[general] colourmode = 16 ; number of colours your terminal supports colourpalette = palette.py hooks = hooks.py editor_cmd = /usr/bin/vim -f -c 'set filetype=mail' pager_cmd = /usr/bin/view -f -c 'set filetype=mail' terminal_cmd = /usr/bin/urxvt -T notmuch -e spawn_editor = False authors_maxlength = 30 displayed_headers = From,To,Cc,Bcc,Subject ask_subject = True notify_timeout = 1 # how long (in seconds) notifications are shown show_notificationbar = False show_statusbar = True flush_retry_timeout = 5 # timeout in secs after a failed attempt to flush is repeated [account gmail] realname = john doe address = john.doe@gmail.com gpg_key = 123ABC signature = /home/john/.signature sender_type = sendmail sendmail_command = msmtp --account=gmail -t sent_mailbox = maildir:///home/john/mail/gmail/Sent # we accept mbox,maildir,mh,babyl,mmdf here [normal-theme] bufferlist_focus_bg = dark gray bufferlist_focus_fg = white bufferlist_results_even_bg = black bufferlist_results_even_fg = light gray bufferlist_results_odd_bg = black bufferlist_results_odd_fg = light gray footer_bg = dark blue footer_fg = light green header_bg = dark blue header_fg = white message_attachment_bg = dark gray message_attachment_fg = light gray message_body_bg = default message_body_fg = light gray message_header_bg = dark gray message_header_fg = white message_header_key_fg = white message_header_key_bg = dark gray message_header_value_fg = light gray message_header_value_bg = dark gray messagesummary_even_bg = light blue messagesummary_even_fg = white messagesummary_focus_bg = dark cyae messagesummary_focus_fg = white messagesummary_odd_bg = dark blue messagesummary_odd_fg = white prompt_bg = black prompt_fg = light gray taglist_focus_bg = dark gray taglist_focus_fg = white taglist_tag_bg = black taglist_tag_fg = light gray threadline_authors_bg = default threadline_authors_fg = dark green threadline_authors_focus_bg = dark cyan threadline_authors_focus_fg = black,bold threadline_bg = default threadline_content_bg = default threadline_content_fg = dark gray threadline_date_bg = default threadline_date_fg = light gray threadline_date_focus_bg = dark gray threadline_date_focus_fg = black threadline_fg = default threadline_focus_bg = dark cyan threadline_focus_fg = white threadline_mailcount_bg = default threadline_mailcount_fg = light gray threadline_mailcount_focus_bg = dark cyan threadline_mailcount_focus_fg = black threadline_subject_bg = default threadline_subject_fg = light gray threadline_subject_focus_bg = dark cyan threadline_subject_focus_fg = light cyan threadline_tags_bg = default threadline_tags_fg = brown threadline_tags_focus_bg = dark cyan threadline_tags_focus_fg = yellow,bold [mono-theme] bufferlist_focus = standout bufferlist_results_even = default bufferlist_results_odd = default footer = bold header = bold message_attachment = underline message_body = default message_header = default message_header_key = white message_header_value = light gray messagesummary_even = standout messagesummary_focus = standout messagesummary_odd = standout prompt = standout taglist_focus = standout taglist_tag = default threadline = default threadline_authors = default threadline_authors_focus = standout threadline_content = default threadline_date = default threadline_date_focus = standout threadline_focus = standout threadline_mailcount = default threadline_mailcount_focus = standout threadline_subject = default threadline_subject_focus = standout threadline_tags = default threadline_tags_focus = standout [highcolour-theme] bufferlist_focus_bg = g38 bufferlist_focus_fg = #ffa bufferlist_results_even_bg = g3 bufferlist_results_even_fg = default bufferlist_results_odd_bg = default bufferlist_results_odd_fg = default footer_bg = #006 footer_fg = white header_bg = dark blue header_fg = white message_attachment_bg = dark gray message_attachment_fg = light gray message_body_bg = default message_body_fg = light gray message_header_bg = dark gray message_header_fg = white message_header_key_fg = white message_header_key_bg = dark gray message_header_value_fg = light gray message_header_value_bg = dark gray messagesummary_even_bg = #068 messagesummary_even_fg = white messagesummary_focus_bg = g58 messagesummary_focus_fg = #ff8 messagesummary_odd_bg = #006 messagesummary_odd_fg = white prompt_bg = default prompt_fg = light gray taglist_focus_bg = g38 taglist_focus_fg = #ffa taglist_tag_bg = default taglist_tag_fg = default threadline_authors_bg = default threadline_authors_fg = #6d6 threadline_authors_focus_bg = g58 threadline_authors_focus_fg = #8f6 threadline_bg = default threadline_content_bg = default threadline_content_fg = #866 threadline_date_bg = default threadline_date_fg = g58 threadline_date_focus_bg = g58 threadline_date_focus_fg = g89 threadline_fg = default threadline_focus_bg = g58 threadline_focus_fg = white threadline_mailcount_bg = default threadline_mailcount_fg = light gray threadline_mailcount_focus_bg = g58 threadline_mailcount_focus_fg = g89 threadline_subject_bg = default threadline_subject_fg = g58 threadline_subject_focus_bg = g58 threadline_subject_focus_fg = g89 threadline_tags_bg = default threadline_tags_fg = #a86 threadline_tags_focus_bg = g11 threadline_tags_focus_fg = #ff8 [search-maps] t = toggletag todo