# encoding=utf-8 # Copyright © 2017 Dylan Baker # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . """Tests for the alot.commands.envelope module.""" from __future__ import absolute_import import contextlib import email import os import shutil import tempfile import textwrap from twisted.trial import unittest from twisted.internet.defer import inlineCallbacks import mock from alot.commands import envelope from alot.db.envelope import Envelope from alot.errors import GPGProblem from alot.settings.errors import NoMatchingAccount from alot.settings.manager import SettingsManager # When using an assert from a mock a TestCase method might not use self. That's # okay. # pylint: disable=no-self-use @contextlib.contextmanager def temporary_directory(suffix='', prefix='', dir=None): # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin """Python3 interface implementation. Python3 provides a class that can be used as a context manager, which creates a temporary directory and removes it when the context manager exits. This function emulates enough of the interface of TemporaryDirectory, for this module to use, and is designed as a drop in replacement that can be replaced after the python3 port. The only user visible difference is that this does not implement the cleanup method that TemporaryDirectory does. """ directory = tempfile.mkdtemp(suffix=suffix, prefix=prefix, dir=dir) yield directory shutil.rmtree(directory) class TestAttachCommand(unittest.TestCase): """Tests for the AttachCommaned class.""" def test_single_path(self): """A test for an existing single path.""" ui = mock.Mock() with temporary_directory() as d: testfile = os.path.join(d, 'foo') with open(testfile, 'w') as f: f.write('foo') cmd = envelope.AttachCommand(path=testfile) cmd.apply(ui) ui.current_buffer.envelope.attach.assert_called_with(testfile) def test_user(self): """A test for an existing single path prefaced with ~/.""" ui = mock.Mock() with temporary_directory() as d: # This mock replaces expanduser to replace "~/" with a path to the # temporary directory. This is easier and more reliable than # relying on changing an environment variable (like HOME), since it # doesn't rely on CPython implementation details. with mock.patch('alot.commands.os.path.expanduser', lambda x: os.path.join(d, x[2:])): testfile = os.path.join(d, 'foo') with open(testfile, 'w') as f: f.write('foo') cmd = envelope.AttachCommand(path='~/foo') cmd.apply(ui) ui.current_buffer.envelope.attach.assert_called_with(testfile) def test_glob(self): """A test using a glob.""" ui = mock.Mock() with temporary_directory() as d: testfile1 = os.path.join(d, 'foo') testfile2 = os.path.join(d, 'far') for t in [testfile1, testfile2]: with open(t, 'w') as f: f.write('foo') cmd = envelope.AttachCommand(path=os.path.join(d, '*')) cmd.apply(ui) ui.current_buffer.envelope.attach.assert_has_calls( [mock.call(testfile1), mock.call(testfile2)], any_order=True) def test_no_match(self): """A test for a file that doesn't exist.""" ui = mock.Mock() with temporary_directory() as d: cmd = envelope.AttachCommand(path=os.path.join(d, 'doesnt-exist')) cmd.apply(ui) ui.notify.assert_called() class TestTagCommands(unittest.TestCase): def _test(self, tagstring, action, expected): """Common steps for envelope.TagCommand tests :param tagstring: the string to pass to the TagCommand :type tagstring: str :param action: the action to pass to the TagCommand :type action: str :param expected: the expected output to assert in the test :type expected: list(str) """ env = Envelope(tags=['one', 'two', 'three']) ui = mock.Mock() ui.current_buffer = mock.Mock() ui.current_buffer.envelope = env cmd = envelope.TagCommand(tags=tagstring, action=action) cmd.apply(ui) actual = env.tags self.assertListEqual(sorted(actual), sorted(expected)) def test_add_new_tags(self): self._test(u'four', 'add', ['one', 'two', 'three', 'four']) def