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1 files changed, 106 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Doc/KrancDoc.tex b/Doc/KrancDoc.tex
index d495c06..c7a310a 100644
--- a/Doc/KrancDoc.tex
+++ b/Doc/KrancDoc.tex
@@ -136,6 +136,112 @@ intermediate expressions which are used later in the
calculation. Calculations also contain additional information needed
by the Kranc system, such as a name for the calculation.
+\chapter{Getting Started}
+\section{Tutorial for new Cactus users}
+This section provides a step-by-step tutorial for Kranc for people who
+have not used Cactus before. It will lead you through downloading
+Cactus and Kranc, building one of the example Kranc thorns, compiling
+the thorn into a Cactus executable, running the executable and
+analysing the output. People who have used Cactus before and already
+have a working setup should skip this section and use
+Sec.~\ref{sec:tutcur} instead.
+The first step is to create a Cactus directory. Everything will then
+be downloaded into this directory and compiled there.
+ mkdir Cactus
+ cd Cactus
+Download Kranc into the newly created Cactus directory:
+ git clone git://github.com/ianhinder/kranc
+Download the Cactus {\em GetComponents} script and make it executable.
+This script allows you to download Cactus thorns from many different
+repositories listed in a ``ThornList''.
+ wget http://www.cactuscode.org/download/GetComponents
+ chmod u+x GetComponents
+Download Cactus and several thorns specified in the Kranc example thornlist:
+ ./GetComponents --root=. kranc/Auxiliary/Cactus/thornlist.th
+Configure Cactus to run on your local machine. You will need a C
+compiler. See the Cactus documentation for more information on this
+step if Cactus does not configure automatically on your system.
+ make wave-config ThornList=kranc/Auxiliary/Cactus/thornlist.th
+Build a Cactus executable:
+ make wave
+Run the Cactus executable with the example wave equation parameter file:
+ cd Kranc/Examples
+ mpirun ../../exe/cactus_wave wave.par
+Analyse the output of the simulation:
+ ygraph wave/phi.x.asc
+\section{Tutorial for Current Cactus Users}
+Change into your Cactus directory and download the current version of Kranc:
+ cd Cactus
+ git clone git://github.com/ianhinder/kranc
+Make a symbolic link from the Kranc examples to the arrangements directory:
+ ln -s ../kranc/Examples arrangements/KrancExamples
+Make a symbolic link from the Kranc support arrangement into your Cactus tree:
+ ln -s ../kranc/Auxiliary/Cactus/KrancNumericalTools arrangements/KrancNumericalTools
+Go into the KrancExamples arrangement and build the Wave thorn:
+ cd arrangements/KrancExamples
+ ../../kranc/Bin/kranc Wave.m
+It is assumed that Mathematica is available on your path with the name
+ "math", or at the location
+ \verb|/Applications/Mathematica.app/Contents/MacOS/MathKernel| for Mac OS.
+You should get a thorn generated in the current directory called Wave.
+Add \verb|KrancExamples/Wave| and \verb|KrancNumericalTools/GenericFD| to the
+ thornlist of one of your configurations, or make one from scratch.
+Recompile Cactus.
+Run Cactus with the parameter file wave.par found in
+ \verb|arrangements/KrancExamples|.
+Examine the 1D output phi.x.asc and pi.x.asc.
\chapter{Using Kranc}
%% \section{Types of arguments}