import urwid import logging from settings import settings from helper import shorten_author_string from helper import pretty_datetime from helper import tag_cmp from helper import string_decode import message class DialogBox(urwid.WidgetWrap): def __init__(self, body, title, bodyattr=None, titleattr=None): self.body = urwid.LineBox(body) self.title = urwid.Text(title) if titleattr is not None: self.title = urwid.AttrMap(self.title, titleattr) if bodyattr is not None: self.body = urwid.AttrMap(self.body, bodyattr) box = urwid.Overlay(self.title, self.body, align='center', valign='top', width=len(title), height=None, ) urwid.WidgetWrap.__init__(self, box) def selectable(self): return self.body.selectable() def keypress(self, size, key): return self.body.keypress(size, key) class CatchKeyWidgetWrap(urwid.WidgetWrap): def __init__(self, widget, key, on_catch, relay_rest=True): urwid.WidgetWrap.__init__(self, widget) self.key = key self.relay = relay_rest self.on_catch = on_catch def selectable(self): return True def keypress(self, size, key): logging.debug('CATCH KEY: %s' % key) logging.debug('relay: %s' % self.relay) if key == self.key: self.on_catch() elif self._w.selectable() and self.relay: return self._w.keypress(size, key) class ThreadlineWidget(urwid.AttrMap): """ selectable line widget that represents a :class:`~alot.db.Thread` in the :class:`~alot.buffers.SearchBuffer`. Respected settings: * `general.display_content_in_threadline` * `general.timestamp_format` * `general.authors_maxlength` Theme settings: * `search_thread, search_thread_focus` * `search_thread_date, search_thread_date_focus` * `search_thread_mailcount, search_thread_mailcount_focus` * `search_thread_authors, search_thread_authors_focus` * `search_thread_subject, search_thread_subject_focus` * `search_thread_content, search_thread_content_focus` """ def __init__(self, tid, dbman): self.dbman = dbman #logging.debug('tid: %s' % tid) self.thread = dbman.get_thread(tid) #logging.debug('tid: %s' % self.thread) self.tag_widgets = [] self.display_content = settings.get('display_content_in_threadline') self.rebuild() normal = settings.get_theming_attribute('search', 'thread') focussed = settings.get_theming_attribute('search', 'thread_focus') urwid.AttrMap.__init__(self, self.columns, normal, focussed) def rebuild(self): cols = [] if self.thread: newest = self.thread.get_newest_date() else: newest = None if newest == None: datestring = u' ' * 10 else: formatstring = settings.get('timestamp_format') if formatstring is None: datestring = pretty_datetime(newest).rjust(10) else: datestring = newest.strftime(formatstring) self.date_w = urwid.AttrMap(urwid.Text(datestring), self._get_theme('date')) cols.append(('fixed', len(datestring), self.date_w)) if self.thread: mailcountstring = "(%d)" % self.thread.get_total_messages() else: mailcountstring = "(?)" self.mailcount_w = urwid.AttrMap(urwid.Text(mailcountstring), self._get_theme('mailcount')) cols.append(('fixed', len(mailcountstring), self.mailcount_w)) if self.thread: self.tag_widgets = [TagWidget(t) for t in self.thread.get_tags()] else: self.tag_widgets = [] self.tag_widgets.sort(tag_cmp, lambda tag_widget: tag_widget.translated) for tag_widget in self.tag_widgets: cols.append(('fixed', tag_widget.width(), tag_widget)) if self.thread: authors = self.thread.get_authors() or '(None)' else: authors = '(None)' maxlength = settings.get('authors_maxlength') authorsstring = shorten_author_string(authors, maxlength) self.authors_w = urwid.AttrMap(urwid.Text(authorsstring), self._get_theme('authors')) cols.append(('fixed', len(authorsstring), self.authors_w)) if self.thread: subjectstring = self.thread.get_subject().strip() else: subjectstring = '' self.subject_w = urwid.AttrMap(urwid.Text(subjectstring, wrap='clip'), self._get_theme('subject')) if subjectstring: cols.append(('weight', 2, self.subject_w)) if self.display_content: if self.thread: msgs = self.thread.get_messages().keys() else: msgs = [] msgs.sort() lastcontent = ' '.join([m.get_text_content() for m in msgs]) contentstring = lastcontent.replace('\n', ' ').strip() self.content_w = urwid.AttrMap(urwid.Text( contentstring, wrap='clip'), self._get_theme('content')) cols.append(self.content_w) self.columns = urwid.Columns(cols, dividechars=1) self.original_widget = self.columns def render(self, size, focus=False): if focus: self.date_w.set_attr_map({None: self._get_theme('date', focus)}) self.mailcount_w.set_attr_map({None: self._get_theme('mailcount', focus)}) for tw in self.tag_widgets: tw.set_focussed() self.authors_w.set_attr_map({None: self._get_theme('authors', focus)}) self.subject_w.set_attr_map({None: self._get_theme('subject', focus)}) if self.display_content: self.content_w.set_attr_map( {None: self._get_theme('content', focus=True)}) else: self.date_w.set_attr_map({None: self._get_theme('date')}) self.mailcount_w.set_attr_map({None: self._get_theme('mailcount')}) for tw in self.tag_widgets: tw.set_unfocussed() self.authors_w.set_attr_map({None: self._get_theme('authors')}) self.subject_w.set_attr_map({None: self._get_theme('subject')}) if self.display_content: self.content_w.set_attr_map({None: self._get_theme('content')}) return urwid.AttrMap.render(self, size, focus) def selectable(self): return True def keypress(self, size, key): return key def get_thread(self): return self.thread def _get_theme(self, component, focus=False): attr_key = 'thread_{0}'.format(component) if focus: attr_key += '_focus' return settings.get_theming_attribute('search', attr_key) class BufferlineWidget(urwid.Text): """ selectable text widget that represents a :class:`~alot.buffers.Buffer` in the :class:`~alot.buffers.BufferlistBuffer`. """ def __init__(self, buffer): self.buffer = buffer line = buffer.__str__() urwid.Text.__init__(self, line, wrap='clip') def selectable(self): return True def keypress(self, size, key): return key def get_buffer(self): return self.buffer class TagWidget(urwid.AttrMap): """ text widget that renders a tagstring. It looks up the string it displays in the `tag-translate` section of the config as well as custom theme settings for its tag. """ def __init__(self, tag): self.tag = tag representation = settings.get_tagstring_representation(tag) self.translated = representation['translated'] self.txt = urwid.Text(self.translated, wrap='clip') self.normal_att = representation['normal'] self.focus_att = representation['focussed'] urwid.AttrMap.__init__(self, self.txt, self.normal_att, self.focus_att) def width(self): # evil voodoo hotfix for double width chars that may # lead e.g. to strings with length 1 that need width 2 return self.txt.pack()[0] def selectable(self): return True def keypress(self, size, key): return key def get_tag(self): return self.tag def set_focussed(self): self.set_attr_map({None: self.focus_att}) def set_unfocussed(self): self.set_attr_map({None: self.normal_att}) class ChoiceWidget(urwid.Text): def __init__(self, choices, callback, cancel=None, select=None): self.choices = choices self.callback = callback self.cancel = cancel = select items = [] for k, v in choices.items(): if v == select and select != None: items.append('[%s]:%s' % (k, v)) else: items.append('(%s):%s' % (k, v)) urwid.Text.__init__(self, ' '.join(items)) def selectable(self): return True def keypress(self, size, key): if key == 'select' and != None: self.callback( elif key == 'cancel' and self.cancel != None: self.callback(self.cancel) elif key in self.choices: self.callback(self.choices[key]) else: return key class CompleteEdit(urwid.Edit): def __init__(self, completer, on_exit, edit_text=u'', history=None, **kwargs): self.completer = completer self.on_exit = on_exit self.history = list(history) # we temporarily add stuff here self.historypos = None if not isinstance(edit_text, unicode): edit_text = string_decode(edit_text) self.start_completion_pos = len(edit_text) self.completions = None urwid.Edit.__init__(self, edit_text=edit_text, **kwargs) def keypress(self, size, key): # if we tabcomplete if key in ['tab', 'shift tab'] and self.completer: # if not already in completion mode if not self.completions: self.completions = [(self.edit_text, self.edit_pos)] + \ self.completer.complete(self.edit_text, self.edit_pos) self.focus_in_clist = 1 else: # otherwise tab through results if key == 'tab': self.focus_in_clist += 1 else: self.focus_in_clist -= 1 if len(self.completions) > 1: ctext, cpos = self.completions[self.focus_in_clist % len(self.completions)] self.set_edit_text(ctext) self.set_edit_pos(cpos) else: self.edit_pos += 1 if self.edit_pos >= len(self.edit_text): self.edit_text += ' ' self.completions = None elif key in ['up', 'down']: if self.history: if self.historypos == None: self.history.append(self.edit_text) self.historypos = len(self.history) - 1 if key == 'cursor up': self.historypos = (self.historypos + 1) % len(self.history) else: self.historypos = (self.historypos - 1) % len(self.history) self.set_edit_text(self.history[self.historypos]) elif key == 'select': self.on_exit(self.edit_text) elif key == 'cancel': self.on_exit(None) else: result = urwid.Edit.keypress(self, size, key) self.completions = None return result class MessageWidget(urwid.WidgetWrap): """ Flow widget that renders a :class:`~alot.message.Message`. Respected settings: * `general.displayed_headers` """ #TODO: atm this is heavily bent to work nicely with ThreadBuffer to display #a tree structure. A better way would be to keep this widget simple #(subclass urwid.Pile) and use urwids new Tree widgets def __init__(self, message, even=False, folded=True, raw=False, all_headers=False, depth=0, bars_at=[]): """ :param message: the message to display :type message: alot.db.Message :param even: use messagesummary_even theme for summary :type even: bool :param folded: fold message initially :type folded: bool :param raw: show message source initially :type raw: bool :param all_headers: show all headers initially :type all_headers: bool :param depth: number of characters to shift content to the right :type depth: int :param bars_at: defines for each column of the indentation whether to use a vertical bar instead of a space. :type bars_at: list(bool) """ self.message = message self.mail = self.message.get_email() self.depth = depth self.bars_at = bars_at self.even = even self.folded = folded self.show_raw = raw self.show_all_headers = all_headers # define subwidgets that will be created on demand self.sumline = None self.headerw = None self.attachmentw = None self.bodyw = None self.sourcew = None # set available and to be displayed headers self._all_headers = self.mail.keys() displayed = settings.get('displayed_headers') self._filtered_headers = [k for k in displayed if k in self.mail] self._displayed_headers = None self.rebuild() # this will build self.pile urwid.WidgetWrap.__init__(self, self.pile) def get_focus(self): return self.pile.get_focus() def rebuild(self): self.sumline = self._build_sum_line() if not self.folded: # only if already unfolded self.displayed_list = [self.sumline] if self.show_raw: srcw = self._get_source_widget() self.displayed_list.append(srcw) else: hw = self._get_header_widget() aw = self._get_attachment_widget() bw = self._get_body_widget() if hw: self.displayed_list.append(hw) if aw: self.displayed_list.append(aw) self.displayed_list.append(bw) else: self.displayed_list = [self.sumline] self.pile = urwid.Pile(self.displayed_list) self._w = self.pile def _build_sum_line(self): """creates/returns the widget that displays the summary line.""" self.sumw = MessageSummaryWidget(self.message, even=self.even) cols = [] bc = list() # box_columns if self.depth > 1: bc.append(0) cols.append(self._get_spacer(self.bars_at[1:-1])) if self.depth > 0: if self.bars_at[-1]: arrowhead = u'\u251c\u25b6' else: arrowhead = u'\u2514\u25b6' cols.append(('fixed', 2, urwid.Text(arrowhead))) cols.append(self.sumw) line = urwid.Columns(cols, box_columns=bc) return line def _get_header_widget(self): """creates/returns the widget that displays the mail header""" all_shown = (self._all_headers == self._displayed_headers) if self.headerw and (self.show_all_headers == all_shown): return self.headerw if self.show_all_headers: self._displayed_headers = self._all_headers else: self._displayed_headers = self._filtered_headers mail = self.message.get_email() # normalize values if only filtered list is shown norm = not (self._displayed_headers == self._all_headers) lowercase_keys = [k.lower() for k in self._displayed_headers] #build lines lines = [] for k, v in mail.items(): if k.lower() in lowercase_keys: lines.append((k, message.decode_header(v, normalize=norm))) cols = [HeadersList(lines)] bc = list() if self.depth: cols.insert(0, self._get_spacer(self.bars_at[1:])) bc.append(0) cols.insert(1, self._get_arrowhead_aligner()) bc.append(1) self.headerw = urwid.Columns(cols, box_columns=bc) return self.headerw def _get_attachment_widget(self): if self.message.get_attachments() and not self.attachmentw: lines = [] for a in self.message.get_attachments(): cols = [AttachmentWidget(a)] bc = list() if self.depth: cols.insert(0, self._get_spacer(self.bars_at[1:])) bc.append(0) cols.insert(1, self._get_arrowhead_aligner()) bc.append(1) lines.append(urwid.Columns(cols, box_columns=bc)) self.attachmentw = urwid.Pile(lines) return self.attachmentw def _get_body_widget(self): """creates/returns the widget that displays the mail body""" if not self.bodyw: cols = [MessageBodyWidget(self.message.get_email())] bc = list() if self.depth: cols.insert(0, self._get_spacer(self.bars_at[1:])) bc.append(0) cols.insert(1, self._get_arrowhead_aligner()) bc.append(1) self.bodyw = urwid.Columns(cols, box_columns=bc) return self.bodyw def _get_source_widget(self): """creates/returns the widget that displays the mail body""" if not self.sourcew: cols = [urwid.Text(self.message.get_email().as_string())] bc = list() if self.depth: cols.insert(0, self._get_spacer(self.bars_at[1:])) bc.append(0) cols.insert(1, self._get_arrowhead_aligner()) bc.append(1) self.sourcew = urwid.Columns(cols, box_columns=bc) return self.sourcew def _get_spacer(self, bars_at): prefixchars = [] length = len(bars_at) for b in bars_at: if b: c = u'\u2502' else: c = ' ' prefixchars.append(('fixed', 1, urwid.SolidFill(c))) spacer = urwid.Columns(prefixchars, box_columns=range(length)) return ('fixed', length, spacer) def _get_arrowhead_aligner(self): if self.message.has_replies(): aligner = u'\u2502' else: aligner = ' ' return ('fixed', 1, urwid.SolidFill(aligner)) def selectable(self): return True def keypress(self, size, key): return self.pile.keypress(size, key) def get_message(self): """get contained :class`~alot.message.Message`""" return self.message def get_email(self): """get contained :class:`email `""" return self.message.get_email() class MessageSummaryWidget(urwid.WidgetWrap): """ one line summary of a :class:`~alot.message.Message`. Theme settings: * `thread_summary_even` * `thread_summary_odd` * `thread_summary_focus` """ def __init__(self, message, even=True): """ :param message: a message :type message: alot.db.Message :param even: even entry in a pile of messages? Used for theming. :type even: bool """ self.message = message self.even = even if even: attr = settings.get_theming_attribute('thread', 'summary_even') else: attr = settings.get_theming_attribute('thread', 'summary_odd') cols = [] sumstr = self.__str__() txt = urwid.Text(sumstr) cols.append(txt) thread_tags = message.get_thread().get_tags(intersection=True) outstanding_tags = set(message.get_tags()).difference(thread_tags) tag_widgets = [TagWidget(t) for t in outstanding_tags] tag_widgets.sort(tag_cmp, lambda tag_widget: tag_widget.translated) for tag_widget in tag_widgets: cols.append(('fixed', tag_widget.width(), tag_widget)) focus_att = settings.get_theming_attribute('thread', 'summary_focus') line = urwid.AttrMap(urwid.Columns(cols, dividechars=1), attr, focus_att) urwid.WidgetWrap.__init__(self, line) def __str__(self): author, address = self.message.get_author() date = self.message.get_datestring() rep = author if author != '' else address if date != None: rep += " (%s)" % date return rep def selectable(self): return True def keypress(self, size, key): return key class HeadersList(urwid.WidgetWrap): """ renders a pile of header values as key/value list Theme settings: * `thread_header` * `thread_header_key` * `thread_header_value` """ def __init__(self, headerslist): self.headers = headerslist pile = urwid.Pile(self._build_lines(headerslist)) att = settings.get_theming_attribute('thread', 'header') pile = urwid.AttrMap(pile, att) urwid.WidgetWrap.__init__(self, pile) def __str__(self): return str(self.headers) def _build_lines(self, lines): max_key_len = 1 headerlines = [] key_att = settings.get_theming_attribute('thread', 'header_key') value_att = settings.get_theming_attribute('thread', 'header_value') #calc max length of key-string for key, value in lines: if len(key) > max_key_len: max_key_len = len(key) for key, value in lines: ##todo : even/odd keyw = ('fixed', max_key_len + 1, urwid.Text((key_att, key))) valuew = urwid.Text((value_att, value)) line = urwid.Columns([keyw, valuew]) headerlines.append(line) return headerlines class MessageBodyWidget(urwid.AttrMap): """ displays printable parts of an email Theme settings: * `thread_body` """ def __init__(self, msg): bodytxt = message.extract_body(msg) att = settings.get_theming_attribute('thread', 'body') urwid.AttrMap.__init__(self, urwid.Text(bodytxt), att) class AttachmentWidget(urwid.WidgetWrap): """ one-line summary of an :class:`~alot.message.Attachment`. Theme settings: * `thread_attachment` * `thread_attachment_focus` """ def __init__(self, attachment, selectable=True): self._selectable = selectable self.attachment = attachment if not isinstance(attachment, message.Attachment): self.attachment = message.Attachment(self.attachment) att = settings.get_theming_attribute('thread', 'attachment') focus_att = settings.get_theming_attribute('thread', 'attachment_focus') widget = urwid.AttrMap(urwid.Text(self.attachment.__str__()), att, focus_att) urwid.WidgetWrap.__init__(self, widget) def get_attachment(self): return self.attachment def selectable(self): return self._selectable def keypress(self, size, key): return key