# Copyright (C) 2013 Patrick Totzke # This file is released under the GNU GPL, version 3 or a later revision. import logging class Tree(object): """ Base class for a tree strucures that can be displayed by :class:`TreeBox` widgets. An instance defines a structure by defining local transformations on positions. That is, by overwriting * `next_sibling_position` * `prev_sibling_position` * `parent_position` * `first_child_position` * `last_child_position` that compute the next position in the respective direction. Also, they need to implement method `__getitem__` that returns a :class:`Widget` for a given position. The type of objects used as positions may vary in subclasses and is deliberately unspecified for the base class. This base class already implements methods based on the local transformations above. These include :meth:`depth`, :meth:`last_decendant` and :meth:`[next|prev]_position ` that computes next/previous positions in depth-first order. """ root = None # local helper def _get(self, pos): """loads widget at given position; handling invalid arguments""" res = None, None if pos is not None: try: res = self[pos], pos except (IndexError, KeyError): pass return res def _next_of_kin(self, pos): """ looks up the next sibling of the closest ancestor with not-None next siblings. """ candidate = None parent = self.parent_position(pos) if parent is not None: candidate = self.next_sibling_position(parent) if candidate is None: candidate = self._next_of_kin(parent) return candidate def _last_in_direction(self, starting_pos, direction): """ recursively move in the tree in given direction and return the last position. :param starting_pos: position to start at :param direction: callable that transforms a position into a position. """ next_pos = direction(starting_pos) if next_pos is None: return starting_pos else: return self._last_in_direction(next_pos, direction) def depth(self, pos): """determine depth of node at pos""" parent = self.parent_position(pos) if parent is None: return 0 else: return self.depth(parent) + 1 def is_leaf(self, pos): """checks if given position has no children""" return self.first_child_position(pos) is None def first_ancestor(self, pos): """ position of pos's ancestor with depth 0. Usually, this should return the root node, but a :class:`Tree` might represent a forrest - have multiple nodes without parent. """ return self._last_in_direction(pos, self.parent_position) def last_decendant(self, pos): """position of last (in DFO) decendant of pos""" return self._last_in_direction(pos, self.last_child_position) def last_sibling_position(self, pos): """position of last sibling of pos""" return self._last_in_direction(pos, self.next_sibling_position) def first_sibling_position(self, pos): """position of first sibling of pos""" return self._last_in_direction(pos, self.prev_sibling_position) def next_position(self, pos): """returns the next position in depth-first order""" candidate = None if pos is not None: candidate = self.first_child_position(pos) if candidate is None: candidate = self.next_sibling_position(pos) if candidate is None: candidate = self._next_of_kin(pos) return candidate def prev_position(self, pos): """returns the previous position in depth-first order""" candidate = None if pos is not None: prevsib = self.prev_sibling_position(pos) # is None if first if prevsib is not None: candidate = self.last_decendant(prevsib) else: parent = self.parent_position(pos) if parent is not None: candidate = parent return candidate def positions(self, reverse=False): """returns a generator that walks the positions of this tree in DFO""" def Posgen(reverse): if reverse: lastrootsib = self.last_sibling_position(self.root) current = self.last_decendant(lastrootsib) while current is not None: yield current current = self.prev_position(current) else: current = self.root while current is not None: yield current current = self.next_position(current) return Posgen(reverse) #################################################################### # End of high-level helper implementation. The following need to be # overwritten by subclasses #################################################################### def parent_position(self, pos): """returns the position of the parent node of the node at `pos` or `None` if none exists.""" return None def first_child_position(self, pos): """returns the position of the first child of the node at `pos`, or `None` if none exists.""" return None def last_child_position(self, pos): """returns the position of the last child of the node at `pos`, or `None` if none exists.""" return None def next_sibling_position(self, pos): """returns the position of the next sibling of the node at `pos`, or `None` if none exists.""" return None def prev_sibling_position(self, pos): """returns the position of the previous sibling of the node at `pos`, or `None` if none exists.""" return None class SimpleTree(Tree): """ Walks on a given fixed acyclic structure given as a list of nodes; every node is a tuple `(content, children)`, where `content` is a `urwid.Widget` to be displayed at that position and `children` is either `None` or a list of nodes. Positions are lists of integers determining a path from the root node with position `(0,)`. """ def __init__(self, treelist): self._treelist = treelist self.root = (0,) if treelist else None Tree.__init__(self) # a few local helper methods def _get_substructure(self, treelist, pos): """recursive helper to look up node-tuple for `pos` in `treelist`""" subtree = None if len(pos) > 1: subtree = self._get_substructure(treelist[pos[0]][1], pos[1:]) else: try: subtree = treelist[pos[0]] except (IndexError, TypeError): pass return subtree def _get_node(self, treelist, pos): """ look up widget at `pos` of `treelist`; default to None if nonexistent. """ node = None if pos is not None: subtree = self._get_substructure(treelist, pos) if subtree is not None: node = subtree[0] return node def _confirm_pos(self, pos): """look up widget for pos and default to None""" candidate = None if self._get_node(self._treelist, pos) is not None: candidate = pos return candidate # Tree API def __getitem__(self, pos): return self._get_node(self._treelist, pos) def parent_position(self, pos): parent = None if pos is not None: if len(pos) > 1: parent = pos[:-1] return parent def first_child_position(self, pos): return self._confirm_pos(pos + (0,)) def last_child_position(self, pos): candidate = None subtree = self._get_substructure(self._treelist, pos) if subtree is not None: children = subtree[1] if children is not None: candidate = pos + (len(children) - 1,) return candidate def next_sibling_position(self, pos): return self._confirm_pos(pos[:-1] + (pos[-1] + 1,)) def prev_sibling_position(self, pos): return pos[:-1] + (pos[-1] - 1,) if (pos[-1] > 0) else None # optimizations def depth(self, pos): """more performant implementation due to specific structure of pos""" return len(pos) - 1