$Path = Join[$Path, {"~/Calpha/Kranc/Tools/CodeGen", "~/Calpha/Kranc/Tools/MathematicaMisc"}]; Get["KrancThorn`"]; SetEnhancedTimes[False]; SetSourceLanguage["C"]; (******************************************************************************) (* Derivatives *) (******************************************************************************) KD = KroneckerDelta; (* derivative order: 2, 4, 6, 8, ... *) derivOrder = 4; derivatives = { PDstandardNth[i_] -> StandardCenteredDifferenceOperator[1,derivOrder/2,i], PDstandardNth[i_, i_] -> StandardCenteredDifferenceOperator[2,derivOrder/2,i], PDstandardNth[i_, j_] -> StandardCenteredDifferenceOperator[1,derivOrder/2,i] StandardCenteredDifferenceOperator[1,derivOrder/2,j], PDupwindpNth[i_] -> StandardUpwindDifferenceOperator[1,derivOrder/2-1,derivOrder/2+1,i], PDupwindmNth[i_] -> StandardUpwindDifferenceOperator[1,derivOrder/2+1,derivOrder/2-1,i] }; (* local derivatives *) PDloc = PDstandardNth; PDploc = PDupwindpNth; PDmloc = PDupwindmNth; (* global derivatives *) PDglob[var_,lx_] := Jinv[u1,lx] PDloc[var,l1]; PDglob[var_,lx_,ly_] := dJinv[u1,lx,ly] PDloc[var,l1] + Jinv[u1,lx] Jinv[u2,ly] PDloc[var,l1,l2]; PDpglob[var_,lx_] := Jinv[u1,lx] PDploc[var,l1]; PDmglob[var_,lx_] := Jinv[u1,lx] PDmloc[var,l1]; UseGlobalDerivs = False; PD := If [UseGlobalDerivs, PDglob, PDloc]; PDp := If [UseGlobalDerivs, PDpglob, PDploc]; PDm := If [UseGlobalDerivs, PDmglob, PDmloc]; (* timelevels: 2 or 3 *) evolutionTimelevels = 3; (* matter: 0 or 1 *) addMatter = 0; (******************************************************************************) (* Tensors *) (******************************************************************************) (* Register the tensor quantities with the TensorTools package *) Map [DefineTensor, {g, K, alpha, beta, H, M, detg, gu, G, R, trR, Km, trK, phi, gt, At, Xt, Xtn, A, B, Atm, Atu, trA, Ats, trAts, cXt, cS, cA, e4phi, em4phi, ddetg, detgt, gtu, ddetgt, dgtu, ddgtu, Gt, Rt, Rphi, gK, T00, T0, T, rho, S, betam, betap}]; (* NOTE: It seems as if Lie[.,.] did not take these tensor weights into account. Presumably, CD[.,.] and CDt[.,.] don't do this either. *) SetTensorAttribute[phi, TensorWeight, +1/6]; SetTensorAttribute[gt, TensorWeight, -2/3]; SetTensorAttribute[Xt, TensorWeight, +2/3]; SetTensorAttribute[At, TensorWeight, -2/3]; SetTensorAttribute[cXt, TensorWeight, +2/3]; SetTensorAttribute[cS, TensorWeight, +2 ]; Map [AssertSymmetricIncreasing, {g[la,lb], K[la,lb], R[la,lb], gt[la,lb], At[la,lb], Ats[la,lb], Rt[la,lb], Rphi[la,lb], T[la,lb]}]; AssertSymmetricIncreasing [G[ua,lb,lc], lb, lc]; AssertSymmetricIncreasing [Gt[ua,lb,lc], lb, lc]; AssertSymmetricIncreasing [gK[la,lb,lc], la, lb]; Map [AssertSymmetricDecreasing, {gu[ua,ub], gtu[ua,ub], Atu[ua,ub]}]; AssertSymmetricDecreasing [dgtu[ua,ub,lc], ua, ub]; AssertSymmetricDecreasing [ddgtu[ua,ub,lc,ld], ua, ub]; AssertSymmetricIncreasing [ddgtu[ua,ub,lc,ld], lc, ld]; DefineConnection [CD, PD, G]; DefineConnection [CDt, PD, Gt]; Map [DefineTensor, {gxx, gxy, gxz, gyy, gyz, gzz, kxx, kxy, kxz, kyy, kyz, kzz, alp, dtalp, betax, betay, betaz, dtbetax, dtbetay, dtbetaz, eTtt, eTtx, eTty, eTtz, eTxx, eTxy, eTxz, eTyy, eTyz, eTzz}]; (******************************************************************************) (* Expressions *) (******************************************************************************) detgExpr = Det [MatrixOfComponents [g [la,lb]]]; ddetgExpr[la_] = Sum [D[Det[MatrixOfComponents[g[la, lb]]], X] PD[X, la], {X, Union[Flatten[MatrixOfComponents[g[la, lb]]]]}]; detgtExpr = Det [MatrixOfComponents [gt[la,lb]]]; ddetgtExpr[la_] = Sum [D[Det[MatrixOfComponents[gt[la, lb]]], X] PD[X, la], {X, Union[Flatten[MatrixOfComponents[gt[la, lb]]]]}]; pi = N[Pi,40]; (******************************************************************************) (* Groups *) (******************************************************************************) SetGroupTimelevels[g_,tl_] = Join[g, {Timelevels -> tl}]; evolvedGroupsBSSNUp = {SetGroupName [CreateGroupFromTensor [phi ], "ML_log_confac"], SetGroupName [CreateGroupFromTensor [gt[la,lb]], "ML_metric" ], SetGroupName [CreateGroupFromTensor [Xt[ua] ], "ML_Gamma" ], SetGroupName [CreateGroupFromTensor [trK ], "ML_trace_curv"], SetGroupName [CreateGroupFromTensor [At[la,lb]], "ML_curv" ], SetGroupName [CreateGroupFromTensor [alpha ], "ML_lapse" ], SetGroupName [CreateGroupFromTensor [A ], "ML_dtlapse" ], SetGroupName [CreateGroupFromTensor [beta[ua] ], "ML_shift" ], SetGroupName [CreateGroupFromTensor [B[ua] ], "ML_dtshift" ]}; evaluatedGroupsBSSNUp = {SetGroupName [CreateGroupFromTensor [H ], "Ham"], SetGroupName [CreateGroupFromTensor [M[la] ], "mom"], SetGroupName [CreateGroupFromTensor [cS ], "cons_detg"], SetGroupName [CreateGroupFromTensor [cXt[ua]], "cons_Gamma"], SetGroupName [CreateGroupFromTensor [cA ], "cons_traceA"]}; declaredGroupsBSSNUp = Join [evolvedGroupsBSSNUp, evaluatedGroupsBSSNUp]; declaredGroupNamesBSSNUp = Map [First, declaredGroupsBSSNUp]; extraGroups = {{"ADMBase::metric", {gxx, gxy, gxz, gyy, gyz, gzz}}, {"ADMBase::curv", {kxx, kxy, kxz, kyy, kyz, kzz}}, {"ADMBase::lapse", {alp}}, {"ADMBase::dtlapse", {dtalp}}, {"ADMBase::shift", {betax, betay, betaz}}, {"ADMBase::dtshift", {dtbetax, dtbetay, dtbetaz}}, {"TmunuBase::stress_energy_scalar", {eTtt}}, {"TmunuBase::stress_energy_vector", {eTtx, eTty, eTtz}}, {"TmunuBase::stress_energy_tensor", {eTxx, eTxy, eTxz, eTyy, eTyz, eTzz}}}; groupsBSSNUp = Join [declaredGroupsBSSNUp, extraGroups]; (******************************************************************************) (* Initial data *) (******************************************************************************) initialCalcBSSNUp = { Name -> "ML_BSSNUp_Minkowski", Schedule -> {"IN ADMBase_InitialData"}, ConditionalOnKeyword -> {"my_initial_data", "Minkowski"}, Equations -> { phi -> 