from __future__ import absolute_import import sys import os HERE = os.path.dirname(__file__) sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(HERE, '..', '..')) from alot.commands import COMMANDS from configobj import ConfigObj from validate import Validator import re NOTE = """ .. CAUTION: THIS FILE IS AUTO-GENERATED from the inline comments of specfile %s. If you want to change its content make your changes to that spec to ensure they woun't be overwritten later. """ def rewrite_entries(config, path, specpath, sec=None, sort=False): file = open(path, 'w') file.write(NOTE % specpath) if sec is None: sec = config if sort: sec.scalars.sort() for entry in sec.scalars: v = Validator() #config.validate(v) #print config[entry] #etype = re.sub('\(.*\)','', config[entry]) ##if etype == 'option': etype, eargs, ekwargs, default = v._parse_check(sec[entry]) if default is not None: default = config._quote(default) if etype == 'gpg_key_hint': etype = 'string' description = '\n.. _%s:\n' % entry.replace('_', '-') description += '\n.. describe:: %s\n\n' % entry comments = [sec.inline_comments[entry]] + sec.comments[entry] for c in comments: if c: description += ' '*4 + re.sub('^\s*#', '', c) description = description.rstrip(' ') + '\n' if etype == 'option': description += '\n :type: option, one of %s\n' % eargs else: if etype == 'force_list': etype = 'string list' description += '\n :type: %s\n' % etype if default is not None: default = default.replace('*','\\*') if etype in ['string', 'string_list', 'gpg_key_hint'] and default != 'None': description += ' :default: "%s"\n\n' % (default) else: description += ' :default: %s\n\n' % (default) file.write(description) file.close() if __name__ == "__main__": specpath = os.path.join(HERE, '..','..', 'alot', 'defaults', 'alot.rc.spec') config = ConfigObj(None, configspec=specpath, stringify=False, list_values=False) config.validate(Validator()) alotrc_table_file = os.path.join(HERE, 'configuration', 'alotrc_table') rewrite_entries(config.configspec, alotrc_table_file, 'defaults/alot.rc.spec', sort=True) rewrite_entries(config, os.path.join(HERE, 'configuration', 'accounts_table'), 'defaults/alot.rc.spec', sec=config.configspec['accounts']['__many__'])