# Copyright (C) 2011-2012 Patrick Totzke # This file is released under the GNU GPL, version 3 or a later revision. # For further details see the COPYING file import imp import os import re import mailcap import logging from configobj import ConfigObj, Section from alot.account import SendmailAccount from alot.addressbooks import MatchSdtoutAddressbook, AbookAddressBook from alot.helper import pretty_datetime, string_decode from errors import ConfigError from utils import read_config from utils import resolve_att from checks import force_list from checks import mail_container from checks import gpg_key from checks import attr_triple from checks import align_mode from theme import Theme DEFAULTSPATH = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', 'defaults') class SettingsManager(object): """Organizes user settings""" def __init__(self, alot_rc=None, notmuch_rc=None): """ :param alot_rc: path to alot's config file :type alot_rc: str :param notmuch_rc: path to notmuch's config file :type notmuch_rc: str """ self.hooks = None self._mailcaps = mailcap.getcaps() self._config = ConfigObj() self._notmuchconfig = None self._theme = None self._accounts = None self._accountmap = None bindings_path = os.path.join(DEFAULTSPATH, 'default.bindings') self._bindings = ConfigObj(bindings_path) if alot_rc is not None: self.read_config(alot_rc) if notmuch_rc is not None: self.read_notmuch_config(notmuch_rc) def read_notmuch_config(self, path): """parse notmuch's config file from path""" spec = os.path.join(DEFAULTSPATH, 'notmuch.rc.spec') self._notmuchconfig = read_config(path, spec) def read_config(self, path): """parse alot's config file from path""" spec = os.path.join(DEFAULTSPATH, 'alot.rc.spec') newconfig = read_config(path, spec, checks={'mail_container': mail_container, 'force_list': force_list, 'align': align_mode, 'attrtriple': attr_triple, 'gpg_key_hint': gpg_key}) self._config.merge(newconfig) hooks_path = os.path.expanduser(self._config.get('hooksfile')) try: self.hooks = imp.load_source('hooks', hooks_path) except: logging.debug('unable to load hooks file:%s' % hooks_path) if 'bindings' in newconfig: newbindings = newconfig['bindings'] if isinstance(newbindings, Section): self._bindings.merge(newbindings) # themes themestring = newconfig['theme'] themes_dir = self._config.get('themes_dir') if themes_dir: themes_dir = os.path.expanduser(themes_dir) else: configdir = os.environ.get('XDG_CONFIG_HOME', os.path.expanduser('~/.config')) themes_dir = os.path.join(configdir, 'alot', 'themes') logging.debug(themes_dir) # if config contains theme string use that if themestring: if not os.path.isdir(themes_dir): err_msg = 'cannot find theme %s: themes_dir %s is missing' raise ConfigError(err_msg % (themestring, themes_dir)) else: theme_path = os.path.join(themes_dir, themestring) try: self._theme = Theme(theme_path) except ConfigError as e: err_msg = 'Theme file %s failed validation:\n' raise ConfigError((err_msg % themestring) + str(e.message)) # if still no theme is set, resort to default if self._theme is None: theme_path = os.path.join(DEFAULTSPATH, 'default.theme') self._theme = Theme(theme_path) self._accounts = self._parse_accounts(self._config) self._accountmap = self._account_table(self._accounts) def _parse_accounts(self, config): """ read accounts information from config :param config: valit alot config :type config: `configobj.ConfigObj` :returns: list of accounts """ accounts = [] if 'accounts' in config: for acc in config['accounts'].sections: accsec = config['accounts'][acc] args = dict(config['accounts'][acc]) # create abook for this account abook = accsec['abook'] logging.debug('abook defined: %s' % abook) if abook['type'] == 'shellcommand': cmd = abook['command'] regexp = abook['regexp'] if cmd is not None and regexp is not None: args['abook'] = MatchSdtoutAddressbook(cmd, match=regexp) else: msg = 'underspecified abook of type \'shellcommand\':' msg += '\ncommand: %s\nregexp:%s' % (cmd, regexp) raise ConfigError(msg) elif abook['type'] == 'abook': contacts_path = abook['abook_contacts_file'] args['abook'] = AbookAddressBook( contacts_path, ignorecase=abook['ignorecase']) else: del(args['abook']) cmd = args['sendmail_command'] del(args['sendmail_command']) newacc = SendmailAccount(cmd, **args) accounts.append(newacc) return accounts def _account_table(self, accounts): """ creates a lookup table (emailaddress -> account) for a given list of accounts :param accounts: list of accounts :type accounts: list of `alot.account.Account` :returns: hashtable :rvalue: dict (str -> `alot.account.Account`) """ accountmap = {} for acc in accounts: accountmap[acc.address] = acc for alias in acc.aliases: accountmap[alias] = acc return accountmap def get(self, key, fallback=None): """ look up global config values from alot's config :param key: key to look up :type key: str :param fallback: fallback returned if key is not present :type fallback: str :returns: config value with type as specified in the spec-file """ value = None if key in self._config: value = self._config[key] if isinstance(value, Section): value = None if value is None: value = fallback return value def set(self, key, value): """ setter for global config values :param key: config option identifise :type key: str :param value: option to set :type value: depends on the specfile :file:`alot.rc.spec` """ self._config[key] = value def get_notmuch_setting(self, section, key, fallback=None): """ look up config values from notmuch's config :param section: key is in :type section: str :param key: key to look up :type key: str :param fallback: fallback returned if key is not present :type fallback: str :returns: config value with type as specified in the spec-file """ value = None if section in self._notmuchconfig: if key in self._notmuchconfig[section]: value = self._notmuchconfig[section][key] if value is None: value = fallback return value def get_theming_attribute(self, mode, name, part=None): """ looks up theming attribute :param mode: ui-mode (e.g. `search`,`thread`...) :type mode: str :param name: identifier of the atttribute :type name: str :rtype: urwid.AttrSpec """ colours = int(self._config.get('colourmode')) return self._theme.get_attribute(colours, mode, name, part) def get_threadline_theming(self, thread): """ looks up theming info a threadline displaying a given thread. This wraps around :meth:`~alot.settings.theme.Theme.get_threadline_theming`, filling in the current colour mode. :param thread: thread to theme :type thread: alot.db.thread.Thread """ colours = int(self._config.get('colourmode')) return self._theme.get_threadline_theming(thread, colours) def get_tagstring_representation(self, tag, onebelow_normal=None, onebelow_focus=None): """ looks up user's preferred way to represent a given tagstring. :param tag: tagstring :type tag: str :param onebelow_normal: attribute that shines through if unfocussed :type onebelow_normal: urwid.AttrSpec :param onebelow_focus: attribute that shines through if focussed :type onebelow_focus: urwid.AttrSpec If `onebelow_normal` or `onebelow_focus` is given these attributes will be used as fallbacks for fg/bg values '' and 'default'. This returns a dictionary mapping :normal: to :class:`urwid.AttrSpec` used if unfocussed :focussed: to :class:`urwid.AttrSpec` used if focussed :translated: to an alternative string representation """ colourmode = int(self._config.get('colourmode')) theme = self._theme cfg = self._config colours = [1, 16, 256] def colourpick(triple): """ pick attribute from triple (mono,16c,256c) according to current colourmode""" if triple is None: return None return triple[colours.index(colourmode)] # global default attributes for tagstrings. # These could contain values '' and 'default' which we interpret as # "use the values from the widget below" default_normal = theme.get_attribute(colourmode, 'global', 'tag') default_focus = theme.get_attribute(colourmode, 'global', 'tag_focus') # local defaults for tagstring attributes. depend on next lower widget fallback_normal = resolve_att(onebelow_normal, default_normal) fallback_focus = resolve_att(onebelow_focus, default_focus) for sec in cfg['tags'].sections: if re.match('^' + sec + '$', tag): normal = resolve_att(colourpick(cfg['tags'][sec]['normal']), fallback_normal) focus = resolve_att(colourpick(cfg['tags'][sec]['focus']), fallback_focus) translated = cfg['tags'][sec]['translated'] if translated is None: translated = tag translation = cfg['tags'][sec]['translation'] if translation: translated = re.sub(translation[0], translation[1], tag) break else: normal = fallback_normal focus = fallback_focus translated = tag return {'normal': normal, 'focussed': focus, 'translated': translated} def get_hook(self, key): """return hook (`callable`) identified by `key`""" if self.hooks: if key in self.hooks.__dict__: return self.hooks.__dict__[key] return None def get_mapped_input_keysequences(self, mode='global', prefix=u''): candidates = self._bindings.scalars if mode != 'global': candidates = candidates + self._bindings[mode].scalars if prefix is not None: prefixs = prefix + ' ' cand = filter(lambda x: x.startswith(prefixs), candidates) if prefix in candidates: candidates = cand + [prefix] else: candidates = cand return candidates def get_keybinding(self, mode, key): """look up keybinding from `MODE-maps` sections :param mode: mode identifier :type mode: str :param key: urwid-style key identifier :type key: str :returns: a command line to be applied upon keypress :rtype: str """ cmdline = None bindings = self._bindings if key in bindings.scalars: cmdline = bindings[key] if mode in bindings.sections: if key in bindings[mode].scalars: value = bindings[mode][key] if value: cmdline = value # Workaround for ConfigObj misbehaviour. cf issue #500 # this ensures that we get at least strings only as commandlines if isinstance(cmdline, list): cmdline = ','.join(cmdline) return cmdline def get_accounts(self): """ returns known accounts :rtype: list of :class:`Account` """ return self._accounts def get_account_by_address(self, address): """ returns :class:`Account` for a given email address (str) :param address: address to look up :type address: string :rtype: :class:`Account` or None """ for myad in self.get_addresses(): if myad in address: return self._accountmap[myad] return None def get_main_addresses(self): """returns addresses of known accounts without its aliases""" return [a.address for a in self._accounts] def get_addresses(self): """returns addresses of known accounts including all their aliases""" return self._accountmap.keys() def get_addressbooks(self, order=[], append_remaining=True): """returns list of all defined :class:`AddressBook` objects""" abooks = [] for a in order: if a: if a.abook: abooks.append(a.abook) if append_remaining: for a in self._accounts: if a.abook and a.abook not in abooks: abooks.append(a.abook) return abooks def mailcap_find_match(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Propagates :func:`mailcap.find_match` but caches the mailcap (first argument) """ return mailcap.findmatch(self._mailcaps, *args, **kwargs) def represent_datetime(self, d): """ turns a given datetime obj into a unicode string representation. This will: 1) look if a fixed 'timestamp_format' is given in the config 2) check if a 'timestamp_format' hook is defined 3) use :func:`~alot.helper.pretty_datetime` as fallback """ fixed_format = self.get('timestamp_format') if fixed_format: rep = string_decode(d.strftime(fixed_format), 'UTF-8') else: format_hook = self.get_hook('timestamp_format') if format_hook: rep = string_decode(format_hook(d), 'UTF-8') else: rep = pretty_datetime(d) return rep