diff options
1 files changed, 309 insertions, 64 deletions
diff --git a/m/McLachlan_BSSN.m b/m/McLachlan_BSSN.m
index 23b097a..a232887 100644
--- a/m/McLachlan_BSSN.m
+++ b/m/McLachlan_BSSN.m
@@ -36,6 +36,9 @@ derivatives =
PDstandardNth[i_,i_] -> StandardCenteredDifferenceOperator[2,derivOrder/2,i],
PDstandardNth[i_,j_] -> StandardCenteredDifferenceOperator[1,derivOrder/2,i] *
+ PDdissipationNth[i_] ->
+ spacing[i]^(derivOrder+1) / 2^(derivOrder+2) *
+ StandardCenteredDifferenceOperator[derivOrder+2,derivOrder/2+1,i],
(* PD: These come from my mathematica notebook
"Upwind-Kranc-Convert.nb" that converts upwinding finite
@@ -106,20 +109,108 @@ derivatives =
PDonesided[3] -> dir[3] (-1 + shift[3]^dir[3]) / spacing[3]
-FD = PDstandardNth;
-FDu = PDupwindNth;
-FDo = PDonesided;
+derivatives = Join[derivatives,
+ Flatten[Table[
+ Switch[derivOrder,
+ 2,
+ {PDupwindNthAnti[i] -> ( +1 shift[i]^(-2)
+ -4 shift[i]^(-1)
+ +0 shift[i]^( 0)
+ +4 shift[i]^(+1)
+ -1 shift[i]^(+2)) / (4 spacing[i]),
+ PDupwindNthSymm[i] -> ( -1 shift[i]^(-2)
+ +4 shift[i]^(-1)
+ -6 shift[i]^( 0)
+ +4 shift[i]^(+1)
+ -1 shift[i]^(+2)) / (4 spacing[i])},
+ 4,
+ {PDupwindNthAnti[i] -> ( -1 shift[i]^(-3)
+ +6 shift[i]^(-2)
+ -21 shift[i]^(-1)
+ +0 shift[i]^( 0)
+ +21 shift[i]^(+1)
+ -6 shift[i]^(+2)
+ +1 shift[i]^(+3)) / (24 spacing[i]),
+ PDupwindNthSymm[i] -> ( +1 shift[i]^(-3)
+ -6 shift[i]^(-2)
+ +15 shift[i]^(-1)
+ -20 shift[i]^( 0)
+ +15 shift[i]^(+1)
+ -6 shift[i]^(+2)
+ +1 shift[i]^(+3)) / (24 spacing[i])},
+ 6,
+ {PDupwindNthAnti[i] -> ( +1 shift[i]^(-4)
+ -8 shift[i]^(-3)
+ +32 shift[i]^(-2)
+ -104 shift[i]^(-1)
+ +0 shift[i]^( 0)
+ +104 shift[i]^(+1)
+ -32 shift[i]^(+2)
+ +8 shift[i]^(+3)
+ -1 shift[i]^(+4)) / (120 spacing[i]),
+ PDupwindNthSymm[i] -> ( -1 shift[i]^(-4)
+ +8 shift[i]^(-3)
+ -28 shift[i]^(-2)
+ +56 shift[i]^(-1)
+ -70 shift[i]^( 0)
+ +56 shift[i]^(+1)
+ -28 shift[i]^(+2)
+ +8 shift[i]^(+3)
+ -1 shift[i]^(+4)) / (120 spacing[i])},
+ 8,
+ {PDupwindNthAnti[i] -> ( -3 shift[i]^(-5)
+ +30 shift[i]^(-4)
+ -145 shift[i]^(-3)
+ +480 shift[i]^(-2)
+ -1470 shift[i]^(-1)
+ +0 shift[i]^( 0)
+ +1470 shift[i]^(+1)
+ -480 shift[i]^(+2)
+ +145 shift[i]^(+3)
+ -30 shift[i]^(+4)
+ +3 shift[i]^(+5)) / (1680 spacing[i]),
+ PDupwindNthSymm[i] -> ( +3 shift[i]^(-5)
+ -30 shift[i]^(-4)
+ +135 shift[i]^(-3)
+ -360 shift[i]^(-2)
+ +630 shift[i]^(-1)
+ -756 shift[i]^( 0)
+ +630 shift[i]^(+1)
+ -360 shift[i]^(+2)
+ +135 shift[i]^(+3)
+ -30 shift[i]^(+4)
+ +3 shift[i]^(+5)) / (1680 spacing[i])}],
