.. _config.accounts: Accounts ======== In order to be able to send mails, you have to define at least one account subsection in your config: There needs to be a section "accounts", and each subsection, indicated by double square brackets defines an account. Here is an example configuration .. code-block:: ini [accounts] [[work]] realname = Bruce Wayne address = b.wayne@wayneenterprises.com alias_regexp = b.wayne\+.+@wayneenterprises.com gpg_key = D7D6C5AA sendmail_command = msmtp --account=wayne -t sent_box = maildir:///home/bruce/mail/work/Sent draft_box = maildir:///home/bruce/mail/work/Drafts [[secret]] realname = Batman address = batman@batcave.org aliases = batman@batmobile.org, sendmail_command = msmtp --account=batman -t signature = ~/.batman.vcf signature_as_attachment = True .. warning:: Sending mails is only supported via a sendmail shell command for now. If you want to use a sendmail command different from `sendmail -t`, specify it as `sendmail_command`. The following entries are interpreted at the moment: .. include:: accounts_table