test_adding_existing_tags_has_no_effect(self): self._test(u'one', 'add', ['one', 'two', 'three']) def test_remove_existing_tags(self): self._test(u'one', 'remove', ['two', 'three']) def test_remove_non_existing_tags_has_no_effect(self): self._test(u'four', 'remove', ['one', 'two', 'three']) def test_set_tags(self): self._test(u'a,b,c', 'set', ['a', 'b', 'c']) def test_toggle_will_remove_existing_tags(self): self._test(u'one', 'toggle', ['two', 'three']) def test_toggle_will_add_new_tags(self): self._test(u'four', 'toggle', ['one', 'two', 'three', 'four']) def test_toggle_can_remove_and_add_in_one_run(self): self._test(u'one,four', 'toggle', ['two', 'three', 'four']) class TestSignCommand(unittest.TestCase): """Tests for the SignCommand class.""" @staticmethod def _make_ui_mock(): """Create a mock for the ui and envelope and return them.""" envelope = Envelope() envelope['From'] = 'foo ' envelope.sign = mock.sentinel.default envelope.sign_key = mock.sentinel.default ui = mock.Mock(current_buffer=mock.Mock(envelope=envelope)) return envelope, ui @mock.patch('alot.commands.envelope.crypto.get_key', mock.Mock(return_value=mock.sentinel.keyid)) def test_apply_keyid_success(self): """If there is a valid keyid then key and to sign should be set. """ env, ui = self._make_ui_mock() # The actual keyid doesn't matter, since it'll be mocked anyway cmd = envelope.SignCommand(action='sign', keyid=['a']) cmd.apply(ui) self.assertTrue(env.sign) self.assertEqual(env.sign_key, mock.sentinel.keyid) @mock.patch('alot.commands.envelope.crypto.get_key', mock.Mock(side_effect=GPGProblem('sentinel', 0))) def test_apply_keyid_gpgproblem(self): """If there is an invalid keyid then the signing key and to sign should be set to false and default. """ env, ui = self._make_ui_mock() # The actual keyid doesn't matter, since it'll be mocked anyway cmd = envelope.SignCommand(action='sign', keyid=['a']) cmd.apply(ui) self.assertFalse(env.sign) self.assertEqual(env.sign_key, mock.sentinel.default) ui.notify.assert_called_once() @mock.patch('alot.commands.envelope.settings.get_account_by_address', mock.Mock(side_effect=NoMatchingAccount)) def test_apply_no_keyid_nomatchingaccount(self): """If there is a nokeyid and no account can be found to match the From, then the envelope should not be marked to sign. """ env, ui = self._make_ui_mock() # The actual keyid doesn't matter, since it'll be mocked anyway cmd = envelope.SignCommand(action='sign', keyid=None) cmd.apply(ui) self.assertFalse(env.sign) self.assertEqual(env.sign_key, mock.sentinel.default) ui.notify.assert_called_once() def test_apply_no_keyid_no_gpg_key(self): """If there is a nokeyid and the account has no gpg key then the signing key and to sign should be set to false and default. """ env, ui = self._make_ui_mock() with mock.patch('alot.commands.envelope.settings.get_account_by_address', mock.Mock(return_value=mock.Mock(gpg_key=None))): cmd = envelope.SignCommand(action='sign', keyid=None) cmd.apply(ui) self.assertFalse(env.sign) self.assertEqual(env.sign_key, mock.sentinel.default) ui.notify.assert_called_once() def test_apply_no_keyid_default(self): """If there is no keyid and the account has a gpg key, then that should be used. """ env, ui = self._make_ui_mock() with mock.patch('alot.commands.envelope.settings.get_account_by_address', mock.Mock(return_value=mock.Mock(gpg_key='sentinel'))): cmd = envelope.SignCommand(action='sign', keyid=None) cmd.apply(ui) self.assertTrue(env.sign) self.assertEqual(env.sign_key, 'sentinel') @mock.patch('alot.commands.envelope.crypto.get_key', mock.Mock(return_value=mock.sentinel.keyid)) def test_apply_no_sign(self): """If signing with a valid keyid and valid key then set sign and sign_key. """ env, ui = self._make_ui_mock() # The actual keyid doesn't matter, since it'll be mocked anyway cmd = envelope.SignCommand(action='sign', keyid=['a']) cmd.apply(ui) self.assertTrue(env.sign) self.assertEqual(env.sign_key, mock.sentinel.keyid) @mock.patch('alot.commands.envelope.crypto.get_key', mock.Mock(return_value=mock.sentinel.keyid)) def