+ {i,1,3}]]
+FD = PDstandardNth;
+FDu = PDupwindNth;
+FDua = PDupwindNthAnti;
+FDus = PDupwindNthSymm;
+FDo = PDonesided;
+FDdiss = PDdissipationNth;
If [useGlobalDerivs,
DefineJacobian[PD, FD, J, dJ],
DefineJacobian[PD, FD, KD, Zero3]];
If [useGlobalDerivs,
DefineJacobian[PDu, FDu, J, dJ],
DefineJacobian[PDu, FDu, KD, Zero3]];
+If [useGlobalDerivs,
+ DefineJacobian[PDua, FDua, J, dJ],
+ DefineJacobian[PDua, FDua, KD, Zero3]];
+If [useGlobalDerivs,
+ DefineJacobian[PDus, FDus, J, dJ],
+ DefineJacobian[PDus, FDus, KD, Zero3]];
If [useGlobalDerivs,
DefineJacobian[PDo, FDo, J, dJ],
DefineJacobian[PDo, FDo, KD, Zero3]];
+If [useGlobalDerivs,
+ DefineJacobian[PDdiss, FDdiss, J, dJ],
+ DefineJacobian[PDdiss, FDdiss, KD, Zero3]];
@@ -136,11 +227,13 @@ Map [DefineTensor,
admg, admK, admalpha, admdtalpha, admbeta, admdtbeta, H, M,
g, detg, gu, G, R, trR, Km, trK, cdphi, cdphi2,
phi, gt, At, Xt, Xtn, alpha, A, beta, B, Atm, Atu, trA, Ats, trAts,
+ dottrK, dotXt,
cXt, cS, cA,
e4phi, em4phi, ddetg, detgt, gtu, ddetgt, dgtu, ddgtu, Gtl, Gtlu, Gt,
Rt, Rphi, gK,
T00, T0, T, rho, S,
- x, y, z, r}];
+ x, y, z, r,
+ epsdiss}];
(* NOTE: It seems as if Lie[.,.] did not take these tensor weights
into account. Presumably, CD[.,.] and CDt[.,.] don't do this either. *)
@@ -200,11 +293,14 @@ ddetgtExpr[la_] =
Sum [D[Det[MatrixOfComponents[gt[la, lb]]], X] PD[X, la],
{X, Union[Flatten[MatrixOfComponents[gt[la, lb]]]]}];
-etaExpr = BetaDriver
- IfThen [r > SpatialBetaDriverRadius, SpatialBetaDriverRadius / r, 1];
+etaExpr = IfThen [r > SpatialBetaDriverRadius, SpatialBetaDriverRadius / r, 1];
thetaExpr = IfThen [r > SpatialShiftGammaCoeffRadius,
Exp [1 - r / SpatialShiftGammaCoeffRadius],
+etaExpr = Min [SpatialBetaDriverRadius / r, 1];
+thetaExpr = Min [Exp [1 - r / SpatialShiftGammaCoeffRadius], 1];
(* Groups *)
@@ -278,19 +374,20 @@ initialCalc =
-updateCalc[calc_, name_, value_] :=
- ReplacePart[calc, Position[calc, name][[1]][[1]] -> (name -> value)]
-rhs[list_] := Map[#[[1]]&, list]
-duplicateID[name_] := ToExpression[ToString[name] <> "copy"]
-vars = rhs[Equations /. initialCalc]
-newVars = Map[duplicateID, vars]
+(* Split a calculation *)
-(* initialCalc = updateCalc[initialCalc, Equations, {phi->1}] *)
+PartialCalculation[calc_, suffix_, evolVars_] :=
+ {vars, patterns, eqs, name},
+ vars = Join[evolVars, lookup[calc, Shorthands]];
+ patterns = Replace[vars, { Tensor[n_,__] -> Tensor[n,__] ,
+ dot[Tensor[n_,__]] -> dot[Tensor[n,__]]}, 1];
+ eqs = FilterRules[lookup[calc, Equations], patterns];
+ name = lookup[calc, Name] <> suffix;
+ mapReplace[mapReplace[calc, Equations, eqs], Name, name]
(* Convert from ADMBase *)
@@ -348,17 +445,28 @@ convertFromADMBaseGammaCalc =
(PD[gt[lb,ld],lc] + PD[gt[lc,ld],lb] - PD[gt[lb,lc],ld]),
Xt[ua] -> gtu[ub,uc] Gt[ua,lb,lc],
A -> - admdtalpha / (harmonicF alpha^harmonicN) (LapseAdvectionCoeff - 1),
+ (* If LapseACoeff=0, then A is not evolved, in the sense that it
+ does not influence the time evolution of other variables. *)
+ A -> IfThen [LapseACoeff != 0,
+ 1 / (- harmonicF alpha^harmonicN)
+ (+ admdtalpha
+ - LapseAdvectionCoeff beta[ua] PDua[alpha,la]
+ - LapseAdvectionCoeff Abs[beta[ua]] PDus[alpha,la]),
+ 0],
theta -> thetaExpr,
- (* If ShiftGammaCoeff=0, then B^i is not evolved, in the sense
- that it does not influence the time evolution of other
- variables. *)
- B[ua] -> IfThen [theta ShiftGammaCoeff != 0,
+ (* If ShiftBCoeff=0 or theta ShiftGammaCoeff=0, then B^i is not
+ evolved, in the sense that it does not influence the time
+ evolution of other variables. *)
+ B[ua] -> IfThen [ShiftGammaCoeff ShiftBCoeff != 0,
1 / (theta ShiftGammaCoeff)
(+ admdtbeta[ua]
- - theta ShiftAdvectionCoeff beta[ub] PDu[admbeta[ua],lb]),
+ - ShiftAdvectionCoeff beta[ub] PDua[beta[ua],lb]
+ - ShiftAdvectionCoeff Abs[beta[ub]] PDus[beta[ua],lb]),
@@ -389,19 +497,30 @@ convertToADMBaseDtLapseShiftCalc =
Schedule -> {"IN " <> BSSN <> "_convertToADMBaseGroup"},
ConditionalOnKeyword -> {"dt_lapse_shift_method", "correct"},
Where -> Interior,
- Shorthands -> {dir[ua], theta},
+ Shorthands -> {dir[ua], eta, theta},
Equations ->
dir[ua] -> Sign[beta[ua]],
+ eta -> etaExpr,
theta -> thetaExpr,
(* see RHS *)
admdtalpha -> - harmonicF alpha^harmonicN
((1 - LapseAdvectionCoeff) A + LapseAdvectionCoeff trK)
+ LapseAdvectionCoeff beta[ua] PDu[alpha,la],
- admdtbeta[ua] -> + theta ShiftGammaCoeff B[ua]
- + ShiftAdvectionCoeff beta[ub] PDu[beta[ua],lb]
+ admdtalpha -> - harmonicF alpha^harmonicN
+ (+ LapseACoeff A
+ + (1 - LapseACoeff) trK)
+ + LapseAdvectionCoeff beta[ua] PDua[alpha,la]
+ + LapseAdvectionCoeff Abs[beta[ua]] PDus[alpha,la],
+ admdtbeta[ua] -> + theta ShiftGammaCoeff
+ (+ ShiftBCoeff B[ua]
+ + (1 - ShiftBCoeff) (Xt[ua] - eta BetaDriver beta[ua]))
+ + ShiftAdvectionCoeff beta[ub] PDua[beta[ua],lb]
+ + ShiftAdvectionCoeff Abs[beta[ub]] PDus[beta[ua],lb]
@@ -411,15 +530,22 @@ convertToADMBaseDtLapseShiftBoundaryCalc =
Schedule -> {"IN " <> BSSN <> "_convertToADMBaseGroup"},
