Accessing User Settings ======================= .. module:: alot.settings There are four types of user settings: notmuchs and alot's config files, the hooks-file for user provided python code and the mailcap, defining shellcomands as handlers for files of certain mime types. Alot sets up :class:`FallbackConfigParser` objects to access the configs of alot and notmuch`. Hooks can be accessed via :meth:`AlotConfigParser.get_hook` and MIME handlers can be looked up using :func:`alot.settings.get_mime_handler`. +----------------+-----------------------------------+------------------------------+ | What | accessible via | Type | +================+===================================+==============================+ | alot config | :obj:`alot.settings.config` | :class:`AlotConfigParser` | +----------------+-----------------------------------+------------------------------+ | notmuch config | :obj:`alot.settings.notmuchconfig`| :class:`FallbackConfigParser`| +----------------+-----------------------------------+------------------------------+ Through these objects you can access user settings (or their default values if unset) in the following manner:: from alot.settings import config, notmuchconfig # alot config >>> config.getint('general', 'notify_timeout') 5 >>> config.getboolean('general', 'show_statusbar') True >>> config.getstringlist('general', 'displayed_headers') [u'From', u'To', u'Cc', u'Bcc', u'Subject'] # notmuch config >>> notmuchconfig.get('user', 'primary_email') '' >>> notmuchconfig.getboolean('maildir', 'synchronize_flags') True Hooks can be looked up using :meth:`AlotConfigParser.get_hook`. They are user defined callables that expect to be called with the following parameters: :ui: :class:`~alot.ui.UI` -- the initialized main component :dbm: :class:`~alot.db.DBManager` -- :obj:`ui.dbman` :aman: :class:`~alot.account.AccountManager` -- :obj:`ui.accountman` :log: :class:`~logging.Logger` -- :obj:`ui.logger` :config: :class:`AlotConfigParser` :obj:`alot.settings.config` .. autoclass:: FallbackConfigParser :members: .. autoclass:: AlotConfigParser :members: .. autofunction:: get_mime_handler