import urwid from twisted.internet import reactor, defer from settings import config from buffers import BufferlistBuffer import commands from commands import commandfactory from alot.commands import CommandParseError import widgets class InputWrap(urwid.WidgetWrap): """ This is the topmost widget used in the widget tree. Its purpose is to capture and interpret keypresses by instanciating and applying the relevant `Command` objects or relaying them to the wrapped rootwidget. """ def __init__(self, ui, rootwidget): urwid.WidgetWrap.__init__(self, rootwidget) self.ui = ui self.rootwidget = rootwidget self.select_cancel_only = False def set_root(self, w): self._w = w def get_root(self): return self._w def allowed_command(self, cmd): """sanity check if the given command should be applied. this is used in self.keypress""" if not self.select_cancel_only: return True elif isinstance(cmd, commands.globals.SendKeypressCommand): if cmd.key in ['select', 'cancel']: return True else: return False def keypress(self, size, key): """overwrites `urwid.WidgetWrap.keypress`""" mode = self.ui.mode if self.select_cancel_only: mode = 'global' cmdline = config.get_mapping(mode, key) if cmdline: try: cmd = commandfactory(cmdline, mode) if self.allowed_command(cmd): self.ui.apply_command(cmd) return None except CommandParseError, e: self.ui.notify(e.message, priority='error') return self._w.keypress(size, key) class UI(object): """ This class integrates all components of alot and offers methods for user interaction like :meth:`prompt`, :meth:`notify` etc. It handles the urwid widget tree and mainloop (we use twisted) and is responsible for opening, closing and focussing buffers. """ buffers = [] """list of active buffers""" current_buffer = None """points to currently active :class:`~alot.buffers.Buffer`""" dbman = None """Database manager (:class:`~alot.db.DBManager`)""" logger = None """:class:`logging.Logger` used to write to log file""" accountman = None """account manager (:class:`~alot.account.AccountManager`)""" def __init__(self, dbman, log, accountman, initialcmd, colourmode): self.dbman = dbman self.dbman.ui = self # register ui with dbman self.logger = log self.accountman = accountman if not colourmode: colourmode = config.getint('general', 'colourmode')'setup gui in %d colours' % colourmode) self.mainframe = urwid.Frame(urwid.SolidFill()) self.inputwrap = InputWrap(self, self.mainframe) self.mainloop = urwid.MainLoop(self.inputwrap, config.get_palette(), handle_mouse=False, event_loop=urwid.TwistedEventLoop(), unhandled_input=self.unhandeled_input) self.mainloop.screen.set_terminal_properties(colors=colourmode) self.show_statusbar = config.getboolean('general', 'show_statusbar') self.notificationbar = None self.mode = 'global' self.commandprompthistory = [] self.logger.debug('fire first command') self.apply_command(initialcmd) def unhandeled_input(self, key): """called if a keypress is not handeled. just log it""" self.logger.debug('unhandeled input: %s' % key) def keypress(self, key): """relay all keypresses to our `InputWrap`""" self.inputwrap.keypress((150, 20), key) def show_as_root_until_keypress(self, w, key, relay_rest=True, afterwards=None): def oe(): self.inputwrap.set_root(self.mainframe) self.inputwrap.select_cancel_only = False if callable(afterwards): self.logger.debug('called') afterwards() self.logger.debug('relay: %s' % relay_rest) helpwrap = widgets.CatchKeyWidgetWrap(w, key, on_catch=oe, relay_rest=relay_rest) self.inputwrap.set_root(helpwrap) self.inputwrap.select_cancel_only = not relay_rest def prompt(self, prefix='>', text=u'', completer=None, tab=0, history=[]): """prompt for text input :param prefix: text to print before the input field :type prefix: str :param text: initial content of the input field :type text: str :param completer: completion object to use :type completer: `alot.completion.Completer` :param tab: number of tabs to press initially (to select completion results) :type tab: int :param history: history to be used for up/down keys :type history: list of str :returns: a `twisted.defer.Deferred` """ d = defer.Deferred() # create return deferred oldroot = self.inputwrap.get_root() def select_or_cancel(text): # restore main screen and invoke callback # (delayed return) with given text self.inputwrap.set_root(oldroot) self.inputwrap.select_cancel_only = False d.callback(text) #set up widgets leftpart = urwid.Text(prefix, align='left') editpart = widgets.CompleteEdit(completer, on_exit=select_or_cancel, edit_text=text, history=history) for i in range(tab): # hit some tabs editpart.keypress((0,), 'tab') # build promptwidget both = urwid.Columns( [ ('fixed', len(prefix), leftpart), ('weight', 1, editpart), ]) both = urwid.AttrMap(both, 'global_prompt') # put promptwidget as overlay on main widget overlay = urwid.Overlay(both, oldroot, ('fixed left', 0), ('fixed right', 0), ('fixed bottom', 1), None) self.inputwrap.set_root(overlay) self.inputwrap.select_cancel_only = True return d # return deferred def exit(self): """ shuts down user interface without cleaning up. Use a :class:`commands.globals.ExitCommand` for a clean shutdown. """ reactor.stop() raise urwid.ExitMainLoop() def buffer_open(self, buf): """register and focus new :class:`~alot.buffers.Buffer`.""" self.buffers.append(b) self.buffer_focus(b) def buffer_close(self, buf): """ closes given :class:`~alot.buffers.Buffer`. This shuts down alot in case its the last active buffer. Otherwise it removes it from the bufferlist and calls its cleanup() method. """ buffers = self.buffers if buf not in buffers: string = 'tried to close unknown buffer: %s. \n\ni have:%s' self.logger.error(string % (buf, self.buffers)) elif len(buffers) == 1:'closing the last buffer, exiting') cmd = commandfactory('exit') self.apply_command(cmd) else: if self.current_buffer == buf: self.logger.debug('UI: closing current buffer %s' % buf) index = buffers.index(buf) buffers.remove(buf) offset = config.getint('general', 'bufferclose_focus_offset') nextbuffer = buffers[(index + offset) % len(buffers)] self.buffer_focus(nextbuffer) else: string = 'closing buffer %d:%s' self.logger.debug(string % (buffers.index(buf), buf)) buffers.remove(buf) buf.cleanup() def buffer_focus(self, buf): """focus given :class:`~alot.buffers.Buffer`.""" if buf not in self.buffers: self.logger.error('tried to focus unknown buffer') else: if self.current_buffer != buf: self.current_buffer = buf self.inputwrap.set_root(self.mainframe) self.mode = buf.typename if isinstance(self.current_buffer, BufferlistBuffer): self.current_buffer.rebuild() self.update() def get_deep_focus(self, startfrom=None): """ return the bottom most focussed widget of the widget tree """ if not startfrom: startfrom = self.current_buffer if 'get_focus' in dir(startfrom): focus = startfrom.get_focus() if isinstance(focus, tuple): focus = focus[0] if isinstance(focus, urwid.Widget): return self.get_deep_focus(startfrom=focus) return startfrom def get_buffers_of_type(self, t): """returns currently open buffers for a given subclass of `alot.buffer.Buffer` """ return filter(lambda x: isinstance(x, t), self.buffers) def clear_notify(self, messages): """clears notification popups. Call this to ged rid of messages that don't time out. :param messages: The popups to remove. This should be exactly what :meth:`notify` returned when creating the popup """ newpile = self.notificationbar.widget_list for l in messages: newpile.remove(l) if newpile: self.notificationbar = urwid.Pile(newpile) else: self.notificationbar = None self.update() def choice(self, message, choices={'y': 'yes', 'n': 'no'}, select=None, cancel=None, msg_position='above'): """prompt user to make a choice :param message: string to display before list of choices :type message: unicode :param choices: dict of possible choices :type choices: keymap->choice (both str) :param select: choice to return if enter/return is hit. Ignored if set to None. :type select: str :param cancel: choice to return if escape is hit. Ignored if set to None. :type cancel: str :returns: a `twisted.defer.Deferred` """ assert select in choices.values() + [None] assert cancel in choices.values() + [None] assert msg_position in ['left', 'above'] d = defer.Deferred() # create return deferred oldroot = self.inputwrap.get_root() def select_or_cancel(text): self.inputwrap.set_root(oldroot) self.inputwrap.select_cancel_only = False d.callback(text) #set up widgets msgpart = urwid.Text(message) choicespart = widgets.ChoiceWidget(choices, callback=select_or_cancel, select=select, cancel=cancel) # build widget if msg_position == 'left': both = urwid.Columns( [ ('fixed', len(message), msgpart), ('weight', 1, choicespart), ], dividechars=1) else: # above both = urwid.Pile([msgpart, choicespart]) both = urwid.AttrMap(both, 'prompt', 'prompt') # put promptwidget as overlay on main widget overlay = urwid.Overlay(both, oldroot, ('fixed left', 0), ('fixed right', 0), ('fixed bottom', 1), None) self.inputwrap.set_root(overlay) self.inputwrap.select_cancel_only = True return d # return deferred def notify(self, message, priority='normal', timeout=0, block=False): """opens notification popup :param message: message to print :type message: str :param priority: priority string, used to format the popup: currently, 'normal' and 'error' are defined. If you use 'X' here, the attribute 'global_notify_X' is used to format the popup. :type priority: str :param timeout: seconds until message disappears. Defaults to the value of 'notify_timeout' in the general config section. A negative value means never time out. :type timeout: int :param block: this notification blocks until a keypress is made :type block: boolean :returns: an urwid widget (this notification) that can be handed to :meth:`clear_notify` for removal """ def build_line(msg, prio): cols = urwid.Columns([urwid.Text(msg)]) return urwid.AttrMap(cols, 'global_notify_' + prio) msgs = [build_line(message, priority)] if not self.notificationbar: self.notificationbar = urwid.Pile(msgs) else: newpile = self.notificationbar.widget_list + msgs self.notificationbar = urwid.Pile(newpile) self.update() def clear(*args): self.clear_notify(msgs) if block: # put "cancel to continue" widget as overlay on main widget txt = urwid.Text('(cancel continues)') overlay = urwid.Overlay(txt, self.mainframe, ('fixed left', 0), ('fixed right', 0), ('fixed bottom', 0), None) self.show_as_root_until_keypress(overlay, 'cancel', relay_rest=False, afterwards=clear) else: if timeout >= 0: if timeout == 0: timeout = config.getint('general', 'notify_timeout') self.mainloop.set_alarm_in(timeout, clear) return msgs[0] def update(self): """ redraw interface """ #who needs a header? #head = urwid.Text('notmuch gui') #h=urwid.AttrMap(head, 'header') #self.mainframe.set_header(h) # body if self.current_buffer: self.mainframe.set_body(self.current_buffer) else: # this happens iff update gets called during # initial command before a first buffer is displayed. # in compose, a prompt is cancelled self.exit() # footer lines = [] if self.notificationbar: # .get_text()[0] != ' ': lines.append(self.notificationbar) if self.show_statusbar: lines.append(self.build_statusbar()) if lines: self.mainframe.set_footer(urwid.Pile(lines)) else: self.mainframe.set_footer(None) def build_statusbar(self): idx = self.buffers.index(self.current_buffer) lefttxt = '%d: [%s] %s' % (idx, self.current_buffer.typename, self.current_buffer) footerleft = urwid.Text(lefttxt, align='left') righttxt = 'total messages: %d' % self.dbman.count_messages('*') pending_writes = len(self.dbman.writequeue) if pending_writes > 0: righttxt = ('|' * pending_writes) + ' ' + righttxt footerright = urwid.Text(righttxt, align='right') columns = urwid.Columns([ footerleft, ('fixed', len(righttxt), footerright)]) return urwid.AttrMap(columns, 'global_footer') def apply_command(self, cmd): if cmd: if cmd.prehook: self.logger.debug('calling pre-hook') try: cmd.prehook(ui=self, dbm=self.dbman, aman=self.accountman, log=self.logger, config=config) except: self.logger.exception('prehook failed') self.logger.debug('apply command: %s' % cmd) cmd.apply(self) if cmd.posthook: self.logger.debug('calling post-hook') try: cmd.posthook(ui=self, dbm=self.dbman, aman=self.accountman, log=self.logger, config=config) except: self.logger.exception('posthook failed')