# Copyright (C) 2011-2012 Patrick Totzke # This file is released under the GNU GPL, version 3 or a later revision. # For further details see the COPYING file """ Widgets specific to search mode """ import urwid from ..settings.const import settings from ..helper import shorten_author_string from .utils import AttrFlipWidget from .globals import TagWidget class ThreadlineWidget(urwid.WidgetPlaceholder): """ selectable line widget that represents a :class:`~alot.db.Thread` in the :class:`~alot.buffers.SearchBuffer`. """ tid = None _dbman = None _thread = None _widgets = None def __init__(self, tid, dbman): self.tid = tid self._dbman = dbman super().__init__(urwid.Text('')) self.rebuild() def rebuild(self): thread = self._dbman.get_thread(self.tid) structure = settings.get_threadline_theming(thread) columns = [] # combine width info and widget into an urwid.Column entry def add_column(width, part): width_tuple = structure[partname]['width'] if width_tuple[0] == 'weight': columnentry = width_tuple + (part,) else: columnentry = ('fixed', width, part) columns.append(columnentry) # create a column for every part of the threadline widgets = [] for partname in structure['parts']: # build widget(s) around this part's content and remember them so # that self.render() may change local attributes. if partname == 'tags': width, part = build_tags_part(thread.get_tags(), structure['tags']['normal'], structure['tags']['focus']) if part: add_column(width, part) for w in part.widget_list: widgets.append(w) else: width, part = build_text_part(partname, thread, structure[partname]) add_column(width, part) widgets.append(part) columns = urwid.Columns(columns, dividechars = 1) self.original_widget = urwid.AttrMap(columns, structure['normal'], structure['focus']) self._thread = thread self._widgets = widgets def render(self, size, focus=False): for w in self._widgets: w.set_map('focus' if focus else 'normal') return super().render(size, focus) def selectable(self): return True def keypress(self, size, key): return key def get_thread(self): return self._thread def build_tags_part(tags, attr_normal, attr_focus): """ create an urwid.Columns widget (wrapped in approproate Attributes) to display a list of tag strings, as part of a threadline. :param tags: list of tag strings to include :type tags: list of str :param attr_normal: urwid attribute to use if unfocussed :param attr_focus: urwid attribute to use if focussed :return: overall width in characters and a Columns widget. :rtype: tuple[int, urwid.Columns] """ part_w = None width = None tag_widgets = [] cols = [] width = -1 # create individual TagWidgets and sort them tag_widgets = [TagWidget(t, attr_normal, attr_focus) for t in tags] tag_widgets = sorted(tag_widgets) for tag_widget in tag_widgets: if not tag_widget.hidden: wrapped_tagwidget = tag_widget tag_width = tag_widget.width() cols.append(('fixed', tag_width, wrapped_tagwidget)) width += tag_width + 1 if cols: part_w = urwid.Columns(cols, dividechars=1) return width, part_w def build_text_part(name, thread, struct): """ create an urwid.Text widget (wrapped in approproate Attributes) to display a plain text parts in a threadline. create an urwid.Columns widget (wrapped in approproate Attributes) to display a list of tag strings, as part of a threadline. :param name: id of part to build :type name: str :param thread: the thread to get local info for :type thread: :class:`alot.db.thread.Thread` :param struct: theming attributes for this part, as provided by :class:`alot.settings.theme.Theme.get_threadline_theming` :type struct: dict :return: overall width (in characters) and a widget. :rtype: tuple[int, AttrFliwWidget] """ part_w = None width = None # extract min and max allowed width from theme minw = 0 maxw = None width_tuple = struct['width'] if width_tuple is not None: if width_tuple[0] == 'fit': minw, maxw = width_tuple[1:] content = prepare_string(name, thread, maxw) # pad content if not long enough if minw: alignment = struct['alignment'] if alignment == 'left': content = content.ljust(minw) elif alignment == 'center': content = content.center(minw) else: content = content.rjust(minw) # define width and part_w text = urwid.Text(content, wrap='clip') width = text.pack((maxw or minw,))[0] part_w = AttrFlipWidget(text, struct) return width, part_w def prepare_date_string(thread): newest = thread.newest_date if newest is not None: datestring = settings.represent_datetime(newest) return datestring def prepare_mailcount_string(thread): return "(%d)" % thread.total_messages def prepare_authors_string(thread): return thread.get_authors_string() or '(None)' def prepare_subject_string(thread): return thread.subject or ' ' def prepare_string(partname, thread, maxw): """ extract a content string for part 'partname' from 'thread' of maximal length 'maxw'. """ # map part names to function extracting content string and custom shortener prep = { 'mailcount': (prepare_mailcount_string, None), 'date': (prepare_date_string, None), 'authors': (prepare_authors_string, shorten_author_string), 'subject': (prepare_subject_string, None), } s = ' ' # fallback value if thread: # get extractor and shortener content, shortener = prep[partname] # get string s = content(thread) # sanitize s = s.replace('\n', ' ') s = s.replace('\r', '') # shorten if max width is requested if maxw: if len(s) > maxw and shortener: s = shortener(s, maxw) else: s = s[:maxw] return s