""" This file is part of alot. Alot is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Notmuch is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with notmuch. If not, see . Copyright (C) 2011 Patrick Totzke """ import imp import os import mailcap import codecs from ConfigParser import SafeConfigParser DEFAULTS = { 'general': { 'colourmode': '256', 'editor_cmd': "/usr/bin/vim -f -c 'set filetype=mail' +", 'editor_writes_encoding': 'UTF-8', 'terminal_cmd': 'x-terminal-emulator -e', 'spawn_editor': 'False', 'displayed_headers': 'From,To,Cc,Bcc,Subject', 'display_content_in_threadline': 'False', 'authors_maxlength': '30', 'ask_subject': 'True', 'notify_timeout': '2', 'show_statusbar': 'True', 'flush_retry_timeout': '5', 'hooksfile': '~/.alot.py', 'bug_on_exit': 'False', 'timestamp_format': '', 'print_cmd': 'muttprint', }, '16c-theme': { 'bufferlist_focus_bg': 'dark gray', 'bufferlist_focus_fg': 'white', 'bufferlist_results_even_bg': 'black', 'bufferlist_results_even_fg': 'light gray', 'bufferlist_results_odd_bg': 'black', 'bufferlist_results_odd_fg': 'light gray', 'footer_bg': 'dark blue', 'footer_fg': 'light green', 'header_bg': 'dark blue', 'header_fg': 'white', 'message_attachment_bg': 'dark gray', 'message_attachment_fg': 'light gray', 'message_attachment_focussed_bg': 'light green', 'message_attachment_focussed_fg': 'light gray', 'message_body_bg': 'default', 'message_body_fg': 'light gray', 'message_header_bg': 'dark gray', 'message_header_fg': 'white', 'message_header_key_bg': 'dark gray', 'message_header_key_fg': 'white', 'message_header_value_bg': 'dark gray', 'message_header_value_fg': 'light gray', 'messagesummary_even_bg': 'light blue', 'messagesummary_even_fg': 'white', 'messagesummary_focus_bg': 'dark cyan', 'messagesummary_focus_fg': 'white', 'messagesummary_odd_bg': 'dark blue', 'messagesummary_odd_fg': 'white', 'notify_error_bg': 'dark red', 'notify_error_fg': 'white', 'notify_normal_bg': 'default', 'notify_normal_fg': 'default', 'prompt_bg': 'black', 'prompt_fg': 'light gray', 'tag_focus_bg': 'dark cyan', 'tag_focus_fg': 'white', 'tag_bg': 'black', 'tag_fg': 'brown', 'threadline_authors_bg': 'default', 'threadline_authors_fg': 'dark green', 'threadline_authors_focus_bg': 'dark cyan', 'threadline_authors_focus_fg': 'black,bold', 'threadline_bg': 'default', 'threadline_content_bg': 'default', 'threadline_content_fg': 'dark gray', 'threadline_content_focus_bg': 'dark cyan', 'threadline_content_focus_fg': 'dark gray', 'threadline_date_bg': 'default', 'threadline_date_fg': 'light gray', 'threadline_date_focus_bg': 'dark cyan', 'threadline_date_focus_fg': 'black', 'threadline_fg': 'default', 'threadline_focus_bg': 'dark cyan', 'threadline_focus_fg': 'white', 'threadline_mailcount_bg': 'default', 'threadline_mailcount_fg': 'light gray', 'threadline_mailcount_focus_bg': 'dark cyan', 'threadline_mailcount_focus_fg': 'black', 'threadline_subject_bg': 'default', 'threadline_subject_fg': 'light gray', 'threadline_subject_focus_bg': 'dark cyan', 'threadline_subject_focus_fg': 'black', 'threadline_tags_bg': 'default', 'threadline_tags_fg': 'brown', 'threadline_tags_focus_bg': 'dark cyan', 'threadline_tags_focus_fg': 'yellow,bold', }, '1c-theme': { 'bufferlist_focus': 'standout', 'bufferlist_results_even': 'default', 'bufferlist_results_odd': 'default', 'footer': 'standout', 'header': 'standout', 'message_attachment': 'default', 'message_attachment_focussed': 'underline', 'message_body': 'default', 'message_header': 'default', 'message_header_key': 'default', 'message_header_value': 'default', 'messagesummary_even': '', 'messagesummary_focus': 'standout', 'messagesummary_odd': '', 'notify_error': 'standout', 'notify_normal': 'default', 'prompt': '', 'tag_focus': 'standout', 