.. _address: .. describe:: address your email address .. _realname: .. describe:: realname used to format the (proposed) From-header in outgoing mails .. _aliases: .. describe:: aliases used to clear your addresses/ match account when formatting replies .. _sendmail-command: .. describe:: sendmail_command how to send mails .. _sent-box: .. describe:: sent_box specifies the mailbox where you want outgoing mails to be stored after successfully sending them, e.g. where to store outgoing mail, e.g. `maildir:///home/you/mail//Sent` You can use mbox, maildir, mh, babyl and mmdf in the protocol part of the URL. .. _sent-tags: .. describe:: sent_tags how to tag sent mails. .. _signature: .. describe:: signature path to signature file that gets attached to all outgoing mails from this account, optionally renamed to `signature_filename`. .. _signature-as-attachment: .. describe:: signature_as_attachment attach signature file if set to True, append its content (mimetype text) to the body text if set to False. Defaults to False. .. _signature-filename: .. describe:: signature_filename signature file's name as it appears in outgoing mails if signature_as_attachment is set to True