0, gt[la,lb] -> KD[la,lb], trK -> 0, At[la,lb] -> 0, Xt[ua] -> 0, alpha -> 1, A -> 0, beta[ua] -> 0, B[ua] -> 0 } } (******************************************************************************) (* Convert from ADMBase *) (******************************************************************************) convertFromADMBaseCalcBSSNUp = { Name -> "ML_BSSNUp_convertFromADMBase", Schedule -> {"AT initial AFTER ADMBase_PostInitial"}, ConditionalOnKeyword -> {"my_initial_data", "ADMBase"}, Shorthands -> {g[la,lb], detg, gu[ua,ub], em4phi, K[la,lb]}, Equations -> { g11 -> gxx, g12 -> gxy, g13 -> gxz, g22 -> gyy, g23 -> gyz, g33 -> gzz, detg -> detgExpr, gu[ua,ub] -> 1/detg detgExpr MatrixInverse [g[ua,ub]], phi -> Log [detg] / 12, em4phi -> Exp [-4 phi], gt[la,lb] -> em4phi g[la,lb], K11 -> kxx, K12 -> kxy, K13 -> kxz, K22 -> kyy, K23 -> kyz, K33 -> kzz, trK -> gu[ua,ub] K[la,lb], At[la,lb] -> em4phi (K[la,lb] - (1/3) g[la,lb] trK), alpha -> alp, beta1 -> betax, beta2 -> betay, beta3 -> betaz } } convertFromADMBaseGammaCalcBSSNUp = { Name -> "ML_BSSNUp_convertFromADMBaseGamma", Schedule -> {"AT initial AFTER ML_BSSNUp_convertFromADMBase"}, ConditionalOnKeyword -> {"my_initial_data", "ADMBase"}, Where -> Interior, Shorthands -> {detgt, gtu[ua,ub], Gt[ua,lb,lc]}, Equations -> { detgt -> 1 (* detgtExpr *), gtu[ua,ub] -> 1/detgt detgtExpr MatrixInverse [gt[ua,ub]], Gt[ua,lb,lc] -> 1/2 gtu[ua,ud] (PD[gt[lb,ld],lc] + PD[gt[lc,ld],lb] - PD[gt[lb,lc],ld]), Xt[ua] -> gtu[ub,uc] Gt[ua,lb,lc], A -> - dtalp / (harmonicF alpha^harmonicN) (LapseAdvectionCoeff - 1), B1 -> 1/ShiftGammaCoeff (dtbetax - ShiftAdvectionCoeff beta[ua] PD[beta1,la]), B2 -> 1/ShiftGammaCoeff (dtbetay - ShiftAdvectionCoeff beta[ua] PD[beta2,la]), B3 -> 1/ShiftGammaCoeff (dtbetaz - ShiftAdvectionCoeff beta[ua] PD[beta3,la]) } } (******************************************************************************) (* Convert to ADMBase *) (******************************************************************************) convertToADMBaseCalcBSSNUp = { Name -> "ML_BSSNUp_convertToADMBase", Schedule -> {"IN MoL_PostStep AFTER (ML_BSSNUp_ApplyBCs ML_BSSNUp_boundary ML_BSSNUp_enforce)"}, ConditionalOnKeyword -> {"evolution_method", "ML_BSSNUp"}, Where -> Interior, Shorthands -> {e4phi, g[la,lb], K[la,lb]}, Equations -> { e4phi -> Exp [4 phi], g[la,lb] -> e4phi gt[la,lb], gxx -> g11, gxy -> g12, gxz -> g13, gyy -> g22, gyz -> g23, gzz -> g33, K[la,lb] -> e4phi At[la,lb] + (1/3) g[la,lb] trK, kxx -> K11, kxy -> K12, kxz -> K13, kyy -> K22, kyz -> K23, kzz -> K33, alp -> alpha, betax -> beta1, betay -> beta2, betaz -> beta3, (* see RHS *) dtalp -> - harmonicF alpha^harmonicN ((1 - LapseAdvectionCoeff) A + LapseAdvectionCoeff trK) + LapseAdvectionCoeff beta[ua] PD[alpha,la], dtbetax -> + ShiftGammaCoeff B1 + ShiftAdvectionCoeff beta[ub] PD[beta[ua],lb], dtbetay -> + ShiftGammaCoeff B2 + ShiftAdvectionCoeff beta[ub] PD[beta[ua],lb], dtbetaz -> + ShiftGammaCoeff