ConditionalOnKeyword -> {"dt_lapse_shift_method", "correct"},
Where -> BoundaryWithGhosts,
- Shorthands -> {theta},
+ Shorthands -> {eta, theta},
Equations ->
theta -> thetaExpr,
(* see RHS, but omit derivatives near the boundary *)
admdtalpha -> - harmonicF alpha^harmonicN
((1 - LapseAdvectionCoeff) A + LapseAdvectionCoeff trK),
- admdtbeta[ua] -> + theta ShiftGammaCoeff B[ua]
+ admdtalpha -> - harmonicF alpha^harmonicN
+ (+ LapseACoeff A
+ + (1 - LapseACoeff) trK),
+ admdtbeta[ua] -> + theta ShiftGammaCoeff
+ (+ ShiftBCoeff B[ua]
+ + (1 - ShiftBCoeff) (Xt[ua] - eta BetaDriver beta[ua]))
@@ -429,17 +555,25 @@ convertToADMBaseFakeDtLapseShiftCalc =
Schedule -> {"IN " <> BSSN <> "_convertToADMBaseGroup"},
ConditionalOnKeyword -> {"dt_lapse_shift_method", "noLapseShiftAdvection"},
Where -> Everywhere,
- Shorthands -> {theta},
+ Shorthands -> {eta, theta},
Equations ->
+ eta -> etaExpr,
theta -> thetaExpr,
(* see RHS, but omit derivatives everywhere (which is wrong, but
faster, since it does not require synchronisation or boundary
conditions) *)
admdtalpha -> - harmonicF alpha^harmonicN
((1 - LapseAdvectionCoeff) A + LapseAdvectionCoeff trK),
- admdtbeta[ua] -> + theta ShiftGammaCoeff B[ua]
+ admdtalpha -> - harmonicF alpha^harmonicN
+ (+ LapseACoeff A
+ + (1 - LapseACoeff) trK),
+ admdtbeta[ua] -> + theta ShiftGammaCoeff
+ (+ ShiftBCoeff B[ua]
+ + (1 - ShiftBCoeff) (Xt[ua] - eta BetaDriver beta[ua]))
@@ -464,11 +598,13 @@ evolCalc =
Atm[ua,lb], Atu[ua,ub],
e4phi, em4phi, cdphi[la], cdphi2[la,lb], g[la,lb], detg,
gu[ua,ub], Ats[la,lb], trAts, eta, theta,
- rho, S[la], trS, fac1, fac2},
+ rho, S[la], trS, fac1, fac2, dottrK, dotXt[ua], epsdiss[ua]},
Equations ->
dir[ua] -> Sign[beta[ua]],
+ epsdiss[ua] -> EpsDiss,
detgt -> 1 (* detgtExpr *),
(* This leads to simpler code... *)
@@ -523,43 +659,53 @@ evolCalc =
S[li] -> addMatter (-1/alpha (T0[li] - beta[uj] T[li,lj])),
(* trS = gamma^ij T_ij *)
- trS -> addMatter (gu[ui,uj] T[li,lj]),
+ trS -> addMatter (em4phi gtu[ui,uj] T[li,lj]),
(* RHS terms *)
(* PRD 62, 044034 (2000), eqn. (10) *)
(* PRD 67 084023 (2003), eqn. (16) and (23) *)
dot[phi] -> IfThen [conformalMethod, 1/3 phi, -1/6] alpha trK
- + beta[ua] PDu[phi,la]
+ + beta[ua] PDua[phi,la]
+ + Abs[beta[ua]] PDus[phi,la]
+ + epsdiss[ua] PDdiss[phi,la]
+ IfThen [conformalMethod, -1/3 phi, 1/6] PD[beta[ua],la],
(* PRD 62, 044034 (2000), eqn. (9) *)
dot[gt[la,lb]] -> - 2 alpha At[la,lb]
- + beta[uc] PDu[gt[la,lb],lc]
+ + beta[uc] PDua[gt[la,lb],lc]
