# File produced by Kranc shares: ADMBase EXTENDS CCTK_KEYWORD evolution_method "evolution_method" { ML_BSSN :: "" } EXTENDS CCTK_KEYWORD lapse_evolution_method "lapse_evolution_method" { ML_BSSN :: "" } EXTENDS CCTK_KEYWORD shift_evolution_method "shift_evolution_method" { ML_BSSN :: "" } EXTENDS CCTK_KEYWORD dtlapse_evolution_method "dtlapse_evolution_method" { ML_BSSN :: "" } EXTENDS CCTK_KEYWORD dtshift_evolution_method "dtshift_evolution_method" { ML_BSSN :: "" } shares: GenericFD shares: MethodOfLines USES CCTK_INT MoL_Num_Evolved_Vars restricted: CCTK_INT verbose "verbose" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { *:* :: "" } 0 restricted: CCTK_REAL LapseACoeff "Whether to evolve A in time" { "*:*" :: "" } 0 restricted: CCTK_REAL harmonicF "d/dt alpha = - f alpha^n K (harmonic=1, 1+log=2)" { "*:*" :: "" } 1 restricted: CCTK_REAL AlphaDriver "AlphaDriver" { "*:*" :: "" } 0 restricted: CCTK_REAL ShiftBCoeff "Whether to evolve B^i in time" { "*:*" :: "" } 1 restricted: CCTK_REAL ShiftGammaCoeff "ShiftGammaCoeff" { "*:*" :: "" } 0 restricted: CCTK_REAL BetaDriver "BetaDriver" { "*:*" :: "" } 0 restricted: CCTK_REAL LapseAdvectionCoeff "Factor in front of the shift advection terms in 1+log" { "*:*" :: "" } 1 restricted: CCTK_REAL ShiftAdvectionCoeff "Factor in front of the shift advection terms in gamma driver" { "*:*" :: "" } 1 restricted: CCTK_REAL MinimumLapse "Minimum value of the lapse function" { "*:*" :: "" } -1 restricted: CCTK_REAL SpatialBetaDriverRadius "Radius at which the BetaDriver starts to be reduced" { "*:*" :: "" } 1000000000000 restricted: CCTK_REAL SpatialShiftGammaCoeffRadius "Radius at which the ShiftGammaCoefficient starts to be reduced" { "*:*" :: "" } 1000000000000 restricted: CCTK_REAL EpsDiss "Dissipation strength" { "*:*" :: "" } 0 restricted: CCTK_INT harmonicN "d/dt alpha = - f alpha^n K (harmonic=2, 1+log=1)" { *:* :: "" } 2 restricted: CCTK_INT ShiftAlphaPower "ShiftAlphaPower" { *:* :: "" } 0 restricted: CCTK_INT conformalMethod "Treatment of conformal factor" { *:* :: "" } 0 private: KEYWORD my_initial_data "my_initial_data" { "ADMBase" :: "ADMBase" "Minkowski" :: "Minkowski" } "ADMBase" restricted: KEYWORD my_initial_boundary_condition "my_initial_boundary_condition" { "none" :: "none" } "none" restricted: KEYWORD my_rhs_boundary_condition "my_rhs_boundary_condition" { "none" :: "none" "static" :: "static" "radiative" :: "radiative" } "none" private: KEYWORD my_boundary_condition "my_boundary_condition" { "none" :: "none" "Minkowski" :: "Minkowski" } "none" restricted: KEYWORD calculate_ADMBase_variables_at "calculate_ADMBase_variables_at" { "MoL_PostStep" :: "MoL_PostStep" "CCTK_EVOL" :: "CCTK_EVOL" "CCTK_ANALYSIS" :: "CCTK_ANALYSIS" } "MoL_PostStep" restricted: KEYWORD UseSpatialBetaDriver "UseSpatialBetaDriver" { "no" :: "no" "yes" :: "yes" } "no" private: KEYWORD dt_lapse_shift_method "Treatment of ADMBase dtlapse and dtshift" { "correct" :: "correct" "noLapseShiftAdvection" :: "noLapseShiftAdvection" } "correct" restricted: CCTK_INT ML_BSSN_MaxNumEvolvedVars "Number of evolved variables used by this thorn" ACCUMULATOR-BASE=MethodofLines::MoL_Num_Evolved_Vars STEERABLE=RECOVER { 25:25 :: "Number of evolved variables used by this thorn" } 25 restricted: CCTK_INT timelevels "Number of active timelevels" STEERABLE=RECOVER { 0:3 :: "" } 3 restricted: CCTK_INT rhs_timelevels "Number of active RHS timelevels" STEERABLE=RECOVER { 0:3 :: "" } 1 restricted: CCTK_INT ML_BSSN_Minkowski_calc_every "ML_BSSN_Minkowski_calc_every" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { *:* :: "" } 1 restricted: CCTK_INT ML_BSSN_convertFromADMBase_calc_every "ML_BSSN_convertFromADMBase_calc_every" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { *:* :: "" } 1 restricted: CCTK_INT ML_BSSN_convertFromADMBaseGamma_calc_every "ML_BSSN_convertFromADMBaseGamma_calc_every" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { *:* :: "" } 1 restricted: CCTK_INT ML_BSSN_RHS1_calc_every "ML_BSSN_RHS1_calc_every" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { *:* :: "" } 1 restricted: CCTK_INT ML_BSSN_RHS2_calc_every "ML_BSSN_RHS2_calc_every" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { *:* :: "" } 1 restricted: CCTK_INT ML_BSSN_RHSStaticBoundary_calc_every "ML_BSSN_RHSStaticBoundary_calc_every" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { *:* :: "" } 1 restricted: CCTK_INT ML_BSSN_enforce_calc_every "ML_BSSN_enforce_calc_every" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { *:* :: "" } 1 restricted: CCTK_INT ML_BSSN_boundary_calc_every "ML_BSSN_boundary_calc_every" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { *:* :: "" } 1 restricted: CCTK_INT ML_BSSN_convertToADMBase_calc_every "ML_BSSN_convertToADMBase_calc_every" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { *:* :: "" } 1 restricted: CCTK_INT ML_BSSN_convertToADMBaseDtLapseShift_calc_every "ML_BSSN_convertToADMBaseDtLapseShift_calc_every" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { *:* :: "" } 1 restricted: CCTK_INT ML_BSSN_convertToADMBaseDtLapseShiftBoundary_calc_every "ML_BSSN_convertToADMBaseDtLapseShiftBoundary_calc_every" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { *:* :: "" } 1 restricted: CCTK_INT ML_BSSN_convertToADMBaseFakeDtLapseShift_calc_every "ML_BSSN_convertToADMBaseFakeDtLapseShift_calc_every" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { *:* :: "" } 1 restricted: CCTK_INT ML_BSSN_constraints1_calc_every "ML_BSSN_constraints1_calc_every" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { *:* :: "" } 1 restricted: CCTK_INT ML_BSSN_constraints2_calc_every "ML_BSSN_constraints2_calc_every" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { *:* :: "" } 1 restricted: CCTK_INT ML_BSSN_Minkowski_calc_offset "ML_BSSN_Minkowski_calc_offset" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { *:* :: "" } 0 restricted: CCTK_INT ML_BSSN_convertFromADMBase_calc_offset "ML_BSSN_convertFromADMBase_calc_offset" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { *:* :: "" } 0 restricted: CCTK_INT ML_BSSN_convertFromADMBaseGamma_calc_offset "ML_BSSN_convertFromADMBaseGamma_calc_offset" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { *:* :: "" } 0 restricted: CCTK_INT ML_BSSN_RHS1_calc_offset "ML_BSSN_RHS1_calc_offset" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { *:* :: "" } 0 restricted: CCTK_INT ML_BSSN_RHS2_calc_offset "ML_BSSN_RHS2_calc_offset" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { *:* :: "" } 0 restricted: CCTK_INT ML_BSSN_RHSStaticBoundary_calc_offset "ML_BSSN_RHSStaticBoundary_calc_offset" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { *:* :: "" } 0 restricted: CCTK_INT ML_BSSN_enforce_calc_offset "ML_BSSN_enforce_calc_offset" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { *:* :: "" } 0 restricted: CCTK_INT ML_BSSN_boundary_calc_offset "ML_BSSN_boundary_calc_offset" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { *:* :: "" } 0 restricted: CCTK_INT ML_BSSN_convertToADMBase_calc_offset "ML_BSSN_convertToADMBase_calc_offset" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { *:* :: "" } 0 restricted: CCTK_INT ML_BSSN_convertToADMBaseDtLapseShift_calc_offset "ML_BSSN_convertToADMBaseDtLapseShift_calc_offset" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { *:* :: "" } 0 restricted: CCTK_INT ML_BSSN_convertToADMBaseDtLapseShiftBoundary_calc_offset "ML_BSSN_convertToADMBaseDtLapseShiftBoundary_calc_offset" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { *:* :: "" } 0 restricted: CCTK_INT ML_BSSN_convertToADMBaseFakeDtLapseShift_calc_offset "ML_BSSN_convertToADMBaseFakeDtLapseShift_calc_offset" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { *:* :: "" } 0 restricted: CCTK_INT ML_BSSN_constraints1_calc_offset "ML_BSSN_constraints1_calc_offset" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { *:* :: "" } 0 restricted: CCTK_INT ML_BSSN_constraints2_calc_offset "ML_BSSN_constraints2_calc_offset" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { *:* :: "" } 0 private: KEYWORD At11_bound "Boundary condition to implement" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { "flat" :: "Flat boundary condition" "none" :: "No boundary condition" "static" :: "Boundaries held fixed" "radiative" :: "Radiation boundary condition" "scalar" :: "Dirichlet boundary condition" "newrad" :: "Improved radiative boundary condition" "skip" :: "skip boundary condition code" } "skip" private: KEYWORD At12_bound "Boundary condition to implement" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { "flat" :: "Flat boundary condition" "none" :: "No boundary condition" "static" :: "Boundaries held fixed" "radiative" :: "Radiation boundary condition" "scalar" :: "Dirichlet boundary condition" "newrad" :: "Improved radiative boundary condition" "skip" :: "skip boundary condition code" } "skip" private: KEYWORD At13_bound "Boundary condition to implement" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { "flat" :: "Flat boundary condition" "none" :: "No boundary condition" "static" :: "Boundaries held fixed" "radiative" :: "Radiation boundary condition" "scalar" :: "Dirichlet boundary condition" "newrad" :: "Improved radiative boundary condition" "skip" :: "skip boundary condition code" } "skip" private: KEYWORD At22_bound "Boundary condition to implement" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { "flat" :: "Flat boundary condition" "none" :: "No boundary condition" "static" :: "Boundaries held fixed" "radiative" :: "Radiation boundary condition" "scalar" :: "Dirichlet boundary condition" "newrad" :: "Improved radiative boundary condition" "skip" :: "skip boundary condition code" } "skip" private: KEYWORD At23_bound "Boundary condition to implement" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { "flat" :: "Flat boundary condition" "none" :: "No boundary condition" "static" :: "Boundaries held fixed" "radiative" :: "Radiation boundary condition" "scalar" :: "Dirichlet boundary condition" "newrad" :: "Improved radiative boundary condition" "skip" :: "skip boundary condition code" } "skip" private: KEYWORD At33_bound "Boundary condition to implement" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { "flat" :: "Flat boundary condition" "none" :: "No boundary condition" "static" :: "Boundaries held fixed" "radiative" :: "Radiation boundary condition" "scalar" :: "Dirichlet boundary condition" "newrad" :: "Improved radiative boundary condition" "skip" :: "skip boundary condition code" } "skip" private: KEYWORD A_bound "Boundary condition to implement" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { "flat" :: "Flat boundary condition" "none" :: "No boundary condition" "static" :: "Boundaries held fixed" "radiative" :: "Radiation boundary condition" "scalar" :: "Dirichlet boundary condition" "newrad" :: "Improved radiative boundary condition" "skip" :: "skip boundary condition code" } "skip" private: KEYWORD B1_bound "Boundary condition to implement" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { "flat" :: "Flat boundary condition" "none" :: "No boundary condition" "static" :: "Boundaries held fixed" "radiative" :: "Radiation boundary condition" "scalar" :: "Dirichlet boundary condition" "newrad" :: "Improved radiative boundary condition" "skip" :: "skip boundary condition code" } "skip" private: KEYWORD B2_bound "Boundary condition to implement" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { "flat" :: "Flat boundary condition" "none" :: "No boundary condition" "static" :: "Boundaries held fixed" "radiative" :: "Radiation boundary condition" "scalar" :: "Dirichlet boundary condition" "newrad" :: "Improved radiative boundary condition" "skip" :: "skip boundary condition code" } "skip" private: KEYWORD B3_bound "Boundary condition to implement" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { "flat" :: "Flat boundary condition" "none" :: "No boundary condition" "static" :: "Boundaries held fixed" "radiative" :: "Radiation boundary condition" "scalar" :: "Dirichlet boundary condition" "newrad" :: "Improved radiative boundary condition" "skip" :: "skip boundary condition code" } "skip" private: KEYWORD Xt1_bound "Boundary condition to implement" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { "flat" :: "Flat boundary condition" "none" :: "No boundary condition" "static" :: "Boundaries held fixed" "radiative" :: "Radiation boundary condition" "scalar" :: "Dirichlet boundary condition" "newrad" :: "Improved radiative boundary condition" "skip" :: "skip boundary condition code" } "skip" private: KEYWORD Xt2_bound "Boundary condition to implement" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { "flat" :: "Flat boundary condition" "none" :: "No boundary condition" "static" :: "Boundaries held fixed" "radiative" :: "Radiation boundary condition" "scalar" :: "Dirichlet boundary condition" "newrad" :: "Improved radiative boundary condition" "skip" :: "skip boundary condition code" } "skip" private: KEYWORD Xt3_bound "Boundary condition to implement" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { "flat" :: "Flat boundary condition" "none" :: "No boundary condition" "static" :: "Boundaries held fixed" "radiative" :: "Radiation boundary condition" "scalar" :: "Dirichlet boundary condition" "newrad" :: "Improved radiative boundary condition" "skip" :: "skip boundary condition code" } "skip" private: KEYWORD alpha_bound "Boundary condition to implement" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { "flat" :: "Flat boundary condition" "none" :: "No boundary condition" "static" :: "Boundaries held fixed" "radiative" :: "Radiation boundary condition" "scalar" :: "Dirichlet boundary condition" "newrad" :: "Improved radiative boundary condition" "skip" :: "skip boundary condition code" } "skip" private: KEYWORD phi_bound "Boundary condition to implement" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { "flat" :: "Flat boundary condition" "none" :: "No boundary condition" "static" :: "Boundaries held fixed" "radiative" :: "Radiation boundary condition" "scalar" :: "Dirichlet boundary condition" "newrad" :: "Improved radiative boundary condition" "skip" :: "skip boundary condition code" } "skip" private: KEYWORD gt11_bound "Boundary condition to implement" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { "flat" :: "Flat boundary condition" "none" :: "No boundary condition" "static" :: "Boundaries held fixed" "radiative" :: "Radiation boundary condition" "scalar" :: "Dirichlet boundary condition" "newrad" :: "Improved radiative boundary condition" "skip" :: "skip boundary condition code" } "skip" private: KEYWORD gt12_bound "Boundary