# Copyright (C) 2011-2012 Patrick Totzke # This file is released under the GNU GPL, version 3 or a later revision. # For further details see the COPYING file """ This contains alot-specific :class:`urwid.Widget` used in more than one mode. """ from __future__ import absolute_import import functools import re import operator import urwid from ..helper import string_decode from ..settings.const import settings from ..db.attachment import Attachment from ..errors import CompletionError class AttachmentWidget(urwid.WidgetWrap): """ one-line summary of an :class:`~alot.db.attachment.Attachment`. """ def __init__(self, attachment, selectable=True): self._selectable = selectable self.attachment = attachment if not isinstance(attachment, Attachment): self.attachment = Attachment(self.attachment) att = settings.get_theming_attribute('thread', 'attachment') focus_att = settings.get_theming_attribute('thread', 'attachment_focus') widget = urwid.AttrMap(urwid.Text(self.attachment.__str__()), att, focus_att) urwid.WidgetWrap.__init__(self, widget) def get_attachment(self): return self.attachment def selectable(self): return self._selectable def keypress(self, size, key): return key class ChoiceWidget(urwid.Text): def __init__(self, choices, callback, cancel=None, select=None, separator=' '): self.choices = choices self.callback = callback self.cancel = cancel self.select = select self.separator = separator items = [] for k, v in choices.iteritems(): if v == select and select is not None: items += ['[', k, ']:', v] else: items += ['(', k, '):', v] items += [self.separator] urwid.Text.__init__(self, items) def selectable(self): return True def keypress(self, size, key): if key == 'enter' and self.select is not None: self.callback(self.select) elif key == 'esc' and self.cancel is not None: self.callback(self.cancel) elif key in self.choices: self.callback(self.choices[key]) else: return key class CompleteEdit(urwid.Edit): """ This is a vamped-up :class:`urwid.Edit` widget that allows for tab-completion using :class:`~alot.completion.Completer` objects These widgets are meant to be used as user input prompts and hence react to 'return' key presses by calling a 'on_exit' callback that processes the current text value. The interpretation of some keypresses is hard-wired: :enter: calls 'on_exit' callback with current value :esc/ctrl g: calls 'on_exit' with value `None`, which can be interpreted as cancelation :tab: calls the completer and tabs forward in the result list :shift tab: tabs backward in the result list :up/down: move in the local input history :ctrl f/b: moves curser one character to the right/left :meta f/b shift right/left: moves the cursor one word to the right/left :ctrl a/e: moves curser to the beginning/end of the input :ctrl d: deletes the character under the cursor :meta d: deletes everything from the cursor to the end of the next word :meta delete/backspace ctrl w: deletes everything from the cursor to the beginning of the current word :ctrl k: deletes everything from the cursor to the end of the input :ctrl u: deletes everything from the cursor to the beginning of the input """ def __init__(self, completer, on_exit, on_error=None, edit_text=u'', history=None, **kwargs): """ :param completer: completer to use :type completer: alot.completion.Completer :param on_exit: "enter"-callback that interprets the input (str) :type on_exit: callable :param on_error: callback that handles :class:`alot.errors.CompletionErrors` :type on_error: callback :param edit_text: initial text :type edit_text: str :param history: initial command history :type history: list or str """ self.completer = completer self.on_exit = on_exit self.on_error = on_error self.history = list(history) # we temporarily add stuff here self.historypos = None self.focus_in_clist = 0 if not isinstance(edit_text, unicode): edit_text = string_decode(edit_text) self.start_completion_pos = len(edit_text) self.completions = None urwid.Edit.__init__(self, edit_text=edit_text, **kwargs) def keypress(self, size, key): # if we tabcomplete if key in ['tab', 'shift tab'] and self.completer: # if not already in completion mode if self.completions is None: self.completions = [(self.edit_text, self.edit_pos)] try: self.completions += self.completer.complete(self.edit_text, self.edit_pos) self.focus_in_clist = 1 except CompletionError as e: if self.on_error is not None: self.on_error(e) else: # otherwise tab through results if key == 'tab': self.focus_in_clist += 1 else: self.focus_in_clist -= 1 if len(self.completions) > 1: ctext, cpos = self.completions[self.focus_in_clist % len(self.completions)] self.set_edit_text(ctext) self.set_edit_pos(cpos) else: self.completions = None elif key in ['up', 'down']: if self.history: if self.historypos is None: self.history.append(self.edit_text) self.historypos = len(self.history) - 1 if key == 'cursor up': self.historypos = (self.historypos + 1) % len(self.history) else: self.historypos = (self.historypos - 1) % len(self.history) self.set_edit_text(self.history[self.historypos]) elif key == 'enter': self.on_exit(self.edit_text) elif key in ('ctrl g', 'esc'): self.on_exit(None) elif key == 'ctrl a': self.set_edit_pos(0) elif key == 'ctrl e': self.set_edit_pos(len(self.edit_text)) elif key == 'ctrl f': self.set_edit_pos(min(self.edit_pos+1, len(self.edit_text))) elif key == 'ctrl b': self.set_edit_pos(max(self.edit_pos-1, 0)) elif key == 'ctrl k': self.edit_text = self.edit_text[:self.edit_pos] elif key == 'ctrl u': self.edit_text = self.edit_text[self.edit_pos:] self.set_edit_pos(0) elif key == 'ctrl d': self.edit_text = (self.edit_text[:self.edit_pos] + self.edit_text[self.edit_pos+1:]) elif key in ('meta f', 'shift right'): self.move_to_next_word(forward=True) elif key in ('meta b', 'shift left'): self.move_to_next_word(forward=False) elif key == 'meta d': start_pos = self.edit_pos end_pos = self.move_to_next_word(forward=True) if end_pos is not None: self.edit_text = (self.edit_text[:start_pos] + self.edit_text[end_pos:]) self.set_edit_pos(start_pos) elif key in ('meta delete', 'meta backspace', 'ctrl w'): end_pos = self.edit_pos start_pos = self.move_to_next_word(forward=False) if start_pos is not None: self.edit_text = (self.edit_text[:start_pos] + self.edit_text[end_pos:]) self.set_edit_pos(start_pos) else: result = urwid.Edit.keypress(self, size, key) self.completions = None return result def move_to_next_word(self, forward=True): if forward: match_iterator = re.finditer(r'(\b\W+|$)', self.edit_text, flags=re.UNICODE) match_positions = [m.start() for m in match_iterator] op = operator.gt else: match_iterator = re.finditer(r'(\w+\b|^)', self.edit_text, flags=re.UNICODE) match_positions = reversed([m.start() for m in match_iterator]) op = operator.lt for pos in match_positions: if op(pos, self.edit_pos): self.set_edit_pos(pos) return pos class HeadersList(urwid.WidgetWrap): """ renders a pile of header values as key/value list """ def __init__(self, headerslist, key_attr, value_attr, gaps_attr=None): """ :param headerslist: list of key/value pairs to display :type headerslist: list of (str, str) :param key_attr: theming attribute to use for keys :type key_attr: urwid.AttrSpec :param value_attr: theming attribute to use for values :type value_attr: urwid.AttrSpec :param gaps_attr: theming attribute to wrap lines in :type gaps_attr: urwid.AttrSpec """ self.headers = headerslist self.key_attr = key_attr self.value_attr = value_attr pile = urwid.Pile(self._build_lines(headerslist)) if gaps_attr is None: gaps_attr = key_attr pile = urwid.AttrMap(pile, gaps_attr) urwid.WidgetWrap.__init__(self, pile) def __str__(self): return str(self.headers) def _build_lines(self, lines): max_key_len = 1 headerlines = [] # calc max length of key-string for key, value in lines: if len(key) > max_key_len: max_key_len = len(key) for key, value in lines: # todo : even/odd keyw = ('fixed', max_key_len + 1, urwid.Text((self.key_attr, key))) valuew = urwid.Text((self.value_attr, value)) line = urwid.Columns([keyw, valuew]) headerlines.append(line) return headerlines @functools.total_ordering class TagWidget(urwid.AttrMap): """ text widget that renders a tagstring. It looks up the string it displays in the `tags` section of the config as well as custom theme settings for its tag. Atributes that should be considered publicly readable: :attr tag: the notmuch tag :type tag: str """ def __init__(self, tag, fallback_normal=None, fallback_focus=None): self.tag = tag representation = settings.get_tagstring_representation(tag, fallback_normal, fallback_focus) self.translated = representation['translated'] self.hidden = self.translated == '' self.txt = urwid.Text(self.translated, wrap='clip') normal_att = representation['normal'] focus_att = representation['focussed'] self.attmaps = {'normal': normal_att, 'focus': focus_att} urwid.AttrMap.__init__(self, self.txt, normal_att, focus_att) def set_map(self, attrstring): self.set_attr_map({None: self.attmaps[attrstring]}) def width(self): # evil voodoo hotfix for double width chars that may # lead e.g. to strings with length 1 that need width 2 return self.txt.pack()[0] def selectable(self): return True def keypress(self, size, key): return key def set_focussed(self): self.set_attr_map(self.attmaps['focus']) def set_unfocussed(self): self.set_attr_map(self.attmaps['normal']) def __lt__(self, other): """Groups tags of 1 character first, then alphabetically. This groups tags unicode characters at the begnining. """ if not isinstance(other, TagWidget): return NotImplemented self_len = len(self.translated) oth_len = len(other.translated) if (self_len == 1) is not (oth_len == 1): return self_len < oth_len return self.translated.lower() < other.translated.lower() def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, TagWidget): return NotImplemented if len(self.translated) != len(other.translated): return False return self.translated.lower() == other.translated.lower() def __ne__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, TagWidget): return NotImplemented return self.translated.lower() != other.translated.lower()