> CodeGenBlock)...},
- contents:CodeGenBlock,comment_String:""] :=
- {type, " ", name,
- Map[" "<>#[[1]]<>"="<>#[[2]] &, attrs], "\n",
- CBlock[contents],
- If[comment === "", "", Quote[comment]],"\n"}];
-CalculationMacros[vectorise_:False] :=
- CommentedBlock["Define macros used in calculations",
- Map[{"#define ", #, "\n"} &,
- {"INITVALUE (42)",
- "QAD(x) (SQR(SQR(x)))"} ~Join~
- If[vectorise,
- {"INV(x) (kdiv(ToReal(1.0),x))",
- "SQR(x) (kmul(x,x))",
- "CUB(x) (kmul(x,SQR(x)))"},
- {"INV(x) ((1.0) / (x))",
- "SQR(x) ((x) * (x))",
- "CUB(x) ((x) * (x) * (x))"}]
- ]];