# Copyright (C) 2011-2012 Patrick Totzke # This file is released under the GNU GPL, version 3 or a later revision. # For further details see the COPYING file """ Widgets specific to thread mode """ import logging import urwid from urwidtrees import Tree, SimpleTree, CollapsibleTree from .globals import TagWidget from .globals import AttachmentWidget from ..settings.const import settings from ..db.utils import decode_header, X_SIGNATURE_MESSAGE_HEADER from ..helper import string_sanitize class MessageSummaryWidget(urwid.WidgetWrap): """ one line summary of a :class:`~alot.db.message.Message`. """ def __init__(self, message, even=True): """ :param message: a message :type message: alot.db.Message :param even: even entry in a pile of messages? Used for theming. :type even: bool """ self.message = message self.even = even if even: attr = settings.get_theming_attribute('thread', 'summary', 'even') else: attr = settings.get_theming_attribute('thread', 'summary', 'odd') focus_att = settings.get_theming_attribute('thread', 'summary', 'focus') cols = [] sumstr = self.__str__() txt = urwid.Text(sumstr) cols.append(txt) if settings.get('msg_summary_hides_threadwide_tags'): thread_tags = message.thread.get_tags(intersection=True) outstanding_tags = set(message.get_tags()).difference(thread_tags) tag_widgets = sorted(TagWidget(t, attr, focus_att) for t in outstanding_tags) else: tag_widgets = sorted(TagWidget(t, attr, focus_att) for t in message.get_tags()) for tag_widget in tag_widgets: if not tag_widget.hidden: cols.append(('fixed', tag_widget.width(), tag_widget)) line = urwid.AttrMap(urwid.Columns(cols, dividechars=1), attr, focus_att) urwid.WidgetWrap.__init__(self, line) def __str__(self): mail = self.message.get_email() subj = mail.get_all('subject', ['']) subj = ','.join([decode_header(s, normalize = True) for s in subj]) author, address = self.message.get_author() date = self.message.get_datestring() rep = '%s: %s' % (author if author != '' else address, subj) if date is not None: rep += " (%s)" % date return rep def selectable(self): return True def keypress(self, size, key): return key class FocusableText(urwid.WidgetWrap): """Selectable Text used for nodes in our example""" def __init__(self, txt, att, att_focus): t = urwid.Text(txt) w = urwid.AttrMap(t, att, att_focus) urwid.WidgetWrap.__init__(self, w) def selectable(self): return True def keypress(self, size, key): return key class TextlinesList(SimpleTree): def __init__(self, content, attr=None, attr_focus=None): """ :class:`SimpleTree` that contains a list of all-level-0 Text widgets for each line in content. """ structure = [(FocusableText(content, attr, attr_focus), None)] SimpleTree.__init__(self, structure) class DictList(SimpleTree): """ :class:`SimpleTree` that displays key-value pairs. The structure will obey the Tree API but will not actually be a tree but a flat list: It contains one top-level node (displaying the k/v pair in Columns) per pair. That is, the root will be the first pair, its sibblings will be the other pairs and first|last_child will always be None. """ def __init__(self, content, key_attr, value_attr, gaps_attr=None): """ :param headerslist: list of key/value pairs to display :type headerslist: list of (str, str) :param key_attr: theming attribute to use for keys :type key_attr: urwid.AttrSpec :param value_attr: theming attribute to use for values :type value_attr: urwid.AttrSpec :param gaps_attr: theming attribute to wrap lines in :type gaps_attr: urwid.AttrSpec """ max_key_len = 1 structure = [] # calc max length of key-string for key, value in content: if len(key) > max_key_len: max_key_len = len(key) for key, value in content: # todo : even/odd keyw = ('fixed', max_key_len + 1, urwid.Text((key_attr, key))) valuew = urwid.Text((value_attr, value)) line = urwid.Columns([keyw, valuew]) if gaps_attr is not None: line = urwid.AttrMap(line, gaps_attr) structure.append((line, None)) SimpleTree.__init__(self, structure) class MessageTree(CollapsibleTree): """ :class:`Tree` that displays contents of a single :class:`alot.db.Message`. Its root node is a :class:`MessageSummaryWidget`, and its child nodes reflect the messages content (parts for headers/attachments etc). Collapsing this message corresponds to showing the summary only. """ def __init__(self, message, odd=True): """ :param message: Message to display :type message: alot.db.Message :param odd: theme summary widget as if this is an odd line (in the message-pile) :type odd: bool """ self._message = message self._odd = odd self.display_source = False self._summaryw = None self._bodytree = None self._sourcetree = None self.display_all_headers = False self._all_headers_tree = None self._default_headers_tree = None self.display_attachments = True self._attachments = None self._maintree = SimpleTree(self._assemble_structure(True)) CollapsibleTree.