+ + Abs[beta[uc]] PDus[gt[la,lb],lc]
+ + epsdiss[uc] PDdiss[gt[la,lb],lc]
+ gt[la,lc] PD[beta[uc],lb] + gt[lb,lc] PD[beta[uc],la]
- (2/3) gt[la,lb] PD[beta[uc],lc],
(* PRD 62, 044034 (2000), eqn. (20) *)
(* PRD 67 084023 (2003), eqn (26) *)
- dot[Xt[ui]] -> - 2 Atu[ui,uj] PD[alpha,lj]
+ dotXt[ui] -> - 2 Atu[ui,uj] PD[alpha,lj]
+ 2 alpha (+ Gt[ui,lj,lk] Atu[uk,uj]
- (2/3) gtu[ui,uj] PD[trK,lj]
+ 6 Atu[ui,uj] cdphi[lj])
+ gtu[uj,ul] PD[beta[ui],lj,ll]
+ (1/3) gtu[ui,uj] PD[beta[ul],lj,ll]
- + beta[uj] PDu[Xt[ui],lj]
+ + beta[uj] PDua[Xt[ui],lj]
+ + Abs[beta[uj]] PDus[Xt[ui],lj]
+ + epsdiss[uj] PDdiss[Xt[ui],lj]
- Xtn[uj] PD[beta[ui],lj]
+ (2/3) Xtn[ui] PD[beta[uj],lj]
(* Equation (4.28) in Baumgarte & Shapiro (Phys. Rept. 376 (2003) 41-131) *)
+ addMatter (- 16 pi alpha gtu[ui,uj] S[lj]),
+ dot[Xt[ui]] -> dotXt[ui],
(* PRD 62, 044034 (2000), eqn. (11) *)
- dot[trK] -> - em4phi ( gtu[ua,ub] ( PD[alpha,la,lb]
+ dottrK -> - em4phi ( gtu[ua,ub] ( PD[alpha,la,lb]
+ 2 cdphi[la] PD[alpha,lb] )
- Xtn[ua] PD[alpha,la] )
+ alpha (Atm[ua,lb] Atm[ub,la] + (1/3) trK^2)
- + beta[ua] PDu[trK,la]
+ + beta[ua] PDua[trK,la]
+ + Abs[beta[ua]] PDus[trK,la]
+ + epsdiss[ua] PDdiss[trK,la]
(* Equation (4.21) in Baumgarte & Shapiro (Phys. Rept. 376 (2003) 41-131) *)
+ addMatter (4 pi alpha (rho + trS)),
+ dot[trK] -> dottrK,
(* PRD 62, 044034 (2000), eqn. (12) *)
(* TODO: Should we use the Hamiltonian constraint to make Rij tracefree? *)
@@ -569,7 +715,9 @@ evolCalc =
trAts -> gu[ua,ub] Ats[la,lb],
dot[At[la,lb]] -> + em4phi (+ Ats[la,lb] - (1/3) g[la,lb] trAts )
+ alpha (trK At[la,lb] - 2 At[la,lc] Atm[uc,lb])
- + beta[uc] PDu[At[la,lb],lc]
+ + beta[uc] PDua[At[la,lb],lc]
+ + Abs[beta[uc]] PDus[At[la,lb],lc]
+ + epsdiss[uc] PDdiss[At[la,lb],lc]
+ At[la,lc] PD[beta[uc],lb] + At[lb,lc] PD[beta[uc],la]
- (2/3) At[la,lb] PD[beta[uc],lc]
(* Equation (4.23) in Baumgarte & Shapiro (Phys. Rept. 376 (2003) 41-131) *)
@@ -578,26 +726,70 @@ evolCalc =
(* dot[alpha] -> - harmonicF alpha^harmonicN trK, *)
(* dot[alpha] -> - harmonicF alpha^harmonicN A + Lie[alpha, beta], *)
dot[alpha] -> - harmonicF alpha^harmonicN (
(1 - LapseAdvectionCoeff) A + LapseAdvectionCoeff trK)
- + LapseAdvectionCoeff beta[ua] PDu[alpha,la],
+ + LapseAdvectionCoeff beta[ua] PDu[alpha,la]
+ + epsdiss[ua] PDdiss[alpha,la],
- dot[A] -> (1 - LapseAdvectionCoeff) (dot[trK] - AlphaDriver A),
+ dot[A] -> (1 - LapseAdvectionCoeff) (dottrK - AlphaDriver A)
+ + epsdiss[ua] PDdiss[A,la],
+ dot[alpha] -> - harmonicF alpha^harmonicN
