# Copyright (C) 2011-2012 Patrick Totzke # This file is released under the GNU GPL, version 3 or a later revision. # For further details see the COPYING file from __future__ import absolute_import import email import email.charset as charset import functools from datetime import datetime from notmuch import NullPointerError from .utils import extract_headers, extract_body, message_from_file from .utils import decode_header from .attachment import Attachment from .. import helper from ..settings import settings charset.add_charset('utf-8', charset.QP, charset.QP, 'utf-8') @functools.total_ordering class Message(object): """ a persistent notmuch message object. It it uses a :class:`~alot.db.DBManager` for cached manipulation and lazy lookups. """ def __init__(self, dbman, msg, thread=None): """ :param dbman: db manager that is used for further lookups :type dbman: alot.db.DBManager :param msg: the wrapped message :type msg: notmuch.database.Message :param thread: this messages thread (will be looked up later if `None`) :type thread: :class:`~alot.db.Thread` or `None` """ self._dbman = dbman self._id = msg.get_message_id() self._thread_id = msg.get_thread_id() self._thread = thread try: self._datetime = datetime.fromtimestamp(msg.get_date()) except ValueError: self._datetime = None self._filename = msg.get_filename() try: self._from = decode_header(msg.get_header('From')) except NullPointerError: self._from = '' self._email = None # will be read upon first use self._attachments = None # will be read upon first use self._tags = set(msg.get_tags()) def __str__(self): """prettyprint the message""" aname, aaddress = self.get_author() if not aname: aname = aaddress return "%s (%s)" % (aname, self.get_datestring()) def __hash__(self): """needed for sets of Messages""" return hash(self._id) def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, type(self)): return self.get_message_id() == other.get_message_id() return NotImplemented def __ne__(self, other): if isinstance(other, type(self)): return self.get_message_id() != other.get_message_id() return NotImplemented def __lt__(self, other): if isinstance(other, type(self)): return self.get_message_id() < other.get_message_id() return NotImplemented def get_email(self): """returns :class:`email.Message` for this message""" path = self.get_filename() warning = "Subject: Caution!\n"\ "Message file is no longer accessible:\n%s" % path if not self._email: try: with open(path) as f: self._email = message_from_file(f) except IOError: self._email = email.message_from_string(warning) return self._email def get_date(self): """returns Date header value as :class:`~datetime.datetime`""" return self._datetime def get_filename(self): """returns absolute path of message files location""" return self._filename def get_message_id(self): """returns messages id (str)""" return self._id def get_thread_id(self): """returns id (str) of the thread this message belongs to""" return self._thread_id def get_message_parts(self): """yield all body parts of this message""" for msg in self.get_email().walk(): if not msg.is_multipart(): yield msg def get_tags(self): """returns tags attached to this message as list of strings""" l = sorted(self._tags) return l def get_thread(self): """returns the :class:`~alot.db.Thread` this msg belongs to""" if not self._thread: self._thread = self._dbman.get_thread(self._thread_id) return self._thread def has_replies(self): """returns true if this message has at least one reply""" return len(self.get_replies()) > 0 def get_replies(self): """returns replies to this message as list of :class:`Message`""" t = self.get_thread() return t.get_replies_to(self) def get_datestring(self): """ returns reformated datestring for this message. It uses :meth:`SettingsManager.represent_datetime` to represent this messages `Date` header :rtype: str """ if self._datetime is None: res = None else: res = settings.represent_datetime(self._datetime) return res def get_author(self): """ returns realname and address of this messages author :rtype: (str,str) """ return email.Utils.parseaddr(self._from) def get_headers_string(self, headers): """ returns subset of this messages headers as human-readable format: all header values are decoded, the resulting string has one line "KEY: VALUE" for each requested header present in the mail. :param headers: headers to extract :type headers: list of str """ return extract_headers(self.get_email(), headers) def add_tags(self, tags, afterwards=None, remove_rest=False): """ adds tags to message .. note:: This only adds the requested operation to this objects :class:`DBManager's ` write queue. You need to call :meth:`~alot.db.DBManager.flush` to write out. :param tags: a list of tags to be added :type tags: list of str :param afterwards: callback that gets called after successful application of this tagging operation :type afterwards: callable :param remove_rest: remove all other tags :type remove_rest: bool """ def myafterwards(): if remove_rest: self._tags = set(tags) else: self._tags = self._tags.union(tags) if callable(afterwards): afterwards() self._dbman.tag('id:' + self._id, tags, afterwards=myafterwards, remove_rest=remove_rest) self._tags = self._tags.union(tags) def remove_tags(self, tags, afterwards=None): """remove tags from message .. note:: This only adds the requested operation to this objects :class:`DBManager's ` write queue. You need to call :meth:`~alot.db.DBManager.flush` to actually out. :param tags: a list of tags to be added :type tags: list of str :param afterwards: callback that gets called after successful application of this tagging operation :type afterwards: callable """ def myafterwards(): self._tags = self._tags.difference(tags) if callable(afterwards): afterwards() self._dbman.untag('id:' + self._id, tags, myafterwards) def get_attachments(self): """ returns messages attachments Derived from the leaves of the email mime tree that and are not part of :rfc:`2015` syntax for encrypted/signed mails and either have :mailheader:`Content-Disposition` `attachment` or have :mailheader:`Content-Disposition` `inline` but specify a filename (as parameter to `Content-Disposition`). :rtype: list of :class:`Attachment` """ if not self._attachments: self._attachments = [] for part in self.get_message_parts(): cd = part.get('Content-Disposition', '') filename = part.get_filename() ct = part.get_content_type() # replace underspecified mime description by a better guess if ct in ['octet/stream', 'application/octet-stream']: content = part.get_payload(decode=True) ct = helper.guess_mimetype(content) if cd.lower().startswith('attachment'): if ct.lower() not in ['application/pgp-encrypted', 'application/pgp-signature']: self._attachments.append(Attachment(part)) elif cd.lower().startswith('inline'): if (filename is not None and ct.lower() != 'application/pgp'): self._attachments.append(Attachment(part)) return self._attachments def accumulate_body(self): """ returns bodystring extracted from this mail """ # TODO: allow toggle commands to decide which part is considered body return extract_body(self.get_email()) def get_text_content(self): return extract_body(self.get_email(), types=['text/plain']) def matches(self, querystring): """tests if this messages is in the resultset for `querystring`""" searchfor = querystring + ' AND id:' + self._id return self._dbman.count_messages(searchfor) > 0