# Copyright (C) 2011-2012 Patrick Totzke # This file is released under the GNU GPL, version 3 or a later revision. # For further details see the COPYING file from datetime import datetime, timedelta import email from functools import cached_property import importlib.util import itertools import logging import mailcap import os import re from configobj import ConfigObj, Section from .errors import ConfigError, NoMatchingAccount from .utils import read_config from .utils import resolve_att from .theme import Theme from ..account import SendmailAccount from ..addressbook.abook import AbookAddressBook from ..addressbook.external import ExternalAddressbook from ..helper import get_xdg_env from ..utils import configobj as checks DEFAULTSPATH = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', 'defaults') DATA_DIRS = get_xdg_env('XDG_DATA_DIRS', '/usr/local/share:/usr/share').split(':') def _pretty_datetime(d): """ translates :class:`datetime` `d` to a "sup-style" human readable string. >>> now = datetime.now() >>> now.strftime('%c') 'Sat 31 Mar 2012 14:47:26 ' >>> _pretty_datetime(now) 'just now' >>> _pretty_datetime(now - timedelta(minutes=1)) '1min ago' >>> _pretty_datetime(now - timedelta(hours=5)) '5h ago' >>> _pretty_datetime(now - timedelta(hours=12)) '02:54am' >>> _pretty_datetime(now - timedelta(days=1)) 'yest 02pm' >>> _pretty_datetime(now - timedelta(days=2)) 'Thu 02pm' >>> _pretty_datetime(now - timedelta(days=7)) 'Mar 24' >>> _pretty_datetime(now - timedelta(days=356)) 'Apr 2011' """ ampm = d.strftime('%p').lower() if len(ampm): hourfmt = '%I' + ampm hourminfmt = '%I:%M' + ampm else: hourfmt = '%Hh' hourminfmt = '%H:%M' now = datetime.now() today = now.date() if d.date() == today or d > now - timedelta(hours=6): delta = datetime.now() - d if delta.seconds < 60: string = 'just now' elif delta.seconds < 3600: string = '%dmin ago' % (delta.seconds // 60) elif delta.seconds < 6 * 3600: string = '%dh ago' % (delta.seconds // 3600) else: string = d.strftime(hourminfmt) elif d.date() == today - timedelta(1): string = d.strftime('yest ' + hourfmt) elif d.date() > today - timedelta(7): string = d.strftime('%a ' + hourfmt) elif d.year != today.year: string = d.strftime('%b %Y') else: string = d.strftime('%b %d') return string class SettingsManager: """Organizes user settings""" def __init__(self): self.hooks = None self._mailcaps = mailcap.getcaps() self._notmuchconfig = None self._theme = None self._accounts = None self._accountmap = None self._notmuchconfig = None self._config = ConfigObj() self._bindings = None def reload(self): """Reload notmuch and alot config files""" self.read_notmuch_config(self._notmuchconfig.filename) self.read_config(self._config.filename) def read_notmuch_config(self, path): """ parse notmuch's config file :param path: path to notmuch's config file :type path: str """ spec = os.path.join(DEFAULTSPATH, 'notmuch.rc.spec') self._notmuchconfig = read_config(path, spec) def _update_bindings(self, newbindings): assert isinstance(newbindings, Section) self._bindings = ConfigObj(os.path.join(DEFAULTSPATH, 'default.bindings')) self._bindings.merge(newbindings) def read_config(self, path): """ parse alot's config file :param path: path to alot's config file :type path: str """ spec = os.path.join(DEFAULTSPATH, 'alot.rc.spec') newconfig = read_config(path, spec, report_extra=True, checks={ 'mail_container': checks.mail_container, 'force_list': checks.force_list, 'align': checks.align_mode, 'attrtriple': checks.attr_triple, 'gpg_key_hint': checks.gpg_key}) self._config.merge(newconfig) self._config.walk(self._expand_config_values) hooks_path = os.path.expanduser(self._config.get('hooksfile')) if os.path.isfile(hooks_path): try: spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location('hooks', hooks_path) self.hooks = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec) spec.loader.exec_module(self.hooks) except Exception as e: self.hooks = None raise ConfigError('Error loading hooks: %s' % str(e)) from e else: logging.info('Hooks file does not exist') if 'bindings' in newconfig: self._update_bindings(newconfig['bindings']) tempdir = self._config.get('template_dir') logging.debug('template directory: `%s`' % tempdir) # themes themestring = newconfig['theme'] themes_dir = self._config.get('themes_dir') logging.debug('themes directory: `%s`' % themes_dir) # if config contains theme string use that data_dirs = [os.path.join(d, 'alot/themes') for d in DATA_DIRS] if themestring: # This is a python for/else loop # https://docs.python.org/3/reference/compound_stmts.html#for # # tl/dr; If the loop loads a theme it breaks. If it doesn't break, # then it raises a ConfigError. for dir_ in itertools.chain([themes_dir], data_dirs): theme_path = os.path.join(dir_, themestring) if not os.path.exists(os.path.expanduser(theme_path)): logging.warning('Theme `%s` does not exist.', theme_path) else: try: self._theme = Theme(theme_path) except ConfigError as e: raise ConfigError('Theme file `%s` failed ' 'validation:\n%s' % (theme_path, e)) else: break else: raise ConfigError('Could not find theme {}, see log for more ' 'information'.format(themestring)) # if still no theme is set, resort to default if self._theme is None: theme_path = os.path.join(DEFAULTSPATH, 'default.theme') self._theme = Theme(theme_path) self._accounts = self._parse_accounts(self._config) self._accountmap = self._account_table(self._accounts) @staticmethod def _expand_config_values(section, key): """ Walker function for ConfigObj.walk Applies expand_environment_and_home to all configuration values that are strings (or strings that are elements of tuples/lists) :param section: as passed by ConfigObj.walk :param key: as passed by ConfigObj.walk """ def expand_environment_and_home(value): """ Expands environment variables and the home directory (~). $FOO and ${FOO}-style environment variables are expanded, if they exist. If they do not exist, they are left unchanged. The exception are the following $XDG_* variables that are expanded to fallback values, if they are empty or not set: $XDG_CONFIG_HOME $XDG_CACHE_HOME :param value: configuration string :type value: str """ xdg_vars = {'XDG_CONFIG_HOME': '~/.config', 'XDG_CACHE_HOME': '~/.cache'} for xdg_name, fallback in xdg_vars.items(): if xdg_name in value: xdg_value = get_xdg_env(xdg_name, fallback) value = value.replace('$%s' % xdg_name, xdg_value)\ .replace('${%s}' % xdg_name, xdg_value) return os.path.expanduser(os.path.expandvars(value)) value = section[key] if isinstance(value, str): section[key] = expand_environment_and_home(value) elif isinstance(value, (list, tuple)): new = list() for item in value: if isinstance(item, str): new.append(expand_environment_and_home(item)) else: new.append(item) section[key] = new @staticmethod def _parse_accounts(config): """ read accounts information from config :param config: valit alot config :type config: `configobj.ConfigObj` :returns: list of accounts """ accounts = [] if 'accounts' in config: for acc in config['accounts'].sections: accsec = config['accounts'][acc] args = dict(config['accounts'][acc].items()) # create abook for this account abook = accsec['abook'] logging.debug('abook defined: %s', abook) if abook['type'] == 'shellcommand': cmd = abook['command'] regexp = abook['regexp'] if cmd is not None and regexp is not None: ef = abook['shellcommand_external_filtering'] args['abook'] = ExternalAddressbook( cmd, regexp, external_filtering=ef) else: msg = 'underspecified abook of type \'shellcommand\':' msg += '\ncommand: %s\nregexp:%s' % (cmd, regexp) raise ConfigError(msg) elif abook['type'] == 'abook': contacts_path = abook['abook_contacts_file'] args['abook'] = AbookAddressBook( contacts_path, ignorecase=abook['ignorecase']) else: del args['abook'] cmd = args['sendmail_command'] del args['sendmail_command'] newacc = SendmailAccount(cmd, **args) accounts.append(newacc) return accounts @staticmethod def _account_table(accounts): """ creates a lookup table (emailaddress -> account) for a given list of accounts :param accounts: list of accounts :type accounts: list of `alot.account.Account` :returns: hashtable :rvalue: dict (str -> `alot.account.Account`) """ accountmap = {} for acc in accounts: accountmap[acc.address] = acc for alias in acc.aliases: accountmap[alias] = acc return accountmap def get(self, key, fallback=None): """ look up global config values from alot's config :param key: key to look up :type key: str :param fallback: fallback returned if key is not present :type fallback: str :returns: config value with type as specified in the spec-file """ value = None if key in self._config: value = self._config[key] if