# Copyright (C) 2011-2012 Patrick Totzke # This file is released under the GNU GPL, version 3 or a later revision. # For further details see the COPYING file import logging from configobj import (ConfigObj, ConfigObjError, flatten_errors, get_extra_values) from validate import Validator from urwid import AttrSpec from .errors import ConfigError def read_config(configpath=None, specpath=None, checks=None, report_extra=False): """ get a (validated) config object for given config file path. :param configpath: path to config-file or a list of lines as its content :type configpath: str or list(str) :param specpath: path to spec-file :type specpath: str :param checks: custom checks to use for validator. see `validate docs `_ :type checks: dict str->callable, :param report_extra: log if a setting is not present in the spec file :type report_extra: boolean :raises: :class:`~alot.settings.errors.ConfigError` :rtype: `configobj.ConfigObj` """ checks = checks or {} try: config = ConfigObj(infile=configpath, configspec=specpath, file_error=True, encoding='UTF8') except ConfigObjError as e: msg = 'Error when parsing `%s`:\n%s' % (configpath, e) logging.error(msg) raise ConfigError(msg) except IOError: raise ConfigError('Could not read %s and/or %s' % (configpath, specpath)) except UnboundLocalError: # this works around a bug in configobj msg = '%s is malformed. Check for sections without parents..' raise ConfigError(msg % configpath) if specpath: validator = Validator() validator.functions.update(checks) try: results = config.validate(validator, preserve_errors=True) except ConfigObjError as e: raise ConfigError(str(e)) if results is not True: error_msg = '' for (section_list, key, res) in flatten_errors(config, results): if key is not None: if res is False: msg = 'key "%s" in section "%s" is missing.' msg = msg % (key, ', '.join(section_list)) else: msg = 'key "%s" in section "%s" failed validation: %s' msg = msg % (key, ', '.join(section_list), res) else: msg = 'section "%s" is missing' % '.'.join(section_list) error_msg += msg + '\n' raise ConfigError(error_msg) extra_values = get_extra_values(config) if report_extra else None if extra_values: msg = ['Unknown values were found in `%s`. Please check for ' 'typos if a specified setting does not seem to work:' % configpath] for sections, val in extra_values: if sections: msg.append('%s: %s' % ('->'.join(sections), val)) else: msg.append(str(val)) logging.info('\n'.join(msg)) return config def resolve_att(a, fallback): """ replace '' and 'default' by fallback values """ if a is None: return fallback if a.background in ['default', '']: bg = fallback.background else: bg = a.background if a.foreground in ['default', '']: fg = fallback.foreground else: fg = a.foreground return AttrSpec(fg, bg)