condition to implement" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { "flat" :: "Flat boundary condition" "none" :: "No boundary condition" "static" :: "Boundaries held fixed" "radiative" :: "Radiation boundary condition" "scalar" :: "Dirichlet boundary condition" "newrad" :: "Improved radiative boundary condition" "skip" :: "skip boundary condition code" } "skip" private: KEYWORD gt13_bound "Boundary condition to implement" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { "flat" :: "Flat boundary condition" "none" :: "No boundary condition" "static" :: "Boundaries held fixed" "radiative" :: "Radiation boundary condition" "scalar" :: "Dirichlet boundary condition" "newrad" :: "Improved radiative boundary condition" "skip" :: "skip boundary condition code" } "skip" private: KEYWORD gt22_bound "Boundary condition to implement" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { "flat" :: "Flat boundary condition" "none" :: "No boundary condition" "static" :: "Boundaries held fixed" "radiative" :: "Radiation boundary condition" "scalar" :: "Dirichlet boundary condition" "newrad" :: "Improved radiative boundary condition" "skip" :: "skip boundary condition code" } "skip" private: KEYWORD gt23_bound "Boundary condition to implement" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { "flat" :: "Flat boundary condition" "none" :: "No boundary condition" "static" :: "Boundaries held fixed" "radiative" :: "Radiation boundary condition" "scalar" :: "Dirichlet boundary condition" "newrad" :: "Improved radiative boundary condition" "skip" :: "skip boundary condition code" } "skip" private: KEYWORD gt33_bound "Boundary condition to implement" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { "flat" :: "Flat boundary condition" "none" :: "No boundary condition" "static" :: "Boundaries held fixed" "radiative" :: "Radiation boundary condition" "scalar" :: "Dirichlet boundary condition" "newrad" :: "Improved radiative boundary condition" "skip" :: "skip boundary condition code" } "skip" private: KEYWORD beta1_bound "Boundary condition to implement" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { "flat" :: "Flat boundary condition" "none" :: "No boundary condition" "static" :: "Boundaries held fixed" "radiative" :: "Radiation boundary condition" "scalar" :: "Dirichlet boundary condition" "newrad" :: "Improved radiative boundary condition" "skip" :: "skip boundary condition code" } "skip" private: KEYWORD beta2_bound "Boundary condition to implement" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { "flat" :: "Flat boundary condition" "none" :: "No boundary condition" "static" :: "Boundaries held fixed" "radiative" :: "Radiation boundary condition" "scalar" :: "Dirichlet boundary condition" "newrad" :: "Improved radiative boundary condition" "skip" :: "skip boundary condition code" } "skip" private: KEYWORD beta3_bound "Boundary condition to implement" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { "flat" :: "Flat boundary condition" "none" :: "No boundary condition" "static" :: "Boundaries held fixed" "radiative" :: "Radiation boundary condition" "scalar" :: "Dirichlet boundary condition" "newrad" :: "Improved radiative boundary condition" "skip" :: "skip boundary condition code" } "skip" private: KEYWORD trK_bound "Boundary condition to implement" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { "flat" :: "Flat boundary condition" "none" :: "No boundary condition" "static" :: "Boundaries held fixed" "radiative" :: "Radiation boundary condition" "scalar" :: "Dirichlet boundary condition" "newrad" :: "Improved radiative boundary condition" "skip" :: "skip boundary condition code" } "skip" private: KEYWORD ML_curv_bound "Boundary condition to implement" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { "flat" :: "Flat boundary condition" "none" :: "No boundary condition" "static" :: "Boundaries held fixed" "radiative" :: "Radiation boundary condition" "scalar" :: "Dirichlet boundary condition" "newrad" :: "Improved radiative boundary condition" "skip" :: "skip boundary condition code" } "none" private: KEYWORD ML_dtlapse_bound "Boundary condition to implement" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { "flat" :: "Flat boundary condition" "none" :: "No boundary condition" "static" :: "Boundaries held fixed" "radiative" :: "Radiation boundary condition" "scalar" :: "Dirichlet boundary condition" "newrad" :: "Improved radiative boundary condition" "skip" :: "skip boundary condition code" } "none" private: KEYWORD ML_dtshift_bound "Boundary condition to implement" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { "flat" :: "Flat boundary condition" "none" :: "No boundary condition" "static" :: "Boundaries held fixed" "radiative" :: "Radiation boundary condition" "scalar" :: "Dirichlet boundary condition" "newrad" :: "Improved radiative boundary condition" "skip" :: "skip