isinstance(value, Section): value = None if value is None: value = fallback return value def set(self, key, value): """ setter for global config values :param key: config option identifies :type key: str :param value: option to set :type value: depends on the specfile :file:`alot.rc.spec` """ self._config[key] = value def get_notmuch_setting(self, section, key, fallback=None): """ look up config values from notmuch's config :param section: key is in :type section: str :param key: key to look up :type key: str :param fallback: fallback returned if key is not present :type fallback: str :returns: config value with type as specified in the spec-file """ value = None if section in self._notmuchconfig: if key in self._notmuchconfig[section]: value = self._notmuchconfig[section][key] if value is None: value = fallback return value def get_theming_attribute(self, mode, name, part=None): """ looks up theming attribute :param mode: ui-mode (e.g. `search`,`thread`...) :type mode: str :param name: identifier of the atttribute :type name: str :rtype: urwid.AttrSpec """ colours = int(self._config.get('colourmode')) return self._theme.get_attribute(colours, mode, name, part) def get_threadline_theming(self, thread): """ looks up theming info a threadline displaying a given thread. This wraps around :meth:`~alot.settings.theme.Theme.get_threadline_theming`, filling in the current colour mode. :param thread: thread to theme :type thread: alot.db.thread.Thread """ colours = int(self._config.get('colourmode')) return self._theme.get_threadline_theming(thread, colours) def get_quote_theming(self): colours = int(self._config.get('colourmode')) return self._theme.get_quote_theming(colours) def get_tagstring_representation(self, tag, onebelow_normal=None, onebelow_focus=None): """ looks up user's preferred way to represent a given tagstring. :param tag: tagstring :type tag: str :param onebelow_normal: attribute that shines through if unfocussed :type onebelow_normal: urwid.AttrSpec :param onebelow_focus: attribute that shines through if focussed :type onebelow_focus: urwid.AttrSpec If `onebelow_normal` or `onebelow_focus` is given these attributes will be used as fallbacks for fg/bg values '' and 'default'. This returns a dictionary mapping :normal: to :class:`urwid.AttrSpec` used if unfocussed :focussed: to :class:`urwid.AttrSpec` used if focussed :translated: to an alternative string representation """ colourmode = int(self._config.get('colourmode')) theme = self._theme cfg = self._config colours = [1, 16, 256] def colourpick(triple): """ pick attribute from triple (mono,16c,256c) according to current colourmode""" if triple is None: return None return triple[colours.index(colourmode)] # global default attributes for tagstrings. # These could contain values '' and 'default' which we interpret as # "use the values from the widget below" default_normal = theme.get_attribute(colourmode, 'global', 'tag') default_focus = theme.get_attribute(colourmode, 'global', 'tag_focus') # local defaults for tagstring attributes. depend on next lower widget fallback_normal = resolve_att(onebelow_normal, default_normal) fallback_focus = resolve_att(onebelow_focus, default_focus) for sec in cfg['tags'].sections: if re.match('^{}$'.format(sec), tag): normal = resolve_att(colourpick(cfg['tags'][sec]['normal']), fallback_normal) focus = resolve_att(colourpick(cfg['tags'][sec]['focus']), fallback_focus) translated = cfg['tags'][sec]['translated'] if translated is None: translated = tag translation = cfg['tags'][sec]['translation'] if translation: translated = re.sub(translation[0], translation[1], tag) break else: normal = fallback_normal focus = fallback_focus translated = tag return {'normal': normal, 'focussed': focus, 'translated': translated} def get_hook(self, key): """return hook (`callable`) identified by `key`""" if self.hooks: return getattr(self.hooks, key, None) return None def get_mapped_input_keysequences(self, mode='global', prefix=''): # get all bindings in this mode globalmaps, modemaps = self.get_keybindings(mode) candidates = list(globalmaps.keys()) + list(modemaps.keys()) if prefix is not None: prefixes = prefix + ' ' cand = [c for c in candidates if c.startswith(prefixes)] if prefix in candidates: candidates = cand + [prefix] else: candidates = cand return candidates