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+\bibcite{Goodale02a}{{4}{2003}{{Goodale et~al.}}{{Goodale, Allen, Lanfermann, Mass{\'o}, Radke, Seidel, and Shalf}}}
+\bibcite{ES-Schnetter2003b}{{6}{2004}{{Schnetter et~al.}}{{Schnetter, Hawley, and Hawke}}}
+\bibcite{ES-Schnetter2006a}{{7}{2006}{{Schnetter et~al.}}{{Schnetter, Diener, Dorband, and Tiglio}}}
+\bibcite{ES-Brown2007b}{{9}{2009}{{Brown et~al.}}{{Brown, Diener, Sarbach, Schnetter, and Tiglio}}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {D}Cleaning}{5}{section*.13}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {IV}Running McLachlan}{5}{section*.14}}
+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {}References}{5}{section*.15}}
+\bibcite{kranc04}{{11}{2004}{{Lechner et~al.}}{{Lechner, Alic, and Husa}}}
+\bibcite{Husa:2004ip}{{12}{2006}{{Husa et~al.}}{{Husa, Hinder, and Lechner}}}
+\global \chardef \firstnote@num15\relax
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+\bibinfo{note}{{CVS}: {Concurrent} {Versions} {System}},
+ \urlprefix\url{http://www.nongnu.org/cvs/}.
+\bibinfo{note}{{SVN}: {Subversion}},
+ \urlprefix\url{http://subversion.tigris.org/}.
+\bibinfo{note}{Git: Fast version control system},
+ \urlprefix\url{http://www.git-scm.org/}.
+\bibitem[{\citenamefont{Goodale et~al.}(2003)\citenamefont{Goodale, Allen,
+ Lanfermann, Mass{\'o}, Radke, Seidel, and Shalf}}]{Goodale02a}
+ \bibinfo{author}{\bibfnamefont{G.}~\bibnamefont{Allen}},
+ \bibinfo{author}{\bibfnamefont{G.}~\bibnamefont{Lanfermann}},
+ \bibinfo{author}{\bibfnamefont{J.}~\bibnamefont{Mass{\'o}}},
+ \bibinfo{author}{\bibfnamefont{T.}~\bibnamefont{Radke}},
+ \bibinfo{author}{\bibfnamefont{E.}~\bibnamefont{Seidel}}, \bibnamefont{and}
+ \bibinfo{author}{\bibfnamefont{J.}~\bibnamefont{Shalf}},
+ \emph{\bibinfo{title}{The {C}actus framework and toolkit: Design and
+ applications}}, in \emph{\bibinfo{booktitle}{Vector and Parallel Processing
+ -- VECPAR'2002, 5th International Conference, Lecture Notes in Computer
+ Science}} (\bibinfo{publisher}{Springer}, \bibinfo{address}{Berlin},
+ \bibinfo{year}{2003}).
+Cactus, \bibinfo{note}{{Cactus} Computational Toolkit},
+ \urlprefix\url{http://www.cactuscode.org/}.
+\bibitem[{\citenamefont{Schnetter et~al.}(2004)\citenamefont{Schnetter, Hawley,
+ and Hawke}}]{ES-Schnetter2003b}
+ \bibinfo{author}{\bibfnamefont{S.~H.} \bibnamefont{Hawley}},
+ \bibnamefont{and} \bibinfo{author}{\bibfnamefont{I.}~\bibnamefont{Hawke}},
+ \emph{\bibinfo{title}{Evolutions in {3D} numerical relativity using fixed
+ mesh refinement}}, \bibinfo{journal}{Class. Quantum Grav.}
+ \textbf{\bibinfo{volume}{21}}, \bibinfo{pages}{1465} (\bibinfo{year}{2004}),
+ \eprint{arXiv:gr-qc/0310042},
+ \urlprefix\url{http://arxiv.org/abs/gr-qc/0310042}.
+\bibitem[{\citenamefont{Schnetter et~al.}(2006)\citenamefont{Schnetter, Diener,
+ Dorband, and Tiglio}}]{ES-Schnetter2006a}
+ \bibinfo{author}{\bibfnamefont{P.}~\bibnamefont{Diener}},
+ \bibinfo{author}{\bibfnamefont{E.~N.} \bibnamefont{Dorband}},
+ \bibnamefont{and} \bibinfo{author}{\bibfnamefont{M.}~\bibnamefont{Tiglio}},
+ \emph{\bibinfo{title}{A multi-block infrastructure for three-dimensional
+ time-dependent numerical relativity}}, \bibinfo{journal}{Class. Quantum
+ Grav.} \textbf{\bibinfo{volume}{23}}, \bibinfo{pages}{S553}
+ (\bibinfo{year}{2006}), \eprint{arXiv:gr-qc/0602104},
+ \urlprefix\url{http://arxiv.org/abs/gr-qc/0602104}.
+Carpet, \bibinfo{note}{mesh Refinement with {Carpet}},
+ \urlprefix\url{http://www.carpetcode.org/}.
+\bibitem[{\citenamefont{Brown et~al.}(2009)\citenamefont{Brown, Diener,
+ Sarbach, Schnetter, and Tiglio}}]{ES-Brown2007b}
+ \bibinfo{author}{\bibfnamefont{P.}~\bibnamefont{Diener}},
+ \bibinfo{author}{\bibfnamefont{O.}~\bibnamefont{Sarbach}},
+ \bibinfo{author}{\bibfnamefont{E.}~\bibnamefont{Schnetter}},
+ \bibnamefont{and} \bibinfo{author}{\bibfnamefont{M.}~\bibnamefont{Tiglio}},
+ \emph{\bibinfo{title}{Turduckening black holes: an analytical and
+ computational study}}, \bibinfo{journal}{Phys. Rev. D}
+ \textbf{\bibinfo{volume}{79}}, \bibinfo{pages}{044023}
+ (\bibinfo{year}{2009}), \eprint{arXiv:0809.3533 [gr-qc]},
+ \urlprefix\url{http://arxiv.org/abs/0809.3533}.
+McLachlan, \bibinfo{note}{{McLachlan}, a Public {BSSN} Code},
+ \urlprefix\url{http://www.cct.lsu.edu/~eschnett/McLachlan/}.
+\bibitem[{\citenamefont{Lechner et~al.}(2004)\citenamefont{Lechner, Alic, and
+ Husa}}]{kranc04}
+ \bibinfo{author}{\bibfnamefont{D.}~\bibnamefont{Alic}}, \bibnamefont{and}
+ \bibinfo{author}{\bibfnamefont{S.}~\bibnamefont{Husa}},
+ \emph{\bibinfo{title}{From tensor equations to numerical code --- computer
+ algebra tools for numerical relativity}}, in \emph{\bibinfo{booktitle}{SYNASC
+ 2004 --- 6th International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for
+ Scientific Computing, Timisoara, Romania}} (\bibinfo{year}{2004}),
+ \eprint{cs.SC/0411063}, \urlprefix\url{http://arxiv.org/abs/cs.SC/0411063}.
+\bibitem[{\citenamefont{Husa et~al.}(2006)\citenamefont{Husa, Hinder, and
+ Lechner}}]{Husa:2004ip}
+ \bibinfo{author}{\bibfnamefont{I.}~\bibnamefont{Hinder}}, \bibnamefont{and}
+ \bibinfo{author}{\bibfnamefont{C.}~\bibnamefont{Lechner}},
+ \emph{\bibinfo{title}{Kranc: a {Mathematica} application to generate
+ numerical codes for tensorial evolution equations}},
+ \bibinfo{journal}{Comput. Phys. Comm.} \textbf{\bibinfo{volume}{174}},
+ \bibinfo{pages}{983} (\bibinfo{year}{2006}), \eprint{gr-qc/0404023}.
+\bibinfo{note}{{Kranc}: Automated Code Generation},
+ \urlprefix\url{http://numrel.aei.mpg.de/Research/Kranc/}.
+Kranc, \bibinfo{note}{{Kranc}: Automated Code Generation},
+ \urlprefix\url{http://www.cct.lsu.edu/~eschnett/Kranc/}.
+SimFactory, \bibinfo{note}{{SimFactory}: Herding Numerical Simulations},
+ \urlprefix\url{http://www.cct.lsu.edu/~eschnett/SimFactory/}.
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+\BOOKMARK [1][]{section*.1}{I McLachlan}{}
+\BOOKMARK [1][]{section*.2}{II Obtaining McLachlan}{}
+\BOOKMARK [2][]{section*.3}{A Tools}{section*.2}
+\BOOKMARK [2][]{section*.4}{B Cactus}{section*.2}
+\BOOKMARK [2][]{section*.5}{C Carpet}{section*.2}
+\BOOKMARK [2][]{section*.6}{D McLachlan}{section*.2}
+\BOOKMARK [2][]{section*.7}{E Other Thorns}{section*.2}
+\BOOKMARK [2][]{section*.8}{F Consistency Check}{section*.2}
+\BOOKMARK [1][]{section*.9}{III Building McLachlan}{}
+\BOOKMARK [2][]{section*.10}{A Documentation}{section*.9}
+\BOOKMARK [2][]{section*.11}{B Option List}{section*.9}
+\BOOKMARK [2][]{section*.12}{C Building}{section*.9}
+\BOOKMARK [2][]{section*.13}{D Cleaning}{section*.9}
+\BOOKMARK [1][]{section*.14}{IV Running McLachlan}{}
+\BOOKMARK [1][]{section*.15}{ References}{}
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