B3 + ShiftAdvectionCoeff beta[ub] PD[beta[ua],lb] } } boundaryCalcADMBaseBSSNUp = { Name -> "ML_BSSNUp_ADMBaseBoundary", Schedule -> {"IN MoL_PostStep AFTER ML_BSSNUp_convertToADMBase"}, ConditionalOnKeyword -> {"my_boundary_condition", "Minkowski"}, Where -> BoundaryWithGhosts, Equations -> { gxx -> 1, gxy -> 0, gxz -> 0, gyy -> 1, gyz -> 0, gzz -> 1, kxx -> 0, kxy -> 0, kxz -> 0, kyy -> 0, kyz -> 0, kzz -> 0, alp -> 1, dtalp -> 0, betax -> 0, betay -> 0, betaz -> 0, dtbetax -> 0, dtbetay -> 0, dtbetaz -> 0 } } (******************************************************************************) (* Evolution equations *) (******************************************************************************) evolCalcBSSNUp = { Name -> "ML_BSSNUp_RHS", Schedule -> {"IN ML_BSSNUp_evolCalcGroup"}, Where -> Interior, Shorthands -> {detgt, ddetgt[la], gtu[ua,ub], dgtu[ua,ub,lc], ddgtu[ua,ub,lc,ld], Gt[ua,lb,lc], Xtn[ua], Rt[la,lb], Rphi[la,lb], R[la,lb], Atm[ua,lb], Atu[ua,ub], e4phi, em4phi, g[la,lb], detg, ddetg[la], gu[ua,ub], G[ua,lb,lc], Ats[la,lb], trAts, T00, T0[la], T[la,lb], rho, S[la], trS, betam[ua], betap[ua]}, Equations -> { betam[ua] -> 1/2 UseAdvectionUpwind (beta[ua]-Abs[beta[ua]]), betap[ua] -> 1/2 UseAdvectionUpwind (beta[ua]+Abs[beta[ua]]), detgt -> 1 (* detgtExpr *), ddetgt[la] -> 0 (* ddetgtExpr[la] *), (* This leads to simpler code... *) gtu[ua,ub] -> 1/detgt detgtExpr MatrixInverse [gt[ua,ub]], dgtu[ua,ub,lc] -> - gtu[ua,ud] gtu[ub,ue] PD[gt[ld,le],lc], ddgtu[ua,ub,lc,ld] -> - dgtu[ua,ue,ld] gtu[ub,uf] PD[gt[le,lf],lc] - gtu[ua,ue] dgtu[ub,uf,ld] PD[gt[le,lf],lc] - gtu[ua,ue] gtu[ub,uf] PD[gt[le,lf],lc,ld], Gt[ua,lb,lc] -> 1/2 gtu[ua,ud] (PD[gt[lb,ld],lc] + PD[gt[lc,ld],lb] - PD[gt[lb,lc],ld]), (* The conformal connection functions calculated from the conformal metric, used instead of Xt where no derivatives of Xt are taken *) Xtn[ui] -> gtu[uj,uk] Gt[ui,lj,lk], (* PRD 62, 044034 (2000), eqn. (18) *) Rt[li,lj] -> - (1/2) gtu[ul,um] PD[gt[li,lj],ll,lm] + (1/2) gt[lk,li] PD[Xt[uk],lj] + (1/2) gt[lk,lj] PD[Xt[uk],li] + (1/2) Xtn[uk] gt[li,ln] Gt[un,lj,lk] + (1/2) Xtn[uk] gt[lj,ln] Gt[un,li,lk] + gtu[ul,um] (+ Gt[uk,ll,li] gt[lj,ln] Gt[un,lk,lm] + Gt[uk,ll,lj] gt[li,ln] Gt[un,lk,lm] + Gt[uk,li,lm] gt[lk,ln] Gt[un,ll,lj]), (* Rt[li,lj] -> (1/2) (- gtu[ul,um] PD[gt[li,lj],ll,lm] + gt[lk,li] PD[Xt[uk],lj] + + gt[lk,lj] PD[Xt[uk],li] + Xtn[uk] gt[li,ln] Gt[un,lj,lk] + Xtn[uk] gt[lj,ln] Gt[un,li,lk]) + gtu[ul,um] (+ Gt[uk,ll,li] gt[lj,ln] Gt[un,lk,lm] + Gt[uk,ll,lj] gt[li,ln] Gt[un,lk,lm] + Gt[uk,li,lm] gt[lk,ln] Gt[un,ll,lj]), *) (* PRD 62, 044034 (2000), eqn. (15) *) (* TODO: Check that CDt takes the tensor weight of phi into account *) Rphi[li,lj] -> - 2 CDt[phi,lj,li] - 2 gt[li,lj] gtu[ul,un] CDt[phi,ll,ln] + 4 CDt[phi,li] CDt[phi,lj] - 4 gt[li,lj] gtu[ul,un] CDt[phi,ln] CDt[phi,ll], Atm[ua,lb] -> gtu[ua,uc] At[lc,lb], Atu[ua,ub] -> Atm[ua,lc] gtu[ub,uc], e4phi -> Exp [4 phi], em4phi -> 1 / e4phi, g[la,lb] -> e4phi gt[la,lb], detg -> detgExpr, (* gu[ua,ub] -> 1/detg detgExpr MatrixInverse [g[ua,ub]], *) gu[ua,ub] -> em4phi gtu[ua,ub], (* ddetg[la] -> 12 detg PD[phi,la], G[ua,lb,lc] -> Gt[ua,lb,lc] + 1/(6 detg) (KD[ua,lb] ddetg[lc] + KD[ua,lc] ddetg[lb] - gtu[ua,ud] gt[lb,lc] ddetg[ld]), *) G[ua,lb,lc] -> Gt[ua,lb,lc] + 2 (KD[ua,lb] PD[phi,lc] + KD[ua,lc] PD[phi,lb] - gtu[ua,ud] gt[lb,lc] PD[phi,ld]), R[la,lb] -> Rt[la,lb] + Rphi[la,lb], (* Matter terms *) T00 -> addMatter eTtt, T01 -> addMatter eTtx, T02 -> addMatter eTty, T03 -> addMatter eTtz, T11 -> addMatter eTxx, T12 -> addMatter eTxy, T13 -> addMatter eTxz, T22 -> addMatter eTyy, T23 -> addMatter eTyz, T33 -> addMatter eTzz, (* rho = n^a n^b T_ab *) rho -> addMatter (1/alpha^2 (T00 - 2 beta[ui] T0[li] + beta[ui] beta[uj] T[li,lj])), (* S_i = -p^a_i n^b T_ab, where p^a_i = delta^a_i + n^a n_i *) S[li] -> addMatter (-1/alpha (T0[li] - beta[uj] T[li,lj])), (* trS = gamma^ij T_ij *) trS -> addMatter (gu[ui,uj] T[li,lj]), (* RHS terms *) (* PRD 62, 044034 (2000), eqn. (10) *) (* PRD 67 084023 (2003), eqn. (16) and (23) *) dot[phi] -> - (1/6) alpha trK + ( betam[ui] PDm[phi,ui] + betap[ui] PDp[ui] ) + (1/6) PD[beta[ua],la], (* PRD 62, 044034 (2000), eqn. (9) *) dot[gt[la,lb]] -> - 2 alpha At[la,lb] + Lie[gt[la,lb], beta] - (2/3) gt[la,lb] PD[beta[uc],lc], (* PRD 62, 044034 (2000), eqn. (20) *) (* dot[Xt[ui]] -> - 2 Atu[ui,uj] PD[alpha,lj] + 2 alpha (+ Gt[ui,lj,lk] Atu[uk,uj] - (2/3) gtu[ui,uj] PD[trK,lj] + 6 Atu[ui,uj] PD[phi,lj]) - (+ (+ PD[beta[ul],lj] dgtu[ui,uj,ll] + beta[ul] ddgtu[ui,uj,ll,lj]) - 2 (+ dgtu[um,uj,lj] PD[beta[ui],lm] + dgtu[um,ui,lj] PD[beta[uj],lm] + gtu[um,uj] PD[beta[ui],lm,lj] + gtu[um,ui] PD[beta[uj],lm,lj]) + (2/3) (+ dgtu[ui,uj,lj] PD[beta[ul],ll] + gtu[ui,uj] PD[beta[ul],ll,lj])), *) (* PRD 67 084023 (2003), eqn (26) *) dot[Xt[ui]] -> - 2 Atu[ui,uj] PD[alpha,lj] + 2 alpha (+ Gt[ui,lj,lk] Atu[uk,uj] - (2/3) gtu[ui,uj] PD[trK,lj] + 6 Atu[ui,uj] PD[phi,lj]) + gtu[uj,ul] PD[beta[ui],lj,ll] + (1/3) gtu[ui,uj] PD[beta[ul],lj,ll] + beta[uj] PD[Xt[ui],lj] - Xtn[uj] PD[beta[ui],lj] + (2/3) Xtn[ui] PD[beta[uj],lj] (* Equation (4.28) in Baumgarte & Shapiro (Phys. Rept. 376 (2003) 41-131) *) + addMatter (- 16 pi alpha gtu[ui,uj] S[lj]), (* PRD 62, 044034 (2000), eqn. (11) *) dot[trK] -> - gu[ua,ub] CD[alpha,la,lb] + alpha (Atm[ua,lb] Atm[ub,la] + (1/3) trK^2) + Lie[trK, beta] (* Equation (4.21) in Baumgarte & Shapiro (Phys. Rept. 376 (2003) 41-131) *) + addMatter (4 pi alpha (rho + trS)), (* PRD 62, 044034 (2000), eqn. (12) *) (* TODO: use Hamiltonian constraint to make tracefree *) Ats[la,lb] -> - CD[alpha,la,lb] + alpha R[la,lb], trAts -> gu[ua,ub] Ats[la,lb], dot[At[la,lb]] -> + em4phi (+ Ats[la,lb] - (1/3) g[la,lb] trAts ) + alpha (trK At[la,lb] - 2 At[la,lc] Atm[uc,lb]) + Lie[At[la,lb], beta] - (2/3) At[la,lb] PD[beta[uc],lc] (* Equation (4.23) in Baumgarte & Shapiro (Phys. Rept. 376 (2003) 41-131) *) + addMatter (- em4phi alpha 8 pi (T[la,lb] - (1/3) g[la,lb] trS)), (* dot[alpha] -> - harmonicF alpha^harmonicN trK, *) (* dot[alpha] -> - harmonicF alpha^harmonicN A + Lie[alpha, beta], *) dot[alpha] -> - harmonicF alpha^harmonicN ( (1 - LapseAdvectionCoeff) A + LapseAdvectionCoeff trK) + LapseAdvectionCoeff beta[ua] PD[alpha,la], (* TODO: is the above Lie derivative correct? *) dot[A] -> (1 - LapseAdvectionCoeff) (dot[trK] - AlphaDriver A), (* dot[beta[ua]] -> eta Xt[ua], *) (* dot[beta[ua]] -> ShiftGammaCoeff alpha^ShiftAlphaPower B[ua], *) dot[beta[ua]] -> + ShiftGammaCoeff B[ua] + ShiftAdvectionCoeff beta[ub] PD[beta[ua],lb], dot[B[ua]] -> + dot[Xt[ua]] - BetaDriver B[ua] + ShiftAdvectionCoeff beta[ub] (+ PD[B[ua],lb] - PD[Xt[ua],lb]) (* TODO: is there a Lie derivative of the shift missing? *) } } enforceCalcBSSNUp = { Name -> "ML_BSSNUp_enforce", Schedule -> {"IN MoL_PostStep BEFORE ML_BSSNUp_BoundConds"}, ConditionalOnKeyword -> {"evolution_method", "ML_BSSNUp"}, Shorthands -> {detgt, gtu[ua,ub], trAt}, Equations -> { detgt -> 1 (* detgtExpr *), gtu[ua,ub] -> 1/detgt detgtExpr MatrixInverse [gt[ua,ub]], trAt -> gtu[ua,ub] At[la,lb], At[la,lb] -> At[la,lb] - (1/3) gt[la,lb] trAt (*, alpha -> Max[alpha, 10^(-10)] *) } } (******************************************************************************) (* Boundary conditions *) (******************************************************************************) boundaryCalcBSSNUp = { Name -> "ML_BSSNUp_boundary", Schedule -> {"IN MoL_PostStep"}, ConditionalOnKeyword -> {"my_boundary_condition", "Minkowski"}, Where -> BoundaryWithGhosts, Equations -> { phi -> 0, gt[la,lb] -> KD[la,lb], trK -> 0, At[la,lb] -> 0, Xt[ua] -> 0, alpha -> 1, A -> 0, beta[ua] -> 0, B[ua] -> 0 } } (******************************************************************************) (* Constraint equations *) (******************************************************************************) constraintsCalcBSSNUp = { Name -> "ML_BSSNUp_constraints", Schedule -> {"IN ML_BSSNUp_constraintsCalcGroup"}, Where -> Interior, Shorthands -> {detgt, ddetgt[la], gtu[ua,ub], Gt[ua,lb,lc], e4phi, em4phi, g[la,lb], detg, gu[ua,ub], ddetg[la], G[ua,lb,lc], Rt[la,lb], Rphi[la,lb], R[la,lb], trR, Atm[la,lb], gK[la,lb,lc], T00, T0[la], T[la,lb], rho, S[la]}, Equations -> { detgt -> 1 (* detgtExpr *), ddetgt[la] -> 0 (* ddetgtExpr[la] *), gtu[ua,ub] -> 1/detgt detgtExpr MatrixInverse [gt[ua,ub]], Gt[ua,lb,lc] -> 1/2 gtu[ua,ud] (PD[gt[lb,ld],lc] + PD[gt[lc,ld],lb] - PD[gt[lb,lc],ld]), (* PRD 62, 044034 (2000), eqn. (18) *) (* Note: This differs from the Goddard formulation, which is e.g. described in PRD 70 (2004) 124025, eqn. (6). Goddard has a Gamma^k replaced by its definition in terms of metric derivatives. *) Rt[li,lj] -> - (1/2) gtu[ul,um] PD[gt[li,lj],ll,lm] + (1/2) gt[lk,li] PD[Xt[uk],lj] + (1/2) gt[lk,lj] PD[Xt[uk],li] + (1/2) Xt[uk] gt[li,ln] Gt[un,lj,lk] + (1/2) Xt[uk] gt[lj,ln] Gt[un,li,lk] + gtu[ul,um] (+ Gt[uk,ll,li] gt[lj,ln] Gt[un,lk,lm] + Gt[uk,ll,lj] gt[li,ln] Gt[un,lk,lm] + Gt[uk,li,lm] gt[lk,ln] Gt[un,ll,lj]), (* From the long turducken paper. This expression seems to give the same result as the one from 044034. *) (* TODO: symmetrise correctly: (ij) = (1/2) [i+j] *) (* Rt[li,lj] -> - (1/2) gtu[uk,ul] PD[gt[li,lj],lk,ll] + gt[lk,li] PD[Xt[uk],lj] + gt[lk,lj] PD[Xt[uk],li] + gt[li,ln] Gt[un,lj,lk] gtu[um,ua] gtu[uk,ub] PD[gt[la,lb],lm] + gt[lj,ln] Gt[un,li,lk] gtu[um,ua] gtu[uk,ub] PD[gt[la,lb],lm] + gtu[ul,us] (+ 2 Gt[uk,ll,li] gt[lj,ln] Gt[un,lk,ls] + 2 Gt[uk,ll,lj] gt[li,ln] Gt[un,lk,ls] + Gt[uk,li,ls] gt[lk,ln] Gt[un,ll,lj]), *) (* Below would be a straightforward calculation, without taking any Gamma^i into account. This expression gives a different answer! *) (* Rt[la,lb] -> + Gt[u1,l2,la] Gt[l1,lb,u2] - Gt[u1,la,lb] Gt[l1,l2,u2] + 1/2 gtu[u1,u2] (- PD[gt[l1,l2],la,lb] + PD[gt[l1,la],l2,lb] - PD[gt[la,lb],l1,l2] + PD[gt[l2,lb],l1,la]), *) (* PRD 62, 044034 (2000), eqn. (15) *) Rphi[li,lj] -> - 2 CDt[phi,lj,li] - 2 gt[li,lj] gtu[ul,un] CDt[phi,ll,ln] + 4 CDt[phi,li] CDt[phi,lj] - 4 gt[li,lj] gtu[ul,un] CDt[phi,ln] CDt[phi,ll], e4phi -> Exp [4 phi], em4phi -> 1 / e4phi, g[la,lb] -> e4phi gt[la,lb], (* detg -> detgExpr, *) (* gu[ua,ub] -> 1/detg detgExpr MatrixInverse [g[ua,ub]], *) detg -> e4phi^3, gu[ua,ub] -> em4phi gtu[ua,ub], (* ddetg[la] -> PD[e4phi detg,la], *) ddetg[la] -> e4phi ddetgt[la] + 4 detgt e4phi PD[phi,la], (* TODO: check this equation, maybe simplify it by omitting ddetg *) G[ua,lb,lc] -> Gt[ua,lb,lc] + 1/(2 detg) (+ KD[ua,lb] ddetg[lc] + KD[ua,lc] ddetg[lb] - (1/3) g[lb,lc] gu[ua,ud] ddetg[ld]), R[la,lb] -> Rt[la,lb] + Rphi[la,lb], trR -> gu[ua,ub] R[la,lb], (* K[la,lb] -> e4phi At[la,lb] + (1/3) g[la,lb] trK, *) (* Km[ua,lb] -> gu[ua,uc] K[lc,lb], *) Atm[ua,lb] -> gtu[ua,uc] At[lc,lb], (* Matter terms *) T00 -> eTtt, T01 -> eTtx, T02 -> eTty, T03 -> eTtz, T11 -> eTxx, T12 -> eTxy, T13 -> eTxz, T22 -> eTyy, T23 -> eTyz, T33 -> eTzz, (* rho = n^a n^b T_ab *) rho -> 1/alpha^2 (T00 - 2 beta[ui] T0[li] + beta[ui] beta[uj] T[li,lj]), (* S_i = -p^a_i n^b T_ab, where p^a_i = delta^a_i + n^a n_i *) S[li] -> -1/alpha (T0[li] - beta[uj] T[li,lj]), (* Constraints *) (* H -> trR - Km[ua,lb] Km[ub,la] + trK^2, *) (* PRD 67, 084023 (2003), eqn. (19) *) H -> trR - Atm[ua,lb] Atm[ub,la] + (2/3) trK^2 - addMatter 16 pi rho, (* gK[la,lb,lc] -> CD[K[la,lb],lc], *) (* gK[la,lb,lc] -> + 4 e4phi PD[phi,lc] At[la,lb] + e4phi CD[At[la,lb],lc] + (1/3) g[la,lb] PD[trK,lc], M[la] -> gu[ub,uc] (gK[lc,la,lb] - gK[lc,lb,la]), *) M[li] -> + gtu[uj,uk] (CDt[At[li,lj],lk] + 6 At[li,lj] PD[phi,lk]) - (2/3) PD[trK,li] - addMatter 8 pi S[li], (* TODO: use PRD 67, 084023 (2003), eqn. (20) *) (* det gamma-tilde *) cS -> Log [detgt], (* Gamma constraint *) cXt[ua] -> gtu[ub,uc] Gt[ua,lb,lc] - Xt[ua], (* trace A-tilde *) cA -> gtu[ua,ub] At[la,lb] } } constraintsBoundaryCalcBSSNUp = { Name -> "ML_BSSNUp_constraints_boundary", Schedule -> {"IN ML_BSSNUp_constraintsCalcGroup AFTER ML_BSSNUp_constraints"}, Where -> BoundaryWithGhosts, Equations -> { H -> 0, M[la] -> 0 } } (******************************************************************************) (* Implementations *) (******************************************************************************) inheritedImplementations = {"ADMBase", "TmunuBase"}; (******************************************************************************) (* Parameters *) (******************************************************************************) inheritedKeywordParameters = {}; extendedKeywordParameters = { { Name -> "ADMBase::evolution_method", AllowedValues -> {"ML_BSSNUp"} }, { Name -> "ADMBase::lapse_evolution_method", AllowedValues -> {"ML_BSSNUp"} }, { Name -> "ADMBase::shift_evolution_method", AllowedValues -> {"ML_BSSNUp"} } }; keywordParameters = { { Name -> "my_initial_data", (* Visibility -> "restricted", *) (* Description -> "ddd", *) AllowedValues -> {"ADMBase", "Minkowski"}, Default -> "ADMBase" }, { Name -> "my_boundary_condition", (* Visibility -> "restricted", *) (* Description -> "ddd", *) AllowedValues -> {"none", "Minkowski"}, Default -> "none" } }; intParameters = { { Name -> harmonicN, Description -> "d/dt alpha = - f alpha^n K (harmonic=2, 1+log=1)", Default -> 2 }, { Name -> ShiftAlphaPower, Default -> 0 } }; realParameters = { { Name -> harmonicF, Description -> "d/dt alpha = - f alpha^n K (harmonic=1, 1+log=2)", Default -> 1 }, { Name -> AlphaDriver, Default -> 0 }, { Name -> ShiftGammaCoeff, Default -> 0 }, { Name -> BetaDriver, Default -> 0 }, { Name -> LapseAdvectionCoeff, Description -> "Factor in front of the shift advection terms in 1+log", Default -> 1 }, { Name -> ShiftAdvectionCoeff, Description -> "Factor in front of the shift advection terms in gamma driver", Default -> 1 } }; (******************************************************************************) (* Construct the thorns *) (******************************************************************************) calculationsBSSNUp = { initialCalcBSSNUp, convertFromADMBaseCalcBSSNUp, convertFromADMBaseGammaCalcBSSNUp, evolCalcBSSNUp, enforceCalcBSSNUp, boundaryCalcBSSNUp, convertToADMBaseCalcBSSNUp, boundaryCalcADMBaseBSSNUp, constraintsCalcBSSNUp, constraintsBoundaryCalcBSSNUp }; CreateKrancThornTT [groupsBSSNUp, ".", "ML_BSSNUp", Calculations -> calculationsBSSNUp, DeclaredGroups -> declaredGroupNamesBSSNUp, PartialDerivatives -> derivatives, EvolutionTimelevels -> evolutionTimelevels, UseLoopControl -> True, InheritedImplementations -> inheritedImplementations, InheritedKeywordParameters -> inheritedKeywordParameters, ExtendedKeywordParameters -> extendedKeywordParameters, KeywordParameters -> keywordParameters, IntParameters -> intParameters, RealParameters -> realParameters ];