SHARES: Boundary USES CCTK_INT radpower SHARES: MethodofLines USES CCTK_INT MoL_Num_Constrained_Vars SHARES: ADMBase USES KEYWORD evolution_method SHARES: GenericFD USES CCTK_INT boundary_width SHARES: ML_CCZ4 USES CCTK_INT timelevels USES CCTK_INT rhs_timelevels USES KEYWORD calculate_ADMBase_variables_at USES CCTK_REAL harmonicF EXTENDS KEYWORD my_initial_boundary_condition { "extrapolate-gammas" :: "extrapolate-gammas" } EXTENDS KEYWORD my_rhs_boundary_condition { "NewRad" :: "NewRad" } PRIVATE: CCTK_INT ML_CCZ4_MaxNumConstrainedVars "Number of constrained variables used by this thorn" ACCUMULATOR-BASE=MethodofLines::MoL_Num_Constrained_Vars { 20:20 :: "Number of constrained variables used by this thorn" } 20