.. CAUTION: THIS FILE IS AUTO-GENERATED! Global Commands --------------- The following commands are available globally .. _cmd.global.bclose: .. describe:: bclose close a buffer optional arguments :---redraw: redraw current buffer after command has finished. :---force: never ask for confirmation. .. _cmd.global.bprevious: .. describe:: bprevious focus previous buffer .. _cmd.global.search: .. describe:: search open a new search buffer. Search obeys the notmuch :ref:`search.exclude_tags ` setting. argument search string optional arguments :---sort: sort order. Valid choices are: \`oldest_first\`,\`newest_first\`,\`message_id\`,\`unsorted\`. .. _cmd.global.repeat: .. describe:: repeat Repeats the command executed last time .. _cmd.global.prompt: .. describe:: prompt prompts for commandline and interprets it upon select argument initial content .. _cmd.global.help: .. describe:: help display help for a command. Use 'bindings' to display all keybings interpreted in current mode.' argument command or 'bindings' .. _cmd.global.buffer: .. describe:: buffer focus buffer with given index argument buffer index to focus .. _cmd.global.move: .. describe:: move move focus in current buffer argument up, down, [half]page up, [half]page down, first .. _cmd.global.shellescape: .. describe:: shellescape run external command argument command line to execute optional arguments :---spawn: run in terminal window. :---thread: run in separate thread. :---refocus: refocus current buffer after command has finished. .. _cmd.global.refresh: .. describe:: refresh refresh the current buffer .. _cmd.global.reload: .. describe:: reload Reload all configuration files .. _cmd.global.pyshell: .. describe:: pyshell open an interactive python shell for introspection .. _cmd.global.compose: .. describe:: compose compose a new email argument None optional arguments :---sender: sender. :---template: path to a template message file. :---subject: subject line. :---to: recipients. :---cc: copy to. :---bcc: blind copy to. :---attach: attach files. :---omit_signature: do not add signature. :---spawn: spawn editor in new terminal. .. _cmd.global.exit: .. describe:: exit Shut down cleanly. The _prompt variable is for internal use only, it's used to control prompting to close without sending, and is used by the BufferCloseCommand if settings change after yielding to the UI. .. _cmd.global.flush: .. describe:: flush flush write operations or retry until committed .. _cmd.global.bufferlist: .. describe:: bufferlist open a list of active buffers .. _cmd.global.call: .. describe:: call Executes python code argument python command string to call .. _cmd.global.bnext: .. describe:: bnext focus next buffer .. _cmd.global.taglist: .. describe:: taglist opens taglist buffer optional arguments :---tags: tags to display.