'tag': 'default', 'threadline': 'default', 'threadline_authors': 'default,underline', 'threadline_authors_focus': 'standout', 'threadline_content': 'default', 'threadline_content_focus': 'standout', 'threadline_date': 'default', 'threadline_date_focus': 'standout', 'threadline_focus': 'standout', 'threadline_mailcount': 'default', 'threadline_mailcount_focus': 'standout', 'threadline_subject': 'default', 'threadline_subject_focus': 'standout', 'threadline_tags': 'bold', 'threadline_tags_focus': 'standout', }, '256c-theme': { 'bufferlist_focus_bg': 'g38', 'bufferlist_focus_fg': '#ffa', 'bufferlist_results_even_bg': 'g3', 'bufferlist_results_even_fg': 'default', 'bufferlist_results_odd_bg': 'default', 'bufferlist_results_odd_fg': 'default', 'footer_bg': '#006', 'footer_fg': 'white', 'header_bg': 'dark blue', 'header_fg': 'white', 'message_attachment_bg': 'dark gray', 'message_attachment_fg': 'light gray', 'message_attachment_focussed_bg': 'light green', 'message_attachment_focussed_fg': 'light gray', 'message_body_bg': 'default', 'message_body_fg': 'light gray', 'message_header_bg': 'dark gray', 'message_header_fg': 'white', 'message_header_key_bg': 'dark gray', 'message_header_key_fg': 'white', 'message_header_value_bg': 'dark gray', 'message_header_value_fg': 'light gray', 'messagesummary_even_bg': '#068', 'messagesummary_even_fg': 'white', 'messagesummary_focus_bg': 'g58', 'messagesummary_focus_fg': '#ff8', 'messagesummary_odd_bg': '#006', 'messagesummary_odd_fg': 'white', 'notify_error_bg': 'dark red', 'notify_error_fg': 'white', 'notify_normal_bg': 'default', 'notify_normal_fg': 'default', 'prompt_bg': 'default', 'prompt_fg': 'light gray', 'tag_focus_bg': 'g58', 'tag_focus_fg': '#ffa', 'tag_bg': 'default', 'tag_fg': 'brown', 'threadline_authors_bg': 'default', 'threadline_authors_fg': '#6d6', 'threadline_authors_focus_bg': 'g58', 'threadline_authors_focus_fg': '#8f6', 'threadline_bg': 'default', 'threadline_content_bg': 'default', 'threadline_content_fg': '#866', 'threadline_content_focus_bg': 'g58', 'threadline_content_focus_fg': '#866', 'threadline_date_bg': 'default', 'threadline_date_fg': 'g58', 'threadline_date_focus_bg': 'g58', 'threadline_date_focus_fg': 'g89', 'threadline_fg': 'default', 'threadline_focus_bg': 'g58', 'threadline_focus_fg': 'white', 'threadline_mailcount_bg': 'default', 'threadline_mailcount_fg': 'light gray', 'threadline_mailcount_focus_bg': 'g58', 'threadline_mailcount_focus_fg': 'g89', 'threadline_subject_bg': 'default', 'threadline_subject_fg': 'g58', 'threadline_subject_focus_bg': 'g58', 'threadline_subject_focus_fg': 'g89', 'threadline_tags_bg': 'default', 'threadline_tags_fg': '#a86', 'threadline_tags_focus_bg': 'g58', 'threadline_tags_focus_fg': '#ff8', }, 'global-maps': { '$': 'flush', ':': 'prompt', ';': 'bufferlist', '@': 'refresh', '@': 'refresh', 'I': 'search tag:inbox AND NOT tag:killed', 'L': 'taglist', 'U': 'search tag:unread', '\\': 'prompt search ', 'm': 'compose', 'o': 'prompt search ', 'q': 'exit', 'shift tab': 'bprevious', 'tab': 'bnext', 'd': 'bclose', }, 'search-maps': { '&': 'toggletag killed', 'O': 'refineprompt', 'a': 'toggletag inbox', 'enter': 'openthread', 'l': 'retagprompt', '|': 'refineprompt', }, 'thread-maps': { 'C': 'fold --all', 'E': 'unfold --all', 'H': 'toggleheaders', 'P': 'print --all', 'a': 'toggletag inbox', 'enter': 'select', 'f': 'forward', 'g': 'groupreply', 'p': 'print', 'r': 'reply', }, 'taglist-maps': { 'enter': 'select', }, 'envelope-maps': { 'a': 'prompt attach ~/', 'y': 'send', 'enter': 'reedit', 't': 'prompt to ', 's': 'prompt subject ', }, 'bufferlist-maps': { 'x': 'closefocussed', 'enter': 'openfocussed', }, 'command-aliases': { 'clo': 'close', 'bn': 'bnext', 'bp': 'bprevious', 'ls': 'bufferlist', 'quit': 'exit', } } NOTMUCH_DEFAULTS = { 'maildir': { 'synchronize_flags': 'False', }, } class DefaultsConfigParser(SafeConfigParser): def __init__(self, defaults): self.defaults = defaults SafeConfigParser.