__init__(self, self._maintree) def get_message(self): return self._message def reassemble(self): self._maintree._treelist = self._assemble_structure() def refresh(self): self._summaryw = None self.reassemble() def debug(self): logging.debug('collapsed %s', self.is_collapsed(self.root)) logging.debug('display_source %s', self.display_source) logging.debug('display_all_headers %s', self.display_all_headers) logging.debug('display_attachements %s', self.display_attachments) logging.debug('AHT %s', str(self._all_headers_tree)) logging.debug('DHT %s', str(self._default_headers_tree)) logging.debug('MAINTREE %s', str(self._maintree._treelist)) def expand(self, pos): """ overload CollapsibleTree.expand method to ensure all parts are present. Initially, only the summary widget is created to avoid reading the messafe file and thus speed up the creation of this object. Once we expand = unfold the message, we need to make sure that body/attachments exist. """ logging.debug("MT expand") if not self._bodytree: self.reassemble() CollapsibleTree.expand(self, pos) def _assemble_structure(self, summary_only=False): if summary_only: return [(self._get_summary(), None)] mainstruct = [] if self.display_source: mainstruct.append((self._get_source(), None)) else: mainstruct.append((self._get_headers(), None)) attachmenttree = self._get_attachments() if attachmenttree is not None: mainstruct.append((attachmenttree, None)) bodytree = self._get_body() if bodytree is not None: mainstruct.append((bodytree, None)) structure = [ (self._get_summary(), mainstruct) ] return structure def collapse_if_matches(self, querystring): """ collapse (and show summary only) if the :class:`alot.db.Message` matches given `querystring` """ self.set_position_collapsed( self.root, self._message.matches(querystring)) def _get_summary(self): if self._summaryw is None: self._summaryw = MessageSummaryWidget( self._message, even=(not self._odd)) return self._summaryw def _get_source(self): if self._sourcetree is None: sourcetxt = self._message.get_email().as_string() sourcetxt = string_sanitize(sourcetxt) att = settings.get_theming_attribute('thread', 'body') att_focus = settings.get_theming_attribute('thread', 'body_focus') self._sourcetree = TextlinesList(sourcetxt, att, att_focus) return self._sourcetree def _get_body(self): if self._bodytree is None: bodytxt = self._message.get_body_text() if bodytxt: att = settings.get_theming_attribute('thread', 'body') att_focus = settings.get_theming_attribute( 'thread', 'body_focus') self._bodytree = TextlinesList(bodytxt, att, att_focus) return self._bodytree def _get_headers(self): if self.display_all_headers is True: if self._all_headers_tree is None: self._all_headers_tree = self.construct_header_pile() ret = self._all_headers_tree else: if self._default_headers_tree is None: headers = settings.get('displayed_headers') self._default_headers_tree = self.construct_header_pile( headers) ret = self._default_headers_tree return ret def _get_attachments(self): if self._attachments is None: alist = [] for a in self._message.get_attachments(): alist.append((AttachmentWidget(a), None)) if alist: self._attachments = SimpleTree(alist) return self._attachments def construct_header_pile(self, headers=None, normalize=True): mail = self._message.get_email() lines = [] if headers is None: # collect all header/value pairs in the order they appear for key, value in mail.items(): dvalue = decode_header(value, normalize=normalize) lines.append((key, dvalue)) else: # only a selection of headers should be displayed. # use order of the `headers` parameter for key in headers: if key in mail: if key.lower() in ['cc', 'bcc', 'to']: values = mail.get_all(key) values = [decode_header( v, normalize=normalize) for v in values] lines.append((key, ', '.join(values))) else: for value in mail.get_all(key): dvalue = decode_header(value, normalize=normalize) lines.append((key, dvalue)) elif key.lower() == 'tags': logging.debug('want tags header') values = [] for t in self._message.get_tags(): tagrep = settings.get_tagstring_representation(t) if t is not tagrep['translated']: t = '%s (%s)' % (tagrep['translated'], t) values.append(t) lines.append((key, ', '.join(values))) # OpenPGP pseudo headers if mail[X_SIGNATURE_MESSAGE_HEADER]: lines.append(('PGP-Signature', mail[X_SIGNATURE_MESSAGE_HEADER])) key_att = settings.get_theming_attribute('thread', 'header_key') value_att = settings.get_theming_attribute('thread', 'header_value') gaps_att = settings.get_theming_attribute('thread', 'header') return DictList(lines, key_att, value_att, gaps_att) class ThreadTree(Tree): """ :class:`Tree` that parses a given :class:`alot.db.Thread` into a tree of :class:`MessageTrees ` that display this threads individual messages. As MessageTreess are *not* urwid widgets themself this is to be used in combination with :class:`NestedTree` only. """ def __init__(self, thread): self._thread = thread self.root = thread.toplevel_messages[0].id self._parent_of = {} self._first_child_of = {} self._last_child_of = {} self._next_sibling_of = {} self._prev_sibling_of = {} self._message = {} def accumulate(msg, odd=True): """recursively read msg and its replies""" mid = msg.id self._message[mid] = MessageTree(msg, odd) odd = not odd last = None self._first_child_of[mid] = None for reply in msg.replies: rid = reply.id if self._first_child_of[mid] is None: self._first_child_of[mid] = rid self._parent_of[rid] = mid self._prev_sibling_of[rid] = last self._next_sibling_of[last] = rid last = rid odd = accumulate(reply, odd) self._last_child_of[mid] = last return odd last = None for msg in thread.toplevel_messages: mid = msg.id self._prev_sibling_of[mid] = last self._next_sibling_of[last] = mid accumulate(msg) last = mid self._next_sibling_of[last] = None # Tree API def __getitem__(self, pos): return self._message.get(pos) def parent_position(self, pos): return self._parent_of.get(pos) def first_child_position(self, pos): return self._first_child_of.get(pos) def last_child_position(self, pos): return self._last_child_of.get(pos) def next_sibling_position(self, pos): return self._next_sibling_of.get(pos) def prev_sibling_position(self, pos): return self._prev_sibling_of.get(pos) @staticmethod def position_of_messagetree(mt): return mt._message.id