diff options
authorErik Schnetter <schnetter@cct.lsu.edu>2011-01-03 20:52:14 -0500
committerErik Schnetter <schnetter@cct.lsu.edu>2011-01-03 20:52:14 -0500
commit2d3cc7e6ec5ee99362d0a2136794a86de1c530de (patch)
parentd878d1165de32fb3bd3c66abfe9121af67ccca85 (diff)
Calculate the Ricci scalar for the BSSN constrains in the same way as for the time evolution; this simplifies the generated code significantly.
1 files changed, 18 insertions, 12 deletions
diff --git a/m/McLachlan_BSSN.m b/m/McLachlan_BSSN.m
index 0550d4d..8cb0fdd 100644
--- a/m/McLachlan_BSSN.m
+++ b/m/McLachlan_BSSN.m
@@ -908,7 +908,9 @@ constraintsCalc =
Name -> BSSN <> "_constraints",
Schedule -> Automatic,
Where -> Interior,
- Shorthands -> {detgt, ddetgt[la], gtu[ua,ub], Gt[ua,lb,lc], e4phi, em4phi,
+ Shorthands -> {detgt, ddetgt[la], gtu[ua,ub],
+ Gt[ua,lb,lc], Gtl[la,lb,lc], Gtlu[la,lb,uc], Xtn[ua],
+ e4phi, em4phi,
g[la,lb], detg, gu[ua,ub], ddetg[la], G[ua,lb,lc],
Rt[la,lb], Rphi[la,lb], R[la,lb], trR, Atm[la,lb],
gK[la,lb,lc], cdphi[la], cdphi2[la,lb],
@@ -917,23 +919,27 @@ constraintsCalc =
detgt -> 1 (* detgtExpr *),
ddetgt[la] -> 0 (* ddetgtExpr[la] *),
+ (* This leads to simpler code... *)
gtu[ua,ub] -> 1/detgt detgtExpr MatrixInverse [gt[ua,ub]],
- Gt[ua,lb,lc] -> 1/2 gtu[ua,ud]
- (PD[gt[lb,ld],lc] + PD[gt[lc,ld],lb] - PD[gt[lb,lc],ld]),
+ Gtl[la,lb,lc] -> 1/2
+ (PD[gt[lb,la],lc] + PD[gt[lc,la],lb] - PD[gt[lb,lc],la]),
+ Gtlu[la,lb,uc] -> gtu[uc,ud] Gtl[la,lb,ld],
+ Gt[ua,lb,lc] -> gtu[ua,ud] Gtl[ld,lb,lc],
+ (* The conformal connection functions calculated from the conformal metric,
+ used instead of Xt where no derivatives of Xt are taken *)
+ Xtn[ui] -> gtu[uj,uk] Gt[ui,lj,lk],
(* PRD 62, 044034 (2000), eqn. (18) *)
- (* Note: This differs from the Goddard formulation,
- which is e.g. described in PRD 70 (2004) 124025, eqn. (6).
- Goddard has a Gamma^k replaced by its definition in terms
- of metric derivatives. *)
Rt[li,lj] -> - (1/2) gtu[ul,um] PD[gt[li,lj],ll,lm]
+ (1/2) gt[lk,li] PD[Xt[uk],lj]
+ (1/2) gt[lk,lj] PD[Xt[uk],li]
- + (1/2) Xt[uk] gt[li,ln] Gt[un,lj,lk]
- + (1/2) Xt[uk] gt[lj,ln] Gt[un,li,lk]
- + gtu[ul,um] (+ Gt[uk,ll,li] gt[lj,ln] Gt[un,lk,lm]
- + Gt[uk,ll,lj] gt[li,ln] Gt[un,lk,lm]
- + Gt[uk,li,lm] gt[lk,ln] Gt[un,ll,lj]),
+ + (1/2) Xtn[uk] Gtl[li,lj,lk]
+ + (1/2) Xtn[uk] Gtl[lj,li,lk]
+ + (+ Gt[uk,li,ll] Gtlu[lj,lk,ul]
+ + Gt[uk,lj,ll] Gtlu[li,lk,ul]
+ + Gt[uk,li,ll] Gtlu[lk,lj,ul]),
(* From the long turducken paper.
This expression seems to give the same result as the one from 044034. *)