__init__(self) self.optionxform = lambda x: x for sec in defaults.keys(): self.add_section(sec) def get(self, section, option, fallback=None, *args, **kwargs): if SafeConfigParser.has_option(self, section, option): return SafeConfigParser.get(self, section, option, *args, **kwargs) elif section in self.defaults: if option in self.defaults[section]: return self.defaults[section][option] return fallback def has_option(self, section, option, *args, **kwargs): if SafeConfigParser.has_option(self, section, option): return True elif section in self.defaults: if option in self.defaults[section]: return True return False def getstringlist(self, section, option, **kwargs): value = self.get(section, option, **kwargs) return [s.strip() for s in value.split(',')] class AlotConfigParser(DefaultsConfigParser): def __init__(self, defaults): DefaultsConfigParser.__init__(self, defaults) self.hooks = None def read(self, file): if not os.path.isfile(file): return SafeConfigParser.readfp(self, codecs.open(file, "r", "utf8")) if self.has_option('general', 'hooksfile'): hf = os.path.expanduser(self.get('general', 'hooksfile')) if hf is not None: try: config.hooks = imp.load_source('hooks', hf) except: pass def get_palette(self): mode = self.getint('general', 'colourmode') ms = "%dc-theme" % mode names = self.options(ms) + DEFAULTS[ms].keys() if mode > 2: names = set([s[:-3] for s in names]) p = list() for attr in names: nf = self.get('16c-theme', attr + '_fg', fallback='default') nb = self.get('16c-theme', attr + '_bg', fallback='default') m = self.get('1c-theme', attr, fallback='default') hf = self.get('256c-theme', attr + '_fg', fallback='default') hb = self.get('256c-theme', attr + '_bg', fallback='default') p.append((attr, nf, nb, m, hf, hb)) if attr.startswith('tag_') and attr + '_focus' not in names: nb = self.get('16c-theme', 'threadline_focus_bg', fallback='default') hb = self.get('256c-theme', 'threadline_focus_bg', fallback='default') p.append((attr + '_focus', nf, nb, m, hf, hb)) return p def get_tagattr(self, tag, focus=False): mode = self.getint('general', 'colourmode') base = 'tag_%s' % tag if mode == 2: if self.get('1c-theme', base): return 'tag_%s' % tag elif mode == 16: has_fg = self.get('16c-theme', base + '_fg') has_bg = self.get('16c-theme', base + '_bg') if has_fg or has_bg: if focus: return base + '_focus' else: return base else: # highcolour has_fg = self.get('256c-theme', base + '_fg') has_bg = self.get('256c-theme', base + '_bg') if has_fg or has_bg: if focus: return base + '_focus' else: return base if focus: return 'tag_focus' return 'tag' def get_mapping(self, mode, key): cmdline = self.get(mode + '-maps', key) if not cmdline: cmdline = self.get('global-maps', key) return cmdline class HookManager: def setup(self, hooksfile): hf = os.path.expanduser(hooksfile) if os.path.isfile(hf): try: self.module = imp.load_source('hooks', hf) except: self.module = None else: self.module = {} def get(self, key): if self.module: if key in self.module.__dict__: return self.module.__dict__[key] def f(*args, **kwargs): msg = 'called undefined hook: %s with arguments' return f config = AlotConfigParser(DEFAULTS) notmuchconfig = DefaultsConfigParser(NOTMUCH_DEFAULTS) hooks = HookManager() mailcaps = mailcap.getcaps() def get_mime_handler(mime_type, key='view', interactive=True): if interactive: mc_tuple = mailcap.findmatch(mailcaps, mime_type, key=key) else: mc_tuple = mailcap.findmatch(mailcaps, mime_type, key='copiousoutput') if mc_tuple: if mc_tuple[1]: return mc_tuple[1][key] else: return None