# Copyright (C) 2011-2012 Patrick Totzke # This file is released under the GNU GPL, version 3 or a later revision. # For further details see the COPYING file import urwid import logging from twisted.internet import reactor, defer from settings import settings from buffers import BufferlistBuffer from commands import commandfactory from alot.commands import CommandParseError from alot.commands.globals import CommandSequenceCommand from alot.helper import string_decode from alot.helper import split_commandline from alot.widgets.globals import CompleteEdit from alot.widgets.globals import ChoiceWidget class UI(object): """ This class integrates all components of alot and offers methods for user interaction like :meth:`prompt`, :meth:`notify` etc. It handles the urwid widget tree and mainloop (we use twisted) and is responsible for opening, closing and focussing buffers. """ buffers = [] """list of active buffers""" current_buffer = None """points to currently active :class:`~alot.buffers.Buffer`""" dbman = None """Database Manager (:class:`~alot.db.manager.DBManager`)""" db_was_locked = False """flag used to prevent multiple 'index locked' notifications""" mode = 'global' """interface mode identifier - type of current buffer""" commandprompthistory = [] """history of the command line prompt""" input_queue = [] """stores partial keyboard input""" def __init__(self, dbman, initialcmd): """ :param dbman: :class:`~alot.db.DBManager` :param initialcmd: commandline applied after setting up interface :type initialcmd: str :param colourmode: determines which theme to chose :type colourmode: int in [1,16,256] """ # store database manager self.dbman = dbman # define empty notification pile self._notificationbar = None # should we show a status bar? self._show_statusbar = settings.get('show_statusbar') # pass keypresses to the root widget and never interpret bindings self._passall = False # indicates "input lock": only focus move commands are interpreted self._locked = False self._unlock_callback = None # will be called after input lock ended self._unlock_key = None # key that ends input lock # alarm handle for callback that clears input queue (to cancel alarm) self._alarm = None # create root widget global_att = settings.get_theming_attribute('global', 'body') mainframe = urwid.Frame(urwid.SolidFill()) self.root_widget = urwid.AttrMap(mainframe, global_att) # set up main loop self.mainloop = urwid.MainLoop(self.root_widget, handle_mouse=False, event_loop=urwid.TwistedEventLoop(), unhandled_input=self._unhandeled_input, input_filter=self._input_filter) # set up colours colourmode = int(settings.get('colourmode')) logging.info('setup gui in %d colours' % colourmode) self.mainloop.screen.set_terminal_properties(colors=colourmode) logging.debug('fire first command') self.apply_command(initialcmd) # start urwids mainloop self.mainloop.run() def _input_filter(self, keys, raw): """ handles keypresses. This function gets triggered directly by class:`urwid.MainLoop` upon user input and is supposed to pass on its `keys` parameter to let the root widget handle keys. We intercept the input here to trigger custom commands as defined in our keybindings. """ logging.debug("Got key (%s, %s)" % (keys, raw)) # work around: escape triggers this twice, with keys = raw = [] # the first time.. if not keys: return # let widgets handle input if key is virtual window resize keypress # or we are in "passall" mode elif 'window resize' in keys or self._passall: return keys # end "lockdown" mode if the right key was pressed elif self._locked and keys[0] == self._unlock_key: self._locked = False self.mainloop.widget = self.root_widget if callable(self._unlock_callback): self._unlock_callback() # otherwise interpret keybinding else: # define callback that resets input queue def clear(*args): if self._alarm is not None: self.mainloop.remove_alarm(self._alarm) self.input_queue = [] self.update() key = keys[0] self.input_queue.append(key) keyseq = ' '.join(self.input_queue) candidates = settings.get_mapped_input_keysequences(self.mode, prefix=keyseq) if keyseq in candidates: # case: current input queue is a mapped keysequence # get binding and interpret it if non-null cmdline = settings.get_keybinding(self.mode, keyseq) if cmdline: clear() logging.debug("cmdline: '%s'" % cmdline) # move keys are always passed if cmdline.startswith('move ') or not self._locked: try: self.apply_commandline(cmdline) except CommandParseError, e: self.notify(e.message, priority='error') elif not candidates: # case: no sequence with prefix keyseq is mapped # just clear the input queue clear() else: # case: some sequences with proper prefix keyseq is mapped timeout = float(settings.get('input_timeout')) if self._alarm is not None: self.mainloop.remove_alarm(self._alarm) self._alarm = self.mainloop.set_alarm_in(timeout, clear) # update statusbar self.update() def apply_commandline(self, cmdline): """ Interprets a command line string and applies the resulting (sequence of) :class:`Commands `. :param cmdline: command line to interpret :type cmdline: str """ # split commandline if necessary cmd = None cmdlist = split_commandline(cmdline) if len(cmdlist) == 1: try: # translate cmdstring into :class:`Command` cmd = commandfactory(cmdlist[0], self.mode) except CommandParseError, e: self.notify(e.message, priority='error') return else: cmd = CommandSequenceCommand(cmdlist) self.apply_command(cmd) def _unhandeled_input(self, key): """ Called by :class:`urwid.MainLoop` if a keypress was passed to the root widget by `self._input_filter` but is not handled in any widget. We keep it for debuging purposes. """ logging.debug('unhandled input: %s' % key) def show_as_root_until_keypress(self, w, key, afterwards=None): """ Replaces root widget by given :class:`urwid.Widget` and makes the UI ignore all further commands apart from cursor movement. If later on `key` is pressed, the old root widget is reset, callable `afterwards` is called and normal behaviour is resumed. """ self.mainloop.widget = w self._unlock_key = key self._unlock_callback = afterwards self._locked = True def prompt(self, prefix, text=u'', completer=None, tab=0, history=[]): """ prompt for text input. This returns a :class:`~twisted.defer.Deferred` that calls back with the input string. :param prefix: text to print before the input field :type prefix: str :param text: initial content of the input field :type text: str :param completer: completion object to use :type completer: :meth:`alot.completion.Completer` :param tab: number of tabs to press initially (to select completion results) :type tab: int :param history: history to be used for up/down keys :type history: list of str :rtype: :class:`twisted.defer.Deferred` """ d = defer.Deferred() # create return deferred oldroot = self.mainloop.widget def select_or_cancel(text): # restore main screen and invoke callback # (delayed return) with given text self.mainloop.widget = oldroot self._passall = False d.callback(text) prefix = prefix + settings.get('prompt_suffix') #set up widgets leftpart = urwid.Text(prefix, align='left') editpart = CompleteEdit(completer, on_exit=select_or_cancel, edit_text=text, history=history) for i in range(tab): # hit some tabs editpart.keypress((0,), 'tab') # build promptwidget both = urwid.Columns( [ ('fixed', len(prefix), leftpart), ('weight', 1, editpart), ]) att = settings.get_theming_attribute('global', 'prompt') both = urwid.AttrMap(both, att) # put promptwidget as overlay on main widget overlay = urwid.Overlay(both, oldroot, ('fixed left', 0), ('fixed right', 0), ('fixed bottom', 1), None) self.mainloop.widget = overlay self._passall = True return d # return deferred def exit(self): """ shuts down user interface without cleaning up. Use a :class:`alot.commands.globals.ExitCommand` for a clean shutdown. """ exit_msg = None try: reactor.stop() except Exception as e: exit_msg = 'Could not stop reactor: {}.'.format(e) logging.error(exit_msg + '\nShutting down anyway..') def buffer_open(self, buf): """register and focus new :class:`~alot.buffers.Buffer`.""" # call pre_buffer_open hook prehook = settings.get_hook('pre_buffer_open') if prehook is not None: prehook(ui=self, dbm=self.dbman, buf=buf) if self.current_buffer is not None: offset = settings.get('bufferclose_focus_offset') * -1 currentindex = self.buffers.index(self.current_buffer) self.buffers.insert(currentindex + offset, buf) else: self.buffers.append(buf) self.buffer_focus(buf) # call post_buffer_open hook posthook = settings.get_hook('post_buffer_open') if posthook is not None: posthook(ui=self, dbm=self.dbman) def buffer_close(self, buf): """ closes given :class:`~alot.buffers.Buffer`. This it removes it from the bufferlist and calls its cleanup() method. """ # call pre_buffer_close hook prehook = settings.get_hook('pre_buffer_close') if prehook is not None: prehook(ui=self, dbm=self.dbman, buf=buf) buffers = self.buffers success = False if buf not in buffers: string = 'tried to close unknown buffer: %s. \n\ni have:%s' logging.error(string % (buf, self.buffers)) elif self.current_buffer == buf: logging.info('closing current buffer %s' % buf) index = buffers.index(buf) buffers.remove(buf) offset = settings.get('bufferclose_focus_offset') nextbuffer = buffers[(index + offset) % len(buffers)] self.buffer_focus(nextbuffer, redraw) buf.cleanup() success = True else: string = 'closing buffer %d:%s' success = True # call post_buffer_closed hook posthook = settings.get_hook('post_buffer_closed') if posthook is not None: posthook(ui=self, dbm=self.dbman, buf=buf, success=success) def buffer_focus(self, buf, redraw=True): """focus given :class:`~alot.buffers.Buffer`.""" # call pre_buffer_focus hook prehook = settings.get_hook('pre_buffer_focus') if prehook is not None: prehook(ui=self, dbm=self.dbman, buf=buf) success = False if buf not in self.buffers: logging.error('tried to focus unknown buffer') else: if self.current_buffer != buf: self.current_buffer = buf self.mode = buf.modename if isinstance(self.current_buffer, BufferlistBuffer): self.current_buffer.rebuild() self.update() success = True # call post_buffer_focus hook posthook = settings.get_hook('post_buffer_focus') if posthook is not None: posthook(ui=self, dbm=self.dbman, buf=buf, success=success) def get_deep_focus(self, startfrom=None): """return the bottom most focussed widget of the widget tree""" if not startfrom: startfrom = self.current_buffer if 'get_focus' in dir(startfrom): focus = startfrom.get_focus() if isinstance(focus, tuple): focus = focus[0] if isinstance(focus, urwid.Widget): return self.get_deep_focus(startfrom=focus) return startfrom def get_buffers_of_type(self, t): """ returns currently open buffers for a given subclass of :class:`~alot.buffers.Buffer`. :param t: Buffer class :type t: alot.buffers.Buffer :rtype: list """ return filter(lambda x: isinstance(x, t), self.buffers) def clear_notify(self, messages): """ Clears notification popups. Call this to ged rid of messages that don't time out. :param messages: The popups to remove. This should be exactly what :meth:`notify` returned when creating the popup """ newpile = self._notificationbar.widget_list for l in messages: if l in newpile: newpile.remove(l) if newpile: self._notificationbar = urwid.Pile(newpile) else: self._notificationbar = None self.update() def choice(self, message, choices={'y': 'yes', 'n': 'no'}, select=None, cancel=None, msg_position='above'): """ prompt user to make a choice. :param message: string to display before list of choices :type message: unicode :param choices: dict of possible choices :type choices: dict: keymap->choice (both str) :param select: choice to return if enter/return is hit. Ignored if set to `None`. :type select: str :param cancel: choice to return if escape is hit. Ignored if set to `None`. :type cancel: str :param msg_position: determines if `message` is above or left of the prompt. Must be `above` or `left`. :type msg_position: str :rtype: :class:`twisted.defer.Deferred` """ assert select in choices.values() + [None] assert cancel in choices.values() + [None] assert msg_position in ['left', 'above'] d = defer.Deferred() # create return deferred oldroot = self.mainloop.widget def select_or_cancel(text): self.mainloop.widget = oldroot self._passall = False d.callback(text) #set up widgets msgpart = urwid.Text(message) choicespart = ChoiceWidget(choices, callback=select_or_cancel, select=select, cancel=cancel) # build widget if msg_position == 'left': both = urwid.Columns( [ ('fixed', len(message), msgpart), ('weight', 1, choicespart), ], dividechars=1) else: # above both = urwid.Pile([msgpart, choicespart]) att = settings.get_theming_attribute('global', 'prompt') both = urwid.AttrMap(both, att, att) # put promptwidget as overlay on main widget overlay = urwid.Overlay(both, oldroot, ('fixed left', 0), ('fixed right', 0), ('fixed bottom', 1), None) self.mainloop.widget = overlay self._passall = True return d # return deferred def notify(self, message, priority='normal', timeout=0, block=False): """ opens notification popup. :param message: message to print :type message: str :param priority: priority string, used to format the popup: currently, 'normal' and 'error' are defined. If you use 'X' here, the attribute 'global_notify_X' is used to format the popup. :type priority: str :param timeout: seconds until message disappears. Defaults to the value of 'notify_timeout' in the general config section. A negative value means never time out. :type timeout: int :param block: this notification blocks until a keypress is made :type block: bool :returns: an urwid widget (this notification) that can be handed to :meth:`clear_notify` for removal """ def build_line(msg, prio): cols = urwid.Columns([urwid.Text(msg)]) att = settings.get_theming_attribute('global', 'notify_' + prio) return urwid.AttrMap(cols, att) msgs = [build_line(message, priority)] if not self._notificationbar: self._notificationbar = urwid.Pile(msgs) else: newpile = self._notificationbar.widget_list + msgs self._notificationbar = urwid.Pile(newpile) self.update() def clear(*args): self.clear_notify(msgs) if block: # put "cancel to continue" widget as overlay on main widget txt = build_line('(escape continues)', priority) overlay = urwid.Overlay(txt, self.root_widget, ('fixed left', 0), ('fixed right', 0), ('fixed bottom', 0), None) self.show_as_root_until_keypress(overlay, 'esc', afterwards=clear) else: if timeout >= 0: if timeout == 0: timeout = settings.get('notify_timeout') self.mainloop.set_alarm_in(timeout, clear) return msgs[0] def update(self, redraw=True): """redraw interface""" # get the main urwid.Frame widget mainframe = self.root_widget.original_widget # body if self.current_buffer: mainframe.set_body(self.current_buffer) # footer lines = [] if self._notificationbar: # .get_text()[0] != ' ': lines.append(self._notificationbar) if self._show_statusbar: lines.append(self.build_statusbar()) if lines: mainframe.set_footer(urwid.Pile(lines)) else: mainframe.set_footer(None) # force a screen redraw if self.mainloop.screen.started and redraw: self.mainloop.draw_screen() def build_statusbar(self): """construct and return statusbar widget""" info = {} cb = self.current_buffer btype = None if cb is not None: info = cb.get_info() btype = cb.modename info['buffer_no'] = self.buffers.index(cb) info['buffer_type'] = btype info['total_messages'] = self.dbman.count_messages('*') info['pending_writes'] = len(self.dbman.writequeue) info['input_queue'] = ' '.join(self.input_queue) lefttxt = righttxt = u'' if cb is not None: lefttxt, righttxt = settings.get(btype + '_statusbar', (u'', u'')) lefttxt = string_decode(lefttxt, 'UTF-8') lefttxt = lefttxt.format(**info) righttxt = string_decode(righttxt, 'UTF-8') righttxt = righttxt.format(**info) footerleft = urwid.Text(lefttxt, align='left') pending_writes = len(self.dbman.writequeue) if pending_writes > 0: righttxt = ('|' * pending_writes) + ' ' + righttxt footerright = urwid.Text(righttxt, align='right') columns = urwid.Columns([ footerleft, ('fixed', len(righttxt), footerright)]) footer_att = settings.get_theming_attribute('global', 'footer') return urwid.AttrMap(columns, footer_att) def apply_command(self, cmd): """ applies a command This calls the pre and post hooks attached to the command, as well as :meth:`cmd.apply`. :param cmd: an applicable command :type cmd: :class:`~alot.commands.Command` """ if cmd: # call pre- hook if cmd.prehook: logging.info('calling pre-hook') try: cmd.prehook(ui=self, dbm=self.dbman) except: logging.exception('prehook failed') return False # define (callback) function that invokes post-hook def call_posthook(retval_from_apply): if cmd.posthook: logging.info('calling post-hook') try: cmd.posthook(ui=self, dbm=self.dbman) except: logging.exception('posthook failed') # define error handler for Failures/Exceptions # raised in cmd.apply() def errorHandler(failure): logging.error(failure.getTraceback()) msg = "Error: %s,\n(check the log for details)" self.notify(msg % failure.getErrorMessage(), priority='error') # call cmd.apply logging.info('apply command: %s' % cmd) d = defer.maybeDeferred(cmd.apply, self) d.addErrback(errorHandler) d.addCallback(call_posthook) return d