def get_keybindings(self, mode): """look up keybindings from `MODE-maps` sections :param mode: mode identifier :type mode: str :returns: dictionaries of key-cmd for global and specific mode :rtype: 2-tuple of dicts """ globalmaps, modemaps = {}, {} bindings = self._bindings # get bindings for mode `mode` # retain empty assignations to silence corresponding global mappings if mode in bindings.sections: for key in bindings[mode].scalars: value = bindings[mode][key] if isinstance(value, list): value = ','.join(value) modemaps[key] = value # get global bindings # ignore the ones already mapped in mode bindings for key in bindings.scalars: if key not in modemaps: value = bindings[key] if isinstance(value, list): value = ','.join(value) if value and value != '': globalmaps[key] = value # get rid of empty commands left in mode bindings for k, v in list(modemaps.items()): if not v: del modemaps[k] return globalmaps, modemaps def get_keybinding(self, mode, key): """look up keybinding from `MODE-maps` sections :param mode: mode identifier :type mode: str :param key: urwid-style key identifier :type key: str :returns: a command line to be applied upon keypress :rtype: str """ cmdline = None bindings = self._bindings if key in bindings.scalars: cmdline = bindings[key] if mode in bindings.sections: if key in bindings[mode].scalars: value = bindings[mode][key] if value: cmdline = value else: # to be sure it isn't mapped globally cmdline = None # Workaround for ConfigObj misbehaviour. cf issue #500 # this ensures that we get at least strings only as commandlines if isinstance(cmdline, list): cmdline = ','.join(cmdline) return cmdline def get_accounts(self): """ returns known accounts :rtype: list of :class:`Account` """ return self._accounts def account_matching_address(self, address, return_default=False): """returns :class:`Account` for a given email address (str) :param str address: address to look up. A realname part will be ignored. :param bool return_default: If True and no address can be found, then the default account wil be returned. :rtype: :class:`Account` :raises ~alot.settings.errors.NoMatchingAccount: If no account can be found. This includes if return_default is True and there are no accounts defined. """ _, address = email.utils.parseaddr(address) for account in self.get_accounts(): if account.matches_address(address): return account if return_default: try: return self.get_accounts()[0] except IndexError: # Fall through pass raise NoMatchingAccount def get_main_addresses(self): """returns addresses of known accounts without its aliases""" return [a.address for a in self._accounts] def get_addressbooks(self, order=None, append_remaining=True): """returns list of all defined :class:`AddressBook` objects""" order = order or [] abooks = [] for a in order: if a: if a.abook: abooks.append(a.abook) if append_remaining: for a in self._accounts: if a.abook and a.abook not in abooks: abooks.append(a.abook) return abooks def mailcap_find_match(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Propagates :func:`mailcap.find_match` but caches the mailcap (first argument) """ return mailcap.findmatch(self._mailcaps, *args, **kwargs) def represent_datetime(self, d): """ turns a given datetime obj into a string representation. This will: 1) look if a fixed 'timestamp_format' is given in the config 2) check if a 'timestamp_format' hook is defined 3) use :func:`_pretty_datetime` as fallback """ fixed_format = self.get('timestamp_format') if fixed_format: rep = d.strftime(fixed_format) else: format_hook = self.get_hook('timestamp_format') if format_hook: rep = format_hook(d) else: rep = _pretty_datetime(d) return rep def _make_trans_table(self, tab_width): table = {} # remove C1 control codes for i in range(0x80, 0xa0): table[i] = None # replace C0 control codes with characters for their graphical # representations i.e. "control pictures", which start at U+2400 for i in range(ord(' ')): table[i] = 0x2400 + i # "delete" character table[0x7f] = 0x2421 # delete LF table[ord('\r')] = None # handle CR normally del table[ord('\n')] # expand tabs table[ord('\t')] = ' ' * tab_width return table @cached_property def sanitize_text_table(self): return self._make_trans_table(self.get('tabwidth')) @cached_property def sanitize_header_table(self): return self._make_trans_table(1)