boundary condition code" } "none" private: KEYWORD ML_Gamma_bound "Boundary condition to implement" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { "flat" :: "Flat boundary condition" "none" :: "No boundary condition" "static" :: "Boundaries held fixed" "radiative" :: "Radiation boundary condition" "scalar" :: "Dirichlet boundary condition" "newrad" :: "Improved radiative boundary condition" "skip" :: "skip boundary condition code" } "none" private: KEYWORD ML_lapse_bound "Boundary condition to implement" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { "flat" :: "Flat boundary condition" "none" :: "No boundary condition" "static" :: "Boundaries held fixed" "radiative" :: "Radiation boundary condition" "scalar" :: "Dirichlet boundary condition" "newrad" :: "Improved radiative boundary condition" "skip" :: "skip boundary condition code" } "none" private: KEYWORD ML_log_confac_bound "Boundary condition to implement" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { "flat" :: "Flat boundary condition" "none" :: "No boundary condition" "static" :: "Boundaries held fixed" "radiative" :: "Radiation boundary condition" "scalar" :: "Dirichlet boundary condition" "newrad" :: "Improved radiative boundary condition" "skip" :: "skip boundary condition code" } "none" private: KEYWORD ML_metric_bound "Boundary condition to implement" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { "flat" :: "Flat boundary condition" "none" :: "No boundary condition" "static" :: "Boundaries held fixed" "radiative" :: "Radiation boundary condition" "scalar" :: "Dirichlet boundary condition" "newrad" :: "Improved radiative boundary condition" "skip" :: "skip boundary condition code" } "none" private: KEYWORD ML_shift_bound "Boundary condition to implement" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { "flat" :: "Flat boundary condition" "none" :: "No boundary condition" "static" :: "Boundaries held fixed" "radiative" :: "Radiation boundary condition" "scalar" :: "Dirichlet boundary condition" "newrad" :: "Improved radiative boundary condition" "skip" :: "skip boundary condition code" } "none" private: KEYWORD ML_trace_curv_bound "Boundary condition to implement" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { "flat" :: "Flat boundary condition" "none" :: "No boundary condition" "static" :: "Boundaries held fixed" "radiative" :: "Radiation boundary condition" "scalar" :: "Dirichlet boundary condition" "newrad" :: "Improved radiative boundary condition" "skip" :: "skip boundary condition code" } "none" private: CCTK_REAL At11_bound_speed "characteristic speed at boundary" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { "0:*" :: "outgoing characteristic speed > 0" } 1. private: CCTK_REAL At12_bound_speed "characteristic speed at boundary" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { "0:*" :: "outgoing characteristic speed > 0" } 1. private: CCTK_REAL At13_bound_speed "characteristic speed at boundary" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { "0:*" :: "outgoing characteristic speed > 0" } 1. private: CCTK_REAL At22_bound_speed "characteristic speed at boundary" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { "0:*" :: "outgoing characteristic speed > 0" } 1. private: CCTK_REAL At23_bound_speed "characteristic speed at boundary" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { "0:*" :: "outgoing characteristic speed > 0" } 1. private: CCTK_REAL At33_bound_speed "characteristic speed at boundary" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { "0:*" :: "outgoing characteristic speed > 0" } 1. private: CCTK_REAL A_bound_speed "characteristic speed at boundary" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { "0:*" :: "outgoing characteristic speed > 0" } 1. private: CCTK_REAL B1_bound_speed "characteristic speed at boundary" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { "0:*" :: "outgoing characteristic speed > 0" } 1. private: CCTK_REAL B2_bound_speed "characteristic speed at boundary" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { "0:*" :: "outgoing characteristic speed > 0" } 1. private: CCTK_REAL B3_bound_speed "characteristic speed at boundary" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { "0:*" :: "outgoing characteristic speed > 0" } 1. private: CCTK_REAL Xt1_bound_speed "characteristic speed at boundary" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { "0:*" :: "outgoing characteristic speed > 0" } 1. private: CCTK_REAL Xt2_bound_speed "characteristic speed at boundary" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { "0:*" :: "outgoing characteristic speed > 0" } 1. private: CCTK_REAL Xt3_bound_speed "characteristic speed at boundary" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { "0:*" :: "outgoing characteristic speed > 0" } 1. private: CCTK_REAL alpha_bound_speed "characteristic speed at