Commands ========= .. module:: alot.commands User actions are represented by :class:`Command` objects that can then be triggered by :meth:`alot.ui.UI.apply_command`. Commandline strings given by the user via the prompt or keybindings can be translated to :class:`Command` objects using :func:`alot.commands.commandfactory`. Specific actions are defined as subclasses of :class:`Command` and can be registered to a global command pool using the :class:`registerCommand` decorator. .. Note:: that the return value of :func:`commandfactory` depends on the current *mode* the user interface is in. The mode identifier is a string that is uniquely defined by the currently focussed :class:`~alot.buffers.Buffer`. .. note:: The names of the commands available to the user in any given mode do not correspond one-to-one to these subclasses. You can register a Command multiple times under different names, with different forced constructor parameters and so on. See for instance the definition of BufferFocusCommand in 'commands/':: @registerCommand(MODE, 'bprevious', forced={'offset': -1}, help='focus previous buffer') @registerCommand(MODE, 'bnext', forced={'offset': +1}, help='focus next buffer') class BufferFocusCommand(Command): def __init__(self, buffer=None, offset=0, **kwargs): ... .. autoclass:: Command :members: .. autoclass:: CommandParseError .. autoclass:: CommandArgumentParser .. autofunction:: commandfactory .. autofunction:: lookup_command .. autofunction:: lookup_parser .. autoclass:: registerCommand Globals -------- .. automodule:: alot.commands.globals :members: Envelope -------- .. automodule:: alot.commands.envelope :members: Bufferlist ---------- .. automodule:: alot.commands.bufferlist :members: Search -------- .. automodule:: :members: Taglist -------- .. automodule:: alot.commands.taglist :members: Thread -------- .. automodule:: alot.commands.thread :members: