.. _ask-subject: .. describe:: ask_subject ask for subject when compose .. _authors-maxlength: .. describe:: authors_maxlength max length of authors line in thread widgets .. _bufferclose-focus-offset: .. describe:: bufferclose_focus_offset offset of next focused buffer if the current one gets closed .. _bug-on-exit: .. describe:: bug_on_exit confirm exit .. _colourmode: .. describe:: colourmode number of colours your terminal supports .. _complete-matching-abook-only: .. describe:: complete_matching_abook_only in case more than one account has an address book: Set this to True to make tab completion for recipients during compose only look in the abook of the account matching the sender address .. _display-content-in-threadline: .. describe:: display_content_in_threadline fill threadline with message content .. _displayed-headers: .. describe:: displayed_headers headers that get displayed by default .. _edit-headers-blacklist: .. describe:: edit_headers_blacklist see :ref:`edit_headers_whitelist ` .. _edit-headers-whitelist: .. describe:: edit_headers_whitelist Which header fields should be editable in your editor used are those that match the whitelist and don't match the blacklist. in both cases '*' may be used to indicate all fields. .. _editor-cmd: .. describe:: editor_cmd editor command if unset, alot will first try the EDITOR env variable, then /usr/bin/editor .. _editor-in-thread: .. describe:: editor_in_thread call editor in separate thread. In case your editor doesn't run in the same window as alot, setting true here will make alot non-blocking during edits .. _editor-spawn: .. describe:: editor_spawn use terminal_command to spawn a new terminal for the editor? .. _editor-writes-encoding: .. describe:: editor_writes_encoding file encoding used by your editor .. _envelope-headers-blacklist: .. describe:: envelope_headers_blacklist headers that are hidden in envelope buffers by default .. _flush-retry-timeout: .. describe:: flush_retry_timeout timeout in secs after a failed attempt to flush is repeated .. _hooksfile: .. describe:: hooksfile where to look up hooks .. _initial-command: .. describe:: initial_command initial command when none is given as argument: .. _notify-timeout: .. describe:: notify_timeout time in secs to display status messages .. _print-cmd: .. describe:: print_cmd how to print messages: this specifies a shell command used pro printing. threads/messages are piped to this command as plain text. muttprint/a2ps works nicely .. _quit-on-last-bclose: .. describe:: quit_on_last_bclose shut down when the last buffer gets closed .. _search-threads-sort-order: .. describe:: search_threads_sort_order default sort order of results in a search .. _show-statusbar: .. describe:: show_statusbar display status-line? .. _tabwidth: .. describe:: tabwidth number of spaces used to replace tab characters .. _template-dir: .. describe:: template_dir templates directory that contains your message templates. It will be used if you give `compose --template` a filename without a path prefix. .. _terminal-cmd: .. describe:: terminal_cmd set terminal command used for spawning shell commands .. _theme: .. describe:: theme name of the theme to use .. _themes-dir: .. describe:: themes_dir directory containing theme files .. _thread-authors-me: .. describe:: thread_authors_me Word to replace own addresses with. Works in combination with :ref:`thread_authors_replace_me ` .. _thread-authors-replace-me: .. describe:: thread_authors_replace_me Replace own email addresses with "me" in author lists Uses own addresses and aliases in all configured accounts. .. _timestamp-format: .. describe:: timestamp_format timestamp format in strftime format syntax: http://docs.python.org/library/datetime.html#strftime-strptime-behavior .. _user-agent: .. describe:: user_agent value of the User-Agent header used for outgoing mails. setting this to the empty string will cause alot to omit the header all together. The string '{version}' will be replaced by the version string of the running instance.