boundary" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { "0:*" :: "outgoing characteristic speed > 0" } 1. private: CCTK_REAL phi_bound_speed "characteristic speed at boundary" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { "0:*" :: "outgoing characteristic speed > 0" } 1. private: CCTK_REAL gt11_bound_speed "characteristic speed at boundary" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { "0:*" :: "outgoing characteristic speed > 0" } 1. private: CCTK_REAL gt12_bound_speed "characteristic speed at boundary" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { "0:*" :: "outgoing characteristic speed > 0" } 1. private: CCTK_REAL gt13_bound_speed "characteristic speed at boundary" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { "0:*" :: "outgoing characteristic speed > 0" } 1. private: CCTK_REAL gt22_bound_speed "characteristic speed at boundary" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { "0:*" :: "outgoing characteristic speed > 0" } 1. private: CCTK_REAL gt23_bound_speed "characteristic speed at boundary" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { "0:*" :: "outgoing characteristic speed > 0" } 1. private: CCTK_REAL gt33_bound_speed "characteristic speed at boundary" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { "0:*" :: "outgoing characteristic speed > 0" } 1. private: CCTK_REAL beta1_bound_speed "characteristic speed at boundary" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { "0:*" :: "outgoing characteristic speed > 0" } 1. private: CCTK_REAL beta2_bound_speed "characteristic speed at boundary" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { "0:*" :: "outgoing characteristic speed > 0" } 1. private: CCTK_REAL beta3_bound_speed "characteristic speed at boundary" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { "0:*" :: "outgoing characteristic speed > 0" } 1. private: CCTK_REAL trK_bound_speed "characteristic speed at boundary" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { "0:*" :: "outgoing characteristic speed > 0" } 1. private: CCTK_REAL ML_curv_bound_speed "characteristic speed at boundary" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { "0:*" :: "outgoing characteristic speed > 0" } 1. private: CCTK_REAL ML_dtlapse_bound_speed "characteristic speed at boundary" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { "0:*" :: "outgoing characteristic speed > 0" } 1. private: CCTK_REAL ML_dtshift_bound_speed "characteristic speed at boundary" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { "0:*" :: "outgoing characteristic speed > 0" } 1. private: CCTK_REAL ML_Gamma_bound_speed "characteristic speed at boundary" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { "0:*" :: "outgoing characteristic speed > 0" } 1. private: CCTK_REAL ML_lapse_bound_speed "characteristic speed at boundary" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { "0:*" :: "outgoing characteristic speed > 0" } 1. private: CCTK_REAL ML_log_confac_bound_speed "characteristic speed at boundary" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { "0:*" :: "outgoing characteristic speed > 0" } 1. private: CCTK_REAL ML_metric_bound_speed "characteristic speed at boundary" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { "0:*" :: "outgoing characteristic speed > 0" } 1. private: CCTK_REAL ML_shift_bound_speed "characteristic speed at boundary" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { "0:*" :: "outgoing characteristic speed > 0" } 1. private: CCTK_REAL ML_trace_curv_bound_speed "characteristic speed at boundary" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { "0:*" :: "outgoing characteristic speed > 0" } 1. private: CCTK_REAL At11_bound_limit "limit value for r -> infinity" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { "*:*" :: "value of limit value is unrestricted" } 0. private: CCTK_REAL At12_bound_limit "limit value for r -> infinity" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { "*:*" :: "value of limit value is unrestricted" } 0. private: CCTK_REAL At13_bound_limit "limit value for r -> infinity" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { "*:*" :: "value of limit value is unrestricted" } 0. private: CCTK_REAL At22_bound_limit "limit value for r -> infinity" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { "*:*" :: "value of limit value is unrestricted" } 0. private: CCTK_REAL At23_bound_limit "limit value for r -> infinity" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { "*:*" :: "value of limit value is unrestricted" } 0. private: CCTK_REAL At33_bound_limit "limit value for r -> infinity" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { "*:*" :: "value of limit value is unrestricted" } 0. private: CCTK_REAL A_bound_limit "limit value for r -> infinity" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { "*:*" :: "value of limit value is unrestricted" } 0. private: CCTK_REAL