test_apply_unsign(self): """Test that settingun sign sets the sign to False if all other conditions allow for it. """ env, ui = self._make_ui_mock() env.sign = True env.sign_key = mock.sentinel # The actual keyid doesn't matter, since it'll be mocked anyway cmd = envelope.SignCommand(action='unsign', keyid=['a']) cmd.apply(ui) self.assertFalse(env.sign) self.assertIs(env.sign_key, None) @mock.patch('alot.commands.envelope.crypto.get_key', mock.Mock(return_value=mock.sentinel.keyid)) def test_apply_togglesign(self): """Test that toggling changes the sign and sign_key as approriate if other condtiions allow for it """ env, ui = self._make_ui_mock() env.sign = True env.sign_key = mock.sentinel.keyid # The actual keyid doesn't matter, since it'll be mocked anyway # Test that togling from true to false works cmd = envelope.SignCommand(action='toggle', keyid=['a']) cmd.apply(ui) self.assertFalse(env.sign) self.assertIs(env.sign_key, None) # Test that toggling back to True works cmd.apply(ui) self.assertTrue(env.sign) self.assertIs(env.sign_key, mock.sentinel.keyid) def _make_local_settings(self): config = textwrap.dedent("""\ [accounts] [[default]] realname = foo address = foo@example.com sendmail_command = /bin/true """) # Allow settings.reload to work by not deleting the file until the end with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) as f: f.write(config) self.addCleanup(os.unlink, f.name) # Set the gpg_key separately to avoid validation failures manager = SettingsManager(alot_rc=f.name) manager.get_accounts()[0].gpg_key = mock.sentinel.gpg_key return manager def test_apply_from_email_only(self): """Test that a key can be derived using a 'From' header that contains only an email. If the from header is in the form "foo@example.com" and a key exists it should be used. """ manager = self._make_local_settings() env, ui = self._make_ui_mock() env.headers = {'From': ['foo@example.com']} cmd = envelope.SignCommand(action='sign') with mock.patch('alot.commands.envelope.settings', manager): cmd.apply(ui) self.assertTrue(env.sign) self.assertIs(env.sign_key, mock.sentinel.gpg_key) def test_apply_from_user_and_email(self): """This tests that a gpg key can be derived using a 'From' header that contains a realname-email combo. If the header is in the form "Foo ", a key should be derived. See issue #1113 """ manager = self._make_local_settings() env, ui = self._make_ui_mock() cmd = envelope.SignCommand(action='sign') with mock.patch('alot.commands.envelope.settings', manager): cmd.apply(ui) self.assertTrue(env.sign) self.assertIs(env.sign_key, mock.sentinel.gpg_key) class TestSendCommand(unittest.TestCase): """Tests for the SendCommand class.""" mail = textwrap.dedent("""\ From: foo@example.com To: bar@example.com Subject: FooBar Foo Bar Baz """) @inlineCallbacks def test_get_account_by_address_with_str(self): cmd = envelope.SendCommand(mail=self.mail) account = mock.Mock() with mock.patch( 'alot.commands.envelope.settings.get_account_by_address', mock.Mock(return_value=account)) as get_account_by_address: yield cmd.apply(mock.Mock()) get_account_by_address.assert_called_once_with('foo@example.com', return_default=True) # check that the apply did run through till the end. account.send_mail.assert_called_once_with(self.mail) @inlineCallbacks def test_get_account_by_address_with_email_message(self): mail = email.message_from_string(self.mail) cmd = envelope.SendCommand(mail=mail) account = mock.Mock() with mock.patch( 'alot.commands.envelope.settings.get_account_by_address', mock.Mock(return_value=account)) as get_account_by_address: yield cmd.apply(mock.Mock()) get_account_by_address.assert_called_once_with('foo@example.com', return_default=True) # check that the apply did run through till the end. account.send_mail.assert_called_once_with(mail)