`alot` API overview ==================== The main component is :class:`alot.ui.UI`, which integrates all "manager" objects, provides methods for user input and notifications. It sets up an urwid `mainloop` and widget tree and maintains the list of active buffers. There are different "managers" responsible for core functionalities: * a :class:`~alot.db.DBManager` to access the email database * an :class:`~alot.account.AccountManager` to deal with user accounts * a :class:`~alot.settings.AlotConfigParser` (subclasses :class:`configparserConfigParser`) for user settings * a :class:`~alot.settings.HookManager` to load custom python code to be used as hooks All user actions, triggered either by keybindings or the prompt, are given as commandline strings that are translated into :class:`alot.commands.Command` objects. Different actions are defined as a subclasses of :class:`~alot.commands.Command`, which live in `alot/commands/MODE.py`, where MODE is the name of the mode (:class:`Buffer` type) they are used in. Contents: .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 database interface settings accounts utils commands Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`search`