B1_bound_limit "limit value for r -> infinity" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { "*:*" :: "value of limit value is unrestricted" } 0. private: CCTK_REAL B2_bound_limit "limit value for r -> infinity" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { "*:*" :: "value of limit value is unrestricted" } 0. private: CCTK_REAL B3_bound_limit "limit value for r -> infinity" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { "*:*" :: "value of limit value is unrestricted" } 0. private: CCTK_REAL Xt1_bound_limit "limit value for r -> infinity" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { "*:*" :: "value of limit value is unrestricted" } 0. private: CCTK_REAL Xt2_bound_limit "limit value for r -> infinity" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { "*:*" :: "value of limit value is unrestricted" } 0. private: CCTK_REAL Xt3_bound_limit "limit value for r -> infinity" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { "*:*" :: "value of limit value is unrestricted" } 0. private: CCTK_REAL alpha_bound_limit "limit value for r -> infinity" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { "*:*" :: "value of limit value is unrestricted" } 0. private: CCTK_REAL phi_bound_limit "limit value for r -> infinity" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { "*:*" :: "value of limit value is unrestricted" } 0. private: CCTK_REAL gt11_bound_limit "limit value for r -> infinity" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { "*:*" :: "value of limit value is unrestricted" } 0. private: CCTK_REAL gt12_bound_limit "limit value for r -> infinity" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { "*:*" :: "value of limit value is unrestricted" } 0. private: CCTK_REAL gt13_bound_limit "limit value for r -> infinity" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { "*:*" :: "value of limit value is unrestricted" } 0. private: CCTK_REAL gt22_bound_limit "limit value for r -> infinity" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { "*:*" :: "value of limit value is unrestricted" } 0. private: CCTK_REAL gt23_bound_limit "limit value for r -> infinity" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { "*:*" :: "value of limit value is unrestricted" } 0. private: CCTK_REAL gt33_bound_limit "limit value for r -> infinity" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { "*:*" :: "value of limit value is unrestricted" } 0. private: CCTK_REAL beta1_bound_limit "limit value for r -> infinity" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { "*:*" :: "value of limit value is unrestricted" } 0. private: CCTK_REAL beta2_bound_limit "limit value for r -> infinity" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { "*:*" :: "value of limit value is unrestricted" } 0. private: CCTK_REAL beta3_bound_limit "limit value for r -> infinity" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { "*:*" :: "value of limit value is unrestricted" } 0. private: CCTK_REAL trK_bound_limit "limit value for r -> infinity" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { "*:*" :: "value of limit value is unrestricted" } 0. private: CCTK_REAL ML_curv_bound_limit "limit value for r -> infinity" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { "*:*" :: "value of limit value is unrestricted" } 0. private: CCTK_REAL ML_dtlapse_bound_limit "limit value for r -> infinity" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { "*:*" :: "value of limit value is unrestricted" } 0. private: CCTK_REAL ML_dtshift_bound_limit "limit value for r -> infinity" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { "*:*" :: "value of limit value is unrestricted" } 0. private: CCTK_REAL ML_Gamma_bound_limit "limit value for r -> infinity" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { "*:*" :: "value of limit value is unrestricted" } 0. private: CCTK_REAL ML_lapse_bound_limit "limit value for r -> infinity" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { "*:*" :: "value of limit value is unrestricted" } 0. private: CCTK_REAL ML_log_confac_bound_limit "limit value for r -> infinity" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { "*:*" :: "value of limit value is unrestricted" } 0. private: CCTK_REAL ML_metric_bound_limit "limit value for r -> infinity" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { "*:*" :: "value of limit value is unrestricted" } 0. private: CCTK_REAL ML_shift_bound_limit "limit value for r -> infinity" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { "*:*" :: "value of limit value is unrestricted" } 0. private: CCTK_REAL ML_trace_curv_bound_limit "limit value for r -> infinity" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { "*:*" :: "value of limit value is unrestricted" } 0. private: CCTK_REAL At11_bound_scalar "Dirichlet boundary value" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { "*:*" :: "unrestricted" } 0. private: CCTK_REAL At12_bound_scalar "Dirichlet boundary value" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { "*:*" :: "unrestricted" } 0. private: CCTK_REAL At13_bound_scalar "Dirichlet boundary value" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { "*:*" :: "unrestricted" } 0. private: CCTK_REAL At22_bound_scalar "Dirichlet boundary value" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { "*:*" :: "unrestricted" } 0. private: CCTK_REAL At23_bound_scalar "Dirichlet boundary value" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { "*:*" :: "unrestricted" } 0. private: CCTK_REAL At33_bound_scalar "Dirichlet boundary value" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { "*:*" :: "unrestricted" } 0. private: CCTK_REAL A_bound_scalar "Dirichlet boundary value" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { "*:*" :: "unrestricted" } 0. private: CCTK_REAL B1_bound_scalar "Dirichlet boundary value" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { "*:*" :: "unrestricted" } 0. private: CCTK_REAL B2_bound_scalar "Dirichlet boundary value" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { "*:*" :: "unrestricted" } 0. private: CCTK_REAL B3_bound_scalar "Dirichlet boundary value" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { "*:*" :: "unrestricted" } 0. private: CCTK_REAL Xt1_bound_scalar "Dirichlet boundary value" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { "*:*" :: "unrestricted" } 0. private: CCTK_REAL Xt2_bound_scalar "Dirichlet boundary value" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { "*:*" :: "unrestricted" } 0. private: CCTK_REAL Xt3_bound_scalar "Dirichlet boundary value" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { "*:*" :: "unrestricted" } 0. private: CCTK_REAL alpha_bound_scalar "Dirichlet boundary value" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { "*:*" :: "unrestricted" } 0. private: CCTK_REAL phi_bound_scalar "Dirichlet boundary value" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { "*:*" :: "unrestricted" } 0. private: CCTK_REAL gt11_bound_scalar "Dirichlet boundary value" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { "*:*" :: "unrestricted" } 0. private: CCTK_REAL gt12_bound_scalar "Dirichlet boundary value" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { "*:*" :: "unrestricted" } 0. private: CCTK_REAL gt13_bound_scalar "Dirichlet boundary value" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { "*:*" :: "unrestricted" } 0. private: CCTK_REAL gt22_bound_scalar "Dirichlet boundary value" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { "*:*" :: "unrestricted" } 0. private: CCTK_REAL gt23_bound_scalar "Dirichlet boundary value" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { "*:*" :: "unrestricted" } 0. private: CCTK_REAL gt33_bound_scalar "Dirichlet boundary value" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { "*:*" :: "unrestricted" } 0. private: CCTK_REAL beta1_bound_scalar "Dirichlet boundary value" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { "*:*" :: "unrestricted" } 0. private: CCTK_REAL beta2_bound_scalar "Dirichlet boundary value" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { "*:*" :: "unrestricted" } 0. private: CCTK_REAL beta3_bound_scalar "Dirichlet boundary value" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { "*:*" :: "unrestricted" } 0. private: CCTK_REAL trK_bound_scalar "Dirichlet boundary value" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { "*:*" :: "unrestricted" } 0. private: CCTK_REAL ML_curv_bound_scalar "Dirichlet boundary value" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { "*:*" :: "unrestricted" } 0. private: CCTK_REAL ML_dtlapse_bound_scalar "Dirichlet boundary value" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { "*:*" :: "unrestricted" } 0. private: CCTK_REAL ML_dtshift_bound_scalar "Dirichlet boundary value" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { "*:*" :: "unrestricted" } 0. private: CCTK_REAL ML_Gamma_bound_scalar "Dirichlet boundary value" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { "*:*" :: "unrestricted" } 0. private: CCTK_REAL ML_lapse_bound_scalar "Dirichlet boundary value" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { "*:*" :: "unrestricted" } 0. private: CCTK_REAL ML_log_confac_bound_scalar "Dirichlet boundary value" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { "*:*" :: "unrestricted" } 0. private: CCTK_REAL ML_metric_bound_scalar "Dirichlet boundary value" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { "*:*" :: "unrestricted" } 0. private: CCTK_REAL ML_shift_bound_scalar "Dirichlet boundary value" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { "*:*" :: "unrestricted" } 0. private: CCTK_REAL ML_trace_curv_bound_scalar "Dirichlet boundary value" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { "*:*" :: "unrestricted" } 0.