""" This file is part of alot. Alot is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Notmuch is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with notmuch. If not, see . Copyright (C) 2011 Patrick Totzke """ import urwid from twisted.internet import reactor, defer from settings import config from buffer import BufferlistBuffer import commands from commands import commandfactory from commands import interpret_commandline import widgets from completion import CommandLineCompleter class InputWrap(urwid.WidgetWrap): def __init__(self, ui, rootwidget): urwid.WidgetWrap.__init__(self, rootwidget) self.ui = ui self.rootwidget = rootwidget self.select_cancel_only = False def set_root(self, w): self._w = w def get_root(self): return self._w def allowed_command(self, cmd): if not self.select_cancel_only: return True elif isinstance(cmd, command.SendKeypressCommand): if cmd.key in ['select', 'cancel']: return True else: return False def keypress(self, size, key): self.ui.logger.debug('got key: \'%s\'' % key) mode = self.ui.mode if self.select_cancel_only: mode = 'global' cmdline = config.get_mapping(mode, key) if cmdline: cmd = interpret_commandline(cmdline, mode) if self.allowed_command(cmd): self.ui.apply_command(cmd) return None self.ui.logger.debug('relaying key: %s' % key) return self._w.keypress(size, key) class UI(object): buffers = [] current_buffer = None def __init__(self, dbman, log, accountman, initialcmd, colourmode): self.dbman = dbman self.dbman.ui = self # register ui with dbman self.logger = log self.accountman = accountman if not colourmode: colourmode = config.getint('general', 'colourmode') self.logger.info('setup gui in %d colours' % colourmode) self.mainframe = urwid.Frame(urwid.SolidFill()) self.inputwrap = InputWrap(self, self.mainframe) self.mainloop = urwid.MainLoop(self.inputwrap, config.get_palette(), handle_mouse=False, event_loop=urwid.TwistedEventLoop(), unhandled_input=self.unhandeled_input) self.mainloop.screen.set_terminal_properties(colors=colourmode) self.show_statusbar = config.getboolean('general', 'show_statusbar') self.notificationbar = None self.mode = 'global' self.commandprompthistory = [] self.logger.debug('fire first command') self.apply_command(initialcmd) self.mainloop.run() def unhandeled_input(self, key): self.logger.debug('unhandeled input: %s' % key) def keypress(self, key): self.inputwrap.keypress((150, 20), key) def show_as_root_until_keypress(self, w, key): def oe(): self.inputwrap.set_root(self.mainframe) helpwrap = widgets.CatchKeyWidgetWrap(w, key, on_catch=oe) self.inputwrap.set_root(helpwrap) def prompt(self, prefix='>', text=u'', completer=None, tab=0, history=[]): """prompt for text input :param prefix: text to print before the input field :type prefix: str :param text: initial content of the input field :type text: str :param completer: completion object to use :type completer: `alot.completion.Completer` :param tab: number of tabs to press initially (to select completion results) :type tab: int :param history: history to be used for up/down keys :type history: list of str :returns: a `twisted.defer.Deferred` """ d = defer.Deferred() # create return deferred oldroot = self.inputwrap.get_root() def select_or_cancel(text): # restore main screen self.inputwrap.set_root(oldroot) self.inputwrap.select_cancel_only = False d.callback(text) #set up widgets leftpart = urwid.Text(prefix, align='left') editpart = widgets.CompleteEdit(completer, on_exit=select_or_cancel, edit_text=text, history=history) for i in range(tab): # hit some tabs editpart.keypress((0,), 'tab') # build promptwidget both = urwid.Columns( [ ('fixed', len(prefix), leftpart), ('weight', 1, editpart), ]) urwid.AttrMap(both, 'prompt', 'prompt') # put promptwidget as overlay on main widget overlay = urwid.Overlay(both, oldroot, ('fixed left', 0), ('fixed right', 0), ('fixed