import os import email import tempfile import re from email.header import Header import email.charset as charset charset.add_charset('utf-8', charset.QP, charset.QP, 'utf-8') from email.iterators import typed_subpart_iterator import logging import mailcap import alot.helper as helper from alot.settings import settings from alot.helper import string_sanitize from alot.helper import string_decode from alot.helper import parse_mailcap_nametemplate from alot.helper import split_commandstring def extract_headers(mail, headers=None): """ returns subset of this messages headers as human-readable format: all header values are decoded, the resulting string has one line "KEY: VALUE" for each requested header present in the mail. :param mail: the mail to use :type mail: :class:`email.Message` :param headers: headers to extract :type headers: list of str """ headertext = u'' if headers == None: headers = mail.keys() for key in headers: value = u'' if key in mail: value = decode_header(mail.get(key, '')) headertext += '%s: %s\n' % (key, value) return headertext def extract_body(mail, types=None): """ returns a body text string for given mail. If types is `None`, `text/*` is used: In case mail has a `text/html` part, it is prefered over `text/plain` parts. :param mail: the mail to use :type mail: :class:`email.Message` :param types: mime content types to use for body string :type types: list of str """ html = list(typed_subpart_iterator(mail, 'text', 'html')) # if no specific types are given, we favor text/html over text/plain drop_plaintext = False if html and not types: drop_plaintext = True body_parts = [] for part in mail.walk(): ctype = part.get_content_type() logging.debug(ctype) if types is not None: if ctype not in types: continue cd = part.get('Content-Disposition', '') if cd.startswith('attachment'): continue enc = part.get_content_charset() or 'ascii' raw_payload = part.get_payload(decode=True) if ctype == 'text/plain' and not drop_plaintext: raw_payload = string_decode(raw_payload, enc) body_parts.append(string_sanitize(raw_payload)) else: #get mime handler key = 'copiousoutput' handler, entry = settings.mailcap_find_match(ctype, key=key) if entry: # open tempfile, respect mailcaps nametemplate nametemplate = entry.get('nametemplate', '%s') prefix, suffix = parse_mailcap_nametemplate(nametemplate) tmpfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False, prefix=prefix, suffix=suffix) # write payload to tmpfile tmpfile.write(raw_payload) tmpfile.close() # read parameter, create handler command parms = tuple(map('='.join, part.get_params())) # create and call external command cmd = mailcap.subst(entry['view'], ctype,, plist=parms) logging.debug('command: %s' % cmd) logging.debug('parms: %s' % str(parms)) cmdlist = split_commandstring(cmd) # call handler rendered_payload, errmsg, retval = helper.call_cmd(cmdlist) # remove tempfile os.unlink( if rendered_payload: # handler had output body_parts.append(string_sanitize(rendered_payload)) return u'\n\n'.join(body_parts) def decode_header(header, normalize=False): """ decode a header value to a unicode string values are usually a mixture of different substrings encoded in quoted printable using diffetrent encodings. This turns it into a single unicode string :param header: the header value :type header: str :param normalize: replace trailing spaces after newlines :type normalize: bool :rtype: unicode """ # If the value isn't ascii as RFC2822 prescribes, # we just return the unicode bytestring as is value = string_decode(header) # convert to unicode try: value = value.encode('ascii') except UnicodeEncodeError: return value # some mailers send out incorrectly escaped headers # and double quote the escaped realname part again. remove those value = re.sub(r'\"(.*?=\?.*?.*?)\"', r'\1', value) # otherwise we interpret RFC2822 encoding escape sequences valuelist = email.header.decode_header(value) decoded_list = [] for v, enc in valuelist: v = string_decode(v, enc) decoded_list.append(string_sanitize(v)) value = u' '.join(decoded_list) if normalize: value = re.sub(r'\n\s+', r' ', value) return value def encode_header(key, value): """ encodes a unicode string as a valid header value :param key: the header field this value will be stored in :type key: str :param value: the value to be encoded :type value: unicode """ # handle list of "realname " entries separately if key.lower() in ['from', 'to', 'cc', 'bcc']: rawentries = value.split(',') encodedentries = [] for entry in rawentries: m ='\s*(.*)\s+<(.*\@.*\.\w*)>\s*$', entry) if m: # If a realname part is contained name, address = m.groups() # try to encode as ascii, if that fails, revert to utf-8 # name must be a unicode string here namepart = Header(name) # append address part encoded as ascii entry = '%s <%s>' % (namepart.encode(), address) encodedentries.append(entry) value = Header(', '.join(encodedentries)) else: value = Header(value) return value