+ (+ LapseACoeff A
+ + (1 - LapseACoeff) trK)
+ + LapseAdvectionCoeff beta[ua] PDua[alpha,la]
+ + LapseAdvectionCoeff Abs[beta[ua]] PDus[alpha,la]
+ + epsdiss[ua] PDdiss[alpha,la],
+ dot[A] -> + LapseACoeff (dottrK - AlphaDriver A)
+ + LapseAdvectionCoeff beta[ua] PDua[A,la]
+ + LapseAdvectionCoeff Abs[beta[ua]] PDus[A,la]
+ + epsdiss[ua] PDdiss[A,la],
eta -> etaExpr,
theta -> thetaExpr,
(* dot[beta[ua]] -> eta Xt[ua], *)
(* dot[beta[ua]] -> ShiftGammaCoeff alpha^ShiftAlphaPower B[ua], *)
- dot[beta[ua]] -> + theta ShiftGammaCoeff B[ua]
- + ShiftAdvectionCoeff beta[ub] PDu[beta[ua],lb],
- dot[B[ua]] -> + dot[Xt[ua]] - eta B[ua]
- + ShiftAdvectionCoeff beta[ub] ( PDu[B[ua],lb]
- - PDu[Xt[ua],lb] )
+ dot[beta[ua]] -> + theta ShiftGammaCoeff
+ (+ ShiftBCoeff B[ua]
+ + (1 - ShiftBCoeff) (Xt[ua] - eta BetaDriver beta[ua]))
+ + ShiftAdvectionCoeff beta[ub] PDua[beta[ua],lb]
+ + ShiftAdvectionCoeff Abs[beta[ub]] PDus[beta[ua],lb]
+ + epsdiss[ub] PDdiss[beta[ua],lb],
+ dot[B[ua]] -> + ShiftBCoeff (dotXt[ua] - eta BetaDriver B[ua])
+ + ShiftAdvectionCoeff beta[ub] (+ PDua[B[ua],lb]
+ - PDua[Xt[ua],lb])
+ + ShiftAdvectionCoeff Abs[beta[ub]] (+ PDus[B[ua],lb]
+ - PDus[Xt[ua],lb])
+ + epsdiss[ub] PDdiss[B[ua],lb]
+evolCalc1 = PartialCalculation[evolCalc, "1",
+ { dot[trK],
+ dot[phi],
+ dot[gt[la,lb]],
+ dot[Xt[ui]],
+ dot[alpha],
+ dot[A],
+ dot[beta[ua]],
+ dot[B[ua]]
+ }];
+vars = Join[evolVars1, lookup[evolCalc, Shorthands]];
+patterns = Replace[vars, { Tensor[n_,__] -> Tensor[n,__] ,
+ dot[Tensor[n_,__]] -> dot[Tensor[n,__]]}, 1];
+eqs = FilterRules[lookup[evolCalc, Equations], patterns];
+name = lookup[evolCalc, Name] <> "1";
+evolCalc1 = mapReplace[mapReplace[evolCalc, Equations, eqs], Name, name];
+evolCalc2 = PartialCalculation[evolCalc, "2", {dot[At[la,lb]]}];
evol1Calc =
Name -> BSSN <> "_RHS1",
@@ -614,11 +806,13 @@ evol1Calc =
Gt[ua,lb,lc], Xtn[ua],
Atm[ua,lb], Atu[ua,ub],
e4phi, em4phi, cdphi[la], eta, theta,
- rho, S[la], trS, fac1},
+ rho, S[la], trS, fac1, dottrK, dotXt[ua], epsdiss[ua]},
Equations ->
dir[ua] -> Sign[beta[ua]],
+ epsdiss[ua] -> EpsDiss,
detgt -> 1 (* detgtExpr *),
(* This leads to simpler code... *)
@@ -657,59 +851,89 @@ evol1Calc =
(* Note, Covariant derivatives with respect to the physical metric
has been replaced with derivatives with respect to the
conformal metric *)
- dot[trK] -> - em4phi ( gtu[ua,ub] ( PD[alpha,la,lb]
+ dottrK -> - em4phi ( gtu[ua,ub] ( PD[alpha,la,lb]
+ 2 cdphi[la] PD[alpha,lb] )
- Xtn[ua] PD[alpha,la] )
+ alpha (Atm[ua,lb] Atm[ub,la] + (1/3) trK^2)
- + beta[ua] PDu[trK,la]
+ + beta[ua] PDua[trK,la]
+ + Abs[beta[ua]] PDus[trK,la]
+ + epsdiss[ua] PDdiss[trK,la]
(* Equation (4.21) in Baumgarte & Shapiro (Phys. Rept. 376 (2003) 41-131) *)
+ addMatter (4 pi alpha (rho + trS)),
+ dot[trK] -> dottrK,
(* PRD 62, 044034 (2000), eqn. (10) *)
(* PRD 67 084023 (2003), eqn. (16) and (23) *)
dot[phi] -> IfThen [conformalMethod, 1/3 phi, -1/6] alpha trK
- + beta[ua] PDu[phi,la]
+ + beta[ua] PDua[phi,la]
+ + Abs[beta[ua]] PDus[phi,la]
+ + epsdiss[ua] PDdiss[phi,la]
+ IfThen [conformalMethod, -1/3 phi, 1/6] PD[beta[ua],la],
(* PRD 62, 044034 (2000), eqn. (9) *)
dot[gt[la,lb]] -> - 2 alpha At[la,lb]
- + beta[uc] PDu[gt[la,lb],lc]
+ + beta[uc] PDua[gt[la,lb],lc]
+ + Abs[beta[uc]] PDus[gt[la,lb],lc]
+ + epsdiss[uc] PDdiss[gt[la,lb],lc]
+ gt[la,lc] PD[beta[uc],lb] + gt[lb,lc] PD[beta[uc],la]
- (2/3) gt[la,lb] PD[beta[uc],lc],
(* PRD 62, 044034 (2000), eqn. (20) *)
(* PRD 67 084023 (2003), eqn (26) *)
- dot[Xt[ui]] -> - 2 Atu[ui,uj] PD[alpha,lj]
+ dotXt[ui] -> - 2 Atu[ui,uj] PD[alpha,lj]
+ 2 alpha (+ Gt[ui,lj,lk] Atu[uk,uj]
- (2/3) gtu[ui,uj] PD[trK,lj]
+ 6 Atu[ui,uj] cdphi[lj])
+ gtu[uj,ul] PD[beta[ui],lj,ll]
+ (1/3) gtu[ui,uj] PD[beta[ul],lj,ll]
- + beta[uj] PDu[Xt[ui],lj]
+ + beta[uj] PDua[Xt[ui],lj]
+ + Abs[beta[uj]] PDus[Xt[ui],lj]
+ + epsdiss[uj] PDdiss[Xt[ui],lj]
- Xtn[uj] PD[beta[ui],lj]
+ (2/3) Xtn[ui] PD[beta[uj],lj]
(* Equation (4.28) in Baumgarte & Shapiro (Phys. Rept. 376 (2003) 41-131) *)
+ addMatter (- 16 pi alpha gtu[ui,uj] S[lj]),
+ dot[Xt[ui]] -> dotXt[ui],
eta -> etaExpr,
theta -> thetaExpr,
(* dot[alpha] -> - harmonicF alpha^harmonicN trK, *)
(* dot[alpha] -> - harmonicF alpha^harmonicN A + Lie[alpha, beta], *)
dot[alpha] -> - harmonicF alpha^harmonicN (
(1 - LapseAdvectionCoeff) A + LapseAdvectionCoeff trK)
+ LapseAdvectionCoeff beta[ua] PDu[alpha,la],
- dot[A] -> (1 - LapseAdvectionCoeff) (dot[trK] - AlphaDriver A),
+ dot[A] -> (1 - LapseAdvectionCoeff) (dottrK - AlphaDriver A),
+ dot[alpha] -> - harmonicF alpha^harmonicN
+ (+ LapseACoeff A
+ + (1 - LapseACoeff) trK)
+ + LapseAdvectionCoeff beta[ua] PDua[alpha,la]
+ + LapseAdvectionCoeff Abs[beta[ua]] PDus[alpha,la]
+ + epsdiss[ua] PDdiss[alpha,la],
+ dot[A] -> + LapseACoeff (dottrK - AlphaDriver A)
+ + LapseAdvectionCoeff beta[ua] PDua[A,la]
+ + LapseAdvectionCoeff Abs[beta[ua]] PDus[A,la]
+ + epsdiss[ua] PDdiss[A,la],
(* dot[beta[ua]] -> eta Xt[ua], *)
(* dot[beta[ua]] -> ShiftGammaCoeff alpha^ShiftAlphaPower B[ua], *)
- dot[beta[ua]] -> + theta ShiftGammaCoeff B[ua]
- + ShiftAdvectionCoeff beta[ub] PDu[beta[ua],lb],
- dot[B[ua]] -> + dot[Xt[ua]] - eta B[ua]
- + ShiftAdvectionCoeff beta[ub] ( PDu[B[ua],lb]
- - PDu[Xt[ua],lb] )
+ dot[beta[ua]] -> + theta ShiftGammaCoeff
+ (+ ShiftBCoeff B[ua]
+ + (1 - ShiftBCoeff) (Xt[ua] - eta BetaDriver beta[ua]))
+ + ShiftAdvectionCoeff beta[ub] PDua[beta[ua],lb]
+ + ShiftAdvectionCoeff Abs[beta[ub]] PDus[beta[ua],lb]
+ + epsdiss[ub] PDdiss[beta[ua],lb],
+ dot[B[ua]] -> + ShiftBCoeff (dotXt[ua] - eta BetaDriver B[ua])
+ + ShiftAdvectionCoeff beta[ub] (+ PDua[B[ua],lb]
+ - PDua[Xt[ua],lb])
+ + ShiftAdvectionCoeff Abs[beta[ub]] (+ PDus[B[ua],lb]
+ - PDus[Xt[ua],lb])
+ + epsdiss[ub] PDdiss[B[ua],lb]
@@ -731,11 +955,13 @@ evol2Calc =
e4phi, em4phi, cdphi[la], cdphi2[la,lb], g[la,lb], detg,
gu[ua,ub], Ats[la,lb], trAts,
- rho, S[la], trS, fac1, fac2},
+ rho, S[la], trS, fac1, fac2, epsdiss[ua]},
Equations ->
dir[ua] -> Sign[beta[ua]],
+ epsdiss[ua] -> EpsDiss,
detgt -> 1 (* detgtExpr *),
(* This leads to simpler code... *)
@@ -798,7 +1024,9 @@ evol2Calc =
trAts -> gu[ua,ub] Ats[la,lb],
dot[At[la,lb]] -> + em4phi (+ Ats[la,lb] - (1/3) g[la,lb] trAts )
+ alpha (trK At[la,lb] - 2 At[la,lc] Atm[uc,lb])
- + beta[uc] PDu[At[la,lb],lc]
+ + beta[uc] PDua[At[la,lb],lc]
+ + Abs[beta[uc]] PDus[At[la,lb],lc]
+ + epsdiss[uc] PDdiss[At[la,lb],lc]
+ At[la,lc] PD[beta[uc],lb] + At[lb,lc] PD[beta[uc],la]
- (2/3) At[la,lb] PD[beta[uc],lc]
(* Equation (4.23) in Baumgarte & Shapiro (Phys. Rept. 376 (2003) 41-131) *)
@@ -1165,6 +1393,11 @@ intParameters =
realParameters =
+ Name -> LapseACoeff,
+ Description -> "Whether to evolve A in time",
+ Default -> 0
+ },
+ {
Name -> harmonicF,
Description -> "d/dt alpha = - f alpha^n K (harmonic=1, 1+log=2)",
Default -> 1
@@ -1174,6 +1407,11 @@ realParameters =
Default -> 0
+ Name -> ShiftBCoeff,
+ Description -> "Whether to evolve B^i in time",
+ Default -> 1
+ },
+ {
Name -> ShiftGammaCoeff,
Default -> 0
@@ -1207,6 +1445,12 @@ realParameters =
Description -> "Radius at which the ShiftGammaCoefficient starts to be reduced",
AllowedValues -> {{Value -> "(0:*", Description -> "Positive"}},
Default -> 10^12
+ },
+ {
+ Name -> EpsDiss,
+ Description -> "Dissipation strength",
+ AllowedValues -> {{Value -> "(0:*", Description -> "Positive"}},
+ Default -> 0
@@ -1220,7 +1464,8 @@ calculations =
(* evolCalc, *)
- evol1Calc, evol2Calc,
+ evolCalc1, evolCalc2,
+ (* evol1Calc, evol2Calc, *)