bottom', 1), None) self.inputwrap.set_root(overlay) self.inputwrap.select_cancel_only = True return d # return deferred def exit(self): reactor.stop() raise urwid.ExitMainLoop() @defer.inlineCallbacks def commandprompt(self, startstring): """prompt for a commandline and interpret/apply it upon enter :param startstring: initial text in edit part :type startstring: str """ self.logger.info('open command shell') mode = self.current_buffer.typename cmdline = yield self.prompt(prefix=':', text=startstring, completer=CommandLineCompleter(self.dbman, self.accountman, mode), history=self.commandprompthistory, ) self.logger.debug('CMDLINE: %s' % cmdline) self.interpret_commandline(cmdline) def interpret_commandline(self, cmdline): """interpret and apply a commandstring :param cmdline: command string to apply :type cmdline: str """ if cmdline: mode = self.current_buffer.typename self.commandprompthistory.append(cmdline) cmd = interpret_commandline(cmdline, mode) if cmd: self.apply_command(cmd) else: self.notify('invalid command') def buffer_open(self, b): """ register and focus new buffer """ self.buffers.append(b) self.buffer_focus(b) def buffer_close(self, buf): buffers = self.buffers if buf not in buffers: string = 'tried to close unknown buffer: %s. \n\ni have:%s' self.logger.error(string % (buf, self.buffers)) elif len(buffers) == 1: self.logger.info('closing the last buffer, exiting') cmd = commandfactory('exit') self.apply_command(cmd) else: if self.current_buffer == buf: self.logger.debug('UI: closing current buffer %s' % buf) index = buffers.index(buf) buffers.remove(buf) offset = config.getint('general', 'bufferclose_focus_offset') self.current_buffer = buffers[(index + offset) % len(buffers)] else: string = 'closing buffer %d:%s' self.logger.debug(string % (buffers.index(buf), buf)) index = buffers.index(buf) buffers.remove(buf) def buffer_focus(self, buf): """ focus given buffer. must be contained in self.buffers """ if buf not in self.buffers: self.logger.error('tried to focus unknown buffer') else: if self.current_buffer != buf: self.current_buffer = buf self.inputwrap.set_root(self.mainframe) self.mode = buf.typename if isinstance(self.current_buffer, BufferlistBuffer): self.current_buffer.rebuild() self.update() def get_deep_focus(self, startfrom=None): if not startfrom: startfrom = self.current_buffer if 'get_focus' in dir(startfrom): focus = startfrom.get_focus() if isinstance(focus, tuple): focus = focus[0] if isinstance(focus, urwid.Widget): return self.get_deep_focus(startfrom=focus) return startfrom def get_buffers_of_type(self, t): """returns currently open buffers for a given subclass of `alot.buffer.Buffer` """ return filter(lambda x: isinstance(x, t), self.buffers) def clear_notify(self, messages): """clears notification popups. Usually called in order to ged rid of messages that don't time out :param messages: The popups to remove. This should be exactly what notify() returned """ newpile = self.notificationbar.widget_list for l in messages: newpile.remove(l) if newpile: self.notificationbar = urwid.Pile(newpile) else: self.notificationbar = None self.update() def choice(self, message, choices={'y': 'yes', 'n': 'no'}, select=None, cancel=None, msg_position='above'): """prompt user to make a choice :param message: string to display before list of choices :type message: unicode :param choices: dict of possible choices :type choices: keymap->choice (both str) :param select: choice to return if enter/return is hit. Ignored if set to None. :type select: str :param cancel: choice to return if escape is hit. Ignored if set to None. :type cancel: str :returns: a `twisted.defer.Deferred` """ assert select in choices.values() + [None] assert cancel in choices.values() + [None] assert msg_position in ['left', 'above'] d = defer.Deferred() # create return deferred oldroot = self.inputwrap.get_root() def select_or_cancel(text): self.inputwrap.set_root(oldroot) self.inputwrap.select_cancel_only = False d.callback(text) #set up widgets msgpart = urwid.Text(message) choicespart = widgets.ChoiceWidget(choices, callback=select_or_cancel, select=select, cancel=cancel) # build widget if msg_position == 'left': both = urwid.Columns( [ ('fixed', len(message), msgpart), ('weight', 1, choicespart), ], dividechars=1) else: # above both = urwid.Pile([msgpart, choicespart]) urwid.AttrMap(both, 'prompt', 'prompt') # put promptwidget as overlay on main widget overlay = urwid.Overlay(both, oldroot, ('fixed left', 0), ('fixed right', 0), ('fixed bottom', 1), None) self.inputwrap.set_root(overlay) self.inputwrap.select_cancel_only = True return d # return deferred def notify(self, message, priority='normal', timeout=0, block=False): """notify popup :param message: message to print :type message: str :param priority: priority string, used to format the popup: currently, 'normal' and 'error' are defined. If you use 'X' here, the attribute 'notify_X' is used to format the popup. :type priority: str :param timeout: seconds until message disappears. Defaults to the value of 'notify_timeout' in the general config section. A negative value means never time out. :type timeout: int :param block: this notification blocks until a keypress is made :type block: boolean """ def build_line(msg, prio): cols = urwid.Columns([urwid.Text(msg)]) return urwid.AttrMap(cols, 'notify_' + prio) msgs = [build_line(message, priority)] if timeout == -1 and block: msgs.append(build_line('(hit any key to proceed)', 'normal')) if not self.notificationbar: self.notificationbar = urwid.Pile(msgs) else: newpile = self.notificationbar.widget_list + msgs self.notificationbar = urwid.Pile(newpile) self.update() def clear(*args): self.clear_notify(msgs) # TODO: replace this with temporarily wrapping self.mainframe # in a ui.show_root_until_keypress.. if block: self.mainloop.screen.get_input() clear() else: if timeout >= 0: if timeout == 0: timeout = config.getint('general', 'notify_timeout') self.mainloop.set_alarm_in(timeout, clear) return msgs[0] def update(self): """ redraw interface """ #who needs a header? #head = urwid.Text('notmuch gui') #h=urwid.AttrMap(head, 'header') #self.mainframe.set_header(h) # body if self.current_buffer: self.mainframe.set_body(self.current_buffer) else: # this happens iff update gets called during # initial command before a first buffer is displayed. # in compose, a prompt is cancelled self.exit() # footer lines = [] if self.notificationbar: # .get_text()[0] != ' ': lines.append(self.notificationbar) if self.show_statusbar: lines.append(self.build_statusbar()) if lines: self.mainframe.set_footer(urwid.Pile(lines)) else: self.mainframe.set_footer(None) def build_statusbar(self): idx = self.buffers.index(self.current_buffer) lefttxt = '%d: [%s] %s' % (idx, self.current_buffer.typename, self.current_buffer) footerleft = urwid.Text(lefttxt, align='left') righttxt = 'total messages: %d' % self.dbman.count_messages('*') pending_writes = len(self.dbman.writequeue) if pending_writes > 0: righttxt = ('|' * pending_writes) + ' ' + righttxt footerright = urwid.Text(righttxt, align='right') columns = urwid.Columns([ footerleft, ('fixed', len(righttxt), footerright)]) return urwid.AttrMap(columns, 'footer') def apply_command(self, cmd): if cmd: if cmd.prehook: self.logger.debug('calling pre-hook') try: cmd.prehook(ui=self, dbm=self.dbman, aman=self.accountman, log=self.logger, config=config) except: self.logger.exception('prehook failed') self.logger.debug('apply command: %s' % cmd) cmd.apply(self) if cmd.posthook: self.logger.debug('calling post-hook') try: cmd.posthook(ui=self, dbm=self.dbman, aman=self.accountman, log=self.logger, config=